1000 resultados para Pesca - Cananéia (SP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Marine turtles are reptiles that occur on the Brazilian coast and can travel very large distances between feeding and nesting grounds. Five species found in Brazil are threatened. The consumption of turtle meat and eggs is an ancient habit in many coastal communities around the world. The main causes that threaten these species are the increase in fishing and the drastic changes in the environment. The presence of turtles near the beaches and their accidental capture were reported by fishermen in the region of Cananéia, where this work was developed. This study was also made based in interviews of fishermen that living in the area and the follow up of their fishing activities. This methodology made possible to identify the turtles in the area, the behavior of the fishermen with these animals and the relation between non-commercial fishing and turtles. The fishing traps area has a direct relation with the capture of turtles. The higher incidence of turtle capture is usually next to islands, rocky coasts, low lands and bay entrances, which are areas where the most common species of the region (Chelonia mydas) normally look for food. The fishermen opinions about the critical situation of these species and their conservation has also been studied. Several programs in Environmental Education for the communities of the region have been recommended
The urbanization process in the Brazilian cities is directly linked to its main economic activities, and causes several impacts on the natural resources. It can be seen at the city of Ilhabela, an archipelago located at the north coast of the state of São Paulo, that still has a great area of preserved Atlantic Rainforest, and where today the tourism is the main economic activity. With this in sight, this paper aimed to make a prospect of the current situation of the city, looking at the main aspects of its economic and urban development and the environmental impacts related to them. Among the aspects studied, are the irregular occupations at preservation areas on the island: the pressure on the sea ecosystems by the fishing and the boat circulation, and at the beaches by the tourists flow. Were also observed the characteristics of the city’s urban infrastructure, such as the water supply, sewer and road networks and the waste collecting. Finally, it was analyzed the way that the government acts over the preservation of the island’s natural resources, by the Municipality and the Ilhabela State Park, so that the acting of these two agents could be compared
O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a população de Bryconamericus turiuba do rio Passa Cinco com relação à estrutura em comprimento, proporção sexual, dinâmica alimentar, aspectos reprodutivos e condição corporal. O local estudado é um dos principais rios da sub-bacia do rio Corumbataí. Foram amostradas três pontos na região do alto curso contemplando trechos de ordem 2, 3 e 4. As amostragens foram realizadas ao longo de um ano e os apetrechos de pesca utilizados foram: peneira,, aparelho de pesca elétrica e covos. Foram capturados 191 indivíduos, sendo a maior quantidade no ponto 2 e na estação de cheia. A estrutura em comprimento da espécie revelou que os indivíduos não ultrapassaram 8 cm de comprimento padrão e que machos e fêmeas apresentaram comprimentos diferentes, sendo as fêmeas maiores que os machos. A proporção sexual não diferiu do esperado. Houve diferença entre os graus de gordura acumulada na cavidade visceral e graus de repleção estomacal dos peixes entre os pontos e épocas, sendo que na seca todos os indivíduos capturados apresentavam-se sem gordura. Foram analisados 49 estômagos. Onze diferentes itens alimentares foram encontrados nos conteúdos estomacais, sendo que inseto terrestre adulto apresentou-se como preferencial em alto grau. As dietas não apresentaram diferença entre os pontos de coleta nem entre as épocas. A maioria dos indivíduos com gônadas maduras foi capturada na estação seca, indicando que a reprodução ocorre neste período e estende-se por vários meses. Foram analisados 42 pares de ovários maduros. A fecundidade obtida foi 576 ovócitos, com diâmetro variando de 147 Vm a 1.176 Vm. A espécie em estudo pode ser considerada estrategista-k quanto as suas táticas reprodutivas, por possuir baixa fecundidade, pequeno porte e desova prolongada durante...