941 resultados para Phase-structure


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The space of labels characterizing the elements of Schwinger's basis for unitary quantum operators is endowed with a structure of symplectic type. This structure is embodied in a certain algebraic cocycle, whose main features are inherited by the symplectic form of classical phase space. In consequence, the label space may be taken as the quantum phase space: It plays, in the quantum case, the same role played by phase space in classical mechanics, some differences coming inevitably from its nonlinear character. © 1990 American Institute of Physics.


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The influence of silver additions on the structure and phase transformation of the Cu-13 wt % Al alloy was studied by differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive analysis of X-rays. The results indicate that the presence of silver modifies the phase-stability field, the transition temperature and the structure of the alloy. These effects are more pronounced for silver concentrations up to 8 wt %.


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The effect of amorphous (am-), monoclinic (m-), and tetragonal (t-) ZrO2 phase on the physicochemical and catalytic properties of supported Cu catalysts for ethanol conversion was studied. The electronic parameters of Cu/ZrO2 were determined by in situ XAS, and the surface properties of Cu/ZrO2 were defined by XPS and DRIFTS of CO-adsorbed. The results demonstrated that the kind of ZrO2 phase plays a key role in the determination of structure and catalytic properties of Cu/ZrO 2 catalysts predetermined by the interface at Cu/ZrO2. The electron transfer between support and Cu surface, caused by the oxygen vacancies at m-ZrO2 and am-ZrO2, is responsible for the active sites for acetaldehyde and ethyl acetate formation. The highest selectivity to ethyl acetate for Cu/m-ZrO2 catalyst up to 513 K was caused by the optimal ratio of Cu0/Cu+ species and the high density of basic sites (O2-) associated with the oxygen mobility from the bulk m-ZrO2. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A phase diagram of the pseudo-ternary Aerosol OT (AOT) + n-butanol/n-heptane/water system, at a mass ratio of AOT/n-butanol = 2, is presented. Conductivity measurements showed that within the vast one-phase microemulsion region observed, the structural transition from water-in-oil to oil-in-water microemulsion occurs continuously without phase separation. This pseudo-ternary system was applied to the synthesis of carbon-supported Pt 70Fe30 nanoparticles, and it was found that nanoparticles prepared in microemulsions containing n-butanol have more Fe than those prepared in ternary microemulsions of AOT/n-heptane/water under similar conditions. It was verified that introducing n-butanol as a cosurfactant into the AOT/n-heptane/water system lead to complete reduction of the Fe ions that allowed obtaining alloyed PtFe nanoparticles with the desired composition, without the need of preparing functionalized surfactants and/or the use of inert atmosphere. © 2007 American Chemical Society.


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Hyalotekite, a framework silicate of composition (Ba,Pb,K)(4)(Ca,Y)(2)Si-8(B,Be)(2) (Si,B)(2)O28F, is found in relatively high-temperature(greater than or equal to 500 degrees C) Mn skarns at Langban, Sweden, and peralkaline pegmatites at Dara-i-Pioz, Tajikistan. A new paragenesis at Dara-i-Pioz is pegmatite consisting of the Ba borosilicates leucosphenite and tienshanite, as well as caesium kupletskite, aegirine, pyrochlore, microcline and quartz. Hyalotekite has been partially replaced by barylite and danburite. This hyalotekite contains 1.29-1.78 wt.% Y2O3, equivalent to 0.172-0.238 Y pfu or 8-11% Y on the Ca site; its Pb/(Pb+Ba) ratio ranges 0.36-0.44. Electron microprobe F contents of Langban and Dara-i-Pioz hyalotekite range 1.04-1.45 wt.%, consistent with full occupancy of the F site. A new refinement of the structure factor data used in the original structural determination of a Langban hyalotekite resulted in a structural formula, (Pb1.96Ba1.86K0.18)Ca-2(B1.76Be0.24)(Si1.56B0.44)Si8O28F, consistent with chemical data and all cations with positive-definite thermal parameters, although with a slight excess of positive charge (+57.14 as opposed to the ideal +57.00). An unusual feature of the hyalotekite framework is that 4 of 28 oxygens are non-bridging; by merging these 4 oxygens into two, the framework topology of scapolite is obtained. The triclinic symmetry of hyalotekite observed at room temperature is obtained from a hypothetical tetragonal parent structure via a sequence of displacive phase transitions. Some of these transitions are associated with cation ordering, either Pb-Ba ordering in the large cation sites, or B-Be and Si-B ordering on tetrahedral sites. Others are largely displacive but affect the coordination of the large cations (Pb, Ba, K, Ca). High-resolution electron microscopy suggests that the undulatory extinction characteristic of hyalotekite is due to a fine mosaic microstructure. This suggests that at least one of these transitions occurs in nature during cooling, and that it is first order with a large volume change. A diffuse superstructure observed by electron diffraction implies the existence of a further stage of short-range cation ordering which probably involves both (Pb,K)-Ba and (BeSi,BB)-BSi.


