976 resultados para Phylogeny -- Molecular aspects
The primary culture of intestinal epithelial cells from domestic cats is an efficient cellular model to study the enteric cycle of Toxoplasma gondii in a definitive host. The parasite-host cell ratio can be pointed out as a decisive factor that determines the intracellular fate of bradyzoites forms. The development of the syncytial-like forms of T. gondii was observed using the 1:20 bradyzoite-host cell ratio, resulting in similar forms described in in vivo systems. This alternative study potentially opens up the field for investigation into the molecular aspects of this interaction. This can contribute to the development of new strategies for intervention of a main route by which toxoplasmosis spreads.
It is a well-appreciated fact that in many organisms the process of ageing reacts highly plastically, so that lifespan increases or decreases when the environment changes. The perhaps best-known example of such lifespan plasticity is dietary restriction (DR), a phenomenon whereby reduced food intake without malnutrition extends lifespan (typically at the expense of reduced fecundity) and which has been documented in numerous species, from invertebrates to mammals. For the evolutionary biologist, DR and other cases of lifespan plasticity are examples of a more general phenomenon called phenotypic plasticity, the ability of a single genotype to produce different phenotypes (e.g. lifespan) in response to changes in the environment (e.g. changes in diet). To analyse phenotypic plasticity, evolutionary biologists (and epidemiologists) often use a conceptual and statistical framework based on reaction norms (genotype-specific response curves) and genotype × environment interactions (G × E; differences in the plastic response among genotypes), concepts that biologists who are working on molecular aspects of ageing are usually not familiar with. Here I briefly discuss what has been learned about lifespan plasticity or, more generally, about plasticity of somatic maintenance and survival ability. In particular, I argue that adopting the conceptual framework of reaction norms and G × E interactions, as used by evolutionary biologists, is crucially important for our understanding of the mechanisms underlying DR and other forms of lifespan or survival plasticity.
GLUT proteins are encoded by the SLC2 genes and are members of the major facilitator superfamily of membrane transporters. Fourteen GLUT proteins are expressed in the human and they are categorized into three classes based on sequence similarity. All GLUTs appear to transport hexoses or polyols when expressed ectopically, but the primary physiological substrates for several of the GLUTs remain uncertain. GLUTs 1-5 are the most thoroughly studied and all have well established roles as glucose and/or fructose transporters in various tissues and cell types. The GLUT proteins are comprised of ∼500 amino acid residues, possess a single N-linked oligosaccharide, and have 12 membrane-spanning domains. In this review we briefly describe the major characteristics of the 14 GLUT family members.
Teaching classes and events regarding the molecular aspects of drug-receptor interactions is not an easy task. The ligand stereochemistry and the spatial arrangement of the macromolecular targets highly increase the complexity of the process. In this context, the use of alternative and more playful approaches could allow students to gain a more thorough understanding of this important topic in medicinal chemistry. Herein, we describe a practical teaching approach that uses computational strategies as a tool for drug-receptor interaction studies performed for angiotencsin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi). Firstly, the students learn how to find the crystallographic structure (enzyme-ligand complex). Then, they proceed to the treatment of crude crystallographic data. Thereafter, they learn how to analyze the positioning of the drug on the active site of the enzyme, looking for regions related to the molecular recognition. At the end of the study, students can summarize the molecular requirements for the interaction and the structure-activity relationships of the studied drugs.