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Among several sites in Brazil, where the local human community develop a consistent knowledge on the environment they live, there is Cananeia local authority in south coast of Sao Paulo. The history of Cananeia is presented as an ancient human occupation, which, nowadays, culminates in 12000 habitants that survive from tourism and fishing. Considering the great importance of the knowledge about plant toxicity, the objective of this work is to develop a study with the residents and its focus is their acquaintance with toxic plants, which occur on contiguous areas. After a preliminary recognition field work, the local authority under study was subdivided into two areas for sampling, characterized by the different levels of human occupation: (A) Island area, more occupied, and (B) Continental area, less occupied. The semi-structured interviews were conducted in both areas according to the “snow ball” method, due to the specifically interest of making comparisons. The plant species cited in the interviews were collected, herborized and identified. One proceeded quali- and quantitative analysis in order to elucidate differences between the studied areas, to establish relations among age/sex of the habitants, the cited species diversity and the practice of knowledge transmission. Were carried out 90 interviews (47 in island, 43 in continent) in which the habitants have cited 137 ethno-species. Both communities are much alike, although the manly differences were presented by the occupation and the uses of the toxic plants. At the island, were interviewed three key-informers, this fact that has not happened at the continent. It was not noticed significant statistical difference between the diversity of toxic plants knew by the habitants of both areas, but a huge dissimilarity was found. The most cited plants, especially the ornamental ones, at both areas are scientifically... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The city of Ilha Comprida, located on the Environmental Protection Area Cananéia-Iguape-Peruíbe (APA CIP) and Lagoon Estuary Complex of Iguape-Cananéia-Paranaguá, is located at the southern end of the coast of the state of São Paulo. Ilha Comprida is a progradational barrier consists predominantly of sandy sediments of the Quaternary Period. Bibliographic and cartographic surveys demonstrate a large amount of sediments in the last centuries, leading to the expansion of the island in hundreds of meters towards SW / NE. The island has been suffering intense morphological change in the northeast corner - NE, growing 35 meters per year. The objective of this study is to measure and analyze the floristic diversity found in its extreme NE, recent accumulation area of sediment, comparing the results with data obtained in equivalent segment, located on the edge SW, agradation preterit area. Given this reality, we chose to assess how the process of ecological succession respond to these dynamics. That is, if we think of ecological succession, NE end (latest) is assumed to possess plant species in the initial stage of succession as well as the SW portion. However, it is assumed certain differentiation between species in both areas, and less diversity in the first case (NE). Using the method of fixed installments adopted for similar quadrants, we attempted to measure and analyze the floristic diversity of the NE end and compare the data obtained in the field with those listed for the SW end. The results confirmed the hypothesis of the research, and prompted several questions that point to the need for further deepening research on this theme
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A Baía de Santos, localizada na Baixada Santista, porção central do litoral do Estado de São Paulo é local importante para a economia do país devido à presença do polo industrial de Cubatão, do Porto de Santos, do grande potencial turístico existente e dos recursos pesqueiros e naturais proporcionados pelos manguezais que ali ocorrem. A presença marcante de atividades antrópicas na região acarreta o aporte constante de contaminantes. Ambientes costeiros marinhos, localizados próximos a grandes centros urbanos e industriais, normalmente estão sujeitos à contaminação por compostos orgânicos.
Um dos objetivos do trabalho é a análise e compreensão de considerações iniciais sobre o território de uma população específica, a Comunidade caiçara da Enseada da Baleia, localizada no Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso – PEIC, município de Cananéia, Estado de São Paulo. Para tanto, há importância de se entender como estava acontecendo a permanência de uma comunidade tradicional no interior de uma Unidade de Conservação, uma vez que muitas encontraram dificuldades, ao longo da história de institucionalização dessas Unidades, para continuar habitando tais espaços. Como está previsto em lei, os Parques Estaduais impõem certas restrições aos moradores locais e permitem o desenvolvimento de outras atividades desde que de modo equilibrado. O território engloba a situação dos caiçaras no Brasil, focando os moradores de Unidades de Conservação, uma vez que essas comunidades lutam contra a esfera do poder político pelo direito da permanência no interior desses locais, assim como lutam pelo direito de manutenção dos hábitos e costumes que preservam de seus antepassados. O cotidiano é marcado pela caracterização única da comunidade, que mantém relações de trocas com outras ‘territorialidades’, concretizam nesses espaços a história e o imaginário, além de possuírem conceitos próprios ligados a religião e à visão política.
