975 resultados para Polycystic ovary syndrome


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Fundamento: A obesidade abdominal apresenta elevada prevalência em mulheres com síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP) e está associada a um aumento do risco cardiovascular. Objetivo: Verificar a acurácia da circunferência da cintura (CC), da relação cintura-quadril (RCQ), da relação cinturaestatura (RCEST) e do índice de conicidade (índice C), no que se refere à detecção de fatores de risco cardiovascular (FRCV) em mulheres com SOP. Métodos: Por meio de estudo transversal, foram alocadas 102 mulheres (26,5 ± 5 anos) com diagnóstico de SOP, de acordo com o consenso de Rotterdam. O colesterol total (CT), os triglicerídeos (TG), o LDL-colesterol (LDL-C), o HDLcolesterol (HDL-C), a glicemia de jejum, a glicemia após teste oral de tolerância à glicose (TOTG) e a pressão arterial (PA) foram avaliados em todas as pacientes, além das variáveis antropométricas. Resultados: A relação cintura-estatura foi o marcador que apresentou correlações positivas significativas com o maior número de FRCV (PA, TG e glicemia após TOTG), destacando-se ainda a correlação negativa com HDL-C. Todos os marcadores antropométricos avaliados se correlacionaram positivamente com PA, enquanto CC e RCQ apresentaram correlação positiva também com TG. No tocante à acurácia para detecção de FRCV, os indicadores antropométricos considerados apresentaram taxas de sensibilidade superiores a 60%, com destaque para a RCEST, que apresentou sensibilidade superior a 70%. Conclusão: A RCEST demonstrou ser o indicador antropométrico com a melhor acurácia para a predição de FRCV. Nesse sentido, propõe-se a inclusão desse parâmetro de fácil mensuração na avaliação clínica para o rastreamento de mulheres com SOP e FRCV----------------------ABSTRACT Background: Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) present a high prevalence of abdominal obesity, which is associated with an increased cardiovascular risk. Objective: To verify the accuracy of the waist circumference (WC), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) and the conicity index (CI) in the detection of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) in women with PCOS. Methods: The present transversal study allocated 102 women (26.5 ± 5 years) with a diagnosis of PCOS, according to the Rotterdam criteria. Total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C), HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C), fasting glucose, glucose after the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and blood pressure (BP) were evaluated in all patients, in addition to the anthropometric variables. Results: The WHtR was the marker that presented significant positive correlations with the highest number of CVRF (BP, TG and post-OGTT glucose), whereas there was a negative correlation with HDL-C. All the evaluated anthropometric markers were positively correlated with BP, whereas WC and WHR also presented a positive correlation with TG. Regarding the accuracy for the detection of CVRF, the anthropometric markers presented a sensibility > 60%, especially the WHtR, which had a sensibility > 70%. Conclusion: The WHtR showed to be the most accurate anthropometric indicator for the prediction of CVRF. In this sense, we propose the inclusion of this easily-measured parameter in the clinical assessment for the screening of women with PCOS and CVRF


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BACKGROUND: Polycystic ovary syndrame (PCOS) has been shown to cause a reduction in quality of life. Little is known on the psychosocial aspects associated with PCOS, especially on women s own experiences regarding the syndrome. