975 resultados para Policy formulation


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RESUMO - O planeamento dos recursos humanos em saúde é um assunto relevante na formulação de políticas, face às importantes alterações nos cuidados e necessidades, características demográficas e socioeconómicas. Este planeamento consiste na estimativa do número de profissionais necessários para se atingir determinados objetivos, existindo diferentes métodos para a sua realização. Segundo a Direção Geral de Saúde considera-se adequado um Terapeuta da Fala para 60.000 habitantes – valores calculados através de estudos de prevalência de doença. Porém, o número de recursos humanos encontra-se intimamente ligado à produtividade, determinada através de unidades de medida como os procedimentos. Nesta área, fatores como a complexidade dos doentes e trabalho indireto, podem influenciar o produto final. Neste estudo pretende-se averiguar a necessidade de recursos humanos em Terapia da Fala, analisando a atividade destes serviços nos hospitais da região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo e aplicando a fórmula de preconização proposta pelo Ministério da Saúde, baseada num modelo de oferta. Participaram no estudo 23 Terapeutas da Fala de 9 instituições hospitalares. Foi construída uma folha de registo do trabalho diário, preenchida durante cinco dias não consecutivos, averiguando-se assim o tempo gasto nas diferentes atividades. Verificou-se que 63,21% do horário laboral é utilizado na concretização de atos diretos e 36,76% gasto em atos indiretos, relacionados com os utentes, não contabilizados na fórmula proposta. Incluindo as diferentes componentes (atos diretos e indiretos), constata-se que o número de profissionais existentes na região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo é adequado, embora numa análise por instituição o resultado seja contraditório.


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The following thesis presents an analysis of business-government relations within a neo-Marxist framework. Specifically, the discussion encompasses how the business interest group. the Business Council on National Issues, maintains consensus and unity amongst its monopoly capital members. Furthermore. the study elaborates on the process through which the group's interests are acknowledged and legitimized by the state under the "public interest" f8fue. Most of the literature pertaining to business-government relations within the context of interactions between business interest groups and the state, and such specific branches of the state as the government and/or the civil service. emphasize a liberal-pluralist perspective. Essentially, these writings serve to reflect and legitimate the current slatus quo. Marxist discourses on the subject, while attempting to transcend the liberal-pluralist framework. nevertheless suffer from either economic determinism .. ie., stressing the state's accumulation function but not its legitimation function or historical specificity. A cogent and comprehensive neo-Marxist analysis of business-government relations must discuss both the accumulation and legitimation functions of the state. The process by which the concerns of a particular business interest group become part of the state's policy agenda and subsequently are formulated and implemented into policies which legitimate its dominance is also studied. This inquiry is significant given the liberal-pluralist assumptions of a neutral state and that all interest groups compete "on a level playing field". The author's neo-Marxist paradigm rejects both of these assumptions. Building on concepts from nea-Marxist instrumentalism. structuralism. state monopoly capitalism, and forms and functions of the state perspectives. the author proposes that policies which legitimize the interests of the monopoly capital fraction cannot. be discerned only from the state's activities. per StJ. Clearly, if the liberal-pluralist 3 contention of multiple and conflicting interest groups, including those within the capitalist class, is taken at face value, M interest group such as the Business Council on National Issues (BCND, must somehow maintain. internal consensus Md unity amongst its members. Internal consensus amongst its members ensures that the state can better acknowledge and articulate its concerns into policies that maintain hegemonic dominance of the monopoly capital fraction under the "public interest" fllf.JJdq. The author contends that the BCNI focuses most of its interactions on the upper echelons of the civil service since it is this branch of the state which is most responsible for policy formulation and implementation. The author's paradigm is applied within the context of extensively analyzing newspaper coverage. BCN! publications, and other published sources, as well as a personal interview with an executive administrative member of the BeNI. The discussion focuses on how agreement and unity amongst the various interests of the monopoly capital fraction are maintained through the business organization, its policy scope, and finally its interactions with the state. The analysis suggests that while the civil service is an important player in expressing the interests of the BCNI's membership through policies which ostensibly also reflect the "public interest", it is not the only strategic target for the BCNI's interactions with the state. The author's research also highlights the importance of government officials at the Cabinet level and Cabinet Committees. Senior elected officials from the Federal government are also significant in avoiding intergovernmental or interprovincial conflict in implementing policies that legitimize hegemonic dominance of the monopoly capital fraction over other fractions and classes.


