995 resultados para Personnel survey
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"January 1981."
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The national telephone survey found that 6.5% of respondents reported experiencing a medical adverse event during the preceding 12 months. Most reported were medication incidents, with misdiagnosis or wrong treatment second most common. Predictors of adverse event reporting included health status, hospital admission, and length of time seeing regular doctor.
This paper presents the results of an empirical study of purchasing skills and how they vary by type of purchase. Building on the purchasing portfolio approach, purchase type was defined using 10 internally oriented, product- related dimensions, and 8 externally oriented, supply-related dimensions. Based on these dimensions, experienced purchasing personnel described a specific purchase and profiled the skills required for effective performance in purchasing that item. Cluster analysis of the 72 valid responses provided three distinct groups of purchasing situations, which were labelled strategic, tactical and routine purchase types. Of the 33 skills identified from prior literature, 24 were found to differ significantly (p>0.05) across purchase type clusters. For each cluster, the purchase situation and skills profile are described. Results show that, as product and market complexity and risk increase, both more purchasing skills are needed, and their importance for successful performance increases. Further analysis through pairwise comparisons of the clusters reveals more detailed insights. Suggestions for refining this survey tool and for its potential application in companies are discussed.
From educational, communications, psychological, and technical points of view, the renovation of pedagogy in media education is based upon the promotion of "educational technology." The promotion of educational technology relies upon the appropriate availability and knowledge of different educational media made available by the trained media personnel.^ In the past three decades most of the junior colleges in Taiwan set up educational media centers to help students learn through the use of media which enables them to obtain optimum benefits in a short time. What are the roles the media personnel play in the media center? What responsibilities have they to bear in the center? What differences are there when a trained and untrained media personnel are presented in junior colleges media center in Taiwan? What do the trained and untrained media personnel feel toward the importance of each media service in the area of media center's administration, media production, specialized media duties, and the training of staff in media use? These are the questions addressed in this study.^ Through the study of the related literature and a survey conducted in the junior colleges in Taiwan, recommendations are offered to provide improvement of the services and training of media specialists in Taiwan that are appropriate for a changing work and environment. These recommendations are for media specialists to be formally trained to effectively serve the changing needs of school library media so as to make optimal use of media in the junior colleges. ^
The purpose of this inquiry was to investigate the perceptions of former service personnel, students and their parents about the organizational effectiveness of the Ghana National Service Scheme (GNSS). The inquiry addressed the following questions: How do the participants perceive the effectiveness of the national service program on the Ghanaian society? What are the perceptions of school administrators who worked with service personnel, parents and students vis-à-vis the over all impact of the GNSS on the educational system? What are the perceptions of former service personnel, students and their parents in regard to the impact of the GNSS on them? ^ The GNSS is a part within the ministry of education, which is also part in the Ghanaian social structure. Hence, a systems theory approach which asks, “How and why a system as a whole functions as it does” (Patton, 1990), was utilized in the study. Methodologies included purposive sampling; interviews; participant observation, and follow-up interviews. The study was conducted over a six-moth period. ^ A cross-sectional survey design was used to generate data. The survey was followed up with an ethnographic study where in-depth, face-to-face interviews were conducted together with observations. The results were described and interpreted. ^ The summary of findings concludes that perceptional determinants of the effectiveness of the GNSS were biased by the age and zone of origin but not gender. This partially agrees with Marenin's (1990) except for gender. A significant difference was detected between the responses of those who were officials of the National service Secretariat and of former service personnel. The administrators defended the status quo and demonstrated their deeper knowledge about the scheme. The former personnel and parents freely criticized the program when necessary and did not seem to know much about the GNSS. Respondents mostly stressed the need for the secretariat to focus on the following areas: (1) involvement in the agricultural sector of the economy, (2) involvement in rural mass, civic and health education, (3) adequacy of remuneration and personnel welfare, and (4) ensuring posting of personnel to areas of their expertise. Recommendation for further research concluded the study. ^
Méthodologie: Étude menée par questionnaire auprès d’enseignants du primaire, du secondaire et de la formation professionnelle
Synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists or more commonly known as synthetic cannabinoids (SCs) were originally created to obtain the medicinal value of THC but they are an emerging social problem. SCs are mostly produced coated on herbal materials or in powder form and marketed under a variety of brand names, e.g. “Spice”, “K2”. Despite many SCs becoming controlled under drug legislation, many of them remain legal in some countries around the world. In Scotland, SCs are controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and Psychoactive Substances Act 2016 that only cover a few early SCs. In Saudi Arabia, even fewer are controlled. The picture of the SCs-problem in Scotland is vague due to insufficient prevalence data, particularly that using biological samples. Whilst there is evidence of increasing use of SCs throughout the world, in Saudi Arabia, there is currently no data regarding the use of products containing SCs among Saudi people. Several studies indicate that SCs may cause serious toxicity and impairment to health therefore it is important to understand the scale of use within society. A simple and sensitive method was developed for the simultaneous analysis of 10 parent SCs (JWH-018, JWH-073, JWH-250, JWH-200, AM-1248, UR-144, A-796260, AB-FUBINACA, 5F-AKB-48 and 5F-PB-22) in whole blood and 8 corresponding metabolites (JWH-018 4-OH pentyl, JWH-073 3-OH butyl, JWH-250 4-OH pentyl, AM-2201 4-OH pentyl, JWH-122 5-OH pentyl, JWH-210 5-OH pentyl, 5F-AKB-48 (N-4 OH pentyl), 5F-PB-22 3-carboxyindole)in urine using LLE and LC-MS/MS. The method was validated according to the standard practices for method validation in forensic toxicology (SWGTOX, May 2013). All analytes gave acceptable precision, linearity and recovery for analysing blood and urine samples. The method was applied to 1,496 biological samples, a mixture of whole blood and urine. Blood and/or urine samples were analysed from 114 patients presenting at Accident and Emergency in Glasgow Royal Infirmary, in spring 2014 and JuneDecember 2015. 5F-AKB-48, 5F-PB-22 and MDMB-CHMICA were detected in 9, 7 and 9 cases respectively. 904 urine samples from individuals admitted to/liberated from Scottish prisons over November 2013 were tested for the presence of SCs. 5F-AKB-48 (N-4 OH pentyl) was detected in 10 cases and 5F-PB-22 3-carboxyindole in 3 cases. Blood and urine samples from two post-mortem cases in Scotland with suspected ingestion of SCs were analysed. Both cases were confirmed positive for 5F-AKB-48. A total of 463 urine samples were collected from personnel who presented to the Security Forces Hospital in Ryiadh for workplace drug testing as a requirement for their job during July 2014. The results of the analysis found 2 samples to be positive for 5F-PB-22 3carboxyindole. A further study in Saudi Arabia using a questionnaire was carried out among 3 subpopulations: medical professionals, members of the public in and around smoking cafes and known drug users. With regards to general awareness of Spice products, 16%, 11% and 22% of those participants of medical professionals, members of the public in and around smoking cafes and known drug users, respectively, were aware of the existence of SCs or Spice products. The respondents had an overall average of 4.5% who had a friend who used these Spice products. It is clear from the results obtained in both blood and urine testing and surveys that SCs are being used in both Scotland and Saudi Arabia. The extent of their use is not clear and the data presented here is an initial look into their prevalence. Blood and urine findings suggest changing trends in SC use, moving away from JWH and AM SCs to the newer 5F-AKB-48, 5-F-PB-22 and MDMBCHMICA compounds worldwide. In both countries 5F-PB-22 was detected. These findings clarify how the SCs phenomenon is a worldwide problem and how the information of every country regarding what SCs are seized can help and is not specific for that country. The analytes included in the method were selected due to their apparent availability in both countries, however it is possible that some newer analytes have been used and these would not have been detected. For this reason it is important that methods for testing SCs are updated regularly and evolve with the ever-changing availability of these drugs worldwide. In addition, there is little published literature regarding the concentrations of these drugs found in blood and urine samples and this work goes some way towards understanding these.
To assess the prevalence of Climacteric Syndrome (CS) in women from a municipality of Northeastern Brazil which is less developed socioeconomically. A prospective household survey was performed in São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil with 1,210 climacteric women aged 45 to 60 years. Interviews were applied using previously tested standard questionnaires from April to July 2008. The severity of climacteric symptoms was analyzed by circulatory and psychological indexes and the latter were associated with menopausal status. Multiple correspondence analysis was used to assess the relation among climacteric symptoms. Most patients were 55 to 60 years old (35.3%), mulatto (37.9%), with 9-11 years of schooling (39.8%), with a partner (56%), Catholic (73.9%) and belonged to the socioeconomic class C (51.1%). The prevalence of CS was 85.9%, and hot flashes (56.4%) and sweating (50.4%) were the most prevalent symptoms. The most frequent psychological symptoms were nervousness (45%) and emotional liability (44.8%). The severity of vasomotor and psychological symptoms was significantly higher during the peri and postmenopausal period (p<0.05). Vaginal dryness (62.7%) was the most prevalent urogenital complaint. The prevalence of CS was high among women from São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil.
