103 resultados para Phasic


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Phenomenologically, bipolar disorder (BD) is characterized by biphasic increases and decreases in energy. As this is a state-related phenomenon, identifying regulators responsible for this phasic dysregulation has the potential to uncover key elements in the pathophysiology of BD. Given the evidence suggesting mitochondrial complex I dysfunction in BD, we aimed to identify the main regulators of complex I in BD by reviewing the literature and using the published microarray data to examine their gene expression profiles. We also validated protein expression levels of the main complex I regulators by immunohistochemistry. Upon reviewing the literature, we found PARK-7, STAT-3, SIRT-3 and IMP-2 play an important role in regulating complex I activity. Published microarray studies however revealed no significant direction of regulation of STAT-3, SIRT-3, and IMP-2, but a trend towards downregulation of PARK-7 was observed in BD. Immunocontent of DJ-1 (PARK-7-encoded protein) were not elevated in post mortem prefrontal cortex from patients with BD. We also found a trend towards upregulation of DJ-1 expression with age. Our results suggest that DJ-1 is not significantly altered in BD subjects, however further studies are needed to examine DJ-1 expression levels in a cohort of older patients with BD.


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Phyllorhiza punctata (P. punctata) is a jellyfish native to the southwestern Pacific. Herewith we present the biochemical and pharmacological characterization of an extract of the tentacles of P. punctata. The tentacles were subjected to three freezethaw cycles, homogenized, ultrafiltered, precipitated, centrifuged and lyophilized to obtain a crude extract (PHY-N). Paralytic shellfish poisoning compounds such as saxitoxin, gonyautoxin-4, tetrodotoxin and brevetoxin-2, as well as several secretory phospholipase A2 were identified. PHY-N was tested on autonomic and somatic neuromuscular preparations. In mouse vas deferens, PHY-N induced phasic contractions that reached a peak of 234 +/- 34.7% of control twitch height, which were blocked with either 100 mu m of phentolamine or 1m m of lidocaine. In mouse corpora cavernosa, PHY-N evoked a relaxation response, which was blocked with either L-NG-Nitroarginine methyl ester (0.5 m m) or 1m m of lidocaine. PHY-N (1, 3 and 10 mu g ml(-1)) induced an increase in tonus of the biventercervicis neuromuscular preparation that was blocked with pre-treatment of galamine (10 mu m). Administration of 6 mg kg(-1) PHY-N intramuscularly produced death in broilers by spastic paralysis. In conclusion, PHY-N induces nerve depolarization and nonspecifically increases neurotransmitter release. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Abnormal intragastric distribution of food (IDF) and a phasic contractility in the proximal stomach have been related to dyspeptic symptoms. Thus, the behaviour of the stomach and the proximal region, in particular, continues to attract attention and demand for reliable and comfortable techniques. The aims of this study were to employ AC Biosus-ceptometry (ACB) and scintigraphy to evaluate IDF and gastric motor activity in humans. Fifteen healthy volunteers ingested 60 mL of yogurt containing 2 mCi of Tc-99m and 4 g of ferrite. Each volunteer had gastric motility and IDF evaluated twice on separate days; on one occasion by ACB and another by scintigraphy. Digital signal processing was performed in MatLab (Mathworks Inc., Natick, MA, USA). Results were expressed as mean +/- SD. Similar results of distal accumulation time (P < 0.001) were obtained for scintigraphy (6.93 +/- 3.25 min) and for ACB (7.04 +/- 3.65 min). Fast Fourier Transform revealed two dominant frequencies (P > 0.9). Besides the well-know frequency of 3 cpm, our results showed identical frequencies in proximal stomach recordings (P < 0.001) for scintigraphic (1.01 +/- 0.01 cpm) and ACB (0.98 +/- 0.06 cpm). In summary, our data showed that scintigraphy and ACB are promising techniques to evaluate several aspects of gastric motility. Moreover, ACB is non-invasive, radiation-free and deserves the same importance as conventional methods for this kind of analysis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fish control the relative flow rates of water and blood over the gills in order to optimise respiratory gas exchange. As both flows are markedly pulsatile, close beat-to-beat relationships can be predicted. Cardiorespiratory interactions in fish are controlled primarily by activity in the parasympathetic nervous system that has its origin in cardiac vagal. preganglionic neurons. Recordings of efferent activity in the cardiac vagus include units firing in respiration-related bursts. Bursts of electrical stimuli delivered peripherally to the cardiac vagus or centrally to respiratory branches of cranial, nerves can recruit the heart over a range of frequencies. So, phasic, efferent activity in cardiac vagi, that in the intact fish are respiration-related, can cause heart rate to be modulated by the respiratory rhythm. In elasmobranch fishes this phasic activity seems to arise primarily from central feed-forward interactions with respiratory motor neurones that have overlapping distributions with cardiac neurons in the brainstem. In teleost fish, they arise from increased levels of efferent vagal activity arising from reflex stimulation of chemoreceptors and mechanoreceptors in the orobranchial, cavity. However, these differences are largely a matter of emphasis as both groups show elements of feed-forward and feed-back control of cardiorespiratory interactions. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Norepinephrine (NE) and clonidine produce a phasic, dose-dependent contraction of the isolated guinea-pig terminal ileum. The effect of NE was blocked by prazosin which produced a parallel rightward shift of the concentration-effect curve to NE, with a significant depression of maximum effects. Yohimbine and indomethacin noncompetitively blocked, whereas practolol potentiated, the contractile effect of NE. The contractile effect of clonidine was not antagonized by indomethacin or atropine. These results suggest that the isolated guinea-pig terminal ileum has excitatory receptors sensitive to clonidine stimulation and excitatory alpha receptors sensitive to blockade by prazosin, and that the activation of the latter may be related to the activation of endogenous prostaglandin synthesis.