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the psychosocial impact of PCOS by measuring the health-related quality of life and exploring the women s own experiences of PCOS. METHODS: A two-phase model of combination of quantitative and qualitative research approaches was conducted, a crass-sectional survey to pravide quantitative data on the quality of life and a qualitative approach to understand the women s experience in relation to the PC OS sympt?ms. For the first phase, 109 women with PC OS and 104 healthy contrais were evaluated with the 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36). Additionally, semi-structured interviews (n=30) were conducted to facilitate in-depth exploration of PC OS women s experience. RESUL TS: PCOS patients showed significant reductions in almost ali SF-36 domains of quality of life when compared with healthy contrais (physical function 76.5:!:20.5 and 84.6:!:15.9, respectively; physical rale function 56.4:!:43.3 and 72.6:!:33.3; general health 55.2:!:21.0 and 62.5:!:17.2; vitality 49.6:!:21.3 and 55.3:!:21.3; social function 55.3:!:32.4 and 66.2:!:26.7; emotional rale function 34.2:!:39.7 and 52.9:!:38.2; mental health 50.6:!:22.8 and 59.2:!:20.2). Thematic analysis revealed reports of feeling abnormal , sadness, afraid and anxiety. These feelings were related to four symptoms commonly experienced by women with PCOS: excess hair grawth; irregular or absent menstruation, infertility and obesity. CONCLUSIONS: Polycystic ovary syndrame impacts women both physically and psychosocially. Owing to this, women with PCOS need not only medical treatment for. the reproductive, esthetic and metabolic repercussions, but also the care of a multidisciplinary team, since PCOS is not just a physical condition, but also an important psychosocial problem that affects various aspects of a woman s life


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a prevalência de resistência à insulina de acordo com diferentes medidas antropométricas e bioquímicas em mulheres com síndrome dos ovários policísticos. MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas, retrospectivamente, 189 pacientes com síndrome dos ovários policísticos. O diagnóstico de resistência à insulina foi obtido utilizando-se insulinemia, HOMA-IR, QUICKI, índice de sensibilidade à insulina e relação glicemia/insulina. Foram utilizados o índice de massa corpórea e o lipid accumulation product. Para análise dos resultados, aplicou-se a estatística descritiva, a ANOVA, o pós-teste de Tukey e a correlação de Pearson. RESULTADOS: As pacientes apresentaram média de idade de 24,9±5,2 e de índice de massa corpórea de 31,8±7,6. O percentual de pacientes obesas foi de 57,14%. Dentre os métodos de investigação de resistência à insulina, o índice de sensibilidade à insulina foi a técnica que mais detectou (56,4%) a presença de resistência à insulina nas mulheres com síndrome dos ovários policísticos. em 87% das pacientes obesas, detectou-se a resistência à insulina. A relação glicemia/insulinemia de jejum e o índice de sensibilidade à insulina apresentaram correlação forte com o lipid accumulation product. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de resistência à insulina variou de acordo com o método utilizado e foi maior quanto maior o índice de massa corpórea. O lipid accumulation product também está relacionado à resistência à insulina.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the importance of the oral glucose tolerance test for the diagnosis of glucose intolerance (GI) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM-2) in women with PCOS. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted on 247 patients with PCOS selected at random. The diagnosis of GI was obtained from the two-hour oral glucose tolerance test with 75 g of glucose according to the criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO) (GI: 120 minutes for plasma glucose =140 mg/dL and <200 mg/dL), and the diagnosis of DM-2 was obtained by both the oral glucose tolerance test (DM: 120 minutes for plasma glucose =200 mg/dL) and fasting glucose using the criteria of the American Diabetes Association (impaired fasting glucose: fasting plasma glucose =100 and <126 mg/dL; DM: fasting glucose =126 mg/dL). A logistic regression model for repeated measures was applied to compare the oral glucose tolerance test with fasting plasma glucose. ANOVA followed by the Tukey test was used for the analysis of the clinical and biochemical characteristics of patients with and without GI and/or DM-2. A p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: PCOS patients had a mean age of 24.8±6.3, and body mass index (BMI) of 18.3 to 54.9 kg/m2 (32.5±7.6). The percentage of obese patients was 64%, the percentage of overweight patients was 18.6% and 17.4% had healthy weight. The oral glucose tolerance test identified 14 cases of DM-2 (5.7%), while fasting glucose detected only three cases (1.2%), and the frequency of these disorders was higher with increasing age and BMI. