974 resultados para Polystyrene plates


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The fatigue and fracture performance of a cracked plate can be substantially improved by providing patches as reinforcements. The effectiveness of the patches is related to the reduction they cause in the stress intensity factor (SIF) of the crack. So, for reliable design, one needs an accurate evaluation of the SIF in terms of the crack, patch and adhesive parameters. In this investigation, a centrally cracked large plate with a pair of symmetric bonded narrow patches, oriented normally to the crack line, is analysed by a continuum approach. The narrow patches are treated as transversely flexible line members. The formulation leads to an integral equation which is solved numerically using point collocation. The convergence is rapid. It is found that substantial reductions in SIF are possible with practicable patch dimensions and locations. The patch is more effective when placed on the crack than ahead of the crack. The present analysis indicates that a little distance inwards of the crack tip, not the crack tip itself, is the ideal location, for the patch.


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Polystyrene peroxide has been synthesized and its decomposition has been studied by thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis. Polystyrene peroxide has been found to decompose exothermically at about 110°C. The activation energy for the decomposition was estimated to be 30 kcal/mole both by the Jacobs and Kureishy method and by fitting the α versus time curves to the first-order kinetic equation. This suggests that the rate-controlling step in the decomposition of polystyrene peroxide is cleavage of the O---O bond.


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A three-dimensional analysis is presented for the bending problem of finite thick plates with through-the-thickness cracks. A general solution is obtained for Navier's equations of the theory of elasticity. It is found that the in-plane stresses and the transverse normal stress at the crack front are singular with an inverse square root singularity, while the transverse shear stresses are of the order of unity. Results from a numerical study indicate that the stress intensity factor, which varies across the thickness, is influenced by the thickness ratio in a significant manner. Results from a parametric study and those from a comparative study with existing finite element values are presented.


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The method of initial functions has been applied for deriving higher order theories for cross-ply laminated composite thick rectangular plates. The equations of three-dimensional elasticity have been used. No a priori assumptions regarding the distribution of stresses or displacements are needed. Numerical solutions of the governing equations have been presented for simply supported edges and the results are compared with available ones.


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In this paper, an attempt is made to obtain the free vibration response of hybrid, laminated rectangular and skew plates. The Galerkin technique is employed to obtain an approximate solution of the governing differential equations. It is found that this technique is well suited for the study of such problems. Results are presented in a graphical form for plates with one pair of opposite edges simply supported and the other two edges clamped. The method is quite general and can be applied to any other boundary conditions.


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The thermal degradation of polystyrene peroxide was carried out using differential scanning calorimetry. The activation energy (E) was found to be 136 kJ mole–1 at all extents of decomposition. TheE value was found to correspond to-O-O-dissociation. The order of reaction was found to decrease from 2 to 1 as the decomposition progresse.


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In this paper an attempt is made to obtain deflections of hybrid, laminated, rectangular and skew composite plates. Analysis is performed by employing the Galerkin technique. Numerical results have been obtained for two types of layups employing Kevlar/epoxy and Boron/epoxy laminae. It is observed that for a given aspect ratio the rigidity of the skew plate increases with an increase in the skew angle. Further, for a specified deflection, the hybrid laminates turn out to be lighter.


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A TEM study of the interphase boundary structure of 9R orthorhombic alpha1' martensite formed in beta' Cu---Zn alloys shows that it consists of a single array of dislocations with Burgers vector parallel to left angle bracket110right-pointing angle beta and spaced about 3.5 nm apart. This Burgers vector lies out of the interface plane; hence the interface dislocations are glissile. Unexpectedly, though, the Burgers vectors of these dislocations are not parallel when referenced to the matrix and the martensite lattices. This finding is rationalized on published hard sphere models as a consequence of relaxation of a resultant of the Bain strain and lattice invariant shear displacements within the matrix phase.


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Free vibrationo f annularp latesh asb eens tudiedu singt he methodo f initial functionsN. umericalr esultso f the naturalf requencieasr e obtainedfo r two typicals upportc onditionsT. he presenrt esultsd epartf rom the classicapll atet heoryf or higherm odesa s wella sf or thickerp latesb, ut is in gooda greemenwt ith Mindlin's improve,pdl ateth eory.


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The “partition method” or “sub-domain method” consists of expressing the solution of a governing differential equation, partial or ordinary, in terms of functions which satisfy the boundary conditions and setting to zero the error in the differential equation integrated over each of the sub-domains into which the given domain is partitioned. In this paper, the use of this method in eigenvalue problems with particular reference to vibration of plates is investigated. The deflection of the plate is expressed in terms of polynomials satisfying the boundary conditions completely. Setting the integrated error in each of the subdomains to zero results in a set of simultaneous, linear, homogeneous, algebraic equations in the undetermined coefficients of the deflection series. The algebraic eigenvalue problem is then solved for eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Convergence is examined in a few typical cases and is found to be satisfactory. The results obtained are compared with existing results based on other methods and are found to be in very good agreement.


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Abstract is not available.


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Solutions of the exact characteristic equations for the title problem derived earlier by an extension of Bolotin's asymptotic method are considered. These solutions, which correspond to flexural modes with frequency factor, R, greater than unity, are expressed in convenient forms for all combinations of clamped, simply supported and free conditions at the remaining pair of parallel edges. As in the case of uniform beams, the eigenvalues in the CC case are found to be equal to those of elastic modes in the FF case provided that the Kirchoff's shear condition at a free edge is replaced by the condition. The flexural modes with frequency factor less than unity are also investigated in detail by introducing a suitable modification in the procedure. When Poisson's ratios are not zero, it is shown that the frequency factor corresponding to the first symmetric mode in the free-free case is less than unity for all values of side ratio and rigidity ratios. In the case of one edge clamped and the other free it is found that modes with frequency factor less than unity exist for certain dimensions of the plate—a fact hitherto unrecognized in the literature.


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An electric field (100 V/cm at 230°C and 150°C) has been applied to ammonium perchlorate (AP)/polystyrene (PS) propellant mixtures in order to understand the low temperature decomposition behavior of the propellant. The charge-carrying species is anionic in nature at 230°C, which could be ClO4−, but is cationic at 150°C, which could be either NH4+ or H+. These results are parallel to that observed for pure ammonium perchlorate (AP) pellets [1]. The burning rate (Image ) of the propellant was found to follow the same trend as that for the thermal decomposition of the propellant on application of an electric field. At 150°C Image was higher at the −ve electrode than at the +ve electrode, but at 230°C just the opposite was observed. Kinetic studies have confirmed that the decomposition of the orthorhombic AP follows two mechanism corresponding to E = 30 kcal mol−1 (180–230°C) and E = 15 kcal mol−1 (150–180°C).


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The “partition method” or “sub-domain method” consists of expressing the solution of a governing differential equation, partial or ordinary, in terms of functions which satisfy the boundary conditions and setting to zero the error in the differential equation integrated over each of the sub-domains into which the given domain is partitioned. In this paper, the use of this method in eigenvalue problems with particular reference to vibration of plates is investigated. The deflection of the plate is expressed in terms of polynomials satisfying the boundary conditions completely. Setting the integrated error in each of the subdomains to zero results in a set of simultaneous, linear, homogeneous, algebraic equations in the undetermined coefficients of the deflection series. The algebraic eigenvalue problem is then solved for eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Convergence is examined in a few typical cases and is found to be satisfactory. The results obtained are compared with existing results based on other methods and are found to be in very good agreement.