965 resultados para Poluição do ar em ambientes fechados


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Este modelo é parte de um conjunto de modelos 3D produzidos pela equipe de audiovisual da SEaD/UFSCar para o jogo de realidade virtual “O Laboratório de Química”.


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OBJETIVOS: estimar as correlações entre os níveis de poluentes atmosféricos e o número de internações por doença respiratória em crianças, em hospital universitário. MÉTODOS: trata-se de um estudo ecológico de série temporal. Os dados sobre poluentes atmosféricos foram obtidos junto à CETESB e os dados sobre internação hospitalar, junto ao SAME do Hospital Universitário de Taubaté, Brasil. O estudo se refere a dados e internação do ano de 2001. Para estudar as correlações dos valores dos poluentes entre si e entre as internações, utilizou-se da técnica de correlação de Pearson. Foram estimados os riscos relativos para internação por doença respiratória comparando os quartis dos agentes poluentes com os valores do primeiro quartil. A significância estatística adotada foi alfa = 5%. RESULTADOS: foram internadas 158 crianças com doença respiratória no ano de 2001 (30% do total de internações no ano). Os poluentes estiveram correlacionados entre si e houve correlação positiva, entre o número de internação e dióxido de enxofre e material particulado; houve aumento de 25% no risco de internação comparando o quarto quartil e o primeiro quartil. CONCLUSÕES: houve correlação positiva entre número de internações por doenças respiratórias e poluentes atmosféricos.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A ligação entre as zonas urbanas e as questões ambientais ficam mais próximas na medida em que cresce a conscientização global de conservar, melhorar e valorizar os serviços ambientais prestados pela natureza para a sustentabilidade da vida, dentro e fora da cidade. Cobertura vegetal (ou cobertura verde) está dentre as principais fontes de tais serviços. Uma vez que o processo de urbanização se mostra irreversível e os problemas ambientais urbanos se alastram em tamanho e extensão, a presença do verde está diretamente relacionada aos indicadores de qualidade de vida urbana. Como reflexo do processo de urbanização, a cidade de Belém perdeu uma grande porcentagem de seus ecossistemas naturais, de modo que este trabalho se concentrou em analisar alguns serviços ecossistêmicos—qualidade do ar, poluição do ar e regulação do clima - fornecidos pela qualidade e pela quantidade de cobertura vegetal local, considerando as alterações na distribuição espaço-temporal, em três distritos administrativos. Um marco teórico foi construído e analisado; a cobertura vegetal foi calculada, utilizando-se NDVI e Cobertura Vegetal Fracional em imagens do LANDSAT 5, ao longo de um período de 23 anos. A partir de uma proposta de escala mais detalhada de NDVI, análises quantitativas e qualitativas da cobertura verde evidenciaram perda significativa de cobertura muito densa, densa, moderada e aumento de áreas de pouca ou nenhuma vegetação. Ademais, lesão das áreas verdes sinalizou tendências de aumento da poluição do ar, da poluição sonora e da temperatura. A carência de dados relacionados ao meio ambiente não deixa dúvida sobre a urgência de investimento nos serviços ambientais provenientes da cobertura vegetal, para a sustentabilidade urbana em Belém, cujos cenários previstos são de drásticas perdas de área verde. Mais pesquisas e iniciativas de instituições públicas e privadas são necessárias para a contribuição aos serviços ambientais em Belém e, consequentemente, ao bem-estar público.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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A simulação numérica do escoamento de ar em ambientes internos é na atualidade o método mais apropriado para análise de conforto térmico em ambientes internos. O escoamento de ar nesses ambientes configura-se como um escoamento complexo, pois, em regra geral, é uma combinação de escoamentos cisalhantes livres (jatos) e cisalhantes de parede, além disso, esses escoamentos são governados por forças de inércia e forças de empuxo, caracterizando-o como de convecção mista. A combinação desses mecanismos cria um escoamento com características complexas, como zonas de recirculação, vórtices, descolamento e recolamento de camada-limite dentre outras. Portanto, a precisão da solução estará diretamente ligada, principalmente, na habilidade do modelo de turbulência adotado de reproduzir as características turbulentas do escoamento de ar e da transferência térmica. O objetivo principal do presente trabalho foi a simulação computacional do ambiente térmico interno do galpão que abriga os geradores e motores Wärtzilä da Usina Termelétrica Santana no estado do Amapá. A formulação matemática baseada na solução das equações gerais de conservação inclui uma análise dos principais modelos de turbulência aplicados ao escoamento de ar em ambientes internos, assim como os processos de transferência de calor associados. Na modelagem numérica o método de volumes finitos é usado na discretização das equações de conservação, através do código comercial Fluent-Airpak, que foi usado nas simulações computacionais para a análise dos campos de velocidade e temperatura do ar. A utilização correta do programa computacional foi testada e validada para o problema através da simulação precisa de casos retirados da literatura. Os resultados numéricos foram comparados a dados obtidos de medições experimentais realizados no galpão e apresentou boa concordância, considerando a complexidade do problema simulado, o objetivo da simulação em face da diminuição da temperatura no interior do galpão e, também, em função das limitações encontradas quando da tomada das medições experimentais. Além disso, foram feitas simulações de estratégias de melhoria do ambiente térmico da Usina, baseadas na realidade levantada e nos resultados da simulação numérica. Finalmente, foram realizadas simulações do protótipo de solução proposto para a diminuição da temperatura interna do galpão o que possibilitará um aumento, na faixa de 20 a 30%, do tempo de permanência no interior do galpão.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The present work deals with the study on the evaluation of the human health risks caused by the leaching of hydrocarbon products from a gas station in Sumaré-SP. First, a geoenvironmental diagnosis had to be done, where information such as: history of the area, chemicals involved, geological characteristics, transport, chemical analysis, were used to make it. The geoenvironmental diagnosis was used in the software RBCA tier 2 which established the risks by all possible pathways. The results indicated that there are risks for groundwater ingestion for commercial (on site and off site) and residential receptors and 10 that there´s risk for inhalation of vapors in enclosed space for the commercial receptor on site. The evaluation also calculated the specific target levels that the area needs to show, in order not to harm human beings and the environment. That makes RBCA a great tool that can helps the remediation actions needed to be done so that the human being and the environment remain secure.


