891 resultados para Plaque burden
To evaluate the influence of dentifrice pH and fluoride (F) concentration on F uptake by plaque and nails, two sets of 5-to 6-year-old children were randomly allocated into four groups, according to the type of dentifrice they had been using for 1 year: (1) experimental liquid dentifrice (ELD), 1,100 ppm F, pH 7.0; (2) ELD, 1,100 ppm F, pH 4.5; (3) ELD, 550 ppm F, pH 4.5, and (4) commercial toothpaste, 1,100 ppm F, pH 7.0. In one set of children, nails were clipped. In the second, plaque samples were collected 1 h after the last use of dentifrice. F concentration in plaque and nails was analyzed. Plaque F concentration was significantly lower in group 4 than in groups 1-3. Nail F concentration was significantly higher in group 4, and significantly lower in group 3, than in group 1 or 2. Plaque F uptake was influenced significantly by dentifrice consistency and nonsignificantly by pH and F concentration. Reduction of dentifrice pH did not affect nail F concentration. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel
It has been suggested that fluoride retention in plaque is limited by available binding sites. We determined the effects of fluoridated or placebo dentifrices on plaque and salivary fluoride concentrations [F]s in communities with different water fluoride concentrations (0.04, 0.85, 3.5 ppm). After one week of dentifrice use, samples were collected 1.0 and 12 hrs after the last use of dentifrices. After the use of fluoridated dentifrice, plaque fluoride concentrations were higher at both times, except at 12 hrs in the 3.5-ppm community. Plaque concentrations at 1.0 hr after the use of fluoridated dentifrice increased almost constantly (6.5 mmol/kg), but then decreased approximately 50% at 12 hrs in each community. Unlike previous studies, the present findings suggest that the use of fluoridated dentifrice is likely to increase plaque fluoride concentrations significantly for up to 12 hrs in areas where the water contains fluoride close to 1.0 ppm. As previously reported, plaque fluoride concentrations were directly related to calcium concentrations.
Purpose: The objective of the present in situ study was to evaluate the influence of dental plaque on human enamel erosion. Materials and Methods: Thirteen volunteers wore acrylic palatal devices with four enamel specimens that were prepared from freshly extracted impacted human third permanent molars (4 x 4 mm), randomly selected and distributed into two vertical rows, corresponding to the following groups: GI, erosion of dental plaque-free samples, and GII, erosion of dental plaque-covered samples. For the formation of dental plaque, the specimens were placed 1 mm below the level of the appliance and covered with a plastic mesh to allow the accumulation of dental plaque. The palatal device was continuously worn by the volunteers for 14 consecutive days and then immersed in a soft drink (Coca-Cola (R), 150 ml) for 5 min, three times a day. Half of the surfaces of specimens were coated with nail varnish for profilometry tests. The study variables included the depth of enamel surface wear (profilometer, vertical ranges in pm) and the percentage of superficial microhardness change (%SMHC). Data were analysed using the t test (P < 0.05). Results: The %SMHC and depth of enamel surface wear were significantly higher for GI (-87.82% +/- 3.66 and 4.70 mu m +/- 1.65) than for GII (-13.79% +/- 4.22 and 0.14 mu m +/- 0.03). Conclusions: It was concluded that the dental plaque formed in situ was able to protect the enamel surface against erosion by a cola soft drink, thus reducing the depth of enamel surface wear and the %SMHC.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the indirect instruction and the influence of the periodic reinforcement on the plaque index in schoolchildren. Forty schoolchildren aged from 7 to 9 years old were selected from a public school. After determining the initial O`Leary Plaque Index all schoolchildren were submitted to a program for oral hygiene through indirect instruction - ""The Smiling Robot"". The schoolchildren were divided into 2 groups: with and without motivation reinforcement. The index plaque exam was performed in both groups after 30, 60 and 90 days of the educational program. Comparing the groups, the plaque index decreasing could be observed in the group with reinforcement with statistically significant difference. For the group with reinforcement, statistically significant difference among the evaluations was found. For the group without reinforcement, significant decrease in the plaque index was found after 30 days when compared to the first, third and fourth evaluations. The indirect instruction with ""The Smiling Robot ""promoted a positive initial impact on the decrease of plaque index in the schoolchildren. The periodic reinforcements showed snore suitable results and significant reduction of the plaque index in the course of the evaluations.
