966 resultados para Periosteal proliferative


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Doria, R.G.S.; Canola, P.A.; Freitas, S.H. & Canola, J.C. [Equine chronic proliferative synovitis (villonodular synovitis): clinical, radiographic and ultrasonographic aspects: Relate of case.] Sinovite proliferativa cronica (sinovite vilonodular) em equino: aspectos clinicos, radiograficos e ultra-sonograficos: Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinciria 30(3):157-161, 2008. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade de Cuiaba, UNIC, Av. Antartica 788, Casa 26, Residencial Villas Boas, Ribeirao da Ponte, Cuiaba, MT 78040-500. Brasil. E-mail: redoria@uol.com.brThe development of intracapsullar masses at the dorsal aspect of the metacarpofalangeal joint for a period of several months is commonly secondary to the chronic synovitis. Although it is known as villonodular synovitis in horses probably is better to refer it as chronic proliferative synovitis. The most common causes are the non-treated osteocondral fractures of the dorsal portion of the proximal phalanx. In addition, the development of villonodular masses follows the degenerative process in the joint. A case of a lame animal is reported at the present study. The correct diagnosis and the adequate therapeutic propositions were given based on the clinical examination, therapeutic local-anesthetic test and radioghaphic and ultrasonographic imaging exams. The development of a criterious identification of this disease must be based on clinical findings, radiographic and ultrasonographic exams which assume fundamental importance to the treatment and prognostic. The aim of this study is to describe the clinical, radiographic and ultrasonographic findings' allowing the identification and diagnosis of chronic proliferative synovitis at the thoracic metacarpofalangeal joint in the horse.


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The morphology and evolution of epithelial lesions that developed at a gastrojejunal stoma due to reflux of duodenal contents were compared with MNNG-induced carcinomas in the pyloric mucosa of rats in a long term experiment. Random bred male Wistar rats were given MNNG in drinking water (100 mg/l) for 12 weeks and then one group was submitted to a gastrojejunal anastomosis at the greater curvature in the oxyntic mucosa, Untreated rats underwent either gastrojejunostomy or gastrotomy. The animals were killed at the 24th and 66th weeks of the experiment. The lesions obtained in the pyloric mucosa and in the mucosa of the gastrojejunal stoma were analyzed histologically using hematoxylin and eosin staining and immunohistochemistry for pepsinogen isoenzyme 1. Duodenal reflux induced proliferative lesions at the gastrojejunal junction that increased in incidence and size with time. Histologically they consisted of benign epithelial proliferation of gastric type. No evidence of malignant transformation within the gastric components of the proliferative lesions at the gastrojejunal stoma was observed even at the 66th week, Adenocarcinomas induced by MNNG in the pyloric mucosa increased in size during the experiment and were morphologically and histochemically distinct from the proliferative lesions at the gastrojejunal junction. In conclusion, proliferative lesions at the gastrojejunal stoma stimulated by duodenal reflux are biologically distinct from adenocarcinomas induced by MNNG in the pyloric mucosa. They do not seem to be precursor lesions of gastric carcinogenesis, as they do not undergo malignant transformation even after long-term, up to 66 weeks, follow-up. