135 resultados para Penelope


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Environmental cues influence the development of stomata on the leaf epidermis, and allow plants to exert plasticity in leaf stomatal abundance in response to the prevailing growing conditions. It is reported that Arabidopsis thaliana ‘Landsberg erecta’ plants grown under low relative humidity have a reduced stomatal index and that two genes in the stomatal development pathway, SPEECHLESS and FAMA, become de novo cytosine methylated and transcriptionally repressed. These environmentally-induced epigenetic responses were abolished in mutants lacking the capacity for de novo DNA methylation, for the maintenance of CG methylation, and in mutants for the production of short-interfering non-coding RNAs (siRNAs) in the RNA-directed DNA methylation pathway. Induction of methylation was quantitatively related to the induction of local siRNAs under low relative humidity. Our results indicate the involvement of both transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene suppression at these loci in response to environmental stress. Thus, in a physiologically important pathway, a targeted epigenetic response to a specific environmental stress is reported and several of its molecular, mechanistic components are described, providing a tractable platform for future epigenetics experiments. Our findings suggest epigenetic regulation of stomatal development that allows for anatomical and phenotypic plasticity, and may help to explain at least some of the plant’s resilience to fluctuating relative humidity.


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The role of dietary phytoestrogens in health has been of continued interest and debate, but available data on the distribution of intake in the Australian diet is scarce. Therefore, we aimed to estimate phytoestrogen consumption in Australian women, describe the pattern of intake and identify correlates of high phytoestrogen intake. Study participants were 2078 control women (18-79 y) from two population-based case-control studies on gyneacological cancers (2002-2007). Dietary information was obtained using a 135-item semiquantitative FFQ and intakes of isoflavones, lignans, enterolignans and coumestans, including their individual components, were estimated using a database of phytoestrogen content in food developed in the UK. Median total intake (energy-adjusted) of phytoestrogens was 1.29 mg/d, of isoflavones 611 μg/d, of lignans 639 μg/d, of enterolignans 21μg/d and of coumestrol 8 μg/d. Both isoflavone and lignan intake were strongly skewed towards higher values and positively correlated with age. Women consumed on average 2 serves of soy foods/week. Compared to low phytoestrogen consumers (≤1.29 mg/d, median split), high phytoestrogen consumers (>1.29 mg/d) were slightly older, less likely to be smokers, had a higher educational and physical activity level, lower BMI, lower intake of dietary fat, and higher intake of fibre, selected micronutrient and soy food (all p<0.03). The daily intake of phytoestrogens in Australian women with predominantly Caucasian ethnicity is approximately 1 mg, similar to other Western populations, but considerably lower than among Asian women. However, those with a relatively high phytoestrogen diet seem to have healthier lifestyle and more favourable dietary profile compared to others.


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Research undertaken through significant public art commission. The researchers were both artists were selected separately by Dr Penelope Curtis of Tate and then the shortlist was awarded through competition (peer reviewed by Critics and Artist in Germany) part of the Heidenheim Sculpture Biennial, Germany (€18K). The work was realised by two companies in Heidenheim. Where is Heidenheim? was based within the Heidenheim Zietung newspaper[HZ] and drew together a site of a local paper in a small town in Germany with other local International papers; Wendover Times – Utah, USA;, Limerick Leader, Ireland; Free Imphal Press, Manipur, India; Hibr, Lebanon; Namibia Times, Namibia and The Countryman, Tasmania, Australia. Each of these papers ran a story showing a sign erected onto HZ in Heidenheim, which was subsequently printed inside HZ itself – linking together sites and local voices. Project research identifying global partners was conducted through the management of a PhD research student from the BU Media School - Venkata Vermuri. The work for both artists expands the context of their research into the impact of global networks on public art, and the traditions and norms of public art being confined to single ‘geographical’ sites. This research indicates the potential for media as a common public space that can also be used.