Eight patients with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia who received combined long-term low-density lipoprotein apheresis and high-dose statin therapy showed a significant decrease in volume of coronary calcium over a period of 29 months as measured by, computed tomography. This suggests that the effects of aggressive lipid-lowering therapy can be assessed non-invasively and may be used as surrogate end points when testing new therapies.
The influence of complex plaque morphology on the extent of demand-induced ischemia in unselected patients is not well defined. We sought to investigate the functional significance of lesion morphology in patients who underwent coronary angiography and dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE).,Angiography and DSE were performed within a 6-month period (mean 1 +/- 1 month) in 196 patients. Angiographic assessments involved quantification of stenosis severity, assessment of the extent of jeopardized myocardium, and categorization of plaque morphology according to the Ambrose classification. DSE was interpreted by separate investigators with respect to wall motion score index (WMSI) and number of coronary territories involved. A general linear model was constructed to assess,the independent contribution of patient characteristics and angiographic and DSE results with respect to extent of ischemic myocardium. Complex lesion morphology was seen in 62 patients (32%). Patients with complex lesions were more likely to have had prior myocardial infarction (p < 0.001) and be current smokers (p = 0.03). During angiography, they exhibited a trend toward a greater number of diseased vessels, had a greater coronary jeopardy score (p < 0.001) and more frequent collateral flow (p = 0.03). During echocardiography, patients had a higher stress WMSI (p < 0.001) and were more likely to show ischemia in all 3 arterial territories (p < 0.01). On multivariate regression, the coronary artery jeopardy score and the presence of complex plaque morphology were independent predictors of the extent of ischemic myocardium (R 2 = 34%, p < 0.001). Thus, patients with complex plaque morphology are older, more likely to smoke, and more likely to have had prior myocardial. infarction. They exhibit more extensive disease with higher coronary jeopardy scores and a higher resting and peak stress WMSI. Despite these differences, complex plaque morphology remains an independent predictor of the extent of ischemia during stress. (C) 2003 by Excerpta Medica, Inc.
Introdução - A prevalência da doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica (DPOC) apresenta valores muito heterogéneos em todo o mundo. A iniciativa Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) foi desenvolvida para que a prevalência da DPOC possa ser avaliada com metodologia uniformizada. O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a prevalência da DPOC em adultos com 40 ou mais anos numa população alvo de 2 700 000 habitantes na região de Lisboa, de acordo com o protocolo BOLD. Métodos - A amostra foi estratificada de forma aleatória multifaseada selecionando-se 12 freguesias. O inquérito compreendia um questionário com informação sobre fatores de risco para a DPOC e doença respiratória autoreportada; adicionalmente, foi efetuada espirometria com prova de broncodilatação. Resultados - Foram incluídos 710 participantes com questionário e espirometria aceitáveis. A prevalência estimada da DPOC na população no estadio GOLD I+ foi de 14,2% (IC 95%: 11,1; 18,1) e de 7,3% no estadio ii+ (IC 95%: 4,7; 11,3). A prevalência não ajustada foi de 20,2% (IC 95%: 17,4; 23,3) no estadio i+ e de 9,5% (IC 95%: 7,6; 11,9) no estadio ii+. A prevalência da DPOC no estadio GOLD II+ aumentou com a idade, sendo mais elevada no sexo masculino. A prevalência estimada da DPOC no estadio GOLD I+ foi de 9,2% (IC 95%: 5,9; 14,0) nos não fumadores versus 27,4% (IC 95%: 18,5; 38,5) nos fumadores com carga tabágica de ≥ 20 Unidades Maço Ano. Detetou-se uma fraca concordância entre a referência a diagnóstico médico prévio e o diagnóstico espirométrico, com 86,8% de subdiagnósticos. Conclusões - O achado de uma prevalência estimada da DPOC de 14,2% sugere que esta é uma doença comum na região de Lisboa, contudo com uma elevada proporção de subdiagnósticos. Estes dados apontam para a necessidade de aumentar o grau de conhecimento dos profissionais de saúde sobre a DPOC, bem como a necessidade de maior utilização da espirometria nos cuidados de saúde primários.
