989 resultados para Phase field modeling


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The hot deformation behavior of beta-quenched Zr-1 Nb-1Sn was studied in the temperature range 650-1050 degrees C and strain rate range 0.001-100 s(-1) using processing maps. These maps revealed three different domains: a domain of dynamic recovery at temperatures <700 degrees C and at strain rates <3 x 10(-3) s(-1), a domain of dynamic recrystallization in the temperature range 750-950 C-degrees and at strain rates <10(-2) S-1 with a peak at 910 degrees C and 10(-3) S-1 (in alpha + beta phase field), and a domain of large-grain superplasticity in the beta phase field at strain rates <10(-2) s(-1). In order to identify the rate controlling mechanisms involved in these domains, kinetic analysis was carried out to determine the various activation parameters. In addition, the processing maps showed a regime of flow instability spanning both alpha + beta and beta phase fields. The hot deformation behavior of Zr 1Nb-1Sn was compared with that of Zr, Zr-2.5Nb and Zircaloy-2 to bring out the effects of alloy additions. (C) 2006 Elsevier BN. All rights reserved.


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Titanium alloys like Ti-6A-4V are the backbone materials for aerospace, energy and chemical industries. Hypoeutectic boron addition to Ti-6Al-4V alloy produces a reduction in as-cast grain size by roughly an order of magnitude resulting in the possibility of avoiding ingot breakdown step and thereby reducing the processing cost. In the present study, ISM processed as-cast boron added Ti-6Al-4V alloy is deformed in (alpha+beta)-phase field, where alpha-lath bending seemed to be the dominating deformation mechanism.


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The standard molar Gibbs free energy of formation of Co2TiO4, CoTiO3,and CoTi2O5 as a function of temperature over an extended range (900 to 1675) K was measured using solid-state electrochemical cells incorporating yttria-stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte, with CoO as reference electrode and appropriate working electrodes. For the formation of the three compounds from their component oxides CoO with rock-salt and TiO2 with rutile structure, the Gibbs free energy changes are given by:Delta(f)G degrees((ox))(Co2TiO4) +/- 104/(J . mol(-1)) = -18865 - 4.108 (T/K)Delta(f)G degrees((ox))(CoTiO3) +/- 56/(J . mol(-1)) = -19627 + 2.542 (T/K) Delta(f)G degrees((ox))(CoTi2O5) +/- 52/(J . mol(-1)) = -6223 - 6.933 (T/K) Accurate values for enthalpy and entropy of formation were derived. The compounds Co2TiO4 with spinel structure and CoTi2O5 with pseudo-brookite structure were found to be entropy stabilized. The relatively high entropy of these compounds arises from the mixing of cations on specific crystallographic sites. The stoichiometry of CoTiO3 was confirmed by inert gas fusion analysis for oxygen. Because of partial oxidation of cobalt in air, the composition corresponding to the compound Co2TiO4 falls inside a two-phase field containing the spinet solid solution Co2TiO4-Co3O4 and CoTiO3. The spinel solid solution becomes progressively enriched in Co3O4 with decreasing temperature. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A critical test has been presented to establish the nature of the kinetic pathways for the decomposition of Fe-12 at.% Si alloy below the metastable tricritical point. The results, based on the measurements of saturation magnetization, establish that a congruent ordering from B2 --> D0(3) precedes the development of a B2 + D0(3) two-phase field, consistent with the predictions in 1976 of Allen and Cahn.


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The hot-working characteristics of Zircaloy-2 have been studied in the temperature range of 650 to 950°C and in the strain-rate range of 10−3 to 102 s−1 using power dissipation maps which describe the variation of the efficiency of power dissipation, η = 2m /(m + 1) where m is the strain-rate sensitivity of flow stress. The individual domains exhibited by the map have been interpreted and validated by detailed metallographic investigations. Dynamic recrystallization occurs in the temperature range of 730 to 830°C and in the strain-rate range of 10−2 to 2 s−1. The peak efficiency occurs at 800°C and 0.1 s−1 which may be considered as the optimum hot-working parameters in the α-phase field of Zircaloy-2. Superplastic behaviour, characterized by a high efficiency of power dissipation is observed at temperatures greater than 860°C and at strain rates lower than 10−2 s−1. When deformed at 650°C and 10−3 s−1, the primary restoration mechanism is dynamic recovery, while at rates higher than 2s−1, the material exhibits microstructural instabilities in the form of localized shear bands.


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Owing to their high strength-to-weight ratio, excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, titanium (Ti) and its alloys, especially (alpha+beta) alloys like Ti-6Al-4V is the backbone materials for aerospace, energy, and chemical industries. Trace boron addition (similar to 0.1 wt. %) to the alloy Ti-6Al-4V produces a reduction in as-cast grain size by roughly an order of magnitude resulting in enhanced ductility, higher stiffness, strength and good fracture resistance. Boron addition could also affect the evolution of texture and microstructure in the material. The solidification microstructures of Boron free as well as Boron containing Ti-6Al-4V are found to be almost homogeneous from periphery towards the center of as-cast ingot in terms of both alpha-colony size and distribution. Boron addition substantially reduces alpha-colony size (similar to 50-80 mu m). A gradual change in alpha texture from periphery towards the center has been observed with orientations close to specific texture components suggesting the formation of texture zones. The mechanism of texture evolution can be visualized as a result of variant selection during solidification through (alpha+beta) phase field.