Ceramides comprise a class of sphingolipids that exist only in small amounts in cellular membranes, but which have been associated with important roles in cellular signaling processes. The influences that ceramides have on the physical properties of bilayer membranes reach from altered thermodynamical behavior to significant impacts on the molecular order and lateral distribution of membrane lipids. Along with the idea that the membrane physical state could influence the physiological state of a cell, the membrane properties of ceramides have gained increasing interest. Therefore, membrane phenomena related to ceramides have become a subject of intense study both in cellular as well as in artificial membranes. Artificial bilayers, the so called model membranes, are substantially simpler in terms of contents and spatio-temporal variation than actual cellular membranes, and can be used to give detailed information about the properties of individual lipid species in different environments. This thesis focuses on investigating how the different parts of the ceramide molecule, i.e., the N-linked acyl chain, the long-chain sphingoid base and the membrane-water interface region, govern the interactions and lateral distribution of these lipids in bilayer membranes. With the emphasis on ceramide/sphingomyelin(SM)-interactions, the relevance of the size of the SMhead group for the interaction was also studied. Ceramides with methylbranched N-linked acyl chains, varying length sphingoid bases, or methylated 2N (amide-nitrogen) and 3O (C3-hydroxyl) at the interface region, as well as SMs with decreased head group size, were synthesized and their bilayer properties studied by calorimetric and fluorescence spectroscopic techniques. In brief, the results showed that the packing of the ceramide acyl chains was more sensitive to methyl-branching in the mid part than in the distal end of the N-linked chain, and that disrupting the interfacial structure at the amide-nitrogen, as opposed to the C3-hydroxyl, had greater effect on the interlipid interactions of ceramides. Interestingly, it appeared that the bilayer properties of ceramides could be more sensitive to small alterations in the length of the long-chain base than what was previously reported for the N-linked acyl chain. Furthermore, the data indicated that the SM-head group does not strongly influence the interactions between SMs and ceramides. The results in this thesis illustrate the pivotal role of some essential parts of the ceramide molecules in determining their bilayer properties. The thesis provides increased understanding of the molecular aspects of ceramides that possibly affect their functions in biological membranes, and could relate to distinct effects on cell physiology.
Several forebrain and brainstem neurochemical circuitries interact with peripheral neural and humoral signals to collaboratively maintain both the volume and osmolality of extracellular fluids. Although much progress has been made over the past decades in the understanding of complex mechanisms underlying neuroendocrine control of hydromineral homeostasis, several issues still remain to be clarified. The use of techniques such as molecular biology, neuronal tracing, electrophysiology, immunohistochemistry, and microinfusions has significantly improved our ability to identify neuronal phenotypes and their signals, including those related to neuron-glia interactions. Accordingly, neurons have been shown to produce and release a large number of chemical mediators (neurotransmitters, neurohormones and neuromodulators) into the interstitial space, which include not only classic neurotransmitters, such as acetylcholine, amines (noradrenaline, serotonin) and amino acids (glutamate, GABA), but also gaseous (nitric oxide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide) and lipid-derived (endocannabinoids) mediators. This efferent response, initiated within the neuronal environment, recruits several peripheral effectors, such as hormones (glucocorticoids, angiotensin II, estrogen), which in turn modulate central nervous system responsiveness to systemic challenges. Therefore, in this review, we shall evaluate in an integrated manner the physiological control of body fluid homeostasis from the molecular aspects to the systemic and integrated responses.
