940 resultados para Peptide Fragments -- chemistry -- immunology -- metabolism


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Gamma delta T cells are thought to mediate immune responses at epithelial surfaces. We have quantified and characterized hepatic and peripheral blood gamma delta T cells from 11 normal and 13 unresolved tumor-bearing human liver specimens. gamma delta T cells are enriched in normal liver (6.6% of T cells) relative to matched blood (0.9%; P = 0.008). The majority express CD4(-)CD8(-) phenotypes and many express CD56 and/or CD161. In vitro, hepatic gamma delta T cells can be induced to kill tumor cell lines and release interferon-gamma, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-2 and interleukin-4. Analysis of V gamma and V delta chain usage indicated that V delta 3(+) cells are expanded in normal livers (21.2% of gamma delta T cells) compared to blood (0.5%; P = 0.001). Tumor-bearing livers had significant expansions and depletions of gamma delta T cell subsets but normal cytolytic activity. This study identifies novel populations of liver T cells that may play a role in immunity against tumors.


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A major group of murine NK T (NKT) cells express an invariant Vα14Jα18 TCR α-chain specific for glycolipid Ags presented by CD1d. Murine Vα14Jα18+ account for 30–50% of hepatic T cells and have potent antitumor activities. We have enumerated and characterized their human counterparts, Vα24Vβ11+ NKT cells, freshly isolated from histologically normal and tumor-bearing livers. In contrast to mice, human NKT cells are found in small numbers in healthy liver (0.5% of CD3+ cells) and blood (0.02%). In contrast to those in blood, most hepatic Vα24+ NKT cells express the Vβ11 chain. They include CD4+, CD8+, and CD4−CD8− cells, and many express the NK cell markers CD56, CD161, and/or CD69. Importantly, human hepatic Vα24+ T cells are potent producers of IFN-γ and TNF-α, but not IL-2 or IL-4, when stimulated pharmacologically or with the NKT cell ligand, α-galactosylceramide. Vα24+Vβ11+ cell numbers are reduced in tumor-bearing compared with healthy liver (0.1 vs 0.5%; p < 0.04). However, hepatic cells from cancer patients and healthy donors release similar amounts of IFN-γ in response to α-galactosylceramide. These data indicate that hepatic NKT cell repertoires are phenotypically and functionally distinct in humans and mice. Depletions of hepatic NKT cell subpopulations may underlie the susceptibility to metastatic liver disease.


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CD1d-restricted natural killer T (NKT) cells expressing invariant Valpha14Jalpha18 T cell receptor alpha-chains are abundant in murine liver and are implicated in the control of malignancy, infection and autoimmunity. Invariant NKT cells have potent anti-metastatic effects in mice and phase I clinical trials involving their homologues in humans are ongoing. However, invariant NKT cells are less abundant in human liver ( approximately 0.5% of hepatic T cells) than in murine liver (up to 50%) and it is not known if other hepatic T cells are CD1-restricted. We have examined expression of CD1a, CD1b, CD1c and CD1d mRNA and protein in human liver and evaluated the reactivity of mononuclear cells (MNC) from histologically normal and tumour-bearing human liver specimens against these CD1 isoforms. Messenger RNA for all CD1 isotypes was detectable in all liver samples. CD1c and CD1d were expressed at the protein level by hepatic MNC. CD1d, only, was detectable at the cell surface, but CD1c and CD1d were found at an intracellular location in significant numbers of liver MNC. CD1b was not expressed by MNC from healthy livers but was detectable within MNC in all tumour samples tested. Hepatic T cells exhibited reactivity against C1R cells expressing transfected CD1c and CD1d, but neither CD1a nor CD1b. These cells secreted interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) but not interleukin-4 (IL-4) upon stimulation. In contrast, similar numbers of peripheral T cells released 13- and 16-fold less IFN-gamma in response to CD1c and CD1d, respectively. CD1c and CD1d expression and T cell reactivity were not altered in tumour-bearing liver specimens compared to histologically normal livers. These data suggest that, in addition to invariant CD1d-restricted NKT cells, autoreactive T cells that recognise CD1c and CD1d and release inflammatory cytokines are abundant in human liver.