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Texture evolution in h. c. p. (alpha) phase derived from aging of a differently processed metastable b.c.c. (beta) titanium alloy was investigated. The study was aimed at examining (i) the effect of different b. c. c. cold rolling textures and (ii) the effect of different defect structures on the h. c. p transformation texture. The alloy metastable beta alloy Ti-10V-4.5Fe-1.5Al was rolled at room temperature by unidirectional (UDR) and multi-step cross rolling (MSCR). A piece of the as-rolled materials were subjected to aging in order to derive the h. c. p. (alpha) phase. In the other route, the as-rolled materials were recrystallized and then aged. Textures were measured using X-ray as well as Electron Back Scatter Diffraction. Rolling texture of beta phase, as characterized by the presence of a strong gamma fibre, was found stronger in M S C R compared to UDR, although they were qualitatively similar. The stronger texture of MSCR sample could be attributed to the inhomogeneous deformation taking place in the sample that might contribute to weakening of texture. Upon recrystallization in beta phase field close to beta-transus. the textures qualitatively resembled the corresponding beta deformation textures; however, they got strengthed. The aging of differently beta rolled samples resulted in the product alpha-phase with different textures. The (UDR + Aged) sample had a stronger texture than (MSCR + Aged) sample, which could be due to continuation of defect accumulation in UDR sample, thus providing more potential sites for the nucleation of alpha phase. The trend was reversed in samples recrystallized prior to aging. The (MSCR + Recrystallized + Aged) sample showed stronger texture of alpha phase than the (UDR + Recrystallized + Aged) sample. This could be attributed to extensive defect annihilation in the UDR sample on recrystallization prior to aging. The (MSCR + Aged) sample exhibited more alpha variants when compared to (MSCR + Recrystallized + Aged) sample. This has been attributed to the availability of more potential sites for nucleation of alpha phase in the former. It could be concluded that alpha transformation texture depends mainly on the defect structure of the parent phase.


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In this investigation, the influence of microstructure on the high temperature creep behaviour of Ti-24Al-11Nb alloy has been studied. Different microstructures are produced by devising suitable heat treatments from the beta phase field. Creep tests are conducted in the temperature range of 923-1113 K, over a wide stress range at each temperature, employing the impression creep technique. The creep behaviour is found tb be sensitive to the crystallographic texture as well as to the details of microstructure. Best creep resistance is shown when the microstructure contains smaller alpha(2) plates and a lower beta volume fraction. This can be understood in terms of the dislocation barriers offered by alpha(2) beta boundaries and the case of plastic flow in the beta phase at high temperatures.


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The characteristics of hot deformation of beta-quenched Zr-2.5Nb-0.5Cu in the temperature range 650-1050 degrees C and in the strain rate range 0.001-100 s(-1) have been studied using hot compression testing. For this study, the approach of processing maps has been adopted and their interpretation done using the Dynamic Materials Model. The efficiency of power dissipation given by [2m/(m + 1)], where m is strain rate sensitivity, is plotted as a function of temperature and strain rate to obtain a processing map. The processing map for Zr-2.5Nb-0.5Cu within (alpha + beta) phase field showed a domain of dynamic recrystallization, occurring by shearing of alpha-platelets followed by spheroidization, with a peak efficiency of 48% at 750 degrees C and 0.001 s(-1). The stress-strain curves in this domain had features of continuous flow softening and all these are similar to that in Zr-2.5Nb alloy. In the beta-phase field, a second domain with a peak efficiency of 47% occurred at 1050 degrees C and 0.001 s(-1) and this domain is correlated with the superplasticity of beta-phase. The beta-deformation characteristics of this alloy are similar to that observed in pure beta-zirconium with large grain size. Analysis of flow instabilities using a continuum criterion revealed that the Zr-2.5Nb-0.5Cu exhibits flow localization at temperatures higher than 800 degrees C and strain rates higher than about 30 s(-1) and that the addition of copper to Zr-2.5Nb reduces its susceptibility to flow instability, particularly in the (alpha + beta) phase field.