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Backtracks aimed to investigate critical relationships between audio-visual technologies and live performance, emphasising technologies producing sound, contrasted with non-amplified bodily sound. Drawing on methodologies for studying avant garde theatre, live performance and the performing body, it was informed by work in critical and cultural theory by, for example, Steven Connor and Jonathan Rée, on the body's experience and interpretation of sound. The performance explored how shifting national boundaries, mobile workforces, complex family relationships, cultural pluralities and possibilities for bodily transformation have compelled a re-evaluation of what it means to feel 'at home' in modernity. Using montages of live and mediated images, disrupted narratives and sound, it evoked destablised identities which characterise contemporary lived experience, and enacted the displacement of certainties provided by family and nation, community and locality, body and selfhood. Homer's Odyssey framed the performance: elements could be traced in the mise-en-scène; in the physical presence of Athene, the narrator and Penelope weaving mementoes from the past into her loom; and in voice-overs from Homer's work. The performance drew on personal experiences and improvisations, structured around notions of journey. It presented incomplete narratives, memories, repressed anxieties and dreams through different combinations of sounds, music, mediated images, movement, voice and bodily sound. The theme of travel was intensified by performers carrying suitcases and umbrellas, by soundtracks incorporating travel effects, and by the distorted video images of forms of transport playing across 'screens' which proliferated across the space (sails, umbrellas, the loom, actors' bodies). The performance experimented with giving sound and silence performative dimensions, including presenting sound in visual and imagistic ways, for example by using signs from deaf sign language. Through-composed soundtracks of live and recorded song, music, voice-over, and noise exploited the viscerality of sound and disrupted cognitive interpretation by phenomenological, somatic experience, thereby displacing the impulse for closure/destination/home.


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Leading patterns of observed monthly extreme rainfall variability in Australia are examined using an Empirical Orthogonal Teleconnection (EOT) method. Extreme rainfall variability is more closely related to mean rainfall variability during austral summer than in winter. The leading EOT patterns of extreme rainfall explain less variance in Australia-wide extreme rainfall than is the case for mean rainfall EOTs. We illustrate that, as with mean rainfall, the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has the strongest association with warm-season extreme rainfall variability, while in the cool-season the primary drivers are atmospheric blocking and the subtropical ridge. The Indian Ocean Dipole and Southern Annular Mode also have significant relationships with patterns of variability during austral winter and spring. Leading patterns of summer extreme rainfall variability have predictability several months ahead from Pacific sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and as much as a year in advance from Indian Ocean SSTs. Predictability from the Pacific is greater for wetter than average summer months than for months that are drier than average, whereas for the Indian Ocean the relationship has greater linearity. Several cool-season EOTs are associated with mid-latitude synoptic-scale patterns along the south and east coasts. These patterns have common atmospheric signatures denoting moist onshore flow and strong cyclonic anomalies often to the north of a blocking anti-cyclone. Tropical cyclone activity is observed to have significant relationships with some warm season EOTs. This analysis shows that extreme rainfall variability in Australia can be related to remote drivers and local synoptic-scale patterns throughout the year.


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Transgenerational inheritance of abiotic stress-induced epigenetic modifications in plants has potential adaptive significance and might condition the offspring to improve the response to the same stress, but this is at least partly dependent on the potency, penetrance and persistence of the transmitted epigenetic marks. We examined transgenerational inheritance of low Relative Humidity-induced DNA methylation for two gene loci in the stomatal developmental pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana and the abundance of associated short-interfering RNAs (siRNAs). Heritability of low humidity-induced methylation was more predictable and penetrative at one locus (SPEECHLESS, entropy ≤ 0.02; χ2 < 0.001) than the other (FAMA, entropy ≤ 0.17; χ2 ns). Methylation at SPEECHLESS correlated positively with the continued presence of local siRNAs (r2 = 0.87; p = 0.013) which, however, could be disrupted globally in the progeny under repeated stress. Transgenerational methylation and a parental low humidity-induced stomatal phenotype were heritable, but this was reversed in the progeny under repeated treatment in a previously unsuspected manner.


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The triple- and quadruple-escape peaks of 6.128 MeV photons from the (19)F(p,alpha gamma)(16)O nuclear reaction were observed in an HPGe detector. The experimental peak areas, measured in spectra projected with a restriction function that allows quantitative comparison of data from different multiplicities, are in reasonably good agreement with those predicted by Monte Carlo simulations done with the general-purpose radiation-transport code PENELOPE. The behaviour of the escape intensities was simulated for some gamma-ray energies and detector dimensions; the results obtained can be extended to other energies using an empirical function and statistical properties related to the phenomenon. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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o presente trabalho relata a experiência do grupo de educadores. Trata-se de uma proposta de ação pedagógica junto a meninos e meninas de rua. No decorrer da experiência, apesar das dificuldades, a equipe acompanhou um processo de crescimento pessoal e coletivo; aumento da auto-estima e da autoconfiança; a socialização e a aquisição de hábitos e atitudes. Este projeto foi uma experiência pedagógica inovadora, pois privilegiou soluções alternativas para a educação de crianças e adolescentes de rua.


