282 resultados para Piedade
D. João de Magalhães e Avelar (1754-1833) formou aquela que, ao tempo, era a maior biblioteca privada portuguesa. Com cerca de 36000 volumes, foi elogiada por personalidades nacionais e estrangeiras, por aliar à quantidade de volumes inúmeros e valiosíssimos manuscritos. Formada ao longo dos séculos XVIII e XIX, durante mais de 30 anos, originou, em 1833, o primeiro núcleo da actual Biblioteca Pública Municipal do Porto. Numa época em que possuir livros era sinónimo de prestígio social mas num período em que quase não havia tradição de bibliotecas públicas no nosso país, contrariamente ao que acontecia noutras realidades, a livraria privada de Avelar formou, com outras, a Real Biblioteca Pública da Cidade do Porto. Em 1833, aquando do primeiro aniversário da entrada do exército liberal no Porto, por decreto, criou-se a biblioteca portuense. Estabelecida na casa que servia de Hospício dos Religiosos de Santo António do Val da Piedade, à praça da Cordoaria, tinha como objectivo satisfazer a utilidade pública, estando aberta todos os dias, excepto domingos e feriados. Propriedade da cidade do Porto, ficava sujeita à administração da Câmara que se obrigava à sua guarda, manutenção, conservação, bem como à constante aquisição de espólio. Como veremos, tratou-se de um processo conflituoso mas o Porto obtinha, definitivamente, a sua biblioteca pública.
Agência Financiadora: FCT - PTDC/QUI/72656/2006 ; SFRH/BPD/27454/2006; SFRH/BPD/44082/2008; SFRH/BPD/41138/2007
Missão do Repositório Científico do IPL: divulgar a produção científica e artística da comunidade académica do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, aumentar a visibilidade e o impacto da investigação desenvolvida, assegurar o depósito da memória intelectual e promover o livre acesso à informação. O Repositório contém informação nas áreas da contabilidade e administração, das engenharias, da música, da dança, do teatro e cinema, das ciências da educação, das tecnologias da saúde e ainda das ciências da comunicação. O que queremos? Partilhar, melhorar e inovar a investigação científica e artística produzida pelo IPL, aprovar a política mandatória do IPL, fazer parcerias com grupos de investigação, compatibilizar com diretrizes OpenAire, dar consultoria na gestão da informação, informar sobre investigação científica e artística, promover a mobilidade de bibliotecários e avaliar as possibilidades do Repositório para estudos de caso.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of academic life on health status of university students. METHODS: Longitudinal study including 154 undergraduate students from the Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal, with at least two years of follow-up observations. Sociodemographic and behavioral characteristics were collected using questionnaires. Students' weight, height, blood pressure, serum glucose, serum lipids and serum homocysteine levels were measured. Regression analysis was performed using linear mixed-effect models, allowing for random effects at the participant level. RESULTS: A higher rate of dyslipidemia (44.0% vs. 28.6%), overweight (16.3% vs. 12.5%) and smoking (19.3% vs. 0.0%) was found among students exposed to the academic life when compared to freshmen. Physical inactivity was about 80%. Total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C), triglycerides, systolic blood pressure, and physical activity levels were significantly associated with gender (p<0.001). Academic exposure was associated with increased low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) levels (about 1.12 times), and marginally with total cholesterol levels (p=0.041). CONCLUSIONS: High education level does not seem to have a protective effect favoring a healthier lifestyle and being enrolled in health-related areas does not seem either to positively affect students' behaviors. Increased risk factors for non-transmissible diseases in university students raise concerns about their well-being. These results should support the implementation of health promotion and prevention programs at universities.
