151 resultados para Poisons


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The mouse bioassay is the methodology that is most widely used to detect okadaic acid (OA) in shellfish samples. This is one of the best-known toxins, and it belongs to the family of marine biotoxins referred to as the diarrhetic shellfish poisons (DSP). Due to animal welfare concerns, alternative methods of toxin detection are being sought. A rapid and specific biosensor immunoassay method was developed and validated for the detection of OA. An optical sensor instrument based on the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) phenomenon was utilised. A polyclonal antibody to OA was raised against OA-bovine thyroglobulin conjugate and OA-N-hydroxy succinimide ester was immobilised onto an amine sensor chip surface. The assay parameters selected for the analysis of the samples were: antibody dilution, 1/750; ratio of antibody to standard, 1:1; volume of sample injected, 25 mu l min(-1); flow rate, 25 mu l min(-1). An assay action limit of 126 ng g(-1) was established by analysing of 20 shellfish samples spiked with OA at the critical concentration of 160 ng g(-1), which is the action limit established by the European Union (EU). At this concentration of OA, the assay delivered coefficient of variations (CVs) of


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Currently, there are no fast in vitro broad spectrum screening bioassays for the detection of marine toxins. The aim of this study was to develop such an assay. In gene expression profiling experiments 17 marker genes were provisionally selected that were differentially regulated in human intestinal Caco-2 cells upon exposure to the lipophilic shellfish poisons azaspiracid-1 (AZA1) or dinophysis toxin-1 (DTX1). These 17 genes together with two control genes were the basis for the design of a tailored microarray platform for the detection of these marine toxins and potentially others. Five out of the 17 selected marker genes on this dedicated DNA microarray gave dear signals, whereby the resulting fingerprints could be used to detect these toxins. CEACAM1, DDIT4, and TUBB3 were up-regulated by both AZA1 and DTX1, TRIB3 was up-regulated by AZA1 only, and OSR2 by DTX1 only. Analysis by singleplex qRT-PCR revealed the up- and down-regulation of the selected RGS16 and NPPB marker genes by DTX1, that were not envisioned by the new developed dedicated array. The qRT-PCR targeting the DDIT4, RSG16 and NPPB genes thus already resulted in a specific pattern for AZA1 and DTX1 indicating that for this specific case qRT-PCR might a be more suitable approach than a dedicated array.


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Therapeutic options for malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) are limited despite the increasing incidence globally. The vinca alkaloid vinorelbine exhibits clinical activity; however, to date, treatment optimization has not been achieved using biomarkers. BRCA1 regulates sensitivity to microtubule poisons; however, its role in regulating vinorelbine-induced apoptosis in mesothelioma is unknown. Here we demonstrate that BRCA1 plays an essential role in mediating vinorelbine-induced apoptosis, as evidenced by (1) the strong correlation between vinorelbine sensitivity and BRCA1 expression level; (2) induction of resistance to vinorelbine by BRCA1 using siRNA oligonucleotides; (3) dramatic down-regulation of BRCA1 following selection for vinorelbine resistance; and (4) the re-activation of vinorelbine-induced apoptosis following re-expression of BRCA1 in resistant cells. To determine whether loss of BRCA1 expression in mesothelioma was potentially relevant in vivo, BRCA1 immunohistochemistry was subsequently performed on 144 primary mesothelioma specimens. Loss of BRCA1 protein expression was identified in 38.9% of samples. Together, these data suggest that BRCA1 plays a critical role in mediating apoptosis by vinorelbine in mesothelioma, warranting its clinical evaluation as a predictive biomarker.


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For the first time, the hydrogenation/hydrogenolysis of a range of disulfides has been achieved over a supported palladium catalyst using hydrogen under relatively benign conditions. These unexpected results demonstrate that it is possible to avoid the poisoning of the catalyst by either the nitrogen-containing groups or the sulfur species, allowing both efficient reaction and recycling of the catalyst under the proper conditions (e.g., at low temperatures). A slight loss in activity was found on recycling; however, the catalyst activity can be recovered using hydrogen pretreatment. The reaction mechanism for the hydrogenolysis and hydrogenation of ortho-, meta-, and para-dinitrodiphenyldisulfide to the corresponding aminothiophenol has been elucidated. Density functional theory calculations were used to investigate the adsorption mode of the dinitrodiphenyldisulfides; a clear dependence on adsorption geometry was found regarding whether the molecule is cleaved at the S-S bond before the reduction of the nitro group or vice versa. This study demonstrates the versatility of these catalysts for the hydrogenation/hydrogenolysis of sulfur-containing molecules, which normally are considered poisons, and will extend their use to a new family of substrates. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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BRCA1 (breast-cancer susceptibility gene 1) is a tumour suppressor, implicated in the hereditary predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer. BRCA1 has been implicated in a number of cellular processes including DNA repair and recombination, cell cycle checkpoint control, chromatin remodelling and ubiquitination. In addition, substantial data now exist to suggest a role for BRCA1 in transcriptional regulation; BRCA1 has been shown to interact with the Pol II holoenzyme complex and to interact with multiple transcription factors, such as p53 and c-Myc. We have previously identified a range of BRCA1 transcriptional targets and have linked these to specific cellular pathways, including cell cycle checkpoint activation and apoptosis. Current research is focused on the transcriptional mechanisms that underpin the association of BRCA1 deficiency with increased sensitivity to DNA damage-based chemotherapy and resistance to spindle poisons.