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Os barreiros são áreas de depressões, com pouca cobertura vegetal e solos úmidos, visitadas por muitos animais. O consumo de solo (geofagia) nestes locais é reconhecido para várias espécies de vertebrados em diversas regiões do mundo, sugerindo que os barreiros sejam importantes componentes do hábitat desses organismos. Na Amazônia e no Pantanal, estes lugares são muito procurados por populações humanas tradicionais para a caça. Assim, o conhecimento sobre o uso destas áreas pela fauna é importante para o delineamento de estratégias conservacionistas. A intensidade e horários preferenciais de uso de oito barreiros por vertebrados foram avaliados através de armadilhas fotográficas na Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural SESC-Pantanal, nordeste do Pantanal brasileiro. As amostragens foram realizadas durante as estações seca e cheia do ano de 2005. Durante 7375 horas de amostragem, foram registradas 24 espécies de mamíferos, 11 de aves e 2 de répteis utilizando os barreiros de alguma forma. Em 14 destas espécies a geofagia foi documentada, sendo a forma de uso predominante. Este comportamento foi registrado para a cutia (Dasyprocta azarae), o bugio-preto (Alouatta caraya), ungulados (Tayassu pecari, Tapirus terrestris, Pecari tajacu, Sus scrofa, Mazama americana e M. gouazoubira), cracídeos (Penelope ochrogaster, Pipile pipile, Crax fasciolata e Ortalis canicolis) e pombas (Leptotila sp. e Claravis pretiosa). Carnívoros, como a onça-parda (Puma concolor) e a jaguatirica (Leopardus pardalis), visitam estas áreas provavelmente devido à grande concentração de presas. O queixada (T. pecari) e a anta (T. terrestris) foram as espécies que mais utilizaram os barreiros. Os horários preferenciais de uso, em geral, são semelhantes aos padrões de atividade conhecidos para as espécies. A composição de espécies e intensidade de uso foram diferentes entre os barreiros avaliados e entre as estações. Barreiros pequenos apresentaram menor riqueza de espécies e índice de uso mais baixo, parâmetros que foram mais altos na seca em comparação à estação cheia. Diversos fatores, relativos aos barreiros e/ou aos organismos envolvidos, podem estar associados a estas variações. Fatores como tamanho dos barreiros, composição química e estrutural do solo, composição e arranjo da paisagem de entorno, relações dos organismos com esta paisagem e relações intra e interespecíficas podem estar atuando isoladamente ou em sinergismo. Uma das espécies mais freqüentes nos barreiros foi a anta (T. terrestris), um ungulado capaz de responder à heterogeneidade de paisagens em um amplo espectro de escalas. Análises foram realizadas com o objetivo de avaliar se os barreiros, unidades de hábitat em uma escala refinada, são importantes elementos na paisagem para a predição da distribuição local dessa espécie na área da RPPN SESC-Pantanal. Correlações entre a intensidade de uso de oito barreiros por T. terrestris e a composição da paisagem de entorno em diferentes escalas foram realizadas. As probabilidades de ocorrência de antas, obtidas através de um modelo de distribuição potencial a partir da composição da paisagem em áreas de diferentes tamanhos centradas nos barreiros, também foram correlacionadas com a intensidade de uso dos barreiros pela espécie. Áreas com composição da paisagem similar apresentaram diferentes intensidades de uso dos barreiros e locais com reduzida probabilidade de ocorrência de antas apresentaram elevada intensidade de uso, indicando que os barreiros são unidades discretas da paisagem relevantes para a geração de modelos de ocorrência potencial de T. terrestris na região. Considerando estes resultados, os barreiros no nordeste do Pantanal podem ser reconhecidos como importantes unidades de hábitat para diversas espécies de vertebrados. Estratégias conservacionistas locais e regionais, como o zoneamento da RPPN SESC-Pantanal e projetos de manejo e sustentabilidade de caça em reservas extrativistas, devem considerar estas informações para uma maior efetividade.


