927 resultados para Plant-pathogen interaction
Pectobacterium atrosepticum on Gram-negatiivinen bakteeri, joka aiheuttaa perunan tyvi- ja märkämätää. P. atrosepticum bakteerin optimilämpötila on melko alhainen ja se on yleinen lauhkeilla alueilla. Tyvimätä leviää pääasiassa siemenperunan välityksellä ja siksi se on ongelma erityisesti siemenperunan tuotannossa. P. atrosepticum kannan SCRI1043 genomi on julkaistu ja sitä tutkitaan malliorganismina märkä- ja tyvimädän taudinaiheuttamisen ymmärtämiseksi. Tämä opportunistinen taudinaiheuttaja voi elää isäntäkasvissa kuukausia piilevänä, aiheuttamatta näkyviä oireita. Suotuisissa olosuhteissa bakteerit alkavat jakautua ja tuottaa kasvin kudoksia hajottavia entsyymejä. Mädäntyvä kasvimassa tarjoaa ravinteita bakteerien kasvuun ja mahdollistaa isäntäkasvin asuttamisen. Soluseiniä hajottavien entsyymien merkitys taudinaiheuttamisessa on hyvin tunnettu, mutta oireettomasta jaksosta ja taudin alkuvaiheista tiedätään vain vähän. Bakteerin genomi sisältää monia toksiineja, adhesiineja, hemolysiineja ja muita proteiineja, joilla saattaa olla merkitys taudinaiheuttamisessa. Tässä työssä käytettiin proteomiikkaa ja mikrosiruanalysiä P. atrosepticum bakteerin erittyvien proteiinien ja geeniekspression tutkimiseen. Proteiinit, jotka eritetään ulos bakteerista, toimivat todennäköisesti taudinaiheuttamisessa, koska ne ovat suorassa kontaktissa isäntäkasvin kanssa. Analyysit suoritettiin olosuhteissa, jotka muistuttavat kasvin soluvälitilaa: matala pH, vähän ravinteita ja matala lämpötila. Isäntäkasvin läsnäolon vaikutusta proteiinien tuottoon ja geeniekspressioon tutkittiin lisäämällä perunauutetta kasvatusalustaan. Tutkimuksessa tunnistettiin P. atrosepticum bakteerin monia jo tunnettuja ja mahdollisesti taudinaiheuttamiseen liittyviä proteiineja. Perunauute lisäsi hiljattain tunnistetun, proteiinien eritysreittiä (tyyppi VI sekreetio, T6SS) koodaavien geenien ilmentymistä. Lisäksi bakteerin havaittiin erittävän useita T6SS:n liittyviä proteiineja kasvualustaan, johon oli lisätty perunauutetta. T6SS:n merkitys bakteereille on vielä epäselvä ja sen vaikutuksesta taudinaiheuttamiseen on julkaistu ristiriitaisia tuloksia. Märkä- ja tyvimädän ymmärtäminen molekulaarisella tasolla luo pohjan tautien kontrollointiin tähtäävään soveltavaan tutkimukseen. Tämä tutkimus lisää tietoa kasvi-patogeeni- interaktiosta ja sitä voidaan tulevaisuudessa käyttää hyväksi esimerkiksi diagnostiikassa, resistenttien perunalajikkeiden jalostuksessa tai viljely- ja varastointiolosuhteiden parantamisessa.
Spontaneous sequence changes and the selection of beneficial mutations are driving forces of gene diversification and key factors of evolution. In highly dynamic co-evolutionary processes such as plant-pathogen interactions, the plant's ability to rapidly adapt to newly emerging pathogens is paramount. The hexaploid wheat gene Lr34, which encodes an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter, confers durable field resistance against four fungal diseases. Despite its extensive use in breeding and agriculture, no increase in virulence towards Lr34 has been described over the last century. The wheat genepool contains two predominant Lr34 alleles of which only one confers disease resistance. The two alleles, located on chromosome 7DS, differ by only two exon-polymorphisms. Putatively functional homoeologs and orthologs of Lr34 are found on the B-genome of wheat and in rice and sorghum, but not in maize, barley and Brachypodium. In this study we present a detailed haplotype analysis of homoeologous and orthologous Lr34 genes in genetically and geographically diverse selections of wheat, rice and sorghum accessions. We found that the resistant Lr34 haplotype is unique to the wheat D-genome and is not found in the B-genome of wheat or in rice and sorghum. Furthermore, we only found the susceptible Lr34 allele in a set of 252 Ae. tauschii genotypes, the progenitor of the wheat D-genome. These data provide compelling evidence that the Lr34 multi-pathogen resistance is the result of recent gene diversification occurring after the formation of hexaploid wheat about 8,000 years ago.