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The phylogenetic proximity of primates to humans, along with their behavioral, biochemical, and anatomical similarities, make such animals more interesting experimental models for biomedical researches, as compared to classical laboratory animals. Another aspect that has called the attention of researchers is the differentiated quadrupedalism present in some primates. The tufted capuchin monkey uses the ground and tree branches as its support for locomotion, showing various postures while performing this task. On the basis of this information, we have decided to study the rectus abdominis muscle of the tufted capuchin monkey, with the following goals: the frequency and area of fiber types; its possible compartmentalization; and identify if this muscle is better adapted to phasic or postural activities. To do this, samples were removed from 4 regions of the rectus abdominis muscle of 6 adult male tufted capuchin monkeys, and were submitted to reaction with m-ATPase, (with alkaline and acid pre-incubation), NADH, and H.E.. Results showed: a statistically significant difference (P<0.05) for both frequency and area, between fiber types FG and FOG and FG and SO, but did not show a statistically significant difference between fibers FOG and SO, in all studied regions; similarity in frequency and area of a same fiber type (FG, FOG, and SO) among the studied regions. Based on these data, it was concluded that: the rectus abdominis muscle of the tufted capuchin monkey does not show fiber compartmentalization, since the distribution and size patterns of the different fiber types are similar in the studied regions; there is a predominance of fast twitch fibers (FG + FOG) over slow twitch fibers (SO), for frequency and area, which characterizes the muscle as being more dedicated to phasic than to postural activities. © 2006 Sociedad Chilena de Anatom.


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A chorioallantoic membrane artery in embryos of the red-footed tortoise, Chelonoidis carbonaria was occlusively cannulated for measurement of blood pressure and injection of drugs. Two age groups of embryos in the final 10 % of incubation were categorized by the ratio of embryonic body to yolk mass. All embryos first received cholinergic and β-adrenergic blockade. This revealed that β-adrenergic control was established in both groups whereas cholinergic control was only established in the older group immediately prior to hatching. The study then progressed as two series. Series one was conducted in a subset of embryos treated with histamine before or after injection of ranitidine, the antagonist of H2 receptors. Injection of histamine caused an initial phasic hypertension which recovered, followed by a longer lasting hypertensive response accompanied by a tachycardia. Injection of the H2 receptor antagonist ranitidine itself caused a hypotensive tachycardia with subsequent recovery of heart rate. Ranitidine also abolished the cardiac effects of histamine injection while leaving the initial hypertensive response intact. In series, two embryos were injected with histamine after injection of diphenhydramine, the antagonist to H1 receptors. This abolished the whole of the pressor response to histamine injection but left the tachycardic response intact. These data indicate that histamine acts as a non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic factor, regulating the cardiovascular system of developing reptilian embryos and that its overall effects are mediated via both H1 and H2 receptor types. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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This project developed microstructural characterization technics of commercial dualphase and multi-phasic (TRIP) steels that were provided by the automotive industry and are currently used as the raw material for the production of automobiles. Inserted in this context, there is the development of the advanced high strength steels in consonance with the ULSABAVC project, which aims the production of safe, economically viable and efficient in terms of fuel consumption vehicles for the 21st century. The micro-structural characterization of biphasic and multiphase steels was done by the identification and quantification of the coexistent phases. In this item, a special attention was given to the technics that were performed using optic microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. An important contribution to this work was the utilization of different alternative chemical reagents (Beraha, Heat-Tinting technics) in addition to the classical ones (Nital and LePera)already used conventionally by the UNESP's Group of Mechanical, Microstructural and Fractografic Characterization of Materials. The revealed microstructures were correlated with the materials' mechanical properties determined through traction tests, such as ultimate tensile strengths, yield strength and stretching important since the material has structural application in the automotive industry. As a result, it was observed the superiority concerning the studied mechanical properties for the biphasic and multiphasic steels when compared to the conventional carbon steels. Besides, it was perceived a large potential for the industrial scale utilization of the Heat Tinting technics in this field, seen its differentiation of the existent phases and easy reproducibility


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A general analysis of the behaviour of "Cebus" shows that when this primate moves position to feed or perform another activity, it presents different ways of locomotion. This information shows that the brachial biceps muscle of this animal is frequently used in their locomotion activities, but it should also be remembered that this muscle is also used for other development activities like hiding, searching for objects, searching out in the woods, and digging in the soil. Considering the above, it was decided to research the histoenzimologic characteristics of the brachial biceps muscle to observe whether it is better adpted to postural or phasic function. To that end, samples were taken from the superficial and deep regions, the inserts proximal (medial and lateral) and distal brachial biceps six capuchin monkeys male and adult, which were subjected to the reactions of m-ATPase, NADH-Tr. Based on the results of these reactions fibres were classified as in Fast Twitch Glycolitic (FG), Fast Twitch Oxidative Glycolitic (FOG) and Slow Twitc (SO). In general, the results, considering the muscle as a whole, show a trend of frequency FOG>FG>SO. The data on the frequency were studied on three superficial regions FOG=FG>SO; the deep regions of the inserts proximal FOG=FG=SO and inserting the distal FOG>FG=SO. In conclusion, the biceps brachii of the capuchin monkey is well adapted for both postural and phasic activities.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)