1000 resultados para Perspectiva Textual Interativa
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
El proyecto es prolongación de una experiencia de investigación colectiva, iniciada en 1998 y desarrollada en la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la UNCuyo, y, en este sentido, aspira a consolidar un equipo de trabajo ya formado y a dar continuidad a una tarea en curso. El campo disciplinar dentro del cual se plantea el presente plan es el correspondiente a la Historia de las ideas latinoamericanas, entendida como un ámbito del saber de índole interdisciplinaria, donde convergen preocupaciones y enfoques filosóficos, teórico-políticos, sociológicos, historiográficos, económicos y semiológicos. Dentro de ese campo nos proponemos abordar la producción teórica de Arturo Roig y Franz Hinkelammert, particularmente en lo que concierne a la articulación que proponen ambos entre la problemática ético-política de los derechos humanos, por una parte, y la crítica teórica del paradigma económico neo-liberal y de la configuración social deshumanizada del capitalismo global actual, por otra. El proyecto incorpora a un grupo de graduados recientes y de estudiantes como colaboradores porque destaca, dentro de los resultados que se espera obtener, la formación de recursos humanos y la transferencia de conocimientos y metodologías, propias de la actividad de investigación científica, a futuros investigadores. Finalmente, en términos de difusión de los alcances de la investigación, del trabajo programado resultará: la publicación de los resultados en revistas de la especialidad y su exposición en foros científicos, por una parte, y la construcción de un corpus textual y la realización de una serie de materiales pedagógicos, orientados a organización de actividades de transferencia dirigidas a sectores más amplios de estudiantes y graduados, por otra.
Quien calla otorga, es un manual realizado en el marco de los Proyectos de Divulgación Científico – Tecnológica 2012–2013 del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), una herramienta que acercamos a las y los operadores socio-sanitarios, a fin de promover prácticas garantizadoras de los derechos humanos. Este material proviene de un largo trayecto de investigación-acción donde desde 2011 hasta la actualidad el equipo responsable ha impulsado una serie de formaciones las cuales fueron un punto de desafío y encuentro donde confluyeron trabajadoras/es de la salud procedentes de distintas formaciones e instituciones, personal de áreas mujer, integrantes de organizaciones de la sociedad civil vinculadas a la promoción de derechos ciudadanos para las mujeres, personal judicial, entre otros; donde se pudo reflexionar en forma conjunta en torno a la cuestión de la violencia y la aplicación de la perspectiva de género, pues ella nos enfrenta a la tarea ardua de aprender desaprendiendo los gestos arraigados en la costumbre y la construcción de conocimiento en un mundo en el que es rutina naturalizar las asimetrías, las desigualdades, las relaciones de dominación y explotación en razón de la clase, del color de la piel, del género, de la sexualidad, de la edad. Quien calla otorga, en tanto va dirigido a profesionales y personal socio-sanitario, es también una forma de denunciar los silencios, las omisiones, las reproducciones de la violencia que muchas veces se constatan en y desde la intervención social y en salud. Entendemos que desde la función pública se está llamado/a no sólo a respetar, sino a garantizar los derechos humanos y en particular, el acceso a la salud y a la justicia. Para ello es necesario favorecer prácticas que terminen con el sexismo, el machismo, la discriminación por edad, sexualidad, identidad de género, procedencia étnica y clase social de quienes acuden a los servicios de salud. Así, el material que les acercamos contiene herramientas concretas tanto teóricas como reflexiones en torno a los orígenes, funcionamiento y perpetuación de la violencia de género, así como otras orientadas a la práctica tales como indicadores de detección y atención en mujeres, sus hijos e hijas, panel de recursos de atención especializada a violencia contra las mujeres en la provincia de Mendoza, panel explicativo del circuito legal y sus posibilidades, sugerencias terapéuticas, entre otros.