The lifestyle of intracellular pathogens has always questioned the skill of a microbiologist in the context of finding the permanent cure to the diseases caused by them. The best tool utilized by these pathogens is their ability to reside inside the host cell, which enables them to easily bypass the humoral immunity of the host, such as the complement system. They further escape from the intracellular immunity, such as lysosome and inflammasome, mostly by forming a protective vacuole-bound niche derived from the host itself. Some of the most dreadful diseases are caused by these vacuolar pathogens, for example, tuberculosis by Mycobacterium or typhoid fever by Salmonella. To deal with such successful pathogens therapeutically, the knowledge of a host-pathogen interaction system becomes primarily essential, which further depends on the use of a model system. A well characterized pathogen, namely Salmonella, suits the role of a model for this purpose, which can infect a wide array of hosts causing a variety of diseases. This review focuses on various such aspects of research on Salmonella which are useful for studying the pathogenesis of other intracellular pathogens.
Phenotypic variation (morphological and pathogenic characters), and genetic variability were studied in 50 isolates of seven Plasmopara halstedii (sunflower downy mildew) races 100, 300, 304, 314, 710, 704 and 714. There were significant morphological, aggressiveness, and genetic differences for pathogen isolates. However, there was no relationship between morphology of zoosporangia and sporangiophores and pathogenic and genetic characteristics for the races used in our study. Also, our results provided evidence that no relation between pathogenic traits and multilocus haplotypes may be established in P. halstedii. The hypothesis explaining the absence of relationships among phenotypic and genetic characteristics is discussed.
Cathepsin L proteases secreted by the helminth pathogen Fasciola hepatica have functions in parasite virulence including tissue invasion and suppression of host immune responses. Using proteomics methods alongside phylogenetic studies we characterized the profile of cathepsin L proteases secreted by adult F. hepatica and hence identified those involved in host-pathogen interaction. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the Fasciola cathepsin L gene family expanded by a series of gene duplications followed by divergence that gave rise to three clades associated with mature adult worms (Clades 1, 2, and 5) and two clades specific to infective juvenile stages (Clades 3 and 4). Consistent with these observations our proteomics studies identified representatives from Clades 1, 2, and 5 but not from Clades 3 and 4 in adult F. hepatica secretory products. Clades 1 and 2 account for 67.39 and 27.63% of total secreted cathepsin Ls, respectively, suggesting that their expansion was positively driven and that these proteases are most critical for parasite survival and adaptation. Sequence comparison studies revealed that the expansion of cathepsin Ls by gene duplication was followed by residue changes in the S2 pocket of the active site. Our biochemical studies showed that these changes result in alterations in substrate binding and suggested that the divergence of the cathepsin L family produced a repertoire of enzymes with overlapping and complementary substrate specificities that could cleave host macromolecules more efficiently. Although the cathepsin Ls are produced as zymogens containing a prosegment and mature domain, all secreted enzymes identified by MS were processed to mature active enzymes. The prosegment region was highly conserved between the clades except at the boundary of prosegment and mature enzyme. Despite the lack of conservation at this section, sites for exogenous cleavage by asparaginyl endopeptidases and a Leu-Ser[downward arrow]His motif for autocatalytic cleavage by cathepsin Ls were preserved.
Plant pathogens are a serious problem for seed export, plant disease control and plant quarantine. Rapid and accurate screening tests are urgently required to protect and prevent plant diseases spreading worldwide. A novel multiplex detection method was developed based on microsphere immunoassays to simultaneously detect four important plant pathogens: a fruit blotch bacterium Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli (Aac), chilli vein-banding mottle virus (CVbMV, potyvirus), watermelon silver mottle virus (WSMoV, tospovirus serogroup IV) and melon yellow spot virus (MYSV, tospovirus). An antibody for each plant pathogen was linked on a fluorescence-coded magnetic microsphere set which was used to capture corresponding pathogen. The presence of pathogens was detected by R-phycoerythrin (RPE)-labeled antibodies specific to the pathogens. The assay conditions were optimized by identifying appropriate antibody pairs, blocking buffer, concentration of RPE-labeled antibodies and assay time. Once conditions were optimized, the assay was able to detect all four plant pathogens precisely and accurately with substantially higher sensitivity than enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) when spiked in buffer and in healthy watermelon leaf extract. The assay time of the microsphere immunoassay (1 hour) was much shorter than that of ELISA (4 hours). This system was also shown to be capable of detecting the pathogens in naturally infected plant samples and is a major advancement in plant pathogen detection. © 2013 Charlermroj et al.
