971 resultados para Peptide secondary structure


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Linkage disequilibrium between polymorphisms in a natural population may result from various evolutionary forces, including random genetic drift due to sampling of gametes during reproduction, restricted migration between subpopulations in a subdivided population, or epistatic selection. In this report, we present evidence that the majority of significant linkage disequilibria observed in introns of the alcohol dehydrogenase locus (Adh) of Drosophila pseudoobscura are due to epistatic selection maintaining secondary structure of precursor mRNA (pre-mRNA). Based on phylogenetic-comparative analysis and a likelihood approach, we propose secondary structure models of Adh pre-mRNA for the regions of the adult intron and intron 2 where clustering of linkage disequilibria has been observed. Furthermore, we applied the likelihood ratio test to the phylogenetically predicted secondary structure in intron 1. In contrast to the other two structures, polymorphisms associated with the more conserved stem-loop structure of intron 1 are in low frequency, and linkage disequilibria have not been observed. These findings are qualitatively consistent with a model of compensatory fitness interactions. This model assumes that mutations disrupting pairing in a secondary structural element are individually deleterious if they destabilize a functionally important structure; a second "compensatory" mutation, however, may restabilize the structure and restore fitness.


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Neurospora VS RNA performs an RNA-mediated self-cleavage reaction whose products contain 2',3'-cyclic phosphate and 5'-hydroxyl termini. This reaction is similar to those of hammerhead, hairpin, and hepatitis delta virus ribozymes; however, VS RNA is not similar in sequence to these other self-cleaving motifs. Here we propose a model for the secondary structure of the self-cleaving region of VS RNA, supported by site-directed mutagenesis and chemical modification structure probing data. The secondary structure of VS RNA is distinct from those of the other naturally occurring RNA self-cleaving domains. In addition to a unique secondary structure, several Mg-dependent interactions occur during the folding of VS RNA into its active tertiary conformation.


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Motivation: Conformational flexibility is essential to the function of many proteins, e.g. catalytic activity. To assist efforts in determining and exploring the functional properties of a protein, it is desirable to automatically identify regions that are prone to undergo conformational changes. It was recently shown that a probabilistic predictor of continuum secondary structure is more accurate than categorical predictors for structurally ambivalent sequence regions, suggesting that such models are suited to characterize protein flexibility. Results: We develop a computational method for identifying regions that are prone to conformational change directly from the amino acid sequence. The method uses the entropy of the probabilistic output of an 8-class continuum secondary structure predictor. Results for 171 unique amino acid sequences with well-characterized variable structure (identified in the 'Macromolecular movements database') indicate that the method is highly sensitive at identifying flexible protein regions, but false positives remain a problem. The method can be used to explore conformational flexibility of proteins (including hypothetical or synthetic ones) whose structure is yet to be determined experimentally.


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Background: The structure of proteins may change as a result of the inherent flexibility of some protein regions. We develop and explore probabilistic machine learning methods for predicting a continuum secondary structure, i.e. assigning probabilities to the conformational states of a residue. We train our methods using data derived from high-quality NMR models. Results: Several probabilistic models not only successfully estimate the continuum secondary structure, but also provide a categorical output on par with models directly trained on categorical data. Importantly, models trained on the continuum secondary structure are also better than their categorical counterparts at identifying the conformational state for structurally ambivalent residues. Conclusion: Cascaded probabilistic neural networks trained on the continuum secondary structure exhibit better accuracy in structurally ambivalent regions of proteins, while sustaining an overall classification accuracy on par with standard, categorical prediction methods.