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Adjustement is an ongoing process by which factors of reallocated to equalize their returns in different uses. Adjustment occurs though market mechanisms or intrafirm reallocation of resources as a result of changes in terms of trade, government policies, resource availability, technological change, etc. These changes alter production opportunities and production, transaction and information costs, and consequently modify production functions, organizational design, etc. In this paper we define adjustment (section 2); review empirical estimates of the extent of adjustment in Canada and abroad (section 3); review selected features of the trade policy and adjustment context of relevance for policy formulation among which: slow growth, a shift to services, a shift to the Pacific Rim, the internationalization of production, investment distribution communications the growing use of NTB's, changes in foreign direct investment patterns, intrafirm and intraindustry trade, interregional trade flows, differences in micro economic adjustment processes of adjustment as between subsidiaries and Canadian companies (section 4); examine methodologies and results of studies of the impact of trade liberalization on jobs (section 5); and review the R. Harris general equilibrium model (section 6). Our conclusion emphasizes the importance of harmonizing commercial and domestic policies dealing with adjustment (section 7). We close with a bibliography of relevant publications.


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The following objectives have been formulated for the study. To assess the procurement and marketing practices of Non—Timber Forest Produce by tribes and Tribal Co-operative Societies and examine the role of co—operatives in liberating the tribes from the clutches of private traders. To study the relative efficiency of marketing channels. To analyse the inter—difference between tribes and regions in the collection and marketing of Non—Timber Forest produce. To examine the forward linkage of tribal co-operative societies with the Ayurvedic Medicinal Manufacturing Units of the state. To examine the impact of marketing on employment and income of tribes and To examine the extent of involvement of tribes in Tribal Co-operative Societies in policy formulation and implementation.


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L’objectiu principal del treball és analitzar les polítiques i plans turístics irlandesos nacionals, regionals i locals, i determinar com aquestos influeixen en el turisme urbà a Dublín. L’objectiu secundari és investigar el concepte de turisme urbà i examinar les tendències turístiques actuals i la seva repercussió en la formulació de polítiques


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Con esta monografía se busca describir y analizar la incidencia que tienen las exenciones tributarias, aplicadas al impuesto a la renta, específicamente en los años 2008 y 2009 en Colombia. Es un análisis transversal del proceso e impacto que tiene la inclusión de las exenciones en Colombia, partiendo no sólo del hecho de que estas representan un costo fiscal para la nación, sino también de que constituyen un proceso típico de toma de decisiones políticas, cuya incidencia va más allá de querer intervenir en la economía, formular la política fiscal o aumentar la inversión en determinado sector productivo. Por lo que se llegó a concluir que las exenciones tributarias, aplicadas al impuesto a la renta en Colombia, además de disminuir los ingresos de la nación, infringen principios tributarios como la equidad, la eficiencia y la neutralidad y se encuentran incentivando a las personas de mayores ingresos en el país.


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Con esta monografía se busca describir y analizar la incidencia que tienen las exenciones tributarias, aplicadas al impuesto a la renta, específicamente en los años 2008 y 2009 en Colombia. Es un análisis transversal del proceso e impacto que tiene la inclusión de las exenciones en Colombia, partiendo no sólo del hecho de que estas representan un costo fiscal para la nación, sino también de que constituyen un proceso típico de toma de decisiones políticas, cuya incidencia va más allá de querer intervenir en la economía, formular la política fiscal o aumentar la inversión en determinado sector productivo. Por lo que se llegó a concluir que las exenciones tributarias, aplicadas al impuesto a la renta en Colombia, además de disminuir los ingresos de la nación, infringen principios tributarios como la equidad, la eficiencia y la neutralidad y se encuentran incentivando a las personas de mayores ingresos en el país.