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Antigen stimulation of naive T cells in conjunction with strong costimulatory signals elicits the generation of effector and memory populations. Such terminal differentiation transforms naive T cells capable of differentiating along several terminal pathways in response to pertinent environmental cues into cells that have lost developmental plasticity and exhibit heightened responsiveness. Because these cells exhibit little or no need for the strong costimulatory signals required for full activation of naive T cells, it is generally considered memory and effector T cells are released from the capacity to be inactivated. Here, we show that steadystate dendritic cells constitutively presenting an endogenously expressed antigen inactivate fully differentiated memory and effector CD8+ T cells in vivo through deletion and inactivation. These findings indicate that fully differentiated effector and memory T cells exhibit a previously unappreciated level of plasticity and provide insight into how memory and effector T-cell populations may be regulated. © 2008 by The American Society of Hematology.


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T cells expressing NK cell receptors (NKR) display rapid MHC-unrestricted cytotoxicity and potent cytokine secretion and are thought to play roles in immunity against tumors. We have quantified and characterized NKR+ T cells freshly isolated from epithelial and lamina propria layers of duodenum and colon from 16 individuals with no evidence of gastrointestinal disease and from tumor and uninvolved tissue from 19 patients with colorectal cancer. NKR+ T cell subpopulations were differentially distributed in different intestinal compartments, and CD161+ T cells accounted for over one half of T cells at all locations tested. Most intestinal CD161+ T cells expressed alpha beta TCR and either CD4 or CD8. Significant proportions expressed HLA-DR,CD69 and Fas ligand. Upon stimulation in vitro, CD161+ T cells produced IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha but not IL-4. NKT cells expressing the Valpha24Vbeta11 TCR, which recognizes CD1d,were virtually absent from the intestine, but colonic cells produced IFN-gamma in response to the NKT cell agonist ligand alpha-galactosylceramide. NKR+ T cells were not expanded in colonic tumors compared to adjacent uninvolved tissue. The predominance, heterogeneity and differential distribution of NKR+ T cells at different intestinal locations suggests that they are central to intestinal immunity.


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Introduction Single nucleotide polymorphisms in ERAP2 are strongly associated with ankylosing spondylitis (AS). One AS-associated single nucleotide polymorphism, rs2248374, causes a truncated ERAP2 protein that is degraded by nonsense-mediated decay. Approximately 25% of the populations of European ancestry are therefore natural ERAP2 knockouts. We investigated the effect of this associated variant on HLA class I allele presentation, surface heavy chains, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress markers and cytokine gene transcription in AS. Methods Patients with AS and healthy controls with either AA or GG homozygous status for rs2248374 were studied. Antibodies to CD14, CD19-ECD, HLA-A-B-C, Valpha7.2, CD161, anti-HC10 and anti-HLA-B27 were used to analyse peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Expression levels of ER stress markers (GRP78 and CHOP) and proinflammatory genes (tumour necrosis factor (TNF), IL6, IL17 and IL22) were assessed by qPCR. Results There was no significant difference in HLAclass I allele presentation or major histocompatibility class I heavy chains or ER stress markers GRP78 and CHOP or proinflammatory gene expression between genotypes for rs2248374 either between cases, between cases and controls, and between controls. Discussion Large differences were not seen in HLAB27 expression or cytokine levels between subjects with and without ERAP2 in AS cases and controls. This suggests that ERAP2 is more likely to influence AS risk through other mechanisms.


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The benzylic methylene protons in a large number of benzyloxycarbonyl alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (Z-Aib) containing peptides, show chemical shift nonequivalence. The magnitude of the geminal nonequivalence is correlated with the involvement of the urethane carbonyl group, in an intramolecular hydrogen bond. Studies of the model compounds Z-Aib-Aib-Ala-NHMe, and Z-Aib-Aib-Aib-Pro-OMe clearly establish the presence of intramolecular hydrogen bonds, involving the urethane CO group. In both compounds marked anisochrony of the benzylic methylene protons is demonstrated. In Z-Aib-Aib-Pro-OMe, where a 4 leads to 1 hydrogen bonded beta-turn is not possible, the benzylic-CH2-protons appear as a singlet in CDCl3 and have a very small chemical shift difference in (CD3)2SO. The observation of such nonequivalence is of value in establishing whether the amino terminal Aib-Pro beta-turn is retained in large peptide-fragments of alamethicin.


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The complete amino acid sequence of a cytotoxin-like basic protein (CLBP) from the venom of Naja naja naja (Indian Cobra) was determined by manual degradation using a 4-dimethylaminoazobenzene-4'-isothiocyanate double-coupling method. Peptide fragments obtained by chemical cleavage with cyanogen bromide and enzymic cleavages with trypsin and Staphylococcus aureus proteases for sequence analysis were purified by reversed-phase chromatography. The total number of amino acid residues was 61, with leucine as the C-terminal residue. (C) Munksgaard 1995.