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Our previous studies using trans-complementation analysis of Kunjin virus (KUN) full-length cDNA clones harboring in-frame deletions in the NS3 gene demonstrated the inability of these defective complemented RNAs to be packaged into virus particles (W. J. Liu, P. L. Sedlak, N. Kondratieva, and A. A. Khromykh, J. Virol. 76:10766-10775). In this study we aimed to establish whether this requirement for NS3 in RNA packaging is determined by the secondary RNA structure of the NS3 gene or by the essential role of the translated NS3 gene product. Multiple silent mutations of three computer-predicted stable RNA structures in the NS3 coding region of KUN replicon RNA aimed at disrupting RNA secondary structure without affecting amino acid sequence did not affect RNA replication and packaging into virus-like particles in the packaging cell line, thus demonstrating that the predicted conserved RNA structures in the NS3 gene do not play a role in RNA replication and/or packaging. In contrast, double frameshift mutations in the NS3 coding region of full-length KUN RNA, producing scrambled NS3 protein but retaining secondary RNA structure, resulted in the loss of ability of these defective RNAs to be packaged into virus particles in complementation experiments in KUN replicon-expressing cells. Furthermore, the more robust complementation-packaging system based on established stable cell lines producing large amounts of complemented replicating NS3-deficient replicon RNAs and infection with KUN virus to provide structural proteins also failed to detect any secreted virus-like particles containing packaged NS3-deficient replicon RNAs. These results have now firmly established the requirement of KUN NS3 protein translated in cis for genome packaging into virus particles.


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Dans ce mémoire, je présente mes études sur la synthèse, la caractérisation et l’évaluation biologique de différentes séries d’analogues du D-heptapeptide appelé 101.10, un modulateur négatif allostérique du récepteur de l’interleukine-1β (IL-1β). Sachant que les peptides ont généralement de faibles propriétés pharmacologiques, le but de ce projet portait sur l’examen des structures nécessaires à la bioactivité, la conformation tridimensionnelle de ces derniers afin d’améliorer la droguabilité du peptide parent. Les stratégies d’optimisation du 101.10 utilisées furent : la coupure N- et C-terminale; la substitution par la proline, α-amino-γ-lactame (Agl), β-amino-γ-lactame (Bgl) et α-amino-β-hydroxy-γ-lactame (Hgl); et la rigidification du squelette à l’aide d’un bicycle, l’indolozidin-2-one (I2aa). Afin de clarifier certaines relations de structure-activité, quelques modifications furent apportées au peptide, incluant l’échange de la thréonine pour la valine, la permutation de la stéréochimie de certains résidus clés ainsi que le remplacement de certaines chaînes latérales par un méthyle. Pour pallier aux difficultés de reproductibilité des résultats avec des échantillons provenant de différentes sources, des études sur l’identité du contre-anion et la pureté du peptide furent conduites. Afin d’évaluer l’effet des modifications sur la conformation aqueuse et l’activité biologique du peptide, des analyses de dichroïsme circulaire et des tests in vitro mesurant l’inhibition de certains effets de l’IL-1β furent effectués. Ces essais cellulaires comportaient l’inhibition de la prolifération de cellules immunes et de l’activation des voies de signalisation inflammatoires du facteur nucléaire κB (NF-κB) et de la protéine kinase activée par mitogène (MAPK), toutes deux stimulées par l’IL-1β. La compilation de ces données a permis de déceler certaines tendances entre la structure, la conformation et l’activité anti-IL-1β des peptidomimétiques.