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Durante años, el Distrito Federal no contempló en su modelo de ciudad el espacio público como una prioridad. La base para crear el espacio público es el suelo y en el Distrito Federal este es un grave problema, pues nos enfrentamos a un suelo privatizado al cual no se le da tratamiento de bien público y existen grandes inequidades en la distribución del espacio público en la ciudad. No obstante, ya se reconoció en el gobierno del D.F. la importancia del problema, aunque es indispensable concretar esa preocupación en proyectos específicos y aún más desarrollar algunos instrumentos para poder ejecutar las obras necesarias. ¿Qué es espacio público? ¿Qué grupos sociales afecta? ¿Para qué función urbana? Son preguntas claves que se constituyen en el núcleo de la formulación de la política. Es necesario redimensionar el problema a partir de la definición misma de un modelo de ciudad, dándole a la problemática una perspectiva territorial que le permita cumplir la función social, establecer una normatividad clara y vigente, una política de suelo transformadora y conservacionista, dotar con instrumentos financieros viables y asumir un liderazgo capaz de sobrepasar los intereses particulares.---Building a city within the big city: Mexico City’s challengerFor years Distrito Federal in Mexico not covered by the model of city public space as a priority. The basis for creating public space is the ground and in Distrito Federal this is a serious problem. We face a privatized land which no treatment is given public good. There are great inequities in the distribution of public space in the city. Already City Government recognized the importance of the problem although it is essential to landing that concern specific projects, but more so to develop some tools to execute the necessary works. What public space? Which social groups affected? What urban function? There are key questions that are in the trunk of policy formulation. Doing nothing does not seem the best option given the scale of the problem, and therefore it becomes necessary to resize the problem from the very definition of a city model giving the issue a territorial perspective to discharge social function, the establishment providing a clear and current land policy processing and preservation, financial instruments, and a leadership capable of overcoming special interests. Key words: Public space, privatized land, inequity, urban function, city model, rules.---Fazer cidade na grande cidade: o desafio do Distrito FederalDurante anos, o Distrito Federal não contemplou em seu modelo de cidade o espaço público como uma prioridade. A base para criar o espaço público é o solo e no Distrito Federal este é um grave problema, pois nós enfrentamos a um solo privatizado ao qual não se lhe dá tratamento de bem público e existem grandes inequalidades na distribuição do espaço público na cidade. No entanto, já se reconheceu no governo do D.F. a importança do problema, ainda que é indispensável concretizar essa preocupação em projetos específicos e ainda mais desenvolver alguns instrumentos para poder executar as obras necessárias. O que é espaço público? Quais grupos sociais afeta? Para que função urbana? São perguntas chave que se constituem no núcleo da formulação da política. É necessário redimensionar o problema a partir da definição mesma de um modelo de cidade, dando-lhe à problemática uma perspectiva territorial que lhe permita cumprir a função social, estabelecer uma normatividade clara e vigente, uma política de solo transformadora e conservacionista, dotar com instrumentos financeiros viáveis e assumir uma liderança capaz de superar os interesses particulares.Palavras chave: Espaço público, solo privatizado, inequalidade, função urbana, modelo de cidade, normatividade.


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El interés de esta monografía es analizar el diseño y la formulación de la Política Pública de Restitución de Tierras del Gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos. En particular, se busca establecer los aciertos y los desaciertos de dicho proceso para evidenciar que si bien la Restitución de Tierras propuesta por el Gobierno fue creada con el propósito de superar las desigualdades asociadas a la tenencia de tierras en Colombia, su formulación ha sido insuficiente para responder a las demandas de las víctimas del conflicto armado. Para tal fin se utilizan los dos modelos para el análisis de políticas públicas propuestos por la Universidad de Rosario como la herramienta teórica principal que permite entender cómo se llevo a cabo la formulación de esta política pública.