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Boron addition to conventional titanium alloys below the eutectic limit refines the cast microstructure and improves mechanical properties. The present work explores the influence of hypoeutectic boron addition on the microstructure and texture evolution in Ti-6Al-4V alloy under beta extrusion. The beta extruded microstructure of Ti-6Al-4V is characterized by shear bands parallel to the extrusion direction. In contrast, the extruded Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy shows a regular beta worked microstructure consisting of fine prior beta grains and acicular alpha-lamellae with no signs of the microstructural instability. Crystallographic texture after extrusion was almost identical for the two alloys indicating the similarity in their transformation behavior, which is attributed to complete dynamic recrystallization during beta processing. Microstructural features as well as crystallographic texture indicate dominant grain boundary related deformation processes for the boron modified alloy that leads to homogeneous deformation without instability formation. The absence of shear bands has significant technological importance as far as the secondary processing of boron added alloys in (alpha + beta)-phase field are concerned. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sapphirine-cordierite intergrowths occur as pods within garnet-absent, high-Mg orthopyroxene-granulite xenoliths in the Kambam valley, Madurai Block, southern India. Whereas the cores of the pods are composed of sapphirine (X-Mg = 0.871-0.897) - cordierite (X-Mg = 0.892-0.931) intergrowth along with rutile, zircon and monazite, the rims are characterized by cordierite, apatite, plagioclase, K-feldspar, quartz and minor calcite. The surrounding matrix comprises orthopyroxene (maximum Al2O3 4.1 wt.%, X-Mg 0.848-0.850), plagioclase, biotite and quartz, similar to the assemblage in the surrounding charnockites. Sapphirine in the Kambam rocks is characterized by high Al contents with an end-member composition in the range of 7:9:3 and 3:5:1. The occurrence of peraluminous sapphirine in association with cordierite and in the absence of phases such as sillimanite and garnet is distinct from ultrahigh-temperature assemblages in other localities within the Madurai Block. The peraluminous composition of the pods suggests that these domains could represent cryptic pathways through which aluminous melts migrated. The reaction of such peraluminous melts with Mg-rich orthopyroxene in the host granulite at temperatures of 1025 degrees C and pressures around 8 kbar as computed from phase equilibria modeling followed by an isobaric cooling is inferred to have generated the sapphirine-cordierite pods. The unusual high-Mg orthopyroxene granulite suggests interaction of supracrustal rocks with mafic magmas, which probably acted as the heat source for the partial melting of lower crust and UHT metamorphism.


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Hot deformation behavior of a hypoeutectic Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy in (alpha + beta) phase field is investigated in the present study with special reference to flow response, kinetics and microstructural evolution. For a comparison, the base alloy Ti-6Al-4V was also studied under identical conditions. Dynamic recovery of alpha phase occurs at low temperatures while softening due to globularization and/or dynamic recrystallization dominates at high temperatures irrespective of boron addition. Microstructural features for both the alloys display bending and kinking of alpha lamellae for near alpha test temperatures. Unlike Ti-6Al-4V, no sign of instability formation was observed in Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B for any deformation condition except for cavitation around TiB particles, due to deformation incompatibility and strain accumulation at the particle-matrix interface. The absence of macroscopic instabilities and early initiation of softening mechanisms as a result of boron addition has been attributed to microstructural features (e.g. refined prior beta grain and alpha colony size, absence of grain boundary alpha layer, presence of TiB particles at prior beta boundaries, etc.) of the respective alloys prior to deformation. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose-In the present work, a numerical method, based on the well established enthalpy technique, is developed to simulate the growth of binary alloy equiaxed dendrites in presence of melt convection. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach-The principle of volume-averaging is used to formulate the governing equations (mass, momentum, energy and species conservation) which are solved using a coupled explicit-implicit method. The velocity and pressure fields are obtained using a fully implicit finite volume approach whereas the energy and species conservation equations are solved explicitly to obtain the enthalpy and solute concentration fields. As a model problem, simulation of the growth of a single crystal in a two-dimensional cavity filled with an undercooled melt is performed. Findings-Comparison of the simulation results with available solutions obtained using level set method and the phase field method shows good agreement. The effects of melt flow on dendrite growth rate and solute distribution along the solid-liquid interface are studied. A faster growth rate of the upstream dendrite arm in case of binary alloys is observed, which can be attributed to the enhanced heat transfer due to convection as well as lower solute pile-up at the solid-liquid interface. Subsequently, the influence of thermal and solutal Peclet number and undercooling on the dendrite tip velocity is investigated. Originality/value-As the present enthalpy based microscopic solidification model with melt convection is based on a framework similar to popularly used enthalpy models at the macroscopic scale, it lays the foundation to develop effective multiscale solidification.


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Deformation instabilities, such as shear cracking and grain boundary cavitation, which are observed in the secondary tensile region of Ti-6Al-4V alloy during compressive deformation in the (+)-phase field, do not form in Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy when processed under the same conditions. This has been attributed to the microstructural modifications, e.g. the absence of grain boundary and adjacent grain boundary retained layers and a lower proportion of 90(o)-misoriented -colonies that occur with boron addition.


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Microstructure and texture are known to undergo drastic modifications due to trace hypoeutectic boron addition (similar to 0.1wt.%) for various titanium alloys e.g. Ti-6Al-4V. The deformation behaviour of such an alloy Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B is investigated in the (+) phase field and compared against that of the base alloy Ti-6Al-4V studied under selfsame conditions. The deformation microstructures for the two alloys display bending and kinking of lamellae in near and softening via globularization of lamella in near phase regimes, respectively. The transition temperature at which pure slip based deformation changes to softening is lower for the boron added alloy. The presence of TiB particles is largely held attributable for the early softening of Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy. The compression texture of both the alloys carry signature of pure phase defamation at lower temperature and phase transformation near the transus temperature. Texture is influenced by a complex interplay of the deformation and transformation processes in the intermediate temperature range. The contribution from phase transformation is prominent for Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy at comparatively lower temperature.