En este trabajo se presentan algunas reflexiones sobre los aportes de la genética textual o crítica genética (Lois, 2001; Goldchluk, 2005; 2009) al comparatismo. Dado que este enfoque propone un trabajo con el proceso de escritura, presupone la comparación entre diferentes estadios textuales; la obra es la suma de los diferentes estadios textuales y momentos de archivación, no sólo el estadio édito para esta perspectiva. El modo de lectura que puede desprenderse de este enfoque permite encontrar en una obra diferentes núcleos de análisis que pueden leerse de modo transversal en diferentes instancias textuales, por lo cual se puede efectuar una lectura que denominaremos «constelada¼. ;Para abordar estas ideas, recurriremos a observaciones surgidas a partir del proyecto de licenciatura que se centra en el estudio de la génesis textual de la obra Amadeus, del dramaturgo inglés Peter Shaffer.
En este trabajo se presentan algunas reflexiones sobre los aportes de la genética textual o crítica genética (Lois, 2001; Goldchluk, 2005; 2009) al comparatismo. Dado que este enfoque propone un trabajo con el proceso de escritura, presupone la comparación entre diferentes estadios textuales; la obra es la suma de los diferentes estadios textuales y momentos de archivación, no sólo el estadio édito para esta perspectiva. El modo de lectura que puede desprenderse de este enfoque permite encontrar en una obra diferentes núcleos de análisis que pueden leerse de modo transversal en diferentes instancias textuales, por lo cual se puede efectuar una lectura que denominaremos «constelada¼. ;Para abordar estas ideas, recurriremos a observaciones surgidas a partir del proyecto de licenciatura que se centra en el estudio de la génesis textual de la obra Amadeus, del dramaturgo inglés Peter Shaffer.
En este trabajo se presentan algunas reflexiones sobre los aportes de la genética textual o crítica genética (Lois, 2001; Goldchluk, 2005; 2009) al comparatismo. Dado que este enfoque propone un trabajo con el proceso de escritura, presupone la comparación entre diferentes estadios textuales; la obra es la suma de los diferentes estadios textuales y momentos de archivación, no sólo el estadio édito para esta perspectiva. El modo de lectura que puede desprenderse de este enfoque permite encontrar en una obra diferentes núcleos de análisis que pueden leerse de modo transversal en diferentes instancias textuales, por lo cual se puede efectuar una lectura que denominaremos «constelada¼. ;Para abordar estas ideas, recurriremos a observaciones surgidas a partir del proyecto de licenciatura que se centra en el estudio de la génesis textual de la obra Amadeus, del dramaturgo inglés Peter Shaffer.
A incorporação de elementos da cultura primeira do estudante no processo de ensino-aprendizagem foi defendida pelo pedagogo francês Georges Snyders (1988) em sua obra \"A Alegria na Escola\". Esta pesquisa contribuiu com essa interface, identificando, no discurso de canções do rock n\' roll, elementos textuais que possibilitem reflexões no âmbito conceitual, epistemológico e sociopolítico sobre a exploração do espaço. O objeto de estudo neste trabalho são canções do período entre as décadas de 1960 e 1970 que possuem representações sobre a astronomia e as missões espaciais. O uso do rock justificou-se pelo fato de temas sobre exploração espacial aparecerem no trabalho de diversos artistas desse gênero musical, permitindo reflexões em nível conceitual, epistemológico e sociopolítico sobre a ciência, a tecnologia e suas relações com a sociedade e o ambiente. Além disso, identificamos que tanto o rock quanto as missões espaciais foram fenômenos culturais que dependeram em sua gênese dos avanços da tecnologia e da ciência e tiveram sua repercussão na sociedade através de processos midiáticos. Essas canções foram selecionadas entre os diversos gêneros de rock, e analisadas a partir de referenciais semiodiscursivos. As atividades foram aplicadas em situações formais de ensino - ensino médio e ensino superior -, em formação continuada de professores e projetos de ensino não formal na escola. No processo de ensinoaprendizagem, foram desenvolvidas atividades que envolviam leitura-comentada da canção, identificando na letra, melodia e harmonia, aspectos que evidenciavam um discurso crítico sobre a ciência e sua relação com a sociedade e o ambiente. Essas atividades envolveram três instâncias: Elaboração, Aplicação e Análise. Como referencial norteador dessas etapas, nos valemos das teorias socioculturais de Vigotski (2001), Snyders (1988) e Freire (2013).