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It is known that the urban environment modifies the energy balance between the surface and the atmosphere, causing changes in temperature, relative humidity, among other things, opening the way for studies aimed at urban climatology. Based on the theme of urban climate, this research focuses on the city of Assis, located west of São Paulo. The generation of urban climate is a result of various factors, among which stand out: the use and different land use, the thermodynamic properties of buildings, number of buildings in the urban, socioeconomic activities, etc.. In general, this increases the temperature and reducing relative humidity, providing thermal discomfort. The rural environment is used for comparison studies to this theme by presenting different characteristics in relation to the structure, morphology and urban functionality. The main objective of this study is to determine the characteristics of temperature and humidity environments with the habits and occupations of the different soils in winter, at night, one inserted into the urban fabric of Assis and the other in the rural environment, to verify for evidence of changes in climatic elements because of urbanization. To collect the data will be used mini automatic weather stations that record data on temperature and humidity. For analysis of the results will be made between the data obtained in the city and the countryside, developing graphics application using Excel to tabulate the data. It was found that there were differences in the thermo-hygrometric data collection points, showing a specific urban climate in the city of Assis


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The intensive development in the urbanization process implied a series of economic, social, and gradually, environmental transformations, essentially, since its intensification, which took place from the Industrial Revolution in Europe and North America. In Latin American countries, including Brazil, there was such acceleration in urban sprawl, only in the middle of the twentieth century, fomented by a peculiar industrialization, coming from the scientific-technical revolution, which occurred in developing countries. In this context, and with a lack of planning and an effective organization, cities of the dependent countries face an inordinate population growth and an unprecedented industrial swelling. Brazil, following this trend, presents several issues regarding the gaps in the provision of necessary infrastructure to meet the most basic needs of its population and the intense activity and anthropogenic effects on the environment. In this sense, environmental problems, related to air and water pollution, degradation and contamination of soil, paving roads, reduction of green areas, urban heat island, among others, reaching ever deeper into the Brazilian urban areas. It is important the analysis in this final project, the weather events related to episodes of strong winds and the events and the impacts to the population of Rio Claro (SP) in the period 2005 to 2010, basing themselves in Geographical Climatology and Urban climate studies. In this scenario, we found the prevalence of occurrences linked to falling trees in the study area, connected, at the same time, to the occurrence and to the absence of episodes of extreme events, with measurements of strong winds, showing a connection between the events and external facts to episodes of winds