The oceans remain a major source of natural compounds with potential in pharmacology. In particular, during the last few decades, marine cyanobacteria have been in focus as producers of interesting bioactive compounds, especially for the treatment of cancer. In this study, the anticancer potential of extracts from twenty eight marine cyanobacteria strains, belonging to the underexplored picoplanktonic genera, Cyanobium, Synechocystis and Synechococcus, and the filamentous genera, Nodosilinea, Leptolyngbya, Pseudanabaena and Romeria, were assessed in eight human tumor cell lines. First, a crude extract was obtained by dichloromethane:methanol extraction, and from it, three fractions were separated in a Si column chromatography. The crude extract and fractions were tested in eight human cancer cell lines for cell viability/toxicity, accessed with the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) and lactic dehydrogenase release (LDH) assays. Eight point nine percent of the strains revealed strong cytotoxicity; 17.8% showed moderate cytotoxicity, and 14.3% assays showed low toxicity. The results obtained revealed that the studied genera of marine cyanobacteria are a promising source of novel compounds with potential anticancer activity and highlight the interest in also exploring the smaller filamentous and picoplanktonic genera of cyanobacteria.
Electrochemical oxidation of propanil in deuterated solutions was studied by cyclic, differential pulse, and square wave voltammetry using a glassy carbon microelectrode. The oxidation of propanil in deuterated acid solutions occurs at the nitrogen atom of the amide at a potential of +1.15 V vs Ag/ AgCl. It was also found that, under the experimental conditions used, protonation at the oxygen atom of propanil occurs, leading to the appearance of another species in solution which oxidizes at +0.60 V. The anodic peak found at +0.79 V vs Ag/AgCl in deuterated basic solutions is related to the presence of an anionic species in which a negative charge is on the nitrogen atom. The electrochemical data were confirmed by the identification of all the species formed in acidic and basic deuterated solutions by means of NMR spectroscopy. The results are supported by electrochemical and spectroscopic studies of acetanilide in deuterated solutions.
New cationic ruthenium(II) complexes with the formula [Ru(eta(5)-C5H5)(LL)(1-BuIm)] [Z], with (LL) = 2PPh(3) or DPPE, and Z = CF3SO3-, PF6-, BPh4-, have been synthesized and fully characterized. Spectroscopic and electrochemical studies revealed that the electronic properties of the coordinated 1-butylimidazole were clearly influenced by the nature of the phosphane coligands (LL) and also by the different counter ions. The solid state structures of the six complexes determined by X-ray crystallographic studies, confirmed the expected distorted three-legged piano stool structure. However the geometry of the 1-butylimidazole ligand was found considerably different in all six compounds, being governed by the stereochemistry of the mono and bidentate coligands (PPh3 or DPPE).
Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 29
In Proceedings of the “ECCTD '01 - European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Espoo, Finland, August 2001
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente,perfil Sanitária
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica. A presente dissertação foi desenvolvida no Erasmus Medical Center em Roterdão, Holanda
EEZ International, Summer 2003, p. 43-47
The CotA laccase-catalysed oxidation of the meta, para-disubstituted arylamine 2,4-diaminophenyldiamine delivers, under mild reaction conditions, a benzocarbazole derivative (1) (74% yield), a key structural motif of a diverse range of applications. This work extends the scope of aromatic frameworks obtained using these enzymes and represents a new efficient and clean method to construct in one step C-C and C-N bonds.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial, pela Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
To evaluate the effect of concurrent infection by HIV on HBV infection or immunity, we have studied a group of 66 HIV1+ symptomatic Caucasian patients and another of 38 African HIV2+ asymptomatic individuals, concerning their HBV status: serological markers of infection and presence of HBV-DNA in serum, the last taken as sign of hepatitis B virus active replication, were monitored. HIV+ groups were compared with seronegative controls, adequately matched for age, sex and ethnological background. HBV DNA was found in 7.6% of HIV1+ Caucasian patients and 3.2% of seronegative controls; in African HIV2+ individuals 2.6% were also HBV DNA+, a percentage close to that found in HIV2 seronegative controls (2.9%). No correlation was found between HIV infection and HBV active replication. Immunodepression that follows HIV infection over time may be compatible with a degree of T cell function capable of avoiding reinfection with or reactivation of HBV, even in symptomatic stages of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Our findings are relevant to the choice of preventive strategies in populations at risk for HIV and HBV infection.