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La financiación de los sistemas de salud en los países en desarrollo mediante esquemas de aseguramiento, presenta el desafío estructural de la informalidad de los mercados laborales. Ni el esquema de financiamiento comunitario ni el del subsidio a la oferta, parecen ofrecer una garantía de acceso a los grupos más vulnerables. Pero la extensión de esquemas de seguro subsidiado también implica mayores presiones sobre el gasto social. Este artículo es una revisión de la literatura sobre el tema, en el cual se revisan experiencias internacionales de los tipos mencionados, y se analiza su relevancia para Colombia.


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In this working paper we discuss current attempts to engage communities in planning policy formulation in the UK. In particular we focus on the preparation of Community Strategies (CS) in England to inform local public policy and the wider proposals recently published by the UK government to move towards enhanced community engagement in planning (DTLR, 2001). We discuss how such strategies could be operationalised with a conceptual framework developed following ideas derived from ANT (cf. Murdoch, 1997, 1998; Selman, 2000; Parker & Wragg, 1999; Callon, 1986, 1998) and the ‘capitals’ literature (Lin, 2002; Fine, 2001; Selman, 2000; Putnam, 1993). We see this as an expression of neo-pragmatic planning theory, (Hoch, 1996; Stein & Harper, 2000) to develop a form of ‘pre-plan mapping’.


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Varying concepts of citizenship, implicit within policy providing countryside access opportunities in England and the sometimes contrasting political rhetoric concerning citizenship, are evaluated here. The focus for this paper surrounds the Countryside Stewardship Scheme and, generically, the access elements of Environmental Land Management schemes (ELMs) and the implications of the 1994 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act in this context. Policy formulation in respect of countryside access may not be prepared considering the philosophical implications for citizens rights or property rights constructions. However, it is hypothesized that particular modes of regulation and commodification (of certain countryside goods) are imbued with certain values which reflect a neo-Liberal political philosophy. This view is contextualized within present theoretical debates concerning rural society.


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There is a tendency to reduce ventilation rates and natural or hybrid ventilation systems to ensure the conservation of energy in school buildings. However, high indoor pollutant concentration, due to natural or hybrid ventilation systems may have a significant adverse impact on the health and academic performance of pupils and students. Reviewed evidence shows that this can be detrimental to health and wellbeing in schools because of the learner density within a small area, eventually indicating that CO2 concentrations can rise to very high levels (about 4000 ppm) in classrooms during occupancy periods. In South Africa’s naturally ventilated classrooms, it is not clear whether the environmental conditions are conducive for learning. In addition, natural ventilation will be minimized given the fact that in cold, wet or windy weather, doors and windows will commonly remain closed. Evidence from literature based studies indicates that the significance of ventilation techniques is not understood satisfactorily and additional information concerning naturally ventilated schools has to be provided for better design and policy formulation. To develop a thorough understanding of the environments in classrooms, many other parameters have to be considered as well, such as outdoor air quality, CO2 concentrations, temperature and relative humidity and safety issues that may be important drawbacks for naturally ventilated schools. The aim of this paper is to develop a conceptual understanding of methods that can be implemented to assess the effectiveness of naturally ventilated classrooms in Gauteng, South Africa. A theoretical concept with an embedded practical methodology have been proposed for the research programme to investigate the relationship between ventilation rates and learning in schools in Gauteng , a province in South Africa. It is important that existing and future school buildings must include adequate outdoor ventilation, control of moisture, and avoidance of indoor exposures to microbiologic and chemical substances considered likely to have adverse effects in South Africa. Adequate ventilation in classrooms is necessary to reduce and/or eradicate the transmission of indoor pollutants.