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study demonstrate the superiority of the oral glucose tolerance test in relation to fasting glucose in diagnosing DM-2 in young women with PCOS and should be performed in these patients.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the clinical, ultrasonographic, biochemical and metabolic alterations of adolescents with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). METHODS: Retrospective observational study conducted on 44 adolescents aged 12 to 19 years, diagnosed with PCOS according to the Rotterdam Consensus. Metabolic changes were assessed according to the recommendations of the International Diabetes Federation, considering: waist circumference (WC) ≥90th percentile (10-15 years of age) or >80 cm (age >16 years), fasting glucose >100 mg/dL, triglycerides >150 mg/dL, HDL <40 mg/dL, and blood pressure ≥Hg 130/85 mm. RESULTS: Mean age was 16.7±2.2 years and age at menarche was 11.8±1.4 years. The menstrual irregularity most frequently observed was amenorrhea (72.7%) followed by oligomenorrhea (27.3%); hirsutism was observed in 86.4% and acne in 56.8%. Polycystic ovaries were observed by ultrasound only in 27.3%. Mean BMI was 30.3±6.6 kg/m2. According to BMI, 52.3% of adolescents were obese, 13.6% were overweight and 6.8% had a healthy weight. Increased waist circumference (63.6%, 28/44) and the reduction of HDL-C (34.1%, 15/44) were the metabolic changes most frequently observed. Increased triglycerides were observed in 27.3% (12/44) and increased blood pressure and impaired fasting glucose were found in 9.1% (4/44) and 4.5% (2/44) of cases, respectively. Acanthosis nigricans was observed in 52.3% and insulin resistance in 62.8% of the adolescents with PCOS. Metabolic syndrome was identified in six children (13.6%), all of them obese or overweight. CONCLUSION: In the adolescents with PCOS studied here, menstrual irregularity and hirsutism were the most common clinical manifestations, while the sonographic findings consistent with polycystic ovaries were less prevalent. Obesity associated with insulin resistance predisposes these adolescents to a higher frequency of metabolic disorders.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a contribuição do hiperandrogenismo para o desenvolvimento da síndrome metabólica (SM) em mulheres obesas com ou sem Síndrome dos Ovários Policísticos (SOP). MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal retrospectivo no qual foram incluídas 60 mulheres obesas com fenótipo clássico da SOP - Consenso de Rotterdam - e 70 obesas sem SOP. A SM foi diagnosticada pelos critérios do NCEP-ATP III. A obesidade foi definida pelo índice de massa corpórea e o hirsutismo, pelo Índice de Ferriman-Gallwey (IFG). As dosagens realizadas foram: testosterona total, sulfato de dehidroepiandrosterona (SDHEA), insulina e glicose, colesterol total, HDL e triglicerídios. A resistência insulínica (RI) foi avaliada pelo HOMA-IR e pelo índice de sensibilidade à insulina de Matsuda e De Fronzo. A analise estatística foi realizada com o teste t de Student, teste do χ² e análise de regressão logística multivariada (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: As obesas com SOP apresentaram significativamente maiores valores de IFG (15,4±6,1), circunferência da cintura (105,6±11,4 cm), testosterona (135,8±71,4 ng/dL), SDHEA (200,8±109,2 µg/dL), HOMA-IR (8,4±8,5) e menores valores de ISI (2,0±1,8) quando comparadas às obesas não SOP (3,2±2,1; 101,4±9,2 cm; 50,0±18,2 ng/dL; 155,0±92,7 µg/dL; 5,1±4,7; 3,3±2,7, respectivamente) (p<0,05). A frequência de SM foi significativamente maior nas obesas com SOP (75%) do que nas obesas não SOP (52,8%) (p=0,01). A análise multivariada não demonstrou contribuição das variávies IFG, testoterona total e SDHEA para o desenvolvimento da SM (p>0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Mulheres obesas com SOP apresentam maior frequência de SM quando comparadas às obesas não SOP. O hiperandrogenismo não mostrou influência nesse grupo de mulheres estudadas.


