965 resultados para Physiological mechanisms


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A previous study investigating individuals' bitterness sensitivities found a close association among three compounds: L-tryptophan (L-trp), L-phenylalanine (L-phe) and urea (Delwiche et al., 2001, Percept. Psychophys. 63, 761-776). In the present experiment, psychophysical cross-adaptation and bitterness inhibition experiments were performed on these three compounds to determine whether the bitterness could be differentially affected by either technique. If the two experimental approaches failed to differentiate L-trp, L-phe and urea's bitterness, then we may infer they share peripheral physiological mechanisms involved in bitter taste. All compounds were intensity matched in each of 13 subjects, so the judgments of adaptation or bitterness inhibition would be based on equal initial magnitudes and, therefore, directly comparable. In the first experiment, cross-adaptation of bitterness between the amino acids was high (>80%) and reciprocal. Urea and quinine-HCl (control) did not cross-adapt with the amino acids symmetrically. In a second experiment, the sodium salts, NaCl and Na gluconate, did not differentially inhibit the bitterness of L-trp, L-phe and urea, but the control compound, MgSO4, was differentially affected. The bitter inhibition experiment supports the hypothesis that L-trp, L-phe and urea share peripheral bitter taste mechanisms, while the adaptation experiment revealed subtle differences between urea and the amino acids indicating that urea and the amino acids activate only partially overlapping bitter taste mechanisms.


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The relative contribution of genetic and environmental factors in determining variation in life-history traits is of central interest to evolutionary biologists, but the physiological mechanisms underlying these traits are still poorly understood. Here we experimentally demonstrate opposing effects of nutritional stress on immune function, endocrine physiology, parental care, and reproduction between red and black head-color morphs of the Gouldian finch (Erythrura gouldiae). Although the body condition of black morphs was largely unaffected by diet manipulation, red birds were highly sensitive to dietary changes, exhibiting considerable within-individual changes in condition and immune function. Consequently, nutritionally stressed red birds delayed breeding, produced smaller broods, and reared fewer and lower-quality foster offspring than black morphs. Differences in offspring quality were largely due to morph-specific differences in parental effort: red morphs reduced parental provisioning, whereas black morphs adaptively elevated their provisioning effort to meet the increased nutritional demands of their foster brood. Nutritionally stressed genetic morphs also exhibited divergent glucocorticoid responses. Black morphs showed reduced corticosterone-binding globulin (CBG) concentrations and increased levels of free corticosterone, whereas red morphs exhibited reduced free corticosterone levels and elevated CBG concentrations. These opposing glucocorticoid responses highlight intrinsic differences in endocrine sensitivities and plasticity between genetic morphs, which may underlie the morph-specific differences in condition, behavior, and reproduction and thus ultimately contribute to the evolution and maintenance of color polymorphism.


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Secondary sexual signals are thought to indicate individual quality. In order to understand the evolutionary pressures that give rise to such traits it is important to understand the physiological mechanisms underlying their production. The black bib of the house sparrow Passer domesticus is known to function as a badge of social status in males. Past studies have found that the size of the bib in older males is determined, at least partly, by the androgen testosterone. The immunocompetence handicap hypothesis suggests that testosterone has a key role in maintaining honest signalling – it is both involved in the development or expression of sexual signals and is immunosuppressive. In this paper we test experimentally two hypo theses relating to bib size development, whether 1) testosterone is only immunosuppressive in conditions where the natural feedback loop from the testes has been removed, and 2) testosterone is, in addition to influencing the bib size of older males, responsible for the size of the bib in juvenile sparrows. In the first experiment we found that exogenous testosterone administered to intact males during the winter (when LH and FSH levels are very low and were not artificially increased by castration) caused significant immunosuppression, albeit in interaction with the stress hormone corticosterone. Second, we found that exogenous testosterone administration in castrated fledgling male house sparrows had no effect on subsequent post-juvenile moult bib size relative to controls. Our results suggest that in some circumstances testosterone can be immunosuppressive, but that its role in bib size determination is age-dependent.


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The physiological mechanisms of parental and alloparental care in cooperatively breeding nonhuman primate species such as the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) are poorly known. In this study, we examined prolactin and cortisol plasma levels of fathers and older offspring of both sexes, with and without previous experience in infant carrying, around parturition and during infant carrying. Blood samples were collected from fathers and older offspring and prolactin and cortisol were measured by RIA and EIA, respectively. Prolactin levels of both caretakers were not influenced by infant’s birth, previous experience or proximity to parturition. However, prolactin levels increased in both caretakers while in physical contact with infants and also with the number of infants being carried in older offspring. These findings suggest that increased prolactin seems to be mainly due to physical effort rather than a physiological trigger of paternal and alloparental care in common marmosets. Cortisol levels were higher for experienced fathers shortly before parturition which could act to reinforce affiliative bonds between breeding males and females at this time or in the ability of males to detect the proximity of the parturition or both