Arabidopsis is a model plant used to study disease resistance; Solanum tuberosum or potato is a crop species. Both plants possess inducible defense mechanisms that are deployed upon recognition of pathogen invasion. Transcriptional reprogramming is crucial to the activation of defense responses. The Pathogenesis-Related (PR) genes are activated in these defense programs. Expression of Arabidopsis PR-l and potato PR-10a serve as markers for the deployment of defense responses in these plants. PR-l expression indicates induction of systemic acquired resistance (SAR). Activation of SAR requires accumulation of salicylic acid (SA), in addition to the interaction of the non-expressor of pathogenesis-related genes I (NPRI), with the TGA transcription factors. The PR-10a is activated in response to pathogen invasion, wounding and elicitor treatment. PR-10a induction requires recruitment of the Whirly I (Whyl) activator to the promoter. This locus is also negatively regulated by the silencer element binding factor (SEBF). We established that both the PR-l and PR-10a are occupied by repressors under non-inducing conditions. TGA2 was found to be a constitutive resident and repressor of PR-l, which mediates repression by forming an oligomeric complex on the promoter. The DNA-binding activity of this oligomer required the TGA2 N-terminus (NT). Under resting conditions we determined that the PR-10a is bound by a repressosome containing SEBF and curiously the activator Pto interacting protein 4 (Pti4). In the context of this repressosome, SEBF is responsible for PR-10a binding, yet rWe also showed that PR-l and PR-10a are activated by different means. In PR-l activation the NPRI NT domain alleviates TGA2-mediated repression by interacting with the TGA2 NT. TGA2 remains at the PR-l but adopts a dimeric conformation and forms an enhanceosome with NPRl. In contrast, the PR-10a is activated by evicting the repressosome and recruiting Why! to the promoter. These results advance our understanding of the mechanisms regulating PR-l and PR-10a expression under resting and inducing conditions. This study also revealed that the means of regulation for related genes can differ greatly between model and crop s
The Arabidopsis NPRI protein regulates systemic acquired resistance dependent on salicylic acid. Analyses by plant two-hybrid analysis in vivo and pull-down assays in vitro showed that the BTB/POZ domain of NPRI at the N-terminus serves as an autoinhibitory domain to negate the function of the transactivation domain at the C-terminus through direct binding of these two domains. I t was also shown that the binding of the BTB/POZ domain to the C-terminus of NPRI was abolished by SA treatment, suggesting that SA could interfere directly with this binding. By gel filtration, it was demonstrated that SA affects the conformation of full-length NPRl , confirming the role of NPRI as an SA receptor. Gel filtration analysis also indicated that NPRI could be converted from an oligomer to a dimer with SA treatment. Furthermore, one N-terminal deletion ~513 has been shown to act as a metal-binding protein and its two Cys-521 and Cys-529 are important for binding to Ni 2 + by pull-down assays.
La phylogénie moléculaire fournit un outil complémentaire aux études paléontologiques et géologiques en permettant la construction des relations phylogénétiques entre espèces ainsi que l’estimation du temps de leur divergence. Cependant lorsqu’un arbre phylogénétique est inféré, les chercheurs se focalisent surtout sur la topologie, c'est-à-dire l’ordre de branchement relatif des différents nœuds. Les longueurs des branches de cette phylogénie sont souvent considérées comme des sous-produits, des paramètres de nuisances apportant peu d’information. Elles constituent cependant l’information primaire pour réaliser des datations moléculaires. Or la saturation, la présence de substitutions multiples à une même position, est un artefact qui conduit à une sous-estimation systématique des longueurs de branche. Nous avons décidé d’estimer l‘influence de la saturation et son impact sur l’estimation de l’âge de divergence. Nous avons choisi d’étudier le génome mitochondrial des mammifères qui est supposé avoir un niveau élevé de saturation et qui est disponible pour de nombreuses espèces. De plus, les relations phylogénétiques des mammifères sont connues, ce qui nous a permis de fixer la topologie, contrôlant ainsi un des paramètres influant la longueur des branches. Nous avons utilisé principalement deux méthodes pour améliorer la détection des substitutions multiples : (i) l’augmentation du nombre d’espèces afin de briser les plus longues branches de l’arbre et (ii) des modèles d’évolution des séquences plus ou moins réalistes. Les résultats montrèrent que la sous-estimation des longueurs de branche était très importante (jusqu'à un facteur de 3) et que l’utilisation d'un grand nombre d’espèces est un facteur qui influence beaucoup plus la détection de substitutions multiples que l’amélioration des modèles d’évolutions de séquences. Cela suggère que même les modèles d’évolution les plus complexes disponibles actuellement, (exemple: modèle CAT+Covarion, qui prend en compte l’hétérogénéité des processus de substitution entre positions et des vitesses d’évolution au cours du temps) sont encore loin de capter toute la complexité des processus biologiques. Malgré l’importance de la sous-estimation des longueurs de branche, l’impact sur les datations est apparu être relativement faible, car la sous-estimation est plus ou moins homothétique. Cela est particulièrement vrai pour les modèles d’évolution. Cependant, comme les substitutions multiples sont le plus efficacement détectées en brisant les branches en fragments les plus courts possibles via l’ajout d’espèces, se pose le problème du biais dans l’échantillonnage taxonomique, biais dû à l‘extinction pendant l’histoire de la vie sur terre. Comme ce biais entraine une sous-estimation non-homothétique, nous considérons qu’il est indispensable d’améliorer les modèles d’évolution des séquences et proposons que le protocole élaboré dans ce travail permettra d’évaluer leur efficacité vis-à-vis de la saturation.