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The specific plasminogen activator from Trimeresurus stejnegeri venom (TSV-PA) is a serine proteinase presenting 23% sequence identity with the proteinase domain of tissue type plasminogen activator, and 63% with batroxobin, a fibrinogen clotting enzyme from Bothrops atrox venom that does not activate plasminogen. TSV-PA contains six disulfide bonds and has been successfully overexpressed in Escherichia coli (Zhang, Y., Wisner, A., Xiong, Y. L,, and Bon, C, (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 10246-10255), To identify the functional domains of TSV-PA, we focused on three short peptide fragments of TSV-PA showing important sequence differences with batroxobin and other venom serine proteinases. Molecular modeling shows that these sequences are located in surface loop regions, one of which is next to the catalytic site, When these sequences were replaced in TSV-PA by the equivalent batroxobin residues none generated either fibrinogen-clotting or direct fibrinogenolytic activity, Two of the replacements had little effect in general and are not critical to the specificity of TSV-PA for plasminogen. Nevertheless, the third replacement, produced by the conversion of the sequence DDE 96a-98 to NVI, significantly increased the K-m for some tripeptide chromogenic substrates and resulted in undetectable plasminogen activation, indicating the key role that the sequence plays in substrate recognition by the enzyme.


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Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry(MALDI-TOF-MS), in combination with immunoaffinity provided a powerful tool for determining epitope (antigenic determinant) in protein. The linear epitope of the beta(2)-microglobulin was characterized in the paper. The method as follows: at first beta(2)-microglobulin was digested by a proteolytic enzyme to produce an appropriate set of peptide fragments, then peptide fragments containing the linear epitope were selected and separated from the pool of peptide fragments by immunoprecipitation with the monoclonal antibody. The agarose beads were collected carefully after the reaction. Unbound peptides would be washed away, while the peptides containing the epitope would remain bound to the immobilized antibody after. the beads were washed several times with appropriate buffer. At last the masses of the bound peptides were identified directly by MALDI-TOF MS. Using Endoproteinase Glu-C Endoproteinase Lys-C and Trypsin in the experiment, the linear epitope of beta(2)-microglobulin was located within peptide fragment 59-69, that is, DWSFYLLYYTE.