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A structure-activity study was performed to examine the role of position 14 of human alpha-calcitonin gene-related peptide (h-alpha-CGRP) in activating the CGRP receptor. Interestingly, position 14 of h-alpha-CGRP contains a glycyl residue and is part of an alpha-helix spanning residues 8-18. Analogues [Ala(14)]-h-alpha-CGRP, [Aib(14)]-h-alpha-CGRP, [Asp(14)]-h-alpha-CGRP, [Asn(14)]-h-alpha-CGRP, and [Pro(14)]-h-alpha-CGRP were synthesized by solid phase peptide methodology and purified by RP-HPLC. Secondary structure was measured by circular dichroism spectroscopy. Agonist activities were determined as the analogues' ability to stimulate amylase secretion from guinea pig pancreatic acini and to relax precontracted porcine coronary arteries. Analogues [Ala(1)4]-h-alpha-CGRP, [Aib(14)]-h-alpha-CGRP, [Asp(14)]-h-alpha-CGRP, and [Asn(14)]-h-alpha-CGRP, all containing residues with a high helical propensity in position 14, were potent full agonists compared to h-alpha-CGRP in both tissues. Interestingly, replacement of Gly(14) of h-alpha-CGRP with these residues did not substantially increase the helical content of these analogues. [Pro(14)]-h-alpha-CGRP, predictably, has significantly lower helical content and is a 20-fold less potent agonist on coronary artery, known to contain CGRP-1 receptor subtypes, and an antagonist on pancreatic acini, known to contain CGRP-2 receptor subtypes. In conclusion, the residue in position 14 plays a structural role in stabilizing the alpha-helix spanning residues 8-18. The alpha-helix is crucial for maintaining highly potent agonist effects of h-alpha-CGRP at CGRP receptors. The wide variety of functional groups that can be tolerated in position 14 with no substantial modification of agonist effects suggests the residue in this position is not in contact with the CGRP receptor. [Pro(14)]-h-alpha-CGRP may be a useful pharmacological tool to distinguish between CGRP-1 and CGRP-2 receptor subtypes.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The caseins (αs1, αs2, β, and κ) are phosphoproteins present in bovine milk that have been studied for over a century and whose structures remain obscure. Here we describe the chemical synthesis and structure elucidation of the N-terminal segment (1–44) of bovine κ-casein, the protein which maintains the micellar structure of the caseins. κ-Casein (1–44) was synthesised by highly optimised Boc solid-phase peptide chemistry and characterised by mass spectrometry. Structure elucidation was carried out by circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. CD analysis demonstrated that the segment was ill defined in aqueous medium but in 30% trifluoroethanol it exhibited considerable helical structure. Further, NMR analysis showed the presence of a helical segment containing 26 residues which extends from Pro8 to Arg34. This is the first report which demonstrates extensive secondary structure within the casein class of proteins.


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CXCL-8 (Interleukin 8) is a CXC chemokine with a central role in the human immune response. We have undertaken extensive in silico analyses to elucidate the interactions of CXCL-8 with its various binding partners, which are crucial for its biological function. Sequence and structure analyses showed that residues in the thirdq β-sheet and basic residues in the heparin binding site are highly variable, while residues in the second β-sheet are highly conserved. Molecular dynamics simulations in aqueous solution of dimeric CXCL-8 have been performed with starting geometries from both X-ray and NMR structures showed shearing movements between the two antiparallel C-terminal helices. Dynamic conservation analyses of these simulations agreed with experimental data indicating that structural differences between the two structures at quaternary level arise from changes in the secondary structure of the N-terminal loop, the 310-helix, the 30s, 40s, and 50s loops and the third β-sheet, resulting in a different interhelical separation. Nevertheless, the observation of these different states indicates that CXCL-8 has the potential to undergo conformational changes, and it seems likely that this feature is relevant to the mode of binding of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) mimetics such as cyclitols. Simulations of the receptor peptide fragment−CXCL-8 complex identified several specific interactions of the receptor peptide with CXCL-8 that could be exploited in the structure-based design of competitive peptides and nonpeptidic molecules targeting CXCL-8 for combating inflammatory diseases. Simulations of the CXCL-8 dimer complexed with a 24-mer heparin fragment and of the CXCL-8−receptor peptide complex revealed that Arg60, Lys64, and Arg68 in the dimer bind to cyclitols in a horseshoe pattern, defining a region which is spatially distinct from the receptor binding site. There appears to be an optimum number of sulfates and an optimum length of alkyl spacers required for the interaction of cyclitol inhibitors with the dimeric form of CXCL-8. Calculation of the binding affinities of cyclitol inhibitors reflected satisfactorily the ranking of experimentally determined inhibitory potencies. The findings of these molecular modeling studies will help in the search for inhibitors which can modulate various CXCL-8 biological activities and serve as an excellent model system to study CXC-inhibitor interactions.


