99 resultados para Photobacterium indicum


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Infectious diseases often hamper the production of aquatic organisms in aquaculture systems, causing economical losses, environmental problems and consumer safety issues. The conventional way aquaculture producers had to control pathogens was by means of synthetic antibiotics and chemicals. This procedure had consequences in the emergence of more resilient pathogens, drug contamination of seafood products and local ecosystems. To avoid the repercussions of antibiotic use, vaccination has greatly replaced human drugs in western fish farms. However there is still massive unregulated antibiotic use in third world fish farms, so less expensive therapeutic alternatives for drugs are desperately needed. An alternative way to achieve disease control in aquaculture is by using natural bioactive organic compounds with antibiotic, antioxidant and/or immunostimulant properties. Such diverse biomolecules occur in bacteria, algae, fungi, higher plants and other organisms. Fatty acids, nucleotides, monosaccharides, polysaccharides, peptides, polyphenols and terpenoids, are examples of these substances. One promising source of bioactive compounds are salt tolerant plants. Halophytes have more molecular resources and defence mechanisms, when compared with other tracheophytes, to deal with the oxidative stresses of their habitat. Many halophytes have been used as a traditional food and medical supply, especially by African and Asian cultures. This scientific work evaluated the antibiotic, antioxidant, immunostimulant and metal chelating properties of Atriplex halimus L., Arthrocnemum macrostachyum Moric., Carpobrotus edulis L., Juncus acutus L. and Plantago coronopus L., from the Algarve coast. The antibiotic properties were tested against Listonella anguillarum, Photobacterium damselae piscicida and Vibrio fischeri. The immunostimulant properties were tested with cytochrome c and Griess assays on Sparus aurata head-kidney phagocytes. J. acutus ether extract inhibited the growth of P. damselae piscicida. A. macrostachyum, A. halimus, C. edulis, Juncus acutus and P. coronopus displayed antioxidant, copper chelating and iron chelating properties. These plants show potential as sources of bioactive compounds with application in aquaculture and in other fields.


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Even though Bergey '5 Manual has been recognized globally as the guide to bacterial systematics, it has to be emphasized that descriptions given to a large extent are based on studies made with temperate isolates This leads one to conclude that any attempt to identify the tropical isolates with identification keys and tables generated from this information may lead to erroneous conclusions. And there is every possibility of the existence of genotypic and phenotypic variants or even nev. species in this part ofthe aquatic ecosystem. Applications ofa polythetic scheme of classification based on the principles of Numerical Taxonomy opens up exciting avenues for bringing to light, this possibility which otherwise would have been masked by the unidirectional approach as in monothetic schemes. Another added advantage of clustering a ‘natural’ bacterial population by numerical taxonomy, is the ease by which genotypic characterization could be performed on the clusters by selecting a representative from each cluster This helps overcome the practical impossibility of analyzing all the isolates in a pani:'_lar cluster. The genotypic characteizarion would either be mole °/o G-'rC. DNA-D.\_-X hybridization, DNA-RNA hybridization or DNA fingerprinting. Considering the requirement creating a broad base in the understanding of the family Vibrionaceae associated with the larvae ofM rosenbergii, the present work was undertaken to channelize every new information generated for developing appropriate managerial measures to protect the larvae from vibriosis during the unusually prolonged larval phase.


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The great potential for the culture of non-penaeid prawns, especially Macrobrachium rosenbergii in brackish and low saline areas of Indian coastal zone has not yet been fully exploited due to the non availability of healthy seed in adequate numbers and that too in the appropriate period. In spite of setting up several prawn hatcheries around the country to satiate the ever growing demands for the seed of the giant fresh water prawn, the supply still remains fear below the requirement mainly due to the mortality of the larvae at different stages of the larval cycle. In a larval rearing system of Macrobrachium rosenbergii, members of the family Vibrionaceae were found to be dominant flora and this was especially pronounced during the times of mortality However, to develop any sort of prophylactic and therapeutic measures, the pathogenic strains have to be segregated from the lot. This would never be possible unless they were clustered based on the principles of numerical taxonomy It is with these objectives and requirements that the present work involving phenotypic characterization of the isolates belonging to the family Vibrionaceae and working out the numerical taxonomy, determination of mole % G+C ratio, segregation of the pathogenic strains and screening antibiotics as therapeutics at times of emergency, was carried out.