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It is known that exposure to substances in the environment can contribute to various reproductive disorders, especially if such exposure occurs during critical periods of development such as the intra-uterine and postnatal. The female reproductive system may be the target of androgens, both as a result of exposure to environmental chemicals, or by pathological conditions (polycystic ovary syndrome or congenital adrenal hyperplasia).Usually, little attention is given off in relation to the study of androgenic effects in the female reproductive axis. This study aims to evaluate the effects of exposure to androgens on the development, structure and reproductive function in rats whose mothers were exposed to testosterone propionate from gestational day 12 (DG12) after weaning - postnatal day 21 (DPN21) . For this purpose, pregnancy rats were divided into four groups: a control group that received corn oil (vehicle) and three groups receiving testosterone propionate in doses of 0.05 mg / kg / day, 0.1 mg / kg / day and 0.2 mg / kg / day, all under the same experimental conditions. The possible effects of exposure were assessed using reproductive parameters, such as a measure of anogenital distance, count areolas / nipples, age at vaginal opening and first estrus (puberty indicative installation), weight and histological evaluation of the reproductive organs ( uterus and ovaries), weight of the kidneys, liver and pituitary hormone levels, regularity of the estrous cycle, sexual behavior and fertility. Such analysis is important in understanding the effects of androgen exposure on the female genital system, especially on the reproductive potential, and processes that may involve morphofunctional changes. In these experimental conditions, it is concluded that treatment with PT caused reduction in body weight and initial masculinization in females without cubs, however, commit further sexual development


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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BackgroundDiabetes is associated with long-term damage, dysfunction and failure of various organs, especially the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart and blood vessels. The risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases with age, obesity and lack of physical activity. Insulin resistance is a fundamental aspect of the aetiology of type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance has been shown to be associated with atherosclerosis, dyslipidaemia, glucose intolerance, hyperuricaemia, hypertension and polycystic ovary syndrome. The mineral zinc plays a key role in the synthesis and action of insulin, both physiologically and in diabetes mellitus. Zinc seems to stimulate insulin action and insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity.ObjectivesTo assess the effects of zinc supplementation for the prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults with insulin resistance.Search methodsThis review is an update of a previous Cochrane systematic review published in 2007. We searched the Cochrane Library (2015, Issue 3), MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS and the ICTRP trial register (frominception toMarch 2015). There were no language restrictions. We conducted citation searches and screened reference lists of included studies.Selection criteriaWe included studies if they had a randomised or quasi-randomised design and if they investigated zinc supplementation compared with placebo or no intervention in adults with insulin resistance living in the community.Data collection and analysisTwo review authors selected relevant trials, assessed risk of bias and extracted data.Main resultsWe included three trials with a total of 128 participants in this review. The duration of zinc supplementation ranged between four and 12 weeks. Risk of bias was unclear for most studies regarding selection bias (random sequence generation, allocation concealment) and detection bias (blinding of outcome assessment). No study reported on our key outcome measures (incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus, adverse events, health-related quality of life, all-cause mortality, diabetic complications, socioeconomic effects). Evaluation of insulin resistance as measured by the Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR) showed neutral effects when comparing zinc supplementation with control (two trials; 114 participants). There were neutral effects for trials comparing zinc supplementation with placebo for total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides (2 studies, 70 participants). The one trial comparing zinc supplementation with exercise also showed neutral effects for total cholesterol, HDL and LDL cholesterol, and a mean difference in triglycerides of -30 mg/dL (95% confidence interval (CI) -49 to -10) in favour of zinc supplementation (53 participants). Various surrogate laboratory parameters were also analysed in the included trials.Authors'conclusionsThere is currently no evidence on which to base the use of zinc supplementation for the prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Future trials should investigate patient-important outcome measures such as incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus, health-related quality of life, diabetic complications, all-cause mortality and socioeconomic effects.


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Objective: To investigate the follicular size at spontaneous rupture on pregnancy rate in patientswith polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) undergoing clomiphene citrate (CC) ovulation.Design: Cross-sectional study.Patients and methods: One hundred and four women with ovulatory cycles after use of CCfollowed by ultrasound to determine the follicle size at the time of rupture, which wassubsequently correlated with the occurrence of pregnancy or not in coit cycles.Results: In the group of follicular rupture at a mean diameter25 mm (n¼54), pregnancy ratewas 35.1% and when follicular rupture occurred at a mean diameter425 mm (n¼50), it was34% (p40.05). When different diameters at follicular rupture were randomly correlated with thepregnancy rate, there was no significant difference.Conclusion: Our data suggest that the occurrence of pregnancy after ovulation induction withCC in women with PCOS is not associated with follicle size at the time of rupture.