Nowadays ENEM is the main large-scale evaluation instrument of Brazilian education. Universities also often use it in order to select their candidates. Reading exam seeks to evaluate student’s capacity of producing argumentative and dissertation prose writing about a social, scientific, cultural or political theme. This paper is located in this context: we want to discuss the evaluation of ENEM’s Writing Exam argumentation. Our startpoint is presuppose that the capacity to develop a well-argued text evaluation goes through several specific skills, which cover different aspects of what is understood about argumentation process. Therefore, considering argumentation as an object of different theoretical approaches and covers different concepts, we intend to verify not only the approaches, but also subjacent concepts and how they were converted into skills and competences established on the ENEM Writing Exam’s matrix of correction. With regard to the nature, it is a theoretical paper, in other words, we intend to offer only a discussion about the theme, not necessarily offering a practical application. Concerning to the goals, it has an exploratory character as we intend to offer a problem treatment, in order to make it more explicit and them construct some hypotheses. In these terms, we surveyed some theoretical approaches about argumentation and presented three conceptions: rhetorical argumentation, textual argumentation and linguistics argumentation. At next, we analyzed the participant’s guide (ENEM’s 2013 Writing Exam ) and how each one of these conceptions are mobilized in the writing evaluation, beginning from how they are considered on the description of competences and skills up to used on correction. This analysis shows that is not assumed a very well established theoretical base, which can contribute to a certain fragility on the Writing Exam evaluation process.
This doctoral dissertationproposes the description, interpretation and analysis of the compositional structure of thesis and dissertation abstracts, with regard to the linguistic mechanisms that evidence text zones of different typological sequences, such as those of the text plan. Along these lines, the research problem was developed from the notion of compositional structure (sequences and text plans), as one of the levels or plans of text analysis, according to the theoretical framework proposed by Jean-Michel Adam (2011a). The main objective of this study was to recognize how the compositional structure, of thesis and dissertation abstracts, is achieved, with respect to text units and the global organization of this text category. The hypothesis posed in this research posits that specific informational text composition categories of abstracts are necessary to process the representation of the original text and the way in which it makes its meaning. Subsequently, this study is based on the theoretical and methodological framework of Text Linguistics (TL) and, above all, Textual Discourse Analysis (TDA), as we endeavor to understand the organizational structure of abstracts from both a linguistic and textual perspective. This structure involves the text plan of abstracts, with respect to their communicative purpose, i.e, the sharing of scientific information in its standard textual form. Thus, the development of this study, from a theoretical and methodological perspective, is based on the theoretical and descriptive premises from TDA (ADAM, 2011a, 2012; PASSEGGI et al., 2010), and also from TL (BEAUGRANDE; DRESSLER, (2012 [1981]); COSERIU; LAMAS (2010); MARCUSCHI, 2009 [1983]; FÁVERO; KOCH, 1994;KOCH, 2006; BENTES, 2004; BENTES; LEITE, 2010), within the field of text studies. The methodology of this study relies on empirical, documental research, which is qualitative, and adopts a descriptive and interpretive approach. From the empirical perspective, our objective is to understand the problems pertaining to the textual composition of abstracts, aiming to elucidate them in light of the theoretical and methodological framework previously mentioned. The corpus of the analysis is comprised of seven abstracts designated for systematic data collection. These texts, written between 2004 and 2011,were selected from Master’s theses and Doctoral dissertations in their electronic version, from the graduate program at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. A thorough review of the literature reveals a clear fluctuation in the terminology of the concept, ‘abstract’. The results of the analysis revealed that the abstracts, which comprise the corpus of analysis in this study, in general, present typological heterogeneity, while the text plan remains fixed. Finally, the new knowledge gained in this research contributes both to the understanding of the compositional structure of abstracts as well as their production.