Senescence is a normal biological process that occurs in all organisms and involves a decline in cell functions. This process is caused by molecular regulatory machinery alterations, and it is closely related to telomere erosion in chromosomes. In the context of the immune system, this phenomenon is known as immunosenescence and refers to the immune function deregulation. Therefore, functions of several cells involved in the innate and adaptive immune responses are severely compromised with age progression (e.g., changes in lymphocyte subsets, decreased proliferative responses, chronic inflammatory states, etc.). These alterations make elderly individuals prone to not only infectious diseases but also to malignancy and autoimmunity. This review will explore the molecular aspects of processes related to cell aging, their importance in the context of the immune system, and their participation in elderly SLE patients
La sepsis es un evento inflamatorio generalizado del organismo inducido por un daño causado generalmente por un agente infeccioso. El patógeno más frecuentemente asociado con esta entidad es el Staphylococcus aureus, responsable de la inducción de apoptosis en células endoteliales debida a la producción de ceramida. Se ha descrito el efecto protector de la proteína C activada (PCA) en sepsis y su relación con la disminución de la apoptosis de las células endoteliales. En este trabajo se analizó la activación de las quinasas AKT, ASK1, SAPK/JNK y p38 en un modelo de apoptosis endotelial usando las técnicas de Western Blotting y ELISA. Las células endoteliales (EA.hy926), se trataron con C2-ceramida (130μM) en presencia de inhibidores químicos de cada una de estas quinasas y PCA. La supervivencia de las células en presencia de inhibidores químicos y PCA fue evaluada por medio de ensayos de activación de las caspasas 3, 7 y 9, que verificaban la muerte celular por apoptosis. Los resultados evidencian que la ceramida reduce la activación de AKT y aumenta la activación de las quinasas ASK, SAPK/JNK y p38, en tanto que PCA ejerce el efecto contrario. Adicionalmente se encontró que la tiorredoxina incrementa la activación/fosforilación de AKT, mientras que la quinasa p38 induce la defosforilación de AKT.
Data on the potential health benefits of dietary flavanols and procyanidins, especially in the context of cardiovascular health, are considerable and continue to accumulate. Significant progress has been made in flavanol analytics and the creation of phytonutrient-content food databases, and novel data emanated from epidemiological investigations as well as dietary intervention studies. However, a comprehensive understanding of the pharmacological properties of flavanols and procyanidins, including their precise mechanisms of action in vivo, and a conclusive, consensus-based accreditation of a causal relationship between intake and health benefits in the context of primary and secondary cardiovascular disease prevention is still outstanding. Thus, the objective of this review is to identify and discuss key questions and gaps that will need to be addressed in order to conclusively demonstrate whether or not dietary flavanols and procyanidins have a role in preventing, delaying the onset of, or treating cardiovascular diseases, and thus improving human life expectancy and quality of life.
