1000 resultados para Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich, 1746-1827


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Variation, or the re-working of existing musical material, has consistently attracted the attention of composers and performers throughout the history of Western music. In three recorded recitals at the University of Maryland School of Music, this dissertation project explores a diverse range of expressive possibilities for violin in seven types of variation form in Austro-German works for violin from the 17th through the 20th centuries. The first program, consisting of Baroque Period works, performed on period instrument, includes the divisions on “John come kiss me now” from The Division Violin by Thomas Baltzar (1631 – 1663), constant bass variations in Sonate Unarum Fidium by Johann Heinrich von Schmelzer (1623 – 1680), arbitrary variation in Sonata for Violin and Continuo in E Major, Op. 1, No. 12 “Roger” by George Friedrich Händel (1685 – 1759), and French Double style, melodic-outline variation in Partita for Unaccompanied Violin in B Minor by Johan Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750). Theme and Variations, a popular Classical Period format, is represented by the Sonata for Piano and Violin in G Major K. 379 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 – 1791) and Sonata for Violin and Piano in A Major, Op. 47 No. 9 the “Kreutzer” by Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 – 1827). Fantasy for Piano and Violin in C Major D. 934 by Franz Schubert (1797 – 1828) represents the 19th century fantasia variation. In these pieces, the piano and violin parts are densely interwoven, having equal importance. Many 20th century composers incorporated diverse types of variations in their works and are represented in the third recital program comprising: serial variation in the Phantasy for Violin and Piano Op.47 of Arnold Schoenberg (1874 – 1951); a strict form of melodic-outline variation in Sonate für Violine allein, Op. 31, No. 2 of Paul Hindemith (1895 – 1963); ostinato variation in Johan Halvorsen’s (1864 – 1935) Passacaglia for Violin and Viola, after G. F. Handel’s Passacaglia from the Harpsichord Suite No. 7 in G Minor. Pianist Audrey Andrist, harpsichordist Sooyoung Jung, and violist Dong-Wook Kim assisted in these performances.


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Online-Ausgabe der Musikhs. (Abschrift von 1760) Mus Hs 1626 der Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg. - Widmungsträger: Johann Heinrich Stannarius


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Historically, teachers have always searched for a connection with their students to make education interesting and a vital experience. In the 19th century, pedagogue Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi taught children how to sum using wood blocks. His successors have followed his legacy and today they use a wide variety of media, including board games, in order to reach out to their students. These methods are denominated educational technologies, which are defined as the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. With the advent of the information technologies, teachers have at their disposal new media with which they can increase the interest of their students. This technologic revolution is changing the present educational model. The objective of this dissertation is to develop an educational videogame in order to help students learn mathematics. To reach this goal, the videogame has been developed with the game engine Unity as the main tool. Additionally, agile software development methodologies as well as other software engineering techniques have also been used. The result is Riskmatica, an educational videogame based on geographical domination in which knowledge is the best weapon. The players must conquer enemy teritories answering correctly a mathecatical question. Moreover the videogame has the functionality required to configure a new game and input new questions. To conclude, this project has created an educational technology which greatly appeals to students and that can be used by the educators to improve their lessons in mathematics.---RESUMEN---A lo largo de la historia, los educadores siempre han buscado conectar con los alumnos para poder captar su interés y hacer que la educación se convierta en una experiencia vital. El pedagogo Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi conseguía esto en el siglo XIX, enseñando a niños a contar con bloques de madera. Sus sucesores han seguido su legado y hoy en día utilizan variedad de medios con los que motivar a sus alumnos, en algunos casos los juegos de mesa. Estos métodos son denominados tecnologías educativas, que se definen como los estudios y prácticas éticas que facilitan y mejoran la enseñanza, mediante la creación, el uso y el empleo de procesos y recursos tecnológicos. Con el advenimiento de las tecnologías de la información, los educadores tienen a su disposición un nuevo medio con el que llegar al alumnado. Esta revolución tecnológica está cambiando el modelo educativo actual. El objetivo de este proyecto es el de crear un videojuego educativo que ayude a los alumnos a estudiar matemáticas. Para lograrlo se ha utilizado el popular motor de videojuego Unity como herramienta principal. También se han empleado metodologías ágiles de desarrollo además de otras técnicas de ingeniería del software. El resultado es Riskmática, un videojuego educativo de dominación geográfica en el que el arma más eficaz es el conocimiento. Los jugadores deberán conquistar territorios a sus adversarios mediante la respuesta de preguntas de carácter matemático. Además el videojuego cuenta con la funcionalidad necesaria para configurar una partida e introducir nuevas preguntas. Como conlusión, este proyecto ha logrado crear una tecnología educativa muy atractiva para los alumnos con la que los profesores pueden mejorar la enseñanza de las matemáticas.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Added t.-p.: Robinson der jungere ... von Joachim Heinrich Campe. Fortgesetzt von C. Hildebrandt.


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Errata on p. [373]-174 [i.e. 374].


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4.5 also called Mythologische Forschungen ... zusammengestellt und hrsg. von ... H.G. Brzoska.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Advertisements on last two leaves of v. 6.


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Tr. of: Lezioni elementari di astronomia


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--4. th. Traurige schiksale der madame Godin des Odonais auf einer reise von Riobamba unweit Fuito in Peru durch das Amazonenland. Das interessanteste aus Johann Carvers reisen, durch die innern gegenden von Nordamerika. 1796.--5.--6. th. Wilhelm Isbrand Bonteku's merkwürdige abentheuer auf einer reise aus Holland nach Ostindien. Beschreibung einer reise um die erdkugel, angestellt von dem englischen schifskapitain Cook, und den gelehrten Banks und Solander in den jahren 1768-1771. 1794, '91.--7. th. P. Brydone's reise durch Sicilien und Malta, im jahr 1770. 1793.--8. th. Reise des herausgebers von Braunschweig nach Paris im heumonat 1789. 1790.--9. th. [Ein bericht von den Pelju-inseln, nach den aufzeichnungen des kapitain Wilson aus dem jahr 1783. 1792.--10.--11. th. Le Vaillants reise in das innere von Afrika, vom vorgebirge der Guten Hofnung aus, in den jahren 1780-1785. 1792-93.--12 th. Herrn von Lesseps reise, durch Kamtschatka und Sibirien, im jahre 1788. 1793.


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5. Bd., 3. Abt. Geschichte der Volksschule, besonders in Deutschland, von [F.] Sander. Das technische Schulwesen, von [G.] Holzmüller. Geschichte des Taubstummenbildungswesens, Geschichte der Kleinkinderschule und des Kingergartens, Geschichte der Blindenbildung, von J. Kopp. Verzeichnis der Namen. 1902.


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Mode of access: Internet.