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对虾病害在世界范围内的广泛传播,给水产养殖和沿海农村经济造成了重大损失。深入开展对虾免疫机制研究并在此基础上寻找对虾疾病防治的有效方法已成为当务之急。研究表明,当对虾等甲壳动物受到外界病原刺激时,其体内的吞噬细胞在吞噬活动中会激活磷酸己糖支路的代谢,引起呼吸爆发,产生多种活性氧分子。另外,受到病原侵染的对虾还会产生其他多种免疫反应,这些免疫反应将消耗大量的能量(ATP),产能的呼吸链会加速运转,由此也会引发大量活性氧的产生。这些活性氧分子可以杀灭入侵的病原微生物,但同时由于活性氧分子反应的非特异性,它们也会对宿主的细胞、组织和器官造成严重伤害,进而导致对虾生理机能的损伤和免疫系统的破坏。所以,消除对虾体内因过度免疫反应产生的过量氧自由基将能够增强其抵御病原侵染的能力,提高免疫力。本论文从中国明对虾体内克隆了线粒体型超氧化物歧化酶(mMnSOD)、胞质型超氧化物歧化酶(cMnSOD)、过氧化氢酶(Catalase)和过氧化物还原酶(Peroxiredoxin)等四种与免疫系统相关的抗氧化酶基因,分析了它们的分子结构特征,组织分布及应答不同病原刺激的表达变化模式,并对其中的mMnSOD基因和Peroxiredoxin基因进行了体外重组表达、分离纯化和酶活性分析。 采用RACE技术从中国明对虾血细胞中克隆了两个超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)基因,通过序列比对分析发现,其中一个为mMnSOD基因,另一个为cMnSOD基因。mMnSOD基因的cDNA全长为1185个碱基,其中开放阅读框为660个碱基,编码220个氨基酸,其中推测的信号肽为20个氨基酸。多序列比对结果显示中国明对虾mMnSOD基因的推导氨基酸序列与罗氏沼虾、蓝蟹的推导氨基酸序列同源性分别为88%和82%。Northern blot结果表明,该基因在对虾的肝胰脏、血细胞、淋巴器官、肠、卵巢、肌肉和鳃等组织中均有表达。半定量RT-PCR结果显示,对虾感染病毒3 h时,该基因在血细胞和肝胰脏中的转录水平显著升高。此外,通过构建原核表达载体,本研究对该基因进行了体外重组表达,并对纯化的重组蛋白进行了质谱鉴定和酶活分析。cMnSOD基因的cDNA全长为1284个碱基,其中开放阅读框为861个碱基,编码287个氨基酸。多序列比对结果显示中国明对虾cMnSOD基因的推导氨基酸序列与斑节对虾和凡纳滨对虾的同源性高达98%和94%。组织半定量结果显示,cMnSOD基因在对虾被检测的各个组织中均有表达。 另外,半定量RT-PCR结果表明,对虾感染病毒23h时,该基因在肝胰脏中的转录上升到正常水平的3.5倍;而感染后59 h时,该基因在血细胞中的转录上升到正常水平的2.5倍。 利用根据其他生物过氧化氢酶保守氨基酸序列设计的简并引物,结合RACE技术,从中国明对虾肝胰脏中克隆到了过氧化氢酶基因的部分片段,片段长1725个碱基。多序列比对结果发现目前所得中国明对虾Catalase基因部分片段的推导氨基酸序列与罗氏沼虾和皱纹盘鲍Catalase氨基酸序列的同源性分别达到95%和73%。通过实时荧光定量PCR技术对中国明对虾Catalase基因在各个组织中的分布情况及病毒感染后该基因在血细胞和肝胰脏中的转录变化进行了研究。结果发现,该基因在肝胰脏、鳃、肠和血细胞中表达水平较高,在卵巢、淋巴器官和肌肉中的表达水平相对较弱;感染病毒23 h和37 h时,对虾血细胞和肝胰脏中该基因mRNA的表达量分别出现显著性上升。 依据中国明对虾头胸部cDNA文库提供的部分片段信息,结合SMART-RACE技术,从中国明对虾肝胰脏中克隆到了过氧化物还原酶基因(Peroxiredoxin), 该基因的cDNA全长为942个碱基,其中开放阅读框为594个碱基,编码198个氨基酸。中国明对虾Peroxiredoxin基因的推断氨基酸序列与伊蚊、文昌鱼和果蝇等Peroxiredoxin基因的推断氨基酸序列同源性分别为77%、76%和73%。其蛋白理论分子量为22041.17 Da,pI为5.17。Northern blot结果表明,Peroxiredoxin基因在对虾的肝胰脏、血细胞、淋巴器官、肠、卵巢、肌肉和鳃等组织中均有表达。实时荧光定量PCR结果显示,弧菌感染后,该基因在对虾血细胞和肝胰脏中的转录水平都有明显变化并且表达模式不同。另外,对该基因进行了体外重组表达,并对纯化的重组蛋白进行了质谱鉴定和酶活性分析。酶活性分析表明,复性后的重组蛋白能在DTT存在的条件下还原H2O2。


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Several human monoclonal antibodies (hmAbs) exhibit relatively potent and broad neutralizing activity against HIV-1, but there has not been much success in using them as potential therapeutics. We have previously hypothesized and demonstrated that small engineered antibodies can target highly conserved epitopes that are not accessible by full-size antibodies. However, their potency has not been comparatively evaluated with known HIV-1-neutralizing hmAbs against large panels of primary isolates. We report here the inhibitory activity of an engineered single chain antibody fragment (scFv), m9, against several panels of primary HIV-1 isolates from group M (clades A-G) using cell-free and cell-associated virus in cell line-based assays. M9 was much more potent than scFv 17b, and more potent than or comparable to the best-characterized broadly neutralizing hmAbs IgG(1) b12, 2G12, 2F5 and 4E10. It also inhibited cell-to-cell transmission of HIV-1 with higher potency than enfuvirtide (T-20, Fuzeon). M9 competed with a sulfated CCR5 N-terminal peptide for binding to gp120-CD4 complex, suggesting an overlapping epitope with the coreceptor binding site. M9 did not react with phosphatidylserine (PS) and cardiolipin (CL), nor did it react with a panel of autoantigens in an antinuclear autoantibody (ANA) assay. We further found that escape mutants resistant to m9 did not emerge in an immune selection assay. These results suggest that m9 is a novel anti-HIV-1 candidate with potential therapeutic or prophylactic properties, and its epitope is a new target for drug or vaccine development.