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Este trabalho tem como objectivo a medição da solubilidade de gases em líquidos a altas pressões. Para a realização experimental foi usada uma célula de altas pressões de volume variável e um método de observação directa para a detecção das transições de fase. As condições usadas neste trabalho experimental foram temperaturas entre 276.00 e 373.15 K e pressões ate 100 MPa. Numa primeira fase foram efectuadas medições de solubilidade de metano em anilina pura e para uma solução aquosa de composição mássica igual a 5% em anilina. A anilina é fundamentalmente usada em processos como a produção de borracha, de poliuretanos, pigmentos e tintas, fármacos, herbicidas e fungicidas. É usualmente produzida através de processos de redução do nitrobenzeno por reacção com o HCl. De facto, esta síntese é um processo químico complexo onde um grande número de processos compete entre si. Alterações nas condições do processo com a possível formação de produtos intermediários podem afectar a eficiência do processo. Para a sua melhoria foi sugerido que o hidrogénio usado fosse simultaneamente produzido e gasto no reactor principal. Neste caso e para a produção do mesmo, era necessário adicionar metano e água ao reactor. Tendo por base a ideia de que as reacções onde o hidrogénio é reagente e produto ocorrem em simultâneo, torna-se clara a importância do estudo da solubilidade do metano em anilina pura e em soluções aquosas desta. Numa segunda fase foi estudada a solubilidade do dióxido de carbono em soluções aquosas de tri-iso-butil(metil)fosfónio tosilato, com composições molares são de 4, 8 e 12% em líquido iónico. Este pertencente à família dos fosfónios. Possui uma viscosidade e densidade elevadas, é térmica e quimicamente estável e ainda possui uma elevada polaridade. Apresenta uma miscibilidade completa em água e nos solventes mais usuais, como o diclorometano e tolueno, não sendo no entanto míscivel em hexano. O tri-isobutil( metil)fosfónium tosilato é usado como solvente nos processos de hidroformilação de olefinas e ainda em processos de captura e conversão de dióxido de carbono. Neste trabalho experimental, a temperatura e a pressão foram inicialmente aumentadas até o sistema atingir o equilíbrio. A pressão é diminuída lentamente até se verificar o aparecimento/desaparecimento da última bolha de gás. A pressão à qual a última bolha de gás desaparece representa a pressão de equilíbrio para aquela temperatura. Este procedimento foi efectuado para vários sistemas e várias temperaturas.


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Background A large epidemic of asthma occurred following a thunderstorm in southern and central England on 24/25 June 1994. A collaborative study group was formed. Objectives To describe the epidemic and the meteorological, aerobiological and other environmental characteristics associated with it. Methods Collation of data from the Meteorological Office, the Pollen Research Unit, the Department of the Environment's Automatic Urban Network, from health surveillance by the Department of Health and the National Poisons Unit, from clinical experience in general practice and hospitals, and from an immunological study of some of the affected cases from north east London. Results The thunderstorm was a Mesoscale Convective System, an unusual and large form of storm with several centres and severe wind gusts. It occurred shortly after the peak grass pollen concentration in the London area. A sudden and extensive epidemic occurred within about an hour affecting possibly several thousand patients. Emergency services were stretched but the epidemic did not last long. Cases had high serum levels of IgE antibody to mixed grass pollen. Conclusion This study supports the view that patients with specific IgE to grass pollen are at risk of thunderstorm-related asthma. The details of the causal pathway from storm to asthma attack are not clear. Case-control and time series studies are being carried out.