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The phases of the x-ray form factors are derived for the ripple (Pbeta') thermodynamic phase in the lecithin bilayer system. By combining these phases with experimental intensity data, the electron density map of the ripple phase of dimyristoyl-phosphatidylcholine is constructed. The phases are derived by fitting the intensity data to two-dimensional electron density models, which are created by convolving an asymmetric triangular ripple profile with a transbilayer electron density profile. The robustness of the model method is indicated by the result that many different models of the transbilayer profile yield essentially the same phases, except for the weaker, purely ripple (0,k) peaks. Even with this residual ambiguity, the ripple profile is well determined, resulting in 19 angstroms for the ripple amplitude and 10 degrees and 26 degrees for the slopes of the major and the minor sides, respectively. Estimates for the bilayer head-head spacings show that the major side of the ripple is consistent with gel-like structure, and the minor side appears to be thinner with lower electron density.


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Two issues in the evolution of the intron/exon structure of genes are the role of exon shuffling and the origin of introns. Using a large data base of eukaryotic intron-containing genes, we have found that there are correlations between intron phases leading to an excess of symmetric exons and symmetric exon sets. We interpret these excesses as manifestations of exon shuffling and make a conservative estimate that at least 19% of the exons in the data base were involved in exon shuffling, suggesting an important role for exon shuffling in evolution. Furthermore, these excesses of symmetric exons appear also in those regions of eukaryotic genes that are homologous to prokaryotic genes: the ancient conserved regions. This last fact cannot be explained in terms of the insertional theory of introns but rather supports the concept that some of the introns were ancient, the exon theory of genes.


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National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D.C.


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Three British bituminous coals, (Gedling, Cresswell, and Cortonwood Silkstone) were selected for study. Procedures were developed, using phase transfer catalysts (PTC's), to degrade the solvent insoluble fractions of the coals. PTC's are of interest because they have the potential to bring about selective high conversion reactions, under mild conditions, (often in the past, severe reaction conditions have had to be used to degrade the coals, this in turn resulted in the loss of much of the structural information). We have applied a variety of physical and chemical techniques to maximise the amount of structural information, these include, elemental analysis, 1H-NMR, 13C-CPMAS-NMR, GPC, GC-MS, FTIR spectroscopy, DRIFT spectroscopy, and gas adsorption measurements. The main conclusions from the work are listed below:- ( 1 ) PTC O-methylation; This reaction removes hydrogen bonds within the coal matrix by 'capping' the phenolic groups. It was found that the polymer-like matrix could be made more flexible, but not significantly more soluble, by O-methylation. I.E. the trapped or 'mobile' phase of the coals could be removed at a faster rate after this reaction had been carried out. ( 2 ) PTC Reductive and Acidic Ether Cleavage; The three coals were found to contain insignificant amounts of dialkyl and alkyl aryl ethers. The number of diaryl ethers could not be estimated, by reductive ether cleavage, (even though a high proportion of all three coals was solublised). The majority of the ethers present in the coals were inert to both cleavage methods, and are therefore assumed to be heterocyclic ethers. ( 3 ) Trif!uoroperacetic Acid Oxidation; This oxidant was used to study the aliphatic portions of the polymer-like macromolecular matrix of the coals. Normally this reagent will only solublise low rank coals, we however have developed a method whereby trifluoroperacetic acid can be used to degrade high rank bituminous coals. ( 4 ) PTC/Permanganate Oxidation; This reagent has been found to be much more selective than the traditional alkaline permanganate oxidation, with a lot more structural information being retained within the various fractions. This degradative method therefore has the potential of yielding new information about the molecular structure of coals.


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The microscopic origin of the intermediate phase in two prototypical covalently bonded AxB1-x network glass forming systems, where A=Ge or Si, B=Se, and 0=x=1, was investigated by combining neutron diffraction with first-principles molecular-dynamics methods. Specifically, the structure of glassy GeSe4 and SiSe4 was examined, and the calculated total structure factor and total pair-correlation function for both materials are in good agreement with experiment. The structure of both glasses differs markedly from a simple model comprising undefective AB4 corner-sharing tetrahedra in which all A atoms are linked by B2 dimers. Instead, edge-sharing tetrahedra occur and the twofold coordinated Se atoms form three distinct structural motifs, namely, Se-Se2, Se-SeGe (or Se-SeSi), and Se-Ge2 (or Se-Si2). This identifies several of the conformations that are responsible for the structural variability in GexSe1-x and SixSe1-x glasses, a quantity that is linked to the finite width of the intermediate phase window.