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The fresh water prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, has proven potential for use as an aquaculture species (Hanson & Goodwin, 1997; Kurup, 1984). In India alone, culture of this species of prawn in low saline areas requires about 200 million seed per year (Kurup, 1984). In hatcheries poor survival rate has been associated with vibriosis at di#erent stages of the larval cycle. Members of the family Vibrionaceae associated with the larvae of M. rosenbergii were shown to be pathogenic under laboratory conditions (Bhat et al., 2000, in press). Vibrios have been associated with mortality of penaeid prawns by several workers (Aquacop, 1977; Hameed, 1993; Karunasagar et al., 1994). Two methods have been suggested to protect both the larvae and juveniles from vibriosis; one is the administration of bacterins prepared from pathogenic strains (Itami et al., 1989, 1991; Adams, 1991; Song & Sung, 1990; Sung et al., 1991) and the other is the utilization of yeast 1-3 and 1-6 glucans as immunostimulants for enhancing the non-specific defense system (Sung et al., 1994; Song et al., 1997). In the light of these observations it was hypothesised that bacterins and yeast glucans may also be e#ective in protecting the larvae of M. rosenbergii from vibriosis as has been achieved in the case of penaeids. To examine this hypothesis, the ability of bacterins and an extracellular glucan-producing yeast to increase the overall survival and metamorphosis of larvae in a hatchery, as well as to protect against an experimental challenge under laboratory conditions, was evaluated


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A field experiment was conducted under rainfed conditions in western Sudan at El-Obeid Research Farm and Eldemokeya Forest Reserve, North Kordofan State, during the growing seasons 2004/05 and 2005/06. The main objective was to investigate the soil physical and chemical properties and yield of groundnut (Arachis hypogea), sesame (Sesamum indicum) and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) of an Acacia senegal agroforestry system in comparison with the sole cropping system. Data were recorded for soil physical and chemical properties, soil moisture content, number of pods per plant, fresh weight (kg ha^−1) and crop yield (kg ha^−1). The treatments were arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) and replicated four times. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were obtained for sand and silt content on both sites, while clay content was not significantly different on both sites. The nitrogen (N) and organic carbon were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the intercropping system in Eldemokeya Forest Reserve compared with sole cropping. Soil organic carbon, N and pH were not significant on El-Obeid site. Yet the level of organic carbon, N, P and pH was higher in the intercropping system. Fresh weight was significantly different on both sites. The highest fresh weight was found in the intercropping system. Dry weights were significantly different for sesame and roselle on both sites, while groundnut was not significantly different. On both sites intercropping systems reduced groundnut, sesame and roselle yields by 26.3, 12 and 20.2%, respectively. The reduction in yield in intercropping plots could be attributed to high tree density, which resulted in water and light competition between trees and the associated crops.


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In seed storage research, moisture content can be maintained by providing a stable relative humidity (e.g. over saturated salt solutions) or by hermetic storage, but the two approaches provide different gaseous environments which might affect longevity. Seeds of timothy (Phleum pratense L.) and sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) were stored at 45 degrees C or 50 degrees C, respectively, with different moisture contents maintained by hermetic storage in laminated-aluminium-foil packets, or by desiccators above either saturated salt solutions or moistened silica gel. Seeds were withdrawn from storage at intervals from 1 to 28 d for up to 480 d and viability estimated. Within a species, the negative logarithmic relation between seed longevity and moisture content did not differ (P> 0.25, timothy; >0.05, sesame) between storage in desiccators over either moistened silica gel or saturated salt solutions, whereas the relation was much steeper (P< 0.005) in hermetic storage: longevity was similar at high moisture contents, but at low values much greater with hermetic storage. This effect of storage method on seed longevity's sensitivity to moisture content implies that oxygen is relatively more deleterious to seeds at lower than at greater moisture contents and confirms that hermetic storage is preferable for long-term seed storage at low moisture contents.


