974 resultados para Pesquisa baseada em esboço


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O presente estudo trata da “Estratégia Socioambiental Baseada em Recursos e seu Impacto na Criação de Ambiguidade Causal” e se propôs a responder a seguinte pergunta de pesquisa: Qual a relação entre estratégia socioambiental baseada em recursos e ambiguidade causal? Mais especificamente, trata criação de ambiguidade causal através da estratégia socioambiental baseada em recursos e capacidades, desta forma, faz sentido teórico considerar a ambiguidade causal como variável dependente, sendo as capacidades socioambientais variáveis independentes (preditoras). Nessa linha, as capacidades baseadas em recursos socioambientais possuem as características causalmente ambíguas preconizadas por Reed e DeFillippi (1990), a saber, tacitividade, complexidade e especificidade. Tais características são essenciais para que o recurso ou capacidade tenha o potencial de gerar ambiguidade causal. Com base no referencial teórico foi estabelecido quais recursos e capacidades tem estreita ligação com as questões socioambientais, ao mesmo tempo em que possuem características causalmente ambíguas. Assim, os seguintes recursos e capacidades emergiram do campo teórico, (a) orientação socioambiental, (b) engajamento com stakeholders, (c) aperfeiçoamento ambiental, e (d) capital humano. Utilizando a técnica estatística regressão linear múltipla, a variável dependente ambiguidade causal foi regredida em função das variáveis independentes que formaram cada um dos quatro citados construtos. Como resultado, apenas as variáveis governança corporativa (construto orientação socioambiental) e sociedade/comunidade (construto engajamento com stakeholders) mostraram-se impactantes positivamente sobre a ambiguidade causal. Por fim, a utilização da ambiguidade causal como variável dependente é fato novo e relevante nos estudos da área de RBV, bem como sua relação com a estratégia socioambiental. Deste modo, pode-se afirmar que os resultados desta pesquisa exploratória tem potencial para ampliar as discussões na intersecção dos estudos de RBV e RSAE, bem como, abre diversas possibilidades para futuras pesquisa, conforme colocado nas conclusões do presente trabalho.


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The goal of this paper is twofold. First, using five of the most actively traded stocks in the Brazilian financial market, this paper shows that the normality assumption commonly used in the risk management area to describe the distributions of returns standardized by volatilities is not compatible with volatilities estimated by EWMA or GARCH models. In sharp contrast, when the information contained in high frequency data is used to construct the realized volatilies measures, we attain the normality of the standardized returns, giving promise of improvements in Value at Risk statistics. We also describe the distributions of volatilities of the Brazilian stocks, showing that the distributions of volatilities are nearly lognormal. Second, we estimate a simple linear model to the log of realized volatilities that differs from the ones in other studies. The main difference is that we do not find evidence of long memory. The estimated model is compared with commonly used alternatives in an out-of-sample experiment.


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Este texto tem como objectivo principal a descrição e análise das etapas do processo de pesquisa de informação, baseada nas etapas de Coral Collier Kuhlthau e nos skills de Michael B. Eisenberg, Doug Johnson e Robert E. BerKowitz. O aluno percorre diversas etapas, que produzem uma série de comportamentos relevantes, que vão desde a desordem à ordem cognitivas, ou seja, desde o desconhecimento das técnicas de recuperação da informação ao conhecimento das mesmas, e que permitem ao aluno estudar a matéria curricular e a realização de trabalhos com facilidade e destreza, credibilidade e autenticidade, afasta-o da tentação do plágio ou do paradigma do aluno wikipédia. É na biblioteca escolar que o aluno inicia o processo de pesquisa da informação, ou seja, a pesquisa estruturada, programada e disciplinada, quer nas fontes impressas, quer nas electrónicas. Contudo, existem ainda constrangimentos na aprendizagem do processo, uma vez que o mesmo não se encontra totalmente consolidado nos documentos vinculativos da escola, como sejam, o projecto curricular e o programa da biblioteca escolar. A biblioteca escolar carece de pessoal preparado e qualificado para implementar a conduta do trabalho colaborativo com todos os mediadores escolares, bem como, o ensino e a aprendizagem do processo.


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PEDRO, Edilson da Silva; SALLES-FILHO, Sergio; MENDES, Paule Jeane. Inovações Institucionais na Pesquisa Agrícola na América Latina e no Caribe. In: SIMPOSIO DE GESTAO DA INOVAÇAO TECNOLOGICA, 24., 2006, Gramado. Anais...Gramado: ANPAD, 2006.


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Each two years the amount of available information in the world double. This is the Information Age, where the success depends on what one knows, not on what one has. A new economy appears with the capacity to generate, to store, to process and to apply effectively the knowledge, based on information, determining the companies productivity and competitiveness.The objective of this work is to understand the information management model of a technological research institute - CTGÁS (Gas Technology Center). The research has been done focused on the 5 main processes and the 15 support processes of the organization value chain , aiming to understand the information management in the organization based on Davenport´s Information Management model (1998). Therefore, it was necessary to identify how the necessary information for the organizational processes accomplishment are determined, obtained, distributed and used by the organization. The research can be classified as descriptive, regarding to its aims, and as a case study, related to the research ways. Interviews with the managers of the organization value chain processes have been carried through, with the objective to identify how they perceive the Information Management process that circulates in the organizational processes. Complementarily, a documentary research has been carried through, associated to the direct observation and procedures and actions follow up, involving the Information Management. The data treatment and analysis have been done from the authors theoretical support and from the managers interviews analysis, documents and processes observed by the researcher in the organization. It was noticed that the organization has raised its level of information needs that are not difficult to be determined and are satisfactorily obtained and distributed, although the majority of them are not structuralized, automatized or even classified regarding to its confidence. These peaces of information have good quality and are important, however they reflect a medium dependence on external and informal information, besides being used only in its great majority for people to know what and how to do something