Acinetobacter baumannii, com sua capacidade de acumular resistência aos antibióticos e o seu potencial de formar biofilme, é uma das principais ameaças para infecções em ambiente hospitalar, chegando a se constituir problema de saúde pública. A resistência aos carbapenêmicos geralmente ocorre devido à expressão de oxacilinases e metalo-β- lactamases e a formação de biofilme pode estar relacionada à presença dos genes bap e blaPER-1. Focando estas características, foram analisados 67 isolados de A. baumannii relacionados à infecção nosocomial provenientes de hospital da rede pública de saúde em Pernambuco. Foram obtidas informações através da amplificação e sequenciamento dos genes 16S rDNA, dos genes codificadores de oxacilinases e de metalo-β-lactamases e de genes relacionados à produção de biofilme As sequências do 16S rDNA confirmaram a identificação de 66 dos isolados; o outro isolado apresentou limitação em sua identificação. O gene blaOXA-143-like foi encontrado em 34 isolados (50,7%), blaOXA-23-like em 12 isolados (17,9%), blaOXA-24-like em 10 isolados (14,9%) e o gene, blaOXA-51-like, intrínseco, foi encontrado em 66 isolados (98,5%) e apresentou polimorfismo, indicando-o como potencial marcador para tipagem molecular. Os genes blaOXA-58-like, vim, spm, imp e blaPER-1 não foram encontrados. O gene bap foi encontrado em 58 isolados (86,5%), destes, 18 isolados (31%) apresentaram um produto de amplificação maior que o esperado. A análise das sequências mostrou que nestes isolados havia uma inserção do gene dacD, relacionado a proteína ligadora de penicilina (PBP), o qual pode ter inativado o gene bap e causado diminuição na produção de biofilme observada no teste fenotípico. O teste fenotípico para avaliar a formação de biofilme apresentou aderência positiva e moderada em 37 isolados (55,2%). Estes achados apontam a necessidade de um monitoramento acurado do A. baumannii para orientar o tratamento e controle no ambiente hospitalar.
The enzymatic activity of thioredoxin reductase enzymes is endowed by at least two redox centers: a flavin and a dithiol/disulfide CXXC motif. The interaction between thioredoxin reductase and thioredoxin is generally species-specific, but the molecular aspects related to this phenomenon remain elusive. Here, we investigated the yeast cytosolic thioredoxin system, which is composed of NADPH, thioredoxin reductase (ScTrxR1), and thioredoxin 1 (ScTrx1) or thioredoxin 2 (ScTrx2). We showed that ScTrxR1 was able to efficiently reduce yeast thioredoxins (mitochondrial and cytosolic) but failed to reduce the human and Escherichia coli thioredoxin counterparts. To gain insights into this specificity, the crystallographic structure of oxidized ScTrxR1 was solved at 2.4 angstrom resolution. The protein topology of the redox centers indicated the necessity of a large structural rearrangement for FAD and thioredoxin reduction using NADPH. Therefore, we modeled a large structural rotation between the two ScTrxR1 domains (based on the previously described crystal structure, PDB code 1F6M). Employing diverse approaches including enzymatic assays, site-directed mutagenesis, amino acid sequence alignment, and structure comparisons, insights were obtained about the features involved in the species-specificity phenomenon, such as complementary electronic parameters between the surfaces of ScTrxR1 and yeast thioredoxin enzymes and loops and residues (such as Ser(72) in ScTrx2). Finally, structural comparisons and amino acid alignments led us to propose a new classification that includes a larger number of enzymes with thioredoxin reductase activity, neglected in the low/high molecular weight classification.
In this work a systematic study of the dependence of the structural, electronic, and vibrational properties on nanoparticle size is performed. Based on our total energy calculations we identified three characteristic regimes associated with the nanoparticle`s dimensions: (i) below 1.5 nm (100 atoms) where remarkable molecular aspects are observed; (ii) between 1.5 and 2.0 nm (100 and 300 atoms) where the molecular behavior is influenced by the inner core crystal properties; and (iii) above 2.0 nm (more than 300 atoms) where the crystal properties are preponderant. In all considered regimes the nanoparticle`s surface modulates its properties. This modulation decreases with the increasing of the nanoparticle`s size.