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The use of non-human primates in scientific research has contributed significantly to the biomedical area and, in the case of Callithrix jacchus, has provided important evidence on physiological mechanisms that help explain its biology, making the species a valuable experimental model in different pathologies. However, raising non-human primates in captivity for long periods of time is accompanied by behavioral disorders and chronic diseases, as well as progressive weight loss in most of the animals. The Primatology Center of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) has housed a colony of C. jacchus for nearly 30 years and during this period these animals have been weighed systematically to detect possible alterations in their clinical conditions. This procedure has generated a volume of data on the weight of animals at different age ranges. These data are of great importance in the study of this variable from different perspectives. Accordingly, this paper presents three studies using weight data collected over 15 years (1985-2000) as a way of verifying the health status and development of the animals. The first study produced the first article, which describes the histopathological findings of animals with probable diagnosis of permanent wasting marmoset syndrome (WMS). All the animals were carriers of trematode parasites (Platynosomum spp) and had obstruction in the hepatobiliary system; it is suggested that this agent is one of the etiological factors of the syndrome. In the second article, the analysis focused on comparing environmental profile and cortisol levels between the animals with normal weight curve evolution and those with WMS. We observed a marked decrease in locomotion, increased use of lower cage extracts and hypocortisolemia. The latter is likely associated to an adaptation of the mechanisms that make up the hypothalamus-hypophysis-adrenal axis, as observed in other mammals under conditions of chronic malnutrition. Finally, in the third study, the animals with weight alterations were excluded from the sample and, using computational tools (K-means and SOM) in a non-supervised way, we suggest found new ontogenetic development classes for C. jacchus. These were redimensioned from five to eight classes: infant I, infant II, infant III, juvenile I, juvenile II, sub-adult, young adult and elderly adult, in order to provide a more suitable classification for more detailed studies that require better control over the animal development


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this work was to present recommendations aiming the aerobic training optimization, from the knowledge of the indexes of functional fitness and their physiological mechanisms. Concerning highly trained athletes, the accuracy in training elaboration can be the safest way to improve aerobic performance, since for these individuals, it is normal that the training load is changeable between an insufficient stimulus and the overtraining syndrome symptoms onset. Therefore, there are several factors that should be taken into account for the elaboration of a training program. The knowledge on fatigue mechanisms and physiological responses at different exercise intensities and durations is essential for the correct training session elaboration. Moreover, high-intensity interval training is indispensable to improve performance in highly trained athletes; however, it should be performed only after adequate recovery period. Thus, a good relationship between coach and athlete is also important for planning suitable recovery periods prior to excessive fatigue. The coach should keep accurate records of training loads and recovery times, learning hence the kinds of loads that can be individually tolerated. Among the important factors that can affect aerobic performance during competition and should be considered, we can name appropriate warm-up planning and adverse environmental conditions. After collecting all this information, it is possible to elaborate the training bases (frequency, volume, intensity and recovery) aiming at progressive improvement of aerobic performance.