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This dissertation describes the implementation of a WirelessHART networks simulation module for the Network Simulator 3, aiming for the acceptance of both on the present context of networks research and industry. For validating the module were imeplemented tests for attenuation, packet error rate, information transfer success rate and battery duration per station


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The objective of this scientific article is to introduce the opportunities of implementation of cleaner production (CP) in a shrimp culture farm. The methodology used for this was exploratory research implemented in a production unit located in the Northeast Brazil. The scientific article approaches since generic aspects of the technique about the management to use water, energy and the effluent characterization of this productive activity. It discusses quantitative aspects, environmental questions and chances of P+L during the productive process phases. The results points to input economy in the form of feed, soil correctives, medicines, and energy applied to the process, which range from 4% to 27%, emphasizing the small profit should be viewed as a source of considerable environment return. The authors conclude for the adoption property of this technique in this agribusiness segment, point out to the management importance of the input dosage in the quality of the final effluent, besides the adoption of a physical-chemistry remediation mechanism to the residual of Sodium metabissulphite used in the process of shrimp caught


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This thesis proposes an architecture of a new multiagent system framework for hybridization of metaheuristics inspired on the general Particle Swarm Optimization framework (PSO). The main contribution is to propose an effective approach to solve hard combinatory optimization problems. The choice of PSO as inspiration was given because it is inherently multiagent, allowing explore the features of multiagent systems, such as learning and cooperation techniques. In the proposed architecture, particles are autonomous agents with memory and methods for learning and making decisions, using search strategies to move in the solution space. The concepts of position and velocity originally defined in PSO are redefined for this approach. The proposed architecture was applied to the Traveling Salesman Problem and to the Quadratic Assignment Problem, and computational experiments were performed for testing its effectiveness. The experimental results were promising, with satisfactory performance, whereas the potential of the proposed architecture has not been fully explored. For further researches, the proposed approach will be also applied to multiobjective combinatorial optimization problems, which are closer to real-world problems. In the context of applied research, we intend to work with both students at the undergraduate level and a technical level in the implementation of the proposed architecture in real-world problems


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This research has as objective of study the evolution of the accountancy princliple terminology which is present in the accounting conceptual framework. The scene of this research will have as target the North American School of Accounting. The choice of the searched terminology is its relevance in the study of the Accounting Theory. To understand the evolution of the accountancy thought, will be boarded: the influence of the Feudal System and the Mercantilism in the European economic conception; the importance of the Industrial Revolution in the beginning of the accounting standards and the influence of England in the formation of the North American School of Accounting. With relation to U.S.A., the development of the economic-financial scene of the American society will be evaluated, focusing the contribution in the search of the construction of an applied theoretical framework to the Accounting. The economic-financial development of U.S.A. provided the sprouting of new users with specific necessities. The necessity of the user for useful information for the decision taking, unchained the process of research directed toward the establishment of an applied Accountancy terminology. In this process, the paper exerted for the responsible accountancy organisms for the accounting standards will be boarded, as well as the professionals associations which had invested in researches, aiming at to elaborate a body of accountancy principles and to adjust the accountancy procedures to the necessities of the users. To reach the research objective, a bibliographical revision in specialized literature will be effected, adopting the historical method, in the period that understands the development of the North American School of Accounting. As result of the research, it can conclude that the evolution process of the terminology which is studied presents a structural logical problem, because the impossibility of the construction of a theoretical framework, having as bases the principle terminology. The impossibility occurred in function of the reach attributed to the term, which made a difficult in its application in the elaboration of the accountancy procedures


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Geofísica terrestre (magnetometria e radiometria) foi utilizada como ferramenta de apoio ao mapeamento geológico em uma área de pesquisa mineral da Companhia Mineradora de Minas Gerais (COMIG), denominada Alvo Bueiro, localizada a sudeste da cidade de Morro do Pilar, na Serra do Espinhaço, Estado de Minas Gerais. A integração de informações de geologia de superfície com os dados geofísicos correspondentes permitiu definir quatro zonas: A, B, C e D. A Zona A, caracterizada por altos valores de susceptibilidade magnética e baixos valores de radiometria, é composta por itabiritos do Grupo Serra da Serpentina. A Zona B, pertencente ao mesmo grupo, é constituída por filitos cinza e metassiltitos e mostra baixa susceptibilidade magnética; interrupções nas linhas de contorno foram interpretadas como decorrentes de falhas de empurrão. A Zona C, relacionada à Seqüência Vulcano-Sedimentar Rio Mata Cavalo, é caracterizada por uma expressiva anomalia do campo magnético total em xistos máficos e ultramáficos com lentes de formações ferríferas e filitos carbonosos negros; esta zona hospeda as mais importantes anomalias geoquímicas de ouro conhecidas na área em estudo. A Zona D, correspondente a ortognaisses cisalhados do Complexo Dona Rita, mostra os mais elevados valores de radiometria do Alvo Bueiro e baixas respostas magnéticas.


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Este trabalho faz uma analogia entre os programas de pesquisa de Lakatos e a dinâmica das idéias dos estudantes em situações de sala de aula. Esta analogia revelou-se uma maneira produtiva de análise do desenvolvimento das concepções dos estudantes durante um processo de discussão. Com as condições de inteligibilidade, plausibilidade e frutibilidade de Posner et alii (1982), pudemos enriquecer a análise baseada previamente nos programas. Mostramos com um exemplo videogravado durante uma aula que a nossa abordagem pode ser efetivamente usada como um instrumento analítico para ajudar o professor a entender e melhorar os processos de ensino e de aprendizagem.