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The Urbanization is a notable process in our society, being part of it since around 3500 BC in Mesopotamia, currently Iraq area. Since the Industrial Revolution, cities had a significant increase in their growth and began to concentrate increasingly labor and capital. Brazil, despite having had a late industrialization, also had a high population growth in cities, especially in the XVIII century, which were not provided with any kind of planning that targets the ordering and implementation of the urban essential apparatus. Therefore, Brazilian cities started to exhibit countless structural and environmental problems. Associated with inadequate infrastructure, the modifications in the urban atmosphere, like increased heat, air pollution and increased rainfall and storm frequency, cause different types of impacts in cities. Among the most worrisome are those from the intense rain, which cause human and material damage. The city of Rio Claro (SP) can be considered an example of this reality. Thereby, the objective of this study was to analyze the impacts on the population originated from rainfall in the urban area during the period 2005-2010, by the mapping of events and analysis of the active atmospheric systems. The information of the events were collected in the Fire Department and the Press and the synoptic maps were obtained in the library of INPE, in Cachoeira Paulista (SP) and in the site of the Navy of Brazil. The data showed that among 247 occurrences, during the six years, 233 occurred in the spring-summer period. Moreover, after finalizing the maps, it was found the locations considered critical regarding the frequency of occurrences, as: Visconde do Rio Claro Avenue and central area of the city, both with a total of 23 occurrences; Jardim Inocoop, with 20; Tancredo Neves Avenue, with 12 and Vila Paulista, with 10 occurrences. Through the graphs, it was found that the most recurrent atmospheric system, during the studied period, is...


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This paper deals with a case study of assessing risk to human health, with the study area of an industrial site in the city of Paulinia (SP) contaminated by oil, which is disturbing situation that occurs in the state of Sao Paulo, which represents risks for human health, as toxic and carcinogenic potential of petroleum products. As an essential foundation for risk assessment, a Geo-environmental diagnosis of the region was made, posing as historical information of the area and accidents, regional geology and hydrogeology, characterization of contaminants and affected media, contaminant transport and data on potential receptors and pathways. Because of the detection of contaminants above the intervention values CETESB (2005) it was possible to proceeded to quantify risks to human health and the determination of maximum acceptable concentrations for no damage to health, using the methodology and software RBCA Tier 2 (ASTM , 1998) and Spreadsheet Risk Assessment recently published by CETESB. The results showed the risk to the health of industrial workers and regular employees of civil works (both on site) for ingestion of groundwater and inhalation of vapors indoors.


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Air pollution is an environmental issue worldwide and frequently cause negative effects on population health and ecosystems on cities. The relationship between climate and atmospheric pollution can be used as a surrogate to the intensity of air pollution. The present and quantity of some gases can be used as indicators to air quality: particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Among those gases, CO has its major source within the cities, where automobiles are the main emitter. But measure pollutant concentration are challenging, sometimes because the lack of good equipments due to high costs and of the large variability of models that varies in precision, way of measure and distribution of sellers. Modeling are useful when there are an intend to evaluate air pollution, its sources and evaluate scenarios. This work aims to use CAL3QHCR model developed by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to generate predictive surfaces of CO concentration distribution on a site within Campinas city, located in São Paulo state, Brazil. CAL3QHCR model use data urban automobile circulation to generate spatial results for CO distribution. We observed that the pollution concentration was lower on our modeling than the concentrations measured by Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo (CETESB), the main environmental company on the São Paulo state. Also the correlation between average estimates of our model and the measure by CETESB was weak, indicating that the model used on this study need to be or better parameterized, or the scale we measured of CO emissions need to be rescaled. Although the model failed to correlate to CETESB data, maybe one that explore the estimated emissions distributed within the sites to understand spatial distributions of CO on the regions. Also, the generated information can also be used to other studies, and come to be useful to explain heat island


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The gas turbine (GT) is known to have: low cost of capital over the amount of energy, high flexibility, high reliability, short delivery time, commissioning and commercial operation at the beginning and quick departure. The gas turbine is also recognized for its superior environmental performance, manifested in air pollution containment and reducing greenhouse gases (Mahi, 1994). Gas turbines in simple cycle mode (SC) have long been used by utilities to limited power generation peak. In addition, manufacturing facilities use gas turbines for power generation units on site, often in combination with the process of heat production, such as hot water and steam process. In recent years, the performance of industrial gas turbines has been improved due to significant investments in research and development, in terms of fuel to electricity conversion efficiency, plant capacity, availability and reliability. The greater availability of energy resources such as natural gas (NG), the significant reduction of capital costs and the introduction of advanced cycles, have also been a success factor for the increased use of gas turbines to load applications base (Poulikas, 2004). Open Cycle Gas Turbine with a greater degree of heat to the atmosphere may alternatively be used to produce additional electricity using a steam cycle, or to compose a cogeneration process. The combined cycle (CC) uses the heat from the gas turbine exhaust gas to increase the power output and increase the overall efficiency of more than 50% second (Najjar, 2001). The initial discovery of these cycles in the commercial power generation market was possible due to the development of the gas turbine. Only from the 1970s that gas turbine inlet temperature and therefore the exhaust gas temperature was sufficiently high to allow a better efficiency in the combined cycle ... (Complete Abstract click electronic access below)