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The title of the study is ''Toxicology Literature: An Informetric Analysis".In the field of Toxicology, the interdisciplinary research resulted in 'information fragmentation' of the basic subject to environmental, medical and economic toxicology. The interest in collaborative research resulted in the transdisciplinary growth of Toxicology which ultimately resulted in the scatter of literature.For the purpose of present study Toxicology is defined as the physical and chemical aspects of all poisons affecting environmental, economical and medical aspects of human life. Informetrics is "the use and development of a variety of measures to study and analyse several properties of information in general and documents in particular."The present study fled light on the main fields of Toxicology research as well as the important primary journals through which the results are being published. The authorshippattern, subject-wise scatter, country-wise, language-wise and growth pattern, self-citation, bibliographic coupling of the journals were studied. The study will be of great use in forrnulatinq the acquisition policy of documents in a library. The present study is useful in identifying obsolate journals so that they can be discarded from the collection


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Objetivos Mediante un estudio descriptivo transversal, establecer la presencia de una relación entre los niveles de exposición a plaguicidas con la presencia de hallazgos clínicos neurológicos periféricos en personas expuestas ocupacionalmente a estos. Resultados La muestra poblacional fue de 59 trabajadores, en el área rural del municipio del Espinal, Tolima. El 52% de la población refirió usar organofosforados, 32 % carbamatos, 16% organoclorados, y 66% otros grupos de plaguicidas. Los niveles sanguíneos de carbamatos estuvieron presentes en el 7% de la población, organofosforados en el 66% y organoclorados en el 100%. En el 42% de la población se estableció sospecha de neuropatía a partir de los síntomas y en el 92% a partir de los signos. Se estableció asociación estadísticamente significativa entre los niveles sanguíneos de determinados organoclorados con la sospecha de neuropatía periférica a partir de síntomas; la presencia de sensación de pérdida de la fuerza en extremidades y la presencia de alteraciones en los reflejos osteotendinosos. Conclusiones El presente estudio permitió identificar los plaguicidas a los cuales está expuesta la población agrícola del municipio del Espinal así como corrobora el efecto de bioacumulación y biomagnificación de los organoclorados. Adicionalmente, se detectó la presencia de hallazgos sugestivos de compromiso neurológico periférico, con asociaciones significativas entre ciertas anormalidades y determinados organoclorados. Este estudio es una aproximación a la relación entre la exposición a plaguicidas de la población agrícola de la zona rural del municipio del Espinal con la secuelas neurológicos periféricas asociadas a esta.


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Durante los siglos XVII y XVIII se presentaron varias querellas ante el Tribunal de Justicia Criminal del Nuevo Reino de Granada, en las que se denunciaba que había personas que ejercían los oficios médicos sin tener títulos que los acreditaran como facultativos en las artes curativas. Por ese entonces, se creía que quienes utilizaban yerbas y conjuros como métodos terapéuticos, por lo general mujeres, debían ser juzgadas como yerbateras-envenenadoras, porque no pretendían curar sino matar a quien consumiera sus preparados. El texto establece que los procesos criminales por envenenamiento constituyen un prisma en el que convergen diferentes problemáticas del periodo colonial neogranadino, relacionadas con la salud, los oficios médicos, las enfermedades, las creencias mágico-religiosas, el ideal de mujer en la época, la delincuencia, y las dinámicas de las instituciones españolas, entre otras. De esta manera, se estudió cómo fue la relación entre los aspectos jurídicos, las leyes criminales (dictadas por la Corona) y las conductas “desviadas” (relacionadas con el crimen por envenenamiento) de los habitantes del Nuevo Reino de Granada, entre los siglos XVII y XVIII. Para ello se revistaron desde diferentes perspectivas, varios temas del mundo colonial neogranadino, relacionados con los rumores, la comidilla, los chismes y la importancia de la comunicación hablada en el virreinato; el problema de la honra, como una de las virtudes más sobresalientes de la época y las creencias de la cultura popular con relación al envenenamiento y los diferentes métodos curativos.