OBJECTIVE: To determine health care costs and economic burden of epidemiological changes in diseases related to tobacco consumption. METHODS: A time-series analysis in Mexico (1994-2005) was carried out on seven health interventions: chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, lung cancer with and without surgical intervention, asthma in smokers and non-smokers, full treatment course with nicotine gum, and full treatment course with nicotine patch. According with Box-Jenkins methodology, probabilistic models were developed to forecast the expected changes in the epidemiologic profile and the expected changes in health care services required for selected interventions. Health care costs were estimated following the instrumentation methods and validated with consensus technique. RESULTS: A comparison of the economic impact in 2006 vs. 2008 showed 20-90% increase in expected cases depending on the disease (p<0.05), and 25-93% increase in financial requirements (p<0.01). The study data suggest that changes in the demand for health services for patients with respiratory diseases related to tobacco consumption will continue showing an increasing trend. CONCLUSIONS: In economic terms, the growing number of cases expected during the study period indicates a process of internal competition and adds an element of intrinsic competition in the management of preventive and curative interventions. The study results support the assumption that if preventive programs remain unchanged, the increasing demands for curative health care may cause great financial and management challenges to the health care system of middle-income countries like Mexico.
High loads of fungi have been reported in different types of waste management plants. This study intends to assess fungal contamination in one waste-sorting plant before and after cleaning procedures in order to analyze their effectiveness. Air samples of 50 L were collected through an impaction method, while surface samples, taken at the same time, were collected by the swabbing method and subject to further macro- and microscopic observations. In addition, we collected air samples of 250 L using the impinger Coriolis μ air sampler (Bertin Technologies) at 300 L/min airflow rate in order to perform real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) amplification of genes from specific fungal species, namely Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus flavus complexes, as well as Stachybotrys chartarum species. Fungal quantification in the air ranged from 180 to 5,280 CFU m−3 before cleaning and from 220 to 2,460 CFU m−3 after cleaning procedures. Surfaces presented results that ranged from 29 × 104 to 109 × 104 CFU m−2 before cleaning and from 11 × 104 to 89 × 104 CFU m−2 after cleaning. Statistically significant differences regarding fungal load were not detected between before and after cleaning procedures. Toxigenic strains from A. flavus complex and S. chartarum were not detected by qPCR. Conversely, the A. fumigatus species was successfully detected by qPCR and interestingly it was amplified in two samples where no detection by conventional methods was observed. Overall, these results reveal the inefficacy of the cleaning procedures and that it is important to determine fungal burden in order to carry out risk assessment.
OBJECTIVE To estimate the burden of type 2 diabetes mellitus and its percentage attributable to overweight and obesity in Brazil.METHODS The burden of diabetes mellitus was described in terms of disability-adjusted life years, which is the sum of two components: years of life lost and years lived with disability. To calculate the fraction of diabetes mellitus attributable to overweight, obesity, and excess weight, we used the prevalence of these risk factors according to sex and age groups (> 20 years) obtained from the 2008 Pesquisa Dimensões Sociais das Desigualdades (Social Dimensions of Inequality Survey) and the relative risks derived from the international literature.RESULTS Diabetes mellitus accounted for 5.4% of Brazilian disability-adjusted life years in 2008, with the largest fraction attributed to the morbidity component (years lived with disability). Women exhibited higher values for disability-adjusted life years. In Brazil, 49.2%, 58.3%, and 70.6% of diabetes mellitus in women was attributable to overweight, obesity, and excess weight, respectively. Among men, these percentages were 40.5%, 45.4%, and 60.3%, respectively. Differences were observed with respect to Brazilian regions and age groups.CONCLUSIONS A large fraction of diabetes mellitus was attributable to preventable individual risk factors and, in about six years, the contribution of these factors significant increased, particularly among men. Policies aimed at promoting healthy lifestyle habits, such as a balanced diet and physical activity, can have a significant impact on reducing the burden of diabetes mellitus in Brazil.