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RACIONAL: O câncer de esôfago tem impacto relevante no metabolismo protéico do hospedeiro, mas pouco se conhece sobre as implicações no metabolismo protéico sulfurado. Deste, destaca-se a taurina, composto participante de várias funções fisiológicas importantes como a manutenção do sistema de defesa celular e possível sobrevida do paciente. OBJETIVO: Estudar as variações plasmáticas da taurina e de seus precursores em pacientes com câncer de esôfago. MÉTODO: em estudo transversal foram triados 16 pacientes (43-73 anos) com câncer de esôfago e 20 voluntários (27-65 anos) controles sadios que preencheram os critérios clínicos e éticos da pesquisa. Para caracterização do estado geral de saúde efetuou-se avaliação antropométrica, hematimétrica (Hb, Ht, glóbulos brancos, linfócitos) e bioquímica (albumina, glicose, lipídios, aminotransferases). Adicionalmente, foram realizadas, no plasma, análises cromatográficas de taurina e seus precursores cisteína e homocisteína. Foi registrado o tempo de sobrevivência dos pacientes, a partir do diagnóstico histopatológico. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes com câncer de esôfago foram predominantemente do sexo masculino, raça branca, classe socioeconômica baixa, tipo carcinoma espinocelular de localização no terço superior, em estádio IV, sobrevida de 7,8 ± 5,5 anos, referindo perda de peso em 16,4% e apresentando hipoalbuminemia em 50%, com massa muscular e adiposa semelhante ao controle. Os pacientes apresentaram valores estatisticamente menores do que os controles para Hb, Ht, colesterol total, HDL-colesterol e cisteína e maiores de AST, ALT, taurina e homocisteína. Dentre os pacientes houve correlação positiva da taurina tanto com a contagem total de linfócitos, como com a sobrevida dos pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: Os níveis reduzidos de cisteína e elevados de homocisteína, taurina e as associações positivas da taurina com os indicadores da imunocompetência celular e da mortalidade sugerem participação efetiva da taurina na sobrevida dos pacientes e, portanto, os cuidados nutricionais específicos com a sua via geradora (cisteína, metionina e vitaminas do complexo B).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os caprinos têm um sistema de termorregulação que visa manter a temperatura corporal constante dentro de certos limites, independente da temperatura ambiente. Quando esses limites são estabelecidos, eles são usados em diversos mecanismos fisiológicos para manter a temperatura corporal (TC) dentro dos limites normais. Assim, a produção animal pode diminuir devido ao estresse térmico causado por temperaturas elevadas, especialmente em áreas semi-áridas como o Nordeste do Brasil. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o comportamento fisiológico de diferentes grupos genéticos de caprinos nativos de acordo com a resposta fisiológica das varáveis temperatura retal (TR), frequência respiratória (FR), batimentos cardíacos (BC) e movimentos ruminais (MR), e estabelecer os parâmetros fisiológicos para estas raças sob as condições do semiárido do Nordeste do Brasil. Foram selecionados aleatoriamente 30 animais, sendo cinco machos e dez fêmeas da raça Canindé e cinco machos e dez fêmeas da raça Moxotó, dos quais foram aferidos as variáveis BC, FR e TR nos meses de abril e setembro/2007 e 2008. Observou-se influência significativa (P<0,05) do período do ano no BC, na FR e na TR na raça Canindé, sendo observados valores mais elevados de BC e TR no período chuvoso. Na raça Moxotó observou-se uma diferença significativa (P<0,05) quanto ao BC e TR entre os períodos estudados, sendo observadas na estação seca maiores valores para estas variáveis. Também se observou nesta raça, uma correlação negativa (47%) entre a temperatura ambiente (TA) e TR no período seco, enquanto que no período chuvoso, essa correlação foi positiva (28%). A correlação entre TA e BC foi negativa (21%) no período chuvoso e, positiva (25%) no período seco. Na raça Canindé observou-se correlação negativa (39%) entre TA e movimento ruminal (MR) na época chuvosa, enquanto que no período seco, essa correlação foi positiva (33%). Os parâmetros clínicos avaliados neste estudo encontram-se dentro da normalidade para a espécie caprina no semi-árido nordestino e a raça Moxotó apresentou comportamento condizente com uma maior tolerância ao clima da região e um maior grau de adaptabilidade.


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Mammals keep their body temperature (Tb) relatively constant even under a wide range of ambient temperature variation. However, in some particular situations it may be beneficial to increase or to decrease Tb. For instance, under hypoxic conditions, a regulated drop in Tb (anapyrexia) takes place which has been reported to be crucial for survival in a number of different species. This review highlights major advances in the research about nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO-where data are relatively less abundant), before focusing on the role played by these gaseous neuromediators in thermoregulation, under the conditions of euthermia and anapyrexia. Available data are consistent with the notion that both NO and CO, acting on the CNS, participate in thermoregulation, with NO decreasing Tb and CO increasing it. However further studies are required before definitive conclusions can be made as to their physiological mechanisms of action.


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The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of glucose infusion on serum concentrations of glucose, insulin, and progesterone (P4), as well as mRNA expression of hepatic CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 in nonlactating, ovariectomized cows in adequate nutritional status. Eight Gir × Holstein cows were maintained on a low-quality Brachiaria brizantha pasture with reduced forage availability, but they individually received, on average, 3. kg/cow daily (as fed) of a corn-based concentrate from d -28 to 0 of the experiment. All cows had an intravaginal P4-releasing device inserted on d -14, which remained in cows until the end of the experiment (d 1). On d 0, cows were randomly assigned to receive, in a crossover design containing 2 periods of 24. h each (d 0 and 1), (1) an intravenous glucose infusion (GLUC; 0.5. g of glucose/kg of BW, over a 3-h period) or (2) an intravenous saline infusion (SAL; 0.9%, over a 3-h period). Cows were fasted for 12. h before infusions, and they remained fasted during infusion and sample collections. Blood samples were collected at 0, 3, and 6. h relative to the beginning of infusions. Liver biopsies were performed concurrently with blood collections at 0 and 3. h. After the last blood collection of period 1, cows received concentrate and returned to pasture. Cows gained BW (16.5 ± 3.6. kg) and BCS (0.08 ± 0.06) from d -28 to 0. Cows receiving GLUC had greater serum glucose and insulin concentrations at 3. h compared with SAL cohorts. No treatment effects were detected for serum P4 concentrations, although mRNA expression of CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 after the infusion period was reduced for cows in the GLUC treatment compared with their cohorts in the SAL treatment. In conclusion, hepatic CYP3A4 and CYP2C19 mRNA expression can be promptly modulated by glucose infusion followed by acute increases in circulating insulin, which provides novel insight into the physiological mechanisms associating nutrition and reproductive function in dairy cows. © 2013 American Dairy Science Association.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)