1000 resultados para Plombières-lès-Dijon


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Avui en dia no es poden entendre els canvis socials sense pensar en les conseqüències derivades del nou paradigma digital de comunicació (Castells, 2003). Les Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació (TIC) s’han convertit en eines d’ús quotidià que afecten a tots els àmbits de la vida, des de la gestió del sistema polític, la comunicació a les organitzacions i, també, les noves metodologies d’aprenentatge en les institucions educatives.


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RX J1826.2-1450/LS 5039 has been recently proposed to be a radio emitting high mass X-ray binary. In this paper, we present an analysis of its X-ray timing and spectroscopic properties using different instruments on board the RXTE satellite. The timing analysis indicates the absence of pulsed or periodic emission on time scales of 0.02-2000 s and 2-200 d, respectively. The source spectrum is well represented by a power-law model, plus a Gaussian component describing a strong iron line at 6.6 keV. Significant emission is seen up to 30 keV, and no exponential cut-off at high energy is required. We also study the radio properties of the system according to the GBI-NASA Monitoring Program. RX J1826.2-1450/LS 5039 continues to display moderate radio variability with a clearly non-thermal spectral index. No strong radio outbursts have been detected after several months.


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[spa] El presente estudio se centra en la caracterización macroscópica y microscópica de las materias primas silíceas del yacimiento de la Dolina de l'Esquerda de les Alzines, un yacimiento del Pleistoceno superior ubicado en el macizo del Garraf. El objetivo ha sido establecer distintas variedades de sílex, mediante la descripción macroscópica y microscópica de los elementos del conjunto lítico, para disponer, por vez primera, de unas categorías definidas de los recursos abióticos silíceos disponibles y explotados durante la prehistoria en este macizo. Además, mediante el presente estudio se ha evaluado también la posible procedencia y el área captación de dichas materias. [eng]The present study focuses on the macroscopic and microscopic characterization of siliceous raw materials from the archeological site of Dolina de l'Esquerda de les Alzines, an Upper Pleistocene deposit located in the Garraf Massif. The aim of this study has been to establish different varieties of chert, by a precise description of the elements of the lithic assemblage, to provide for the first time a few categories defined from the siliceous abiotic resources available and exploited during Prehistory in the massif. Furthermore, through the present study we also assessed the possible origin and procurement area of such materials.


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Least-squares support vector machines (LS-SVM) were used as an alternative multivariate calibration method for the simultaneous quantification of some common adulterants found in powdered milk samples, using near-infrared spectroscopy. Excellent models were built using LS-SVM for determining R², RMSECV and RMSEP values. LS-SVMs show superior performance for quantifying starch, whey and sucrose in powdered milk samples in relation to PLSR. This study shows that it is possible to determine precisely the amount of one and two common adulterants simultaneously in powdered milk samples using LS-SVM and NIR spectra.


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Per tal de valorar el grau de satisfacció que té l’estudiantat de les biblioteques de la UPC, el Servei de Biblioteques, Publicacions i Arxius de la UPC elabora amb periodicitat biennal l’Enquesta sobre l’ús i la satisfacció de les biblioteques de la UPC per part de l’estudiantat.Atès que els cursos 2008/2009 i 2012/2013 no es va lliurar l’enquesta i que la primera es va realitzar el curs 1994/1995, els resultats que es presenten en aquest document corresponen a la novena edició.L’enquesta té com a objectiu principal obtenir informació sobre la percepció global que tenen de les biblioteques els seus usuaris, així com conèixer l’ús habitual que en fan i el grau de satisfacció que tenen dels seus espais, equipaments, serveis i col·leccions.


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Reports have shown that a growing number of students are leaving school without adequate reading and writing skills. At the same time, finnish children have improved in reading lit-eracy over the past decade. The school´s primary mission is to support student´s reading and writing development and follow it over time. Not only individual students´development has to be followd over time, as seen in this study, to be able to plan interventions. The purpose of this licentiate thesis is to study how the results in grades 1–6 exhibit in reading compre-hension and spelling over time in a school for the Swedish-speaking minority in Finland. Even gender differences in reading comprehension and spelling are being examined, as well as students with low performance. The data collection has been done during a period of twelwe years, 1997–2009, where data from practically every two years has been used for this study. Results are reported for the years 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2007 and 2009. The measuring instruments are standardized and normative tests in reading comprehension and spelling. The same instruments were used all of the years. The number of students was 1 037 and when possible, students partici-pated more than once. There was a minimal loss of data. The groups of students mostly came from urban districts, and a smaller number came from rural districts. Students with special needs were included in the group, but none of the students in special units participat-ed. The results show that the skills in reading comprehension and spelling haven´t changed appreciably over time. The trend shows slightly positive or unchanged direction except in spelling in grade 1 and reading comprehension in grade 5 where the trend is slightly nega-tive. The most obvious change can be noticed over time in reading comprehension in grade 2, where performance has improved significantly. Significant differences between boys´and girls´performances occur some years and in favor of the girls, but more often in spelling than in reading comprehension. In grade 4, there are no differences in results between boys and girls in any year, neither in reading comprehension nor in spelling, nor in grade 2 in reading comprehension. When the results shows gender differences, there are always differ-ences in both reading comprehension and spelling. Poor performances are also analyzed over time. Isolated reading comprehension difficulties were common for those who was performing poorly. In grade 2, as the only grade, most common was a double deficit in both reading comprehension and spelling, and in grade 4, most students who performed poorly had isolated difficulties in spelling. The amount of poor results varies over time, and no particular trend can be discerned. In grade 2, however, the poor results decreased over time, especially for the boys. Even in reading comprehension for grade 6 the amount of poor results, especially for the boys (10th percentile), has decreased over time, at least in the later years, while the poor results in-creased in spelling generally. In grade 4 the amount of poor results in spelling (10th perc.) seems to be reduced for the girls.


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 60536


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Acquis en 1790 lors de la réunion à la Bibliothèque du roi du Dépôt des chartes fondé en 1762, cf. Omont, Collection Moreau, 170; Delisle, Cab. des mss., I, 557-575; — "du Cabinet des Chartes"; cf. B.n.F., département des Manuscrits, nouv. acq. fr. 5530.


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Notes "451" (I) et "31", "Ce cartulaire de Bourgogne m'a esté remis par M. l'abbé Sallier le 8 janvier 1737. Il luy avoit esté donné par Mr. Le Drait, garde du dépôt des Affaires étrangères ou estoit ce cartulaire. L. de Targny" (II), signalée dans le catalogue de l'ancien supplément, n. a. fr. 5429, f. 204.