The little interest in reading and the large presence of deviations in writing observed in the texts of students of the 5th grade of a public school in RN, led us to question the motives of this problem. Thus, the idea to organize and develop teaching sequences with a variety of possibilities of reading and production through the text genres. The practice with the textual genres in elementary school extends the use of reading and writing and improves the quality of learning. In this way, the school, as one of the most active spheres in social practices of the language, we justify this work with the use of text genres as facilitators for teaching and learning the mother tongue. For this purpose, we draw as the main objective to talk about the work with textual genres from the development of didactic sequences, as well as encourage students to take a more reflexive attitude toward language and its uses, as discursive social practices. The development of the study with the text genres was made through the application of didactic sequences in the school context of elementary school classes, from 5th grade. Specifically were chosen, the letter, note, music, poetry, fable and the tale. The study is anchored in the reflections of the following theorists and researchers: Bakhtin (2011), Miller (1994), Marcuschi (2008) and Bronckart (1999) on the text genres; Marcuschi (2005) and Dolz and Schneuwly (2004) that approve a teaching-learning proposal focused on textual genres, giving a meaning to language in the construction of the knowledge and Dolz and Schneuwly (2004) regarding the didactic sequence; other theoretical orientations: PCN (1998), Lerner (2005), among others. The methodology followed the action research guidelines, in a qualitative approach perspective. The instruments of research included questionnaire, observations, readings and productions. The results pointed the students' interest in relation to the activities developed in the didactic sequences and consequently improvement in the students‘ own writings. In this sense, we reiterate the need to contamplate in the teaching activities the diversity of texts and genres and, not only due to its social relevance, therefore the student should be able to use the language in various way and adapt their texts to situations of oral and written interlocution.
The poor performance of students in reading and writing activities, prompted the search for actions that would minimize this problem, noticeable mainly in public education. The lack of interest in reading of poetic texts seen in students from the 7th year in a public school in RN, has led us to question the reasons for the rejection of poetry. Thus, the idea to organize and develop new reading possibilities mediated by digital technologies, considering the preference of teenagers by virtual environments. Therefore, it was essential to observe how students used web resources in order to plan actions that aimed to improve their reading performance. We present to justify the need for reflection on the educational problems starting from our reality, in order to establish appropriate procedures to minimize them. To this end, we draw is to investigate how students appropriated the Facebook social network in order to elaborate reading strategies using this platform. The study is anchored in the reflections of the following theorists and researchers: language concepts and language: Bakhtin (2011 [1979] 2006 [1999]), Bronckart (2012 [1999]), Marcuschi (2008); reading strategies: Leffa (1996) Solé (1998), Antunes (2009), Kleiman (2013); genre: Bakhtin (2011 [1979] 2006 [1999]), Marcuschi (2008); didactic sequence: Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly (2013 [2004]); technologies: Moran (2008 [2000]), Kenski (2007), Bento (2012), Behrens (2013); literary literacy: Cosson (2007); other theoretical orientations: PCN (1998), PDE (2008), Perrenoud (1999), among others. The methodology followed action research guidelines, a qualitative approach perspective. The research instruments included questionnaires, interviews, observations and field notes. The results pointed to the interest of students in this social network, which favored the development of a didactic sequence whose activities converged on the didactic use of Facebook as a support for the presentation of textual poetry genre, drawing the attention of students for reading. Thus, we reiterate the need to include the pedagogical use of Information and Communication Digital Technologies educational activities to better meet the expectations of the generation of "digital natives", offering them a significant Portuguese-speaking school that fits your interests.