The human respiratory tract of individuals with normal lung function maintains a fine-tuned balance, being asymptomatically colonised by the normal microbiota in the upper airways and sterile in the lower tract. This equilibrium may be disrupted by the exposure to insults such as cigarette smoke. In the respiratory tract, the complex and noxious nature of inhaled cigarette smoke alters host-microorganisminteraction dynamics at all anatomical levels, causing infections in many cases. Moreover, continuous exposure to cigarette smoke itself causes deleterious effects on the host that can trigger the development of chronic respiratory diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer. COPD is an irreversible airflow obstruction associated with emphysema, fibrosis, mucus hypersecretion and persistent colonisation of the lower airways by opportunistic pathogens. COPD patients keep a stable (without exacerbation) but progressively worsening condition and suffer periodic exacerbations caused, in most cases, by infections. Although smoking and smoking-associated diseases are associated with a high risk of infection, most therapies aim to reduce inflammatory parameters, but do not necessarily take into account the presence of persistent colonisers. The effect of cigarette smoke on host-pathogen interaction dynamics in the respiratory tract, together with current and novel therapies, is discussed. Copyright©ERS 2012.
The bacterial plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae causes disease in a wide range of plants. The associated decrease in crop yields results in economic losses and threatens global food security. Competition exists between the plant immune system and the pathogen, the basic principles of which can be applied to animal infection pathways. P. syringae uses a type III secretion system (T3SS) to deliver virulence factors into the plant that promote survival of the bacterium. The P. syringae T3SS is a product of the hypersensitive response and pathogenicity (hrp) and hypersensitive response and conserved (hrc) gene cluster, which is strictly controlled by the codependent enhancer-binding proteins HrpR and HrpS. Through a combination of bacterial gene regulation and phenotypic studies, plant infection assays, and plant hormone quantifications, we now report that Chp8 (i) is embedded in the Hrp regulon and expressed in response to plant signals and HrpRS, (ii) is a functional diguanylate cyclase, (iii) decreases the expression of the major pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP) flagellin and increases extracellular polysaccharides (EPS), and (iv) impacts the salicylic acid/jasmonic acid hormonal immune response and disease progression. We propose that Chp8 expression dampens PAMP-triggered immunity during early plant infection.
Plant parasitic nematodes (PPN) locate host plants by following concentration gradients of root exudate chemicals in the soil. We present a simple method for RNA interference (RNAi)-induced knockdown of genes in tomato seedling roots, facilitating the study of root exudate composition, and PPN responses. Knockdown of sugar transporter genes, STP1 and STP2, in tomato seedlings triggered corresponding reductions of glucose and fructose, but not xylose, in collected root exudate. This corresponded directly with reduced infectivity and stylet thrusting of the promiscuous PPN Meloidogyne incognita, however we observed no impact on the infectivity or stylet thrusting of the selective Solanaceae PPN Globodera pallida. This approach can underpin future efforts to understand the early stages of plant-pathogen interactions in tomato and potentially other crop plants.
Le virus du syndrome reproducteur et respiratoire porcin (VSRRP) est un pathogène d’importance dans l’industrie porcine et est responsable d’importantes pertes économiques. Il n’existe pas d’antiviral efficace contre celui-ci. Il a récemment été mis en évidence que le surnageant de culture d’Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, l’agent étiologique de la pleuropneumonie porcine, possédait une activité antivirale in vitro contre le VSRRP dans la lignée cellulaire SJPL. Les objectifs de mon projet sont (i) d’étudier les mécanismes cellulaires menant à l’activité antivirale causée par le surnageant de culture d’A. pleuropneumoniae, et (ii) de caractériser les molécules actives présentes dans le surnageant de culture d’A. pleuropneumoniae. Dans un premier temps, des analyses de protéome ont été effectuées et ont permis d’observer que le surnageant de culture modulait la régulation du cycle cellulaire. Dans le but d’analyser le cycle cellulaire des cellules SJPL, la cytométrie en flux a été utilisée et a permis de démontrer que le surnageant de culture induisait un arrêt du cycle cellulaire en phase G2/M. Deux inhibiteurs de la phase G2/M ont alors été utilisé. Il s'est avéré que ces inhibiteurs avaient la capacité d’inhiber le VSRRP dans les cellules SJPL. Enfin, la spectrométrie de masse a été utilisée dans le but de caractériser les molécules actives présentes dans le surnageant de culture d’A. pleuropneumoniae et d’identifier deux molécules. Ce projet a permis de démontrer pour la première fois qu’A. pleuropneumoniae est capable de perturber le cycle cellulaire et que ce dernier était un élément important dans l’effet antiviral contre le VSRRP.