The diagnosis of intraductal carcinoma (IDC) of the prostate remains subjective because 3 sets of diagnostic criteria are in use. An internet survey was compiled from 38 photomicrographs showing duct proliferations: 14 signed out as high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN), 17 IDC, and 7 invasive cribriform/ductal carcinoma. Each image was assessed for the presence of 9 histologic criteria ascribed to IDC. Thirty-nine respondents were asked to rate images as (1) benign/reactive, (2) HGPIN, (3) borderline between HGPIN and IDC, (4) IDC, or (5) invasive cribriform/ductal carcinoma. Intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.68. There was 70% overall agreement with HGPIN, 43% with IDC, and 73% with invasive carcinoma (P < .001, χ(2)). Respondents considered 19 (50%) of 38 cases as IDC candidates, of which 5 (26%) had a two-thirds consensus for IDC; two-thirds consensus for either borderline or IDC was reached in 9 (47%). Two-thirds consensus other than IDC was reached in the remaining 19 of 38 cases, with 15 supporting HGPIN and 4 supporting invasive carcinoma. Findings that differed across diagnostic categories were lumen-spanning neoplastic cells (P < .001), 2× benign duct diameters (P < .001), duct space contours (round, irregular, and branched) (P < .001), papillary growth (P = .048), dense cribriform or solid growth (both P = .023), and comedonecrosis (P = .015). When the 19 of 38 images that attained consensus for HGPIN or invasive carcinoma were removed from consideration, lack of IDC consensus was most often attributable to only loose cribriform growth (5/19), central nuclear maturation (5/19), or comedonecrosis (3/19). Of the 9 histologic criteria, only 1 retained significant correlation with a consensus diagnosis of IDC: the presence of solid areas (P = .038). One case that attained IDC consensus had less than 2× duct enlargement yet still had severe nuclear atypia and nucleomegaly. Six fold nuclear enlargement was not significant (P = .083), although no image had both 6× nuclei and papillary or loose cribriform growth: a combination postulated as sufficient criteria for IDC. Finally, 20.5% of respondents agreed that an isolated diagnosis of IDC on needle biopsy warrants definitive therapy, 20.5% disagreed, and 59.0% considered the decision to depend upon clinicopathologic variables. Although IDC diagnosis remains challenging, we propose these criteria: a lumen-spanning proliferation of neoplastic cells in preexisting ducts with a dense cribriform or partial solid growth pattern. Solid growth, in any part of the duct space, emerges as the most reproducible finding to rule in a diagnosis of IDC. Comedonecrosis is a rarer finding, but in most cases, it should rule in IDC. Duct space enlargement to greater than 2× the diameter of the largest, adjacent benign spaces is usually present in IDC, although there may be rare exceptions.
Triatomine surveillance in rural areas, artificial ecotypes, and natural ecotopes of the cities of Caturama, Ibipitanga, Macaúbas, and Seabra in the south-central region of the Brazilian state of Bahia was carried out between 2008 and 2013. Natural infection by Trypanosoma cruzi was evaluated in the specimens collected to monitor vectors of Chagas disease. A total of 1,357 specimens were collected, and four species were identified: Triatoma sordida (83%), Triatoma lenti (16.4%), Triatoma pseudomaculata (0.5%), and Panstrongylus geniculatus (0.1%). Triatoma sordida was found in four cities, only 0.7% in intradomiciliary environments. Triatoma lenti was found only in Macaúbas; 8.5% were found in intradomiciliary environments, 88.3% in peridomiciliary environments, and 3.1% in sylvatic environments. Natural infection by T. cruzi was 0.5% for T. sordida and 3.1% T. lenti. All of these cases were found in peridomiciliary environments of Macaúbas. As the results show, triatomines were found in intradomiciliary environments in three cities that were surveyed in the south-central region of the state of Bahia. Thus, an epidemiologic survey should be performed to avoid the risk of transmission to the population.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
This study aimed to assess the prevalence of aggressive periodontitis (AgP), and to investigate the association between demographic, socioeconomic and behavioral risk indicators with AgP in an untreated and isolated young population in Southeastern Brazil. For this cross-sectional survey, 134 subjects aged 12-29 years were selected by a census. Of those eligible, 101 subjects received a full-mouth clinical examination, and were interviewed using a structured written questionnaire. Cases were defined as individuals with 4 or more teeth with attachment loss > 4 mm or > 5 mm in the age groups 12-19 and 20-29, respectively. Overall, 9.9% of the subjects presented AgP (10.3% of the 12-19-year-olds and 9.7% of the 20-29-year-olds). The only risk indicator significantly associated with AgP in this isolated population was a high proportion of sites (> 30%) presenting supragingival calculus [OR = 23.2]. Having experienced an urgency dental treatment was a protective factor for AgP [OR = 0.1]. The authors concluded that this isolated and untreated population from Brazil presented a high prevalence of AgP. Local plaque-retaining factors played a major role in the prevalence of AgP in this isolated population, and should be included in further studies evaluating this destructive periodontal disease form.