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Excessive iron absorption is one of the main features of β-thalassemia and can lead to severe morbidity and mortality. Serial analyses of β-thalassemic mice indicate that while hemoglobin levels decrease over time, the concentration of iron in the liver, spleen, and kidneys markedly increases. Iron overload is associated with low levels of hepcidin, a peptide that regulates iron metabolism by triggering degradation of ferroportin, an iron-transport protein localized on absorptive enterocytes as well as hepatocytes and macrophages. Patients with β-thalassemia also have low hepcidin levels. These observations led us to hypothesize that more iron is absorbed in β-thalassemia than is required for erythropoiesis and that increasing the concentration of hepcidin in the body of such patients might be therapeutic, limiting iron overload. Here we demonstrate that a moderate increase in expression of hepcidin in β-thalassemic mice limits iron overload, decreases formation of insoluble membrane-bound globins and reactive oxygen species, and improves anemia. Mice with increased hepcidin expression also demonstrated an increase in the lifespan of their red cells, reversal of ineffective erythropoiesis and splenomegaly, and an increase in total hemoglobin levels. These data led us to suggest that therapeutics that could increase hepcidin levels or act as hepcidin agonists might help treat the abnormal iron absorption in individuals with β-thalassemia and related disorders.


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BACKGROUND: Fibronectin-null cells assemble soluble fibronectin shortly after adherence to a substrate coated with intact fibronectin but not when adherent to the cell-binding domain of fibronectin (modules (7)F3-(10)F3). Interactions of adherent cells with regions of adsorbed fibronectin other than modules (7)F3-(10)F3, therefore, are required for early display of the cell surface sites that initiate and direct fibronectin assembly. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To identify these regions, coatings of proteolytically derived or recombinant pieces of fibronectin containing modules in addition to (7)F3-(10)F3 were tested for effects on fibronectin assembly by adherent fibronectin-null fibroblasts. Pieces as large as one comprising modules (2)F3-(14)F3, which include the heparin-binding and cell adhesion domains, were not effective in supporting fibronectin assembly. Addition of module (1)F3 or the C-terminal modules to modules (2)F3-(14)F3 resulted in some activity, and addition of both (1)F3 and the C-terminal modules resulted in a construct, (1)F3-C, that best mimicked the activity of a coating of intact fibronectin. Constructs (1)F3-C V0, (1)F3-C V64, and (1)F3-C Delta(V(15)F3(10)F1) were all able to support fibronectin assembly, suggesting that (1)F3 through (11)F1 and/or (12)F1 were important for activity. Coatings in which the active parts of (1)F3-C were present in different proteins were much less active than intact (1)F3-C. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that (1)F3 acts together with C-terminal modules to induce display of fibronectin assembly sites on adherent cells.


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BACKGROUND: The clinical syndrome of heart failure (HF) is characterized by an impaired cardiac beta-adrenergic receptor (betaAR) system, which is critical in the regulation of myocardial function. Expression of the betaAR kinase (betaARK1), which phosphorylates and uncouples betaARs, is elevated in human HF; this likely contributes to the abnormal betaAR responsiveness that occurs with beta-agonist administration. We previously showed that transgenic mice with increased myocardial betaARK1 expression had impaired cardiac function in vivo and that inhibiting endogenous betaARK1 activity in the heart led to enhanced myocardial function. METHODS AND RESULTS: We created hybrid transgenic mice with cardiac-specific concomitant overexpression of both betaARK1 and an inhibitor of betaARK1 activity to study the feasibility and functional consequences of the inhibition of elevated betaARK1 activity similar to that present in human HF. Transgenic mice with myocardial overexpression of betaARK1 (3 to 5-fold) have a blunted in vivo contractile response to isoproterenol when compared with non-transgenic control mice. In the hybrid transgenic mice, although myocardial betaARK1 levels remained elevated due to transgene expression, in vitro betaARK1 activity returned to control levels and the percentage of betaARs in the high-affinity state increased to normal wild-type levels. Furthermore, the in vivo left ventricular contractile response to betaAR stimulation was restored to normal in the hybrid double-transgenic mice. CONCLUSIONS: Novel hybrid transgenic mice can be created with concomitant cardiac-specific overexpression of 2 independent transgenes with opposing actions. Elevated myocardial betaARK1 in transgenic mouse hearts (to levels seen in human HF) can be inhibited in vivo by a peptide that can prevent agonist-stimulated desensitization of cardiac betaARs. This may represent a novel strategy to improve myocardial function in the setting of compromised heart function.