The poor performance of students in reading and writing activities, prompted the search for actions that would minimize this problem, noticeable mainly in public education. The lack of interest in reading of poetic texts seen in students from the 7th year in a public school in RN, has led us to question the reasons for the rejection of poetry. Thus, the idea to organize and develop new reading possibilities mediated by digital technologies, considering the preference of teenagers by virtual environments. Therefore, it was essential to observe how students used web resources in order to plan actions that aimed to improve their reading performance. We present to justify the need for reflection on the educational problems starting from our reality, in order to establish appropriate procedures to minimize them. To this end, we draw is to investigate how students appropriated the Facebook social network in order to elaborate reading strategies using this platform. The study is anchored in the reflections of the following theorists and researchers: language concepts and language: Bakhtin (2011 [1979] 2006 [1999]), Bronckart (2012 [1999]), Marcuschi (2008); reading strategies: Leffa (1996) Solé (1998), Antunes (2009), Kleiman (2013); genre: Bakhtin (2011 [1979] 2006 [1999]), Marcuschi (2008); didactic sequence: Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly (2013 [2004]); technologies: Moran (2008 [2000]), Kenski (2007), Bento (2012), Behrens (2013); literary literacy: Cosson (2007); other theoretical orientations: PCN (1998), PDE (2008), Perrenoud (1999), among others. The methodology followed action research guidelines, a qualitative approach perspective. The research instruments included questionnaires, interviews, observations and field notes. The results pointed to the interest of students in this social network, which favored the development of a didactic sequence whose activities converged on the didactic use of Facebook as a support for the presentation of textual poetry genre, drawing the attention of students for reading. Thus, we reiterate the need to include the pedagogical use of Information and Communication Digital Technologies educational activities to better meet the expectations of the generation of "digital natives", offering them a significant Portuguese-speaking school that fits your interests.
Teaching Portuguese language in Brazilian public schools is still limited mostly to studying decontextualized text fragments, memorizing classifications and cult of grammar rules. Considering the language as a social, cultural practice which emerges from the intersubjective interaction, we sought to propose an educational intervention that prioritizes the retextualization processes from speech to the writing of memoirs as a textual genre, so as to contribute for improving learner’s discursive performances. Therefore, paying attention to these concerns and in attempt to contribute for improving the teaching of Portuguese language in elementary school, we chose as privileged locus a 9th grade class from a state school in Bento Fernandes, RN. The corpus is formed by texts produced and retextualized by students from the elders’ oral reports within local community. We sought thus to understand what memory is, its importance for registering local spoken language and culture, as much as to carry out didactic actions that favor students’ learning in the activities of textual production. In light of the theoretical overviews about linguistic-discursive relations, based on Marcuschi’s (1993, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2010) conception of oralitiy-writing continuum and the debates proposed by Antunes (2003, 2014), Alves Filho (2011), Koch (2012) and Bakhtin (1992, 2011), we aimed to understand, by analyzing the retextualized memoirs, how these practices complement each other within the process of orality and writing. As for the proposal of didactic sequences, the study has been oriented by Dolz and Scheneuely (2004); as for the memoirs, by the guidelines of Coracine and Ghiraldelo (2011) and Le Goff (2010, 2013). In this way, this work followed the action-research methodology in a qualitative approach, considering the teacher (researcher) as an active agent involved in the process of knowledge production in his own educational practice, so as to interfere in the mediation, knowledge production and its dissemination in classroom context, which is the privileged locus for constructing and transforming process. There is much to be research within the area of retextualization. Yet we verified that this educational intervention, based on discursive operators of retextualization, has been proven viable as an efficient path so that we teachers can work the peculiarities of usages and functions of textual genres in oral and written modalities of a language, without grasping both as a dichotomy. This accredited us to strengthen a discourse that undoes many myths still present in that order, especially the one that causes more damage for the learners of Portuguese language – that writing is a representation of speech.
This paper considers Judith Kestenberg's approach to the psychic contextualization of human body movements, presenting: 1) the main movement categories identified by Kestenberg and their meanings; 2) the relations (affinities and shocks) within these movement patterns; 3) the relations between the initial preferences of a child for certain rhythms of movements and his/her movement patterns in adult life. The aim of this research was to present Kestenberg's studies, which offer a necessary knowledge to those willing to comprehend human body movement in a therapeutic context.
This paper tries to show that the developments in linguistic sciences are better viewed as stages in a single research program, rather than different ideological -isms. The first part contains an overview of the structuralistas' beliefs about the universality and equivalence of human languages, and their search for syntactic universals. In the second part, we will see that the generative program, in its turn, tries to answer why language is a universal faculty in the human species and addresses questions about its form, its development and its use. In the second part, we will see that the paper gives a brief glimpse of the tentative answers the program has been giving to each of these issues.