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Solution structures of a 23 residue glycopeptide II (KIS* RFLLYMKNLLNRIIDDMVEQ, where * denotes the glycan Gal-beta-(1-3)-alpha-GalNAc) and its deglycosylated counterpart I derived from the C-terminal leucine zipper domain of low molecular weight human salivary mucin (MUC7) were studied using CD, NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling. The peptide I was synthesized using the Fmoc chemistry following the conventional procedure and the glycopeptide II was synthesized incorporating the O-glycosylated building block (N alpha-Fmoc-Ser-[Ac-4,-beta-D-Gal-(1,3)-Ac(2)alpha-D-GalN(3)]-OPfp) at the appropriate position in stepwise assembly of peptide chain. Solution structures of these glycosylated and nonglycosylated peptides were studied in water and in the presence of 50% of an organic cosolvent, trifluoroethanol (TFE) using circular dichroism (CD), and in 50% TFE using two-dimensional proton nuclear magnetic resonance (2D H-1 NMR) spectroscopy. CD spectra in aqueous medium indicate that the apopeptide I adapts, mostly, a beta-sheet conformation whereas the glycopeptide II assumes helical structure. This transition in the secondary structure, upon glycosylation, demonstrates that the carbohydrate moiety exerts significant effect on the peptide backbone conformation. However, in 50% TFE both the peptides show pronounced helical structure. Sequential and medium range NOEs, C alpha H chemical shift perturbations, (3)J(NH:C alpha H) couplings and deuterium exchange rates of the amide proton resonances in water containing 50% TFE indicate that the peptide I adapts alpha-helical structure from Ile2-Val21 and the glycopeptide II adapts alpha-helical structure from Ser3-Glu22. The observation of continuous stretch of helix in both the peptides as observed by both NMR and CD spectroscopy strongly suggests that the C-terminal domain of MUC7 with heptad repeats of leucines or methionine residues may be stabilized by dimeric leucine zipper motif. The results reported herein may be invaluable in understanding the aggregation (or dimerization) of MUC7 glycoprotein which would eventually have implications in determining its structure-function relationship.


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Obestatin is a more recently discovered hormone that is encoded by the ghrelin gene and produced in the stomach and gut. We report NMR analysis on synthetic Obestatin (OB23), a 23 residue peptide, along with three overlapping fragments of the same in methanol solvent as a first step towards structure activity relationship. Selective substitutions on the promising N-terminal and middle fragments of obestatin have been carried out in order to improve the efficacy and potency. In the N-terminal fragment two peptides were obtained by the replacement of Gly (8) with a-aminoisobutyric acid (Aib, U) and Phe (F5) with Cyclohexylalanine (Cha). In case of the middle fragment both Gly (3) and Gly (8) were replaced with Aib residues. The rationale being, these unusual amino acids could provide protection from immediate degradation and aid structure stabilization. Our previous studies showed that the N-terminal and the middle fragment were unstructured and hence this substitution would directly evaluate the effect of structure on the activity of these fragment analogs. Detailed NMR analysis clearly demonstrates formation of helical secondary structure in all the peptide analogues and provides justification for relative activities reported by our group previously (Nagaraj et al. 2009).


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The signal peptide plays a key role in targeting and membrane insertion of secretory and membrane proteins in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In E. coli, recombinant proteins can be targeted to the periplasmic space by fusing naturally occurring signal sequences to their N-terminus. The model protein thioredoxin was fused at its N-terminus with malE and pelB signal sequences. While WT and the pelB fusion are soluble when expressed, the malE fusion was targeted to inclusion bodies and was refolded in vitro to yield a monomeric product with identical secondary structure to WT thioredoxin. The purified recombinant proteins were studied with respect to their thermodynamic stability, aggregation propensity and activity, and compared with wild type thioredoxin, without a signal sequence. The presence of signal sequences leads to thermodynamic destabilization, reduces the activity and increases the aggregation propensity, with malE having much larger effects than pelB. These studies show that besides acting as address labels, signal sequences can modulate protein stability and aggregation in a sequence dependent manner.