687 resultados para Pipa (Amphibians)
The chores and the daily physical and social demands make us feel more and more the need to be in a familiar and restoring environment, with which we frequently establish emotional bonds. The interaction with places for resting and leisure, exemplified in the Environmental Psychology literature as recreational and home environments, allow us to exercise our potentials and to strengthen our (personal and collective) identity. Bearing this in mind, this dissertation has as aim to study the relation of affection between the place and the inhabitants of the community of Pipa-RN, which has turned from fishermen s village into tourist destination, bringing with it many changes to the local population. To accomplish that, we made use of behavioral observations, interviews, and graphic and photographic documentation with 30 subjects selected through a network of indications, attending to the criterion loving Pipa . After analysis and systematization of the answers, we identified three super-categories: 1) Love, characterized by the strong representation that an environment has upon an individual without, necessarily, there being an affective link, allowing it to be nurtured from a distance and dissociated from the desire to be present; 2) Attachment, demonstrated by the difficulty in leaving the place, a bond that can be mediated by personal financial investments or expectation of future benefits; 3) Affiliation, which refers to the feeling of belonging to the place and its community, sharing its history, culture, habits, etc., independent from the place of birth. These super-categories are not exclusive, on the contrary, they can form combinations which we denominate as situations, that could vary from 01 (individual involved with none of the three) to 07 (individual involved with the three); there wasn t the combination between Attachment and Affiliation. These results showed that within the framework of relations of affection with the place, there are countless possibilities of interaction individual-environment, determined by the physicalenvironmental characteristics and by the assessment that each individual makes of it. With this small contribution to the theme, we hope to enlighten the perspectives for future research, especially involving the relation of affection for places and the adoption of proenvironmental conducts, as a question of preservation of the ecosystems and of the quality of life of the inhabitants
The need for sustainability in the exploitation of natural resources in coastal areas has been out in recent years, as well as the social and cultural sustainability of traditional communities in these regions. Coastal and estuarine wild areas are influenced directly or indirectly by a set of human activities such as artisanal fishing. Therefore, there is a demand for an integrated design of these areas and according to the landing values, a pattern of unsustainable development of national marine fishing activity. The study was conducted in the coastal community of Praia da Pipa, Tibau do Sul municipality, RN, between june 2009 and june 2010 and aimed to characterize the fishery performed, its socio-economic strategies and fishing areas, as well as to identify ichthyofauna, to assess the sustainability of the major resources and to identify cultural traits related to artisanal fisheries, their problems and prospects; linking tradition and the present fishing activity carried out in the community. For this study, a total of 67 structured interviews were collected, including qualitative and quantitative data. A total of 133 fish landings and direct observations were performed. Informants were identified according to one of the following categories: fishermen, vessel masters and members of the local population with offspring. Applications SPSS 10.0, Paint.Ink and Microsoft Office Excel 2007 were used for tabulation and analysis of results. Local fishermen are, on average, 25 years fishing, have 40 years old and the average monthly income is up to 03 minimum wages. The local fleet consists of 20 vessels, that uses different line sizes and types of networks, operating in 21 fishing grounds and showing a reduction in the vessel numbers by 66% in the last decade. We recorded 76 species of fish, captured by the local fleet and the top 5 were quantitatively analyzed serra spanish mackarel (Scomberomorus brasiliensis), little tunny (Euthynnus alleteratus), yellowtail snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus), red snapper (Lutjanus analis) and common snook (Centropomus undecimalis), accounting for 46,5% of production in the period. The capture of these species was composed mostly of adults. Data analysis showed a significant decrease of the local fishing activity over the last decade due to the weakness displayed by the political-social category, the devaluation of local knowledge and the emergence of new sources of income through increased tourism. The characteristics of the fishing community suggest it to pass through significant changes as the appreciation of their cultural and traditional aspects. We identified a tendency to sustainability of main species caught, suggesting that public policies to be adopted locally comply with the current characteristics of fishing undertaken in the community and knowledge of fishermen related to the environment, allowing environmental, as well as social and cultural sustainability of the community involved.