Summer droughts are predicted to increase in severity and frequency in the United Kingdom, due to climate change. Few studies have addressed the impacts of drought on interactions between species, and the majority have focussed on increases in CO2 concentration and changes in temperature. Here, the effect of experimental summer drought on the strength of the plant-mediated interaction between leaf-mining Stephensia brunnichella larvae and root-chewing Agriotes larvae was investigated. Agriotes larvae reduced the abundance and performance of S. brunnichella feeding on a mutual host plant, Clinopodium vulgare, as well as the rate of parasitism of the leaf-miner. The interaction did not, however, occur on plants subjected to a severe drought treatment, which were reduced in size. Changes to summer rainfall, due to climate change, may therefore reduce the occurrence of plant-mediated interactions between insect herbivores.
Almost all stages of a plant pathogen life cycle are potentially density dependent. At small scales and short time spans appropriate to a single-pathogen individual, density dependence can be extremely strong, mediated both by simple resource use, changes in the host due to defence reactions and signals between fungal individuals. In most cases, the consequences are a rise in reproductive rate as the pathogen becomes rarer, and consequently stabilisation of the population dynamics; however, at very low density reproduction may become inefficient, either because it is co-operative or because heterothallic fungi do not form sexual spores. The consequence will be historically determined distributions. On a medium scale, appropriate for example to several generations of a host plant, the factors already mentioned remain important but specialist natural enemies may also start to affect the dynamics detectably. This could in theory lead to complex (e.g. chaotic) dynamics, but in practice heterogeneity of habitat and host is likely to smooth the extreme relationships and make for more stable, though still very variable, dynamics. On longer temporal and longer spatial scales evolutionary responses by both host and pathogen are likely to become important, producing patterns which ultimately depend on the strength of interactions at smaller scales.
Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola causes halo blight of the common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, worldwide and remains difficult to control. Races of the pathogen cause either disease symptoms or a resistant hypersensitive response on a series of differentially reacting bean cultivars. The molecular genetics of the interaction between P. syringae pv. phaseolicola and bean, and the evolution of bacterial virulence, have been investigated in depth and this research has led to important discoveries in the field of plant-microbe interactions. In this review, we discuss several of the areas of study that chart the rise of P. syringae pv. phaseolicola from a common pathogen of bean plants to a molecular plant-pathogen supermodel bacterium. Taxonomy: Bacteria; Proteobacteria, gamma subdivision; order Pseudomonadales; family Pseudomonadaceae; genus Pseudomonas; species Pseudomonas syringae; Genomospecies 2; pathogenic variety phaseolicola. Microbiological properties: Gram-negative, aerobic, motile, rod-shaped, 1.5 µm long, 0.7-1.2 µm in diameter, at least one polar flagellum, optimal temperatures for growth of 25-30 °C, oxidase negative, arginine dihydrolase negative, levan positive and elicits the hypersensitive response on tobacco. Host range: Major bacterial disease of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in temperate regions and above medium altitudes in the tropics. Natural infections have been recorded on several other legume species, including all members of the tribe Phaseoleae with the exception of Desmodium spp. and Pisum sativum. Disease symptoms: Water-soaked lesions on leaves, pods, stems or petioles, that quickly develop greenish-yellow haloes on leaves at temperatures of less than 23 °C. Infected seeds may be symptomless, or have wrinkled or buttery-yellow patches on the seed coat. Seedling infection is recognized by general chlorosis, stunting and distortion of growth. Epidemiology: Seed borne and disseminated from exudation by water-splash and wind occurring during rainfall. Bacteria invade through wounds and natural openings (notably stomata). Weedy and cultivated alternative hosts may also harbour the bacterium. Disease control: Some measure of control is achieved with copper formulations and streptomycin. Pathogen-free seed and resistant cultivars are recommended. Useful websites: Pseudomonas-plant interaction http://www.pseudomonas-syringae.org/; PseudoDB http://xbase.bham.ac.uk/pseudodb/; Plant Associated and Environmental Microbes Database (PAMDB) http://genome.ppws.vt.edu/cgi-bin/MLST/home.pl; PseudoMLSA Database http://www.uib.es/microbiologiaBD/Welcome.html.