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Monoclonal antibodies were developed against pathogenic vibrios for use in rapid identification in disease situations of humans, fish and shellfish. Of the 12 fusions performed using V. alginolyticus, V. anguillarum, V. carchariae, V. cholerae, V. damsela, V. furnissii, V. harveyi, V. ordalii, V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus, a total of 102 hybridomas were obtained. Based on cross-reactivity of a wide range of Vibrio strains and other gram-negative bacteria, three broad types of monoclonal antibodies were found. The three categories were: (1) ones that were species-specific or specific to a particular surface antigen, (2) a large number that reacted with several Vibrio species, and (3) three that reacted with most Vibrio strains but no other gram-negative bacteria. Each species-specific monoclonal antibody only recognized its corresponding Vibrio species and was used for identifying unknown species, confirming diagnosis of clinical isolates. In addition, several monoclonal antibodies only cross-reacted with similar Vibrio species, e.g. V. parahaemolyticus and V. alginolyticus which share a common H-antigen. Monoclonal antibodies reacting with several Vibrio species were not of particular use in diagnostic situations. Three monoclonal antibodies of the last group did not react with other genera of the family Vibrionaceae, namely Aeromonas, Photobacterium and Plesiomonas nor a wide range of gram-negative enteric bacteria. These data indicated the existence of an antigenic surface determinant common to Vibrio species. One monoclonal reacted with the heat-stable antigenic determinants on the cell surface as v as lipopolysaccharide extracted from all the vibrios studied, thus making it useful for large- scale screening of acute infections of vibrios. In a blind test, seven Vibrio species, isolated from 6 marine and a freshwater source were identified by two laboratories using phenetic tests. Results of immunotyping using monoclonals, three of seven were diagnosed as the same species, another three were designated as Vibrio species but could not be classified further due to the library not having the corresponding monoclonal, and one was diagnostically questionable. Two further tests were carried out. An unknown Vibrio formalin-fixed isolated from diseased marine animal was identified as V. parahaemolyticus by ELISA and FITC. Clinical human isolates of V. alginolyticus, V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus were confirmed by monoclonals. Australian isolates of V. anguillarum appeared to be mostly of serotype O1. monoclonals raised to V. anguillarum AFHRL 1 reacted with only serotype O1 from Denmark but also most Australian isolates. All vibrios pathogenic to fish and shellfish, i.e. V. anguillarum, V. ordalii, V. alginolyticus, V. carchariae, V. cholerae, V. damsela, V. harveyi, V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus, were used for attachment studies to fish cells using phase contrast and FITC-immunofluorescence microscopy. Of these vibrios, V. anguillarum, V. ordalii and V. perahaemolyticus, were found to adhere to different cells and tissues of rainbow trout while others did not appear to attach. However, attachment was inhibited by monoclonal antibodies specific to only these three vibrios. Lipopolysaccharide is well known as being a contributing factor in pathogenicity of gram-negative bacteria. PAGE electrophoresis of extracted LPS from 9 strains covering 6 Vibrio species showed the presence of a common 15,000 D fragment. This fragment was verified by immunoblotting with a genus-specific monoclonal antibody (i.e. F11P411F) recognizing nearly all vibrios. The common LPS fragment was separated and used to raise polyclonal antisera in mouse which reacted strongly with LPS itself, live as well as sodium azide-killed vibrios, but not with other gram-negative bacteria. This raised the possibility of developing vaccine from Vibrio LPS. Monoclonal antibodies developed in the present study enabled rapid identification of a number of pathogenic Vibrio species. There is still further work to produce monoclonal antibodies against additional vibrios that are probably pathogenic. These included V. fluvialis, V. hollisae, V. metschnikovii, V. minicus, V. salmonella and V. tubiashii. Together the application will be of significance in clinical diagnostic work, in the monitoring of vibriosis in fish farms and in quarantine.


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The authors discovered and measured a relatively complete Paleozoic section (exposed continuously from the Lower Ordovician to Upper Permian) and collected plentiful fossils of many groups during geological investigations of the 1∶250000 Xainza County Sheet in the period of 2000-2002. It was the first time in Tibet that the representative element Tetragraptus (Paratetragraptus) approximatus of the graptolite zone at the lowermost part of the Early Ordovician Arenigian Stage and the typical elements Waagenophyllum indicum var. crassiseptatum and Liangshanophyllum streploseptatum Graptolithina of the Late Permian Wujiapingian coral fauna. Based on these, the Lower Ordovician Zakang Formation and Upper Permian Mujiu Co Formation were established. It not only improved the Paleozoic stratigraphic sequence in the area but also provided new information for the study of the Paleozoic tectonic movement and evolution of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.