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To elucidate the molecular profile of hormonal steroid receptor status, we analyzed ER-alpha, ER-beta, and PGR mRNA and protein expression in 80 breast carcinomas using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), quantitative RT-PCR, and immunohistochemical analysis. Qualitative analysis revealed positive expression of ER-alpha, ER-beta, and PGR mRNA in 48%, 59%, and 48% of the breast carcinomas, respectively. ER-alpha, ER-beta, and PGR transcript overexpression was observed in 51%, 0%, and 12% of the cases, respectively, whereas moderate or strong protein expression was detected in 68%, 78%, and 49% of the cases, respectively. Tumor grade was negatively correlated with transcript and protein levels of ER-alpha (P = .0169 and P = .0006, respectively) and PGR (P = .0034 and P = .0005, respectively). Similarly, proliferative index Ki-67 was negatively associated with transcript and protein levels of ER-alpha (P = .0006 and P < .0001, respectively) and PGR (P = .0258 and P =. 0005, respectively). These findings suggest that ER-alpha and PGR expression are associated with well-differentiated breast tumors and less directly related to cell proliferation. A significant statistical difference was observed between lymph node status and ER-beta protein expression (P = .0208). In ER-alpha-negative tumors, we detected a correlation between ER-beta protein expression and high levels of Ki-67. These data suggest that ER-beta could be a prognostic marker in human breast cancer. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar as lesões proliferativas que se desenvolvem na mucosa gástrica de ratos Wistar após modelo específico de refluxo duodeno-gástrico. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 75 ratos adultos machos divididos em três grupos experimentais: o grupo I (controle) submetido a gastrotomia na parede posterior do estômago glandular (25 animais); o grupo II (RDG), foi submetido a gastrojejunoanastomose látero-lateral na parede posterior do estômago glandular (25 animais) e o grupo III (RDG-P) submetido a gastrojejunoanastomose látero-lateral na parede posterior do estômago glandular, com secção e fechamento da alça (25 animais). Os animais foram observados durante 36 semanas, após o que foram realizados estudos macroscópicos e microscópicos da anastomose gastrojejunal, da região pré-pilórica e região escamosa do estômago. RESULTADOS: Os animais do Grupo I não apresentaram nenhum tipo de lesão. No grupo II observou-se 40% de lesões do tipo hiperplasia adenomatosa na anastomose e 12% de hiperplasia escamosa. No grupo III obteve-se 40% de hiperplasia adenomatosa na mucosa pré-pilórica, 72 % de hiperplasia adenomatosa na mucosa da anastomose, 20% de hiperplasia escamosa e 12 % de adenocarcinoma. CONCLUSÕES: O refluxo duodeno-gástrico induz a alta freqüência de lesões proliferativas na mucosa adjacente à anastomose gastrojejunal ou na mucosa pré-pilórica e o adenocarcinoma é um evento raro neste modelo experimental.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a expressão das metaloproteinases 2 (MMP-2) e 9 (MMP-9) em próstatas caninas normais e com desordens proliferativas, verificando o papel dessas enzimas na remodelação da matriz extracelular (MEC) e no processo de invasão tecidual. Um total de 355 amostras prostáticas foram obtidas, sendo 36 (10,1%) normais, 46 (13,0%) com hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB), 128 (36,1%) com atrofia inflamatória proliferativa (PIA), 74 (20,8%) com neoplasia intraepitelial prostática (PIN) e 71 (20,0%) com carcinoma prostático (CP). Houve diferença de imunomarcação citoplasmática para MMP-2 e MMP-9 entre o epitélio acinar e o estroma periacinar, quanto aos diferentes diagnósticos. Observou-se correlação entre a expressão de MMP-2 e MMP-9 em relação ao número de células marcadas no epitélio acinar e estroma periacinar, bem como para a intensidade de marcação das células estromais periacinares em próstatas caninas com PIA. Conclui-se que há variação na expressão de MMP-2 e MMP-9 em próstatas caninas de acordo com a lesão, com menor expressão em próstatas caninas normais e com HPB, e maior naquelas com PIA, PIN e CP. Ainda, o microambiente inflamatório na PIA influencia a atividade de ambas as enzimas.