Um dos objetivos do trabalho é a análise e compreensão de considerações iniciais sobre o território de uma população específica, a Comunidade caiçara da Enseada da Baleia, localizada no Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso – PEIC, município de Cananéia, Estado de São Paulo. Para tanto, há importância de se entender como estava acontecendo a permanência de uma comunidade tradicional no interior de uma Unidade de Conservação, uma vez que muitas encontraram dificuldades, ao longo da história de institucionalização dessas Unidades, para continuar habitando tais espaços. Como está previsto em lei, os Parques Estaduais impõem certas restrições aos moradores locais e permitem o desenvolvimento de outras atividades desde que de modo equilibrado. O território engloba a situação dos caiçaras no Brasil, focando os moradores de Unidades de Conservação, uma vez que essas comunidades lutam contra a esfera do poder político pelo direito da permanência no interior desses locais, assim como lutam pelo direito de manutenção dos hábitos e costumes que preservam de seus antepassados. O cotidiano é marcado pela caracterização única da comunidade, que mantém relações de trocas com outras ‘territorialidades’, concretizam nesses espaços a história e o imaginário, além de possuírem conceitos próprios ligados a religião e à visão política.
Balsamic vinegar (BV) is a typical and valuable Italian product, worldwide appreciated thanks to its characteristic flavors and potential health benefits. Several studies have been conducted to assess physicochemical and microbial compositions of BV, as well as its beneficial properties. Due to highly-disseminated claims of antioxidant, antihypertensive and antiglycemic properties, BV is a known target for frauds and adulterations. For that matter, product authentication, certifying its origin (region or country) and thus the processing conditions, is becoming a growing concern. Striving for fraud reduction as well as quality and safety assurance, reliable analytical strategies to rapidly evaluate BV quality are very interesting, also from an economical point of view. This work employs silica plate laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (SP-LDI-MS) for fast chemical profiling of commercial BV samples with protected geographical indication (PGI) and identification of its adulterated samples with low-priced vinegars, namely apple, alcohol and red/white wines.
The taxonomic position of a bacterium isolated from water samples from the Rio Negro, in Amazon, Brazil, was determined by using a polyphasic approach. The organism formed a distinct phyletic line in the Chromobacterium 16S rRNA gene tree and had chemotaxonomic and morphological properties consistent with its classification in this genus. It was found to be closely related to Chromobacterium vaccinii DSM 25150(T) (98.6 % 16S rRNA gene similarity) and shared 98.5 % 16S rRNA gene similarity with Chromobacterium piscinae LGM 3947(T). DNA-DNA relatedness studies showed that isolate CBMAI 310(T) belongs to distinct genomic species. The isolate was readily distinguished from the type strain of these species using a combination of phenotypic and chemotaxonomic properties. Thus, based on genotypic and phenotypic data, it is proposed that isolate CBMAI 310(T) (=DSM 26508(T)) be classified in the genus Chromobacterium as the type strain of a novel species, namely, Chromobacterium amazonense sp. nov.
Recently, to obtain lipids from microalgae has been the object of extensive research, since it is viewed as a promising feedstock for biodiesel production, especially when compared with crops such as soybean and sunflower, in terms of theoretical performance. The reduction of nutrient availability in culture media, especially nitrogen, stresses the microorganisms and affects cell growth, thus inducing lipid accumulation. This is an interesting step in biodiesel feedstock obtention from microalgae and should be better understood. In this study, four levels of nitrogen concentration in the BG-11 culture medium were evaluated in the growth of the chlorophycean microalga Desmodesmus sp. Both cell growth and lipid content were monitored over 7 days of cultivation, which yielded a final cell density of 33 × 10(6) cells mL(-1) with an initial NaNO3 concentration of 750 mg L(-1) in the medium and a maximum lipid content of 23 % with total nitrogen starvation. It was observed that the microalgae presented high lipid accumulation in the fourth day of cultivation with nitrogen starvation, although with moderate cell growth.