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Sesamin, a major sesame seed lignan, has diverse biological functions including the modulation of molecular actions in lipid metabolic pathways and reducing cholesterol levels. Vertebrates have different capacities to biosynthesize long-chain PUFA from dietary precursors and sesamin can enhance the biosynthesis of ALA to EPA and DHA in marine teleost. Early juvenile barramundi, Lates calcarifer, were fed for two weeks on diets rich in ALA or SDA derived from linseed or Echium plantagineum, respectively. Both diets contained phytosterols and less cholesterol compared with a standard fish oil-based diet. The growth rates were reduced in the animals receiving sesamin regardless of the dietary oil. However, the relative levels of n-3 LC-PUFA in total lipid, but not the phospholipid, increased in the whole body by up to 25% in animals fed on sesamin with ALA or SDA. Sesamin reduced the relative levels of triacylglycerols and increased polar lipid, and did not affect the relative composition of phospholipid subclasses or sterols. Sesamin is a potent modulator for LC-PUFA biosynthesis in animals, but probably will have more effective impact at advanced ages. By modulating certain lipid metabolic pathways, sesamin has probably disrupted the body growth and development of organs and tissues in early juvenile barramundi.


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Crude extracts of new and old sesame leaves (Sesamum indicum, Linaeus) obtained by a sequential process of extraction were tested through contact experiments to investigate their toxicity to Atta sexdens rubropilosa (Forel) workers. Methanol extract of old leaves was toxic to leaf-cutting ants at the lower tested concentration (20mg.ml(-1)). This extract was fractioned and their fractions were tested showing a toxic effect of the methanol fraction. The methanol fraction was fractioned again and the sub fraction responsible for worker's toxicity is composed of some sugars.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Schizomeris Kützing é uma alga filamentosa sem ramificações e com sistema basal de fixação diferenciado. O gênero contém a espécie-tipo Schizomeris leibleinii Kützing e duas espécies pouco conhecidas, S. irregularis Fritsch & Rich e S. indicum (Ghose) Fritsch & Rich. As espécies são diferenciadas, principalmente, através do tipo de sistema basal de fixação. Contudo, a taxonomia específica do gênero é confusa. Estudos morfométricos e morfológicos foram realizados em populações identificadas como S. leibleinii de acordo com duas abordagens. Na primeira, foram analisadas 11 populações de diferentes localidades e na segunda, duas populações distintas através de coletas mensais durante 11 meses. O diâmetro de filamentos multisseriados, diâmetro e comprimento de células de filamentos multi e unisseriados, presença de constrição, ápice dos filamentos e tipo de sistema basal foram analisados em ambas abordagens. Além disso, estudos cariológicos foram efetuados para complementar as informações taxonômicas. Os resultados revelaram ampla variação morfológica, sendo mais acentuada entre as populações de localidades diferentes que nas mesmas populações ao longo do tempo, mas as características mostraram um gradiente contínuo. Os diferentes tipos de sistemas basais descritos para as espécies do gênero (claviforme, apressório, lobado e rizóides) foram encontrados nas populações estudadas. Esses resultados sugerem que a distinção entre as três espécies é muito frágil e não pode ser apoiada pela diferenciação do sistema basal ou por características métricas. Acredita-se que, por essas razões, o gênero Schizomeris seja composto por uma única espécie. A análise cariológica resultou em n = 12, diferindo de estudos anteriores e algumas possíveis explicações são apresentadas.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar diferentes técnicas multivariadas na caracterização de 35 genótipos de gergelim mediante 769 marcadores RAPD. As distâncias genéticas foram obtidas pelo complemento aritmético do coeficiente de Jaccard e agrupadas pelos métodos hierárquicos do vizinho mais próximo, do vizinho mais distante, das médias aritméticas não ponderadas (UPGMA), do método de otimização de Tocher e análises de coordenadas principais. O agrupamento dos genótipos foi alterado em função dos diferentes métodos usados. Adotando-se a mesma distância genética (0,36) como valor de corte, diferenciaram-se quatro grupos no método do vizinho mais próximo, 13 para o vizinho mais distante, 11 no UPGMA e quatro no Tocher. Entre os métodos hierárquicos, o UPGMA apresentou o melhor ajuste das distâncias originais e estimadas (CCC = 0,89). As análises das coordenadas principais confirmaram a baixa diversidade existente entre os genótipos. A maior divergência ocorreu entre as cultivares Seridó 1 e Arawaca 4, e a menor, entre os genótipos VCR-101 e GP-3314. As três primeiras coordenadas principais contabilizaram 35,13% do total da variabilidade, e 18 autovalores foram necessários para explicar 81% da variação genética. Os métodos UPGMA, de otimização de Tocher, e as análises de coordenadas principais são complementares na formação dos grupos.