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We have investigated epithelial cell proliferation and the rate of glandular recovery of the ventral prostate (VP) and seminal vesicle (SV) promoted by testosterone replacement (TR) in castration-induced regressed glands. Adult male Wistar rats were castrated and, after 21 days, they were treated with testosterone propionate (4 mg/kg/day). Intact (CT) and castrated rats without TR (CS) were also analysed. VP and SV were processed for histochemistry, morphometric-stereological analysis and immunocytochemistry to determine the PCNA index (PI). After 10 days of TR, the VP weight reached similar to 72% of the CT values, while the SV weight exceeded similar to 17% of the CT values. By the third day of TR, VP and SV presented a mean P1 of 34% and 94% for distal region and 14% and 22% for proximal region, respectively. SV also had more luminal cells PCNA-positive than VP, mainly in the distal region. The PI values fell on days 5, 7 and 10, but were still higher than CT. These findings indicate that epithelial cells from involuted SV are more responsive to TR than those from VP when Stimulated to proliferate and replace the luminal cell population, suggesting a different mechanism regulating cell proliferation in response to androgenic stimuli. (c) 2006 International Federation for Cell Biology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Previously we reported the majority of lesions induced hy bile reflux, in the absence of chemical carcinogens, in the rat remnant stomach to consist primarily of gastric type and secondarily of intestinal type cells, and that they are reversible after diversion of bile reflux. The present study was designed to evaluate changes in proliferative activities in cells of each type under these conditions. The frequency of adenomatous hyperplasia (AH) induced in the gastric stump mucosa by duodenal content reflux after Billroth II partial gastrectomy (BII) increased until the 54th week of the experiment. Roux-en-Y (RY) surgical procedure which prevents duodenal reflux performed at the 24th or 36th week after BII led to a decrease in AH. Cell content of the lesions was analyzed using routine H&E staining, immunohistochemical staining for pepsinogen isoenzyme 1 and histochemical procedures for mucins (paradoxical concanavalin A, galactose oxidase Schiff and sialidase galactose oxidase Schiff reactions) and proliferation in each compartment evaluated by an immunohistochemical method using bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and a monoclonal antibody against BrdU. At the 54th week the number of BrdU-labeled cells per normal pyloric column was significantly (P < 0.05) increased to 10.63/pit after the BII operation, while it diminished to 5.23/pit after RY diversion, this being the same level as with the RY procedure alone. AH maintained a high rate of BrdU incorporation at 12.7% after BII operation, which was also significantly reduced (P < 0.01) to 7.0% by the RY surgery. The intestinal type cell showed highest (22.2%), the surface mucous type cell showed the next (16.5%) and the pyloric gland type cell showed lowest (5.2%) BrdU labeling indices after BII operation. All the cell types in AH showed similar proportional decreases in BrdU incorporation after RY diversion. Thus surgical intervention reverses the cell proliferation caused by bile reflux in the gastric stump.


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Purpose: To evaluate the effects of panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) compared with PRP plus intravitreal bevacizumab on best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and total area of fluorescein leakage from active new vessels (NVs) in patients with high-risk proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR).Methods: We carried out a prospective study of patients with high-risk PDR and no prior laser treatment who were randomly assigned to receive PRP (PRP group) or PRP plus intravitreal injection of 1.5 mg of bevacizumab (PRP-plus group). In all patients, the PRP was administered at two time-points (weeks 1 and 3), with the intravitreal bevacizumab delivered at the end of the second laser episode in the PRP-plus group. Standardized ophthalmic evaluation including Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study BCVA as well as stereoscopic fundus photography and fluorescein angiography were performed at baseline and at weeks 4, 9 (+/- 1) and 16 (+/- 2). Main outcome measures included changes in BCVA and in total area of fluorescein leakage from active NVs.Results: Twenty-two (n = 30 eyes) consecutive patients completed the 16-week follow-up. There was no significant difference between the PRP and PRP-plus groups with respect to age, gender, type or duration of diabetes, area of fluorescein leakage from active NVs or BCVA. No significant difference in BCVA was observed between the groups throughout the study period. However, the total area of actively leaking NVs was significantly reduced in the PRP-plus group compared with the PRP group at weeks 4, 9 and 16 (p < 0.001). No major adverse events were identified.Conclusions: In the short-term, the adjunctive use of intravitreal bevacizumab with PRP was associated with a greater reduction in the area of active leaking NVs than PRP alone in patients with high-risk PDR.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)