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La butirilcolinesterasa humana (BChE; EC es una enzima polimórfica sintetizada en el hígado y en el tejido adiposo, ampliamente distribuida en el organismo y encargada de hidrolizar algunos ésteres de colina como la procaína, ésteres alifáticos como el ácido acetilsalicílico, fármacos como la metilprednisolona, el mivacurium y la succinilcolina y drogas de uso y/o abuso como la heroína y la cocaína. Es codificada por el gen BCHE (OMIM 177400), habiéndose identificado más de 100 variantes, algunas no estudiadas plenamente, además de la forma más frecuente, llamada usual o silvestre. Diferentes polimorfismos del gen BCHE se han relacionado con la síntesis de enzimas con niveles variados de actividad catalítica. Las bases moleculares de algunas de esas variantes genéticas han sido reportadas, entre las que se encuentra las variantes Atípica (A), fluoruro-resistente del tipo 1 y 2 (F-1 y F-2), silente (S), Kalow (K), James (J) y Hammersmith (H). En este estudio, en un grupo de pacientes se aplicó el instrumento validado Lifetime Severity Index for Cocaine Use Disorder (LSI-C) para evaluar la gravedad del consumo de “cocaína” a lo largo de la vida. Además, se determinaron Polimorfismos de Nucleótido Simple (SNPs) en el gen BCHE conocidos como responsables de reacciones adversas en pacientes consumidores de “cocaína” mediante secuenciación del gen y se predijo el efecto delos SNPs sobre la función y la estructura de la proteína, mediante el uso de herramientas bio-informáticas. El instrumento LSI-C ofreció resultados en cuatro dimensiones: consumo a lo largo de la vida, consumo reciente, dependencia psicológica e intento de abandono del consumo. Los estudios de análisis molecular permitieron observar dos SNPs codificantes (cSNPs) no sinónimos en el 27.3% de la muestra, c.293A>G (p.Asp98Gly) y c.1699G>A (p.Ala567Thr), localizados en los exones 2 y 4, que corresponden, desde el punto de vista funcional, a la variante Atípica (A) [dbSNP: rs1799807] y a la variante Kalow (K) [dbSNP: rs1803274] de la enzima BChE, respectivamente. Los estudios de predicción In silico establecieron para el SNP p.Asp98Gly un carácter patogénico, mientras que para el SNP p.Ala567Thr, mostraron un comportamiento neutro. El análisis de los resultados permite proponer la existencia de una relación entre polimorfismos o variantes genéticas responsables de una baja actividad catalítica y/o baja concentración plasmática de la enzima BChE y algunas de las reacciones adversas ocurridas en pacientes consumidores de cocaína.


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The performance of a strip search by a police officer is a serious interference with the liberty and dignity of an individual. However, it is considered by police to be an important part of their law enforcement armory and one that is increasingly necessary to utilise to assist in the investigation and prosecution of drug-related crimes. This article considers the troublesome issue of whether and in what circumstances the common law may extend to police the power to conduct a strip search. In addition, there is an examination of the statutes and regulations that purportedly give police in Victoria the power to strip search with particular attention given to ss 81 and 82 of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 (Vic).


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Current legislation does not permit the administration of first line resuscitation medications by suitably qualified Division 1 registered nurses (RNs) in the absence of a medical officer. This omission by the Drugs,  Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 (Vic) and the Drugs, Poisons and The Controlled Substances Regulations 1995 (Vic) leaves many critical care nurses in a vulnerable legal position.

The primary aim of this study was to gauge the view of critical care nurses with respect to lobbying for change to the current legislation. In addition, the study aimed to explore and describe the educational preparation, practice perceptions and experiences of RNs working in critical care regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the administration of first line advanced life support (ALS) medications in the absence of a medical officer. It was anticipated that data collected would demonstrate some of the dilemmas associated with the initiation and administration of ALS medications for practising critical care nurses and could be used to inform controlling bodies in order for them to gain an appreciation of the issues facing critical care nurses during resuscitation.

A mailout survey was sent to all members of the Victorian Branch of the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN). The results showed that the majority of nurses underwent an annual ALS assessment and had current ALS accreditation. Nurses indicated that they felt educationally prepared and were confident to manage cardiopulmonary resuscitation without a medical officer; indeed, the majority had done so. The differences in practice issues for metropolitan, regional and rural nurses were highlighted. There is therefore clear evidence to suggest that legislative amendments are appropriate and necessary, given the time critical nature of cardiopulmonary arrest. There was overwhelming support for ACCCN Vic. Ltd to lobby the Victorian government for changes to the law.


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Objectives: To develop an understanding of factors acting as barriers and motivators to parental uptake of child poison safety strategies.

A qualitative study involving semistructured interviews and focus groups. A grounded theory approach was used for the collection and analysis of data.

Participants: Sixty five parents of children under 5 years of age, some of whom had experienced an unintentional child poisoning incident.

Results: A range of knowledge based, environmental, and behavioral barriers to comprehensive parental uptake of poison safety practices were identified. As a result there tended to be only partial implementation of safety initiatives in the home. Selection of safety practices was often guided by the interests and behaviors of the child. This made the child vulnerable to changes in the home environment, inadequate supervision, and/or shifts in their own behavior and developmental ability. Personal or vicarious exposure of a parent to a child poisoning incident was a significant motivator for parental review of safety practices.

Conclusion: Environmental measures targeting child resistant containers, warning labels, and lockable poisons cupboards will support parents’ efforts to maintain poison safety. Additional education campaigns using stories of actual poisoning incidents may help to increase awareness of risk and encourage increased uptake.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)