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Structure, energetics and reactions of ions in the gas phase can be revealed by mass spectrometry techniques coupled to ions activation methods. Ions can gain enough energy for dissociation by absorbing IR light photons introduced by an IR laser to the mass spectrometer. Also collisions with a neutral molecule can increase the internal energy of ions and provide the dissociation threshold energy. Infrared multiple photon dissociation (IRMPD) or sustained off-resonance irradiation collision-induced dissociation (SORI-CID) methods are combined with Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance (FT-ICR) mass spectrometers where ions can be held at low pressures for a long time. The outcome of ion activation techniques especially when it is compared to the computational methods results is of great importance since it provides useful information about the structure, thermochemistry and reactivity of ions of interest. In this work structure, energetics and reactivity of metal cation complexes with dipeptides are investigated. Effect of metal cation size and charge as well as microsolvation on the structure of these complexes has been studied. Structures of bare and hydrated Na and Ca complexes with isomeric dipeptides AlaGly and GlyAla are characterized by means of IRMPD spectroscopy and computational methods. At the second step unimolecular dissociation reactions of singly charged and doubly charged multimetallic complexes of alkaline earth metal cations with GlyGly are examined by CID method. Also structural features of these complexes are revealed by comparing their IRMPD spectra with calculated IR spectra of possible structures. At last the unimolecular dissociation reactions of Mn complexes are studied. IRMPD spectroscopy along with computational methods is also employed for structural elucidation of Mn complexes. In addition the ion-molecule reactions of Mn complexes with CO and water are explored in the low pressures obtained in the ICR cell.


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A detailed non-equilibrium state diagram of shape-anisotropic particle fluids is constructed. The effects of particle shape are explored using Naive Mode Coupling Theory (NMCT), and a single particle Non-linear Langevin Equation (NLE) theory. The dynamical behavior of non-ergodic fluids are discussed. We employ a rotationally frozen approach to NMCT in order to determine a transition to center of mass (translational) localization. Both ideal and kinetic glass transitions are found to be highly shape dependent, and uniformly increase with particle dimensionality. The glass transition volume fraction of quasi 1- and 2- dimensional particles fall monotonically with the number of sites (aspect ratio), while 3-dimensional particles display a non-monotonic dependence of glassy vitrification on the number of sites. Introducing interparticle attractions results in a far more complex state diagram. The ideal non-ergodic boundary shows a glass-fluid-gel re-entrance previously predicted for spherical particle fluids. The non-ergodic region of the state diagram presents qualitatively different dynamics in different regimes. They are qualified by the different behaviors of the NLE dynamic free energy. The caging dominated, repulsive glass regime is characterized by long localization lengths and barrier locations, dictated by repulsive hard core interactions, while the bonding dominated gel region has short localization lengths (commensurate with the attraction range), and barrier locations. There exists a small region of the state diagram which is qualified by both glassy and gel localization lengths in the dynamic free energy. A much larger (high volume fraction, and high attraction strength) region of phase space is characterized by short gel-like localization lengths, and long barrier locations. The region is called the attractive glass and represents a 2-step relaxation process whereby a particle first breaks attractive physical bonds, and then escapes its topological cage. The dynamic fragility of fluids are highly particle shape dependent. It increases with particle dimensionality and falls with aspect ratio for quasi 1- and 2- dimentional particles. An ultralocal limit analysis of the NLE theory predicts universalities in the behavior of relaxation times, and elastic moduli. The equlibrium phase diagram of chemically anisotropic Janus spheres and Janus rods are calculated employing a mean field Random Phase Approximation. The calculations for Janus rods are corroborated by the full liquid state Reference Interaction Site Model theory. The Janus particles consist of attractive and repulsive regions. Both rods and spheres display rich phase behavior. The phase diagrams of these systems display fluid, macrophase separated, attraction driven microphase separated, repulsion driven microphase separated and crystalline regimes. Macrophase separation is predicted in highly attractive low volume fraction systems. Attraction driven microphase separation is charaterized by long length scale divergences, where the ordering length scale determines the microphase ordered structures. The ordering length scale of repulsion driven microphase separation is determined by the repulsive range. At the high volume fractions, particles forgo the enthalpic considerations of attractions and repulsions to satisfy hard core constraints and maximize vibrational entropy. This results in site length scale ordering in rods, and the sphere length scale ordering in Janus spheres, i.e., crystallization. A change in the Janus balance of both rods and spheres results in quantitative changes in spinodal temperatures and the position of phase boundaries. However, a change in the block sequence of Janus rods causes qualitative changes in the type of microphase ordered state, and induces prominent features (such as the Lifshitz point) in the phase diagrams of these systems. A detailed study of the number of nearest neighbors in Janus rod systems reflect a deep connection between this local measure of structure, and the structure factor which represents the most global measure of order.