Thermal and water balance are coupled in anurans, and species with particularly permeable skin avoid overheating more effectively than minimizing variance of body temperature. In turn, temperature affects muscle performance in several ways, so documenting the mean and variance of body temperature of active frogs can help explain variation in behavioral performance. The two types of activities studied in most detail, jumping and calling, differ markedly in duration and intensity, and there are distinct differences in the metabolic profile and fiber type of the supporting muscles. Characteristics of jumping and calling also vary significantly among species, and these differences have a number of implications that we discuss in some detail throughout this paper. One question that emerges from this topic is whether anuran species exhibit activity temperatures that match the temperature range over which they perform best. Although this seems the case, thermal preferences are variable and may not necessarily reflect typical activity temperatures. The performance versus temperature curves and the thermal limits for anuran activity reflect the thermal ecology of species more than their systematic position. Anuran thermal physiology, therefore, seems to be phenotypically plastic and susceptible to adaptive evolution. Although generalizations regarding the mechanistic basis of such adjustments are not yet possible, recent attempts have been made to reveal the mechanistic basis of acclimation and acclimatization. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The worldwide decline in amphibians has been attributed to several causes, especially habitat loss and disease. We identified a further factor, namely habitat split- defined as human- induced disconnection between habitats used by different life history stages of a species- which forces forest- associated amphibians with aquatic larvae to make risky breeding migrations between suitable aquatic and terrestrial habitats. In the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, we found that habitat split negatively affects the richness of species with aquatic larvae but not the richness of species with terrestrial development ( the latter can complete their life cycle inside forest remnants). This mechanism helps to explain why species with aquatic larvae have the highest incidence of population decline. These findings reinforce the need for the conservation and restoration of riparian vegetation.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Apesar do grande número de estudos realizados com a herpetofauna do Estado de São Paulo, que a caracteriza como a mais conhecida no país, ainda existem vazios amostrais dentro de biomas considerados mundialmente como prioritários para a conservação pelo elevado grau de endemismo e pressão antrópica, como é o caso da Mata Atlântica. Como resultado de pressões políticas e históricas, o bioma foi reduzido a menos de 12% de sua extensão original e apesar de sua importância para a conservação da biodiversidade mundial, apenas uma porcentagem mínima de sua cobertura vegetal original (1%) encontra-se protegida sob alguma forma legal de proteção. Este é o caso do Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira (PETAR) que juntamente com o Parque Estadual de Intervales, Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho e Mosaico de Unidades de Conservação de Jacupiranga formam um extenso contínuo ecológico de 360 mil ha de floresta ombrófila no sul do estado. O presente estudo apresenta a lista de anfíbios e répteis do PETAR, com informações sobre a distribuição local e uso de hábitat destas espécies. O inventário foi realizado de outubro a dezembro 2009, totalizando 15 dias de amostragens que foram realizadas por meio de quatro métodos complementares de amostragem ativa: procura visual, procura auditiva, procura de carro e encontro ocasional. Foram registradas no total 91 espécies pertencentes a 53 gêneros e 24 famílias. Esta alta diversidade pode ser atribuída à existência de uma grande variedade de hábitats e microhábitats nesta localidade, como os diversos sítios aquáticos utilizados por várias das espécies de anfíbios anuros amostradas. Além disso, o PETAR apresenta um amplo gradiente altitudinal (80 - 1.160 m) que confere uma grande heterogeneidade climática, geológica e hidrológica a área. Neste sentido, este inventário é uma importante contribuição para a ampliação do conhecimento destas taxocenoses de floresta ombrófila presentes na porção mais ao sul da Serra de Paranapiacaba, fornecendo subsídios para a adoção de medidas visando à conservação dessas taxocenoses no Estado de São Paulo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)