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the physical inactivity-related inpatient costs of chronic non-communicable diseases. METHODS This study used data from 2013, from Brazilian Unified Health System, regarding inpatient numbers and costs due to malignant colon and breast neoplasms, cerebrovascular diseases, ischemic heart diseases, hypertension, diabetes, and osteoporosis. In order to calculate the share physical inactivity represents in that, the physical inactivity-related risks, which apply to each disease, were considered, and physical inactivity prevalence during leisure activities was obtained from Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílio (Brazil's National Household Sample Survey). The analysis was stratified by genders and residing country regions of subjects who were 40 years or older. The physical inactivity-related hospitalization cost regarding each cause was multiplied by the respective share it regarded to. RESULTS In 2013, 974,641 patients were admitted due to seven different causes in Brazil, which represented a high cost. South region was found to have the highest patient admission rate in most studied causes. The highest prevalences for physical inactivity were observed in North and Northeast regions. The highest inactivity-related share in men was found for osteoporosis in all regions (≈ 35.0%), whereas diabetes was found to have a higher share regarding inactivity in women (33.0% to 37.0% variation in the regions). Ischemic heart diseases accounted for the highest total costs that could be linked to physical inactivity in all regions and for both genders, being followed by cerebrovascular diseases. Approximately 15.0% of inpatient costs from Brazilian Unified Health System were connected to physical inactivity. CONCLUSIONS Physical inactivity significantly impacts the number of patient admissions due to the evaluated causes and through their resulting costs, with different genders and country regions representing different shares.
Indirect Immunofluorescence (IFA), Plaque Reduction Neutralization (PRN) and Haemagglutination Inhibition (HI) tests for measles antibodies were carried out in 197 sera obtained from umbilical cord and vaccinated children. The IFA was also applied to blood samples collected with filter paper. IFA results demonstrated that the test is relatively simple to perform, with good reproducibility for different antigen lots. Good correlation was obtained between IFA, PRN and HI antibody titers. Better correlation was demonstrated with IFA and PRN than with HI and PRN tests. Sensitivity of IFA in detecting antibody was less effective than PRN, however more effective than HI using rhesus monkey red blood cells. PRN antibody titers over 100 were detected by IFA but not by HI (9.7% with negative results). IFA may be of considerable practical use and able to substitute HI in Seroepidemiological surveys and to evaluate vaccine efficacy. It also can be simplified by employing filter paper collected samples.
An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for measles antibodies was compared with Plaque Neutralization (PRN), Haemagglutination inhibition (HI) and Fluorescent antibody (IFA) tests in 181 sera from vaccinated children and umbilical cord. Of 179 positive samples by the sensitive PRN, only two, with titers of 8, were negative by ELISA (copositivity of 98.9%). IFA and HI presented, respectively, copo-sitivities of 93.3% and 82.7%. The ELISA presented a high sensitivity as well as a good reproducibility and represents an alternative for the time consuming PRN for detection of low measles antibodies.
In slaughterhouses, the biological risk is present not only from the direct or indirect contact with animal matter, but also from the exposure to bioaerosols. Fungal contamination was already reported from the floors and walls of slaughterhouses. This study intends to assess fungal contamination by cultural and molecular methods in poultry, swine/bovine and large animal slaughterhouses. Air samples were collected through an impaction method, while surface samples were collected by the swabbing method and subjected to further macro- and micro-scopic observations. In addition, we collected air samples using the impinger method in order to perform real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) amplification of genes from specific fungal species, namely A. flavus, A. fumigatus and A. ochraceus complexes. Poultry and swine/bovine slaughterhouses presented each two sampling sites that surpass the guideline of 150 CFU/m3. Scopulariopsis candida was the most frequently isolated (59.5%) in poultry slaughterhouse air; Cladosporium sp. (45.7%) in the swine/bovine slaughterhouse; and Penicillium sp. (80.8%) in the large animal slaughterhouse. Molecular tools successfully amplified DNA from the A. fumigatus complex in six sampling sites where the presence of this fungal species was not identified by conventional methods. This study besides suggesting the indicators that are representative of harmful fungal contamination, also indicates a strategy as a protocol to ensure a proper characterization of fungal occupational exposure.