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The first reference map of the proteome of pooled normal dog tears was created using 2-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and the identity of a number of the major species determined using matrix-assisted laser desorption time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) and peptide mass fingerprint matching on protein sequence databases. In order to understand the changes in protein expression in the tear film of dogs with cancer, tears from such animals were similarly examined. A number of differences were found between the tears of healthy dogs and the dogs with cancer. Differences were found in levels of actin and albumin and in an unidentified protein which may be analogous to human lacryglobulin. These findings suggest that it may be possible to develop tear film analysis to provide a simple non-invasive test for the diagnosis and/or management of canine cancers. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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From the many weavers known, the Queen of Ithaca is certainly among the most famous.Over the years,many writers have dedicated themselves to retell the myth of Penelope in their works by their own way. According to Ute Heidmann, the modern writers recurrence to the Greek myths in order to produce their texts is a renewing discursive practice, which gives new writing and relevance to the myth. (2003, p.47). This work deals with a differential and discursive comparative analysis on the myth of Penelope linking it with two short stories from Brazilian authors: Penélope by João do Rio (1919) and Penélope by Dalton Trevisan (1959). In order to do it, we are supported by: the works of Heidmann (2003, 2006, 2008) and Maingueneau (2006). We also concentrate ourselves on the temporal trace presented in both Penelope s myth and in its modern rewriting so that we can identify how each configuration of the classical myth develops into one of the most celebrated acts of this myth: the waiting. In order to so, we seek support on the studies by Paul Ricoeur (2006), Hans Meyerhoff (1976) and Benedito Nunes (1988)


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Dehiscent fruits of Euphorbiaceae usually have two stages of seed dispersal, autochory followed by myrmecochory. Two stages of Margaritaria nobilis seed dispersal were described, the first stage autochoric followed by ornithocoric. Their dehiscent fruits are green and after they detached from the tree crown and fall on the ground, they open and expose blue metallic cocas. We studied the seed dispersal system of Margaritaria nobilis in a semi-deciduous forest in Brazil. In 80 h of focal observations, we recorded only 12 visits of frugivores, however the thrush Turdus leucomelas was the only frugivore that swallowed the fruits on the tree crown. Pitylus fuliginosus (Fringilidae) and Pionus maximiliani (Psittacidae) were mainly pulp eaters, dropping the seeds below the tree. on the forest floor, after fruits dehiscence, jays (Cyanocorax chrysops), guans (Penelope superciliaris), doves (Geotrygon montana) and collared-peccaries (Pecari tajacu) were observed eating the blue diaspores of M. nobilis. Experiments in captivity showed that scaly-headed parrots (Pionus maximiliani), toco toucans (Ramphastos toco), jays (Cyanochorax chrysops), and guans (Penelope superciliaris) consumed the fruits and did not prey on the seeds before consumption. The seeds collected from the feces did not germinate in spite of the high viability. The two stages of seed dispersal in M. nobilis resembles the dispersal strategies of some mimetic species. However M. nobilis seeds are associated with an endocarp, it showed low investment in nutrients, and consistent with this hypothesis, M. nobilis shared important characteristics with mimetic fruits, such as bright color display, long seed dormancy and protection by secondary compounds.


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To investigate the movement of seeds transported by fruit-eating birds in an agricultural, fragmented landscape of the Atlantic forest of southeast Brazil, I asked which bird species are the main seed dispersers in such environment, and how they use the available habitats (small forest fragments, forest thickets, live fences, isolated trees, and active pastures) where they are most likely to drop the seeds they swallow the relative importance of fruit-eating birds as seed vectors was evaluated based on the number of fruit species eaten, the number of visits, and visitation rate to fruiting plants. Habitat use was accessed by recording the habitats where birds were seen or heard during walks conducted throughout the study area. Sixteen plant species were observed during 308.3 plant-hours. Forty-one bird species were observed eating fruits in a total of 830 visits to fruiting plants. Sayaca Tanagers (Thraupis sayaca) and Pale-breasted Thrushes (Turdus leucomelas) ate the greatest number of fruit species, were the most frequent plant visitors in terms of number and rate of visits, and had a broad range of habitat use. These two species and the Rusty-margined Guan (Penelope superciliaris), which is able to swallow large fruits with large seeds that smaller bird species cannot cat, likely have a great contribution to the movement of seeds throughout this highly degraded landscape.


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Analytical methods for sweetpotato, cassava and maize were developed. In orange and salmon-fleshed sweetpotatoes, (all-E)-beta-carotene predominated and results of spectrophotometric screening and HPLC quantification did not differ significantly. In yellow-fleshed sweetpotato and cassava, however, spectrophotometric screening overestimated the HPLC values because of the presence of several minor carotenoids. Aside from (all-E)-beta-carotene, Z-isomers were present in cassava in appreciable amounts. For both crops, extraction with acetone or tetrahydrofuran: methanol. (1: 1), using a mortar and pestle or a Polytron homogenizer, gave equivalent results. Rehydration of dry maize at room temperature for 30 min or at 85 degrees C for 5, 10 or 15 min gave equivalent results. Concentrations obtained with the C18 and C30 columns did not differ significantly for zeaxanthin, lutein, beta-cryptoxanthin and beta-carotene in the all-E-configuration, but their Z-isomers were difficult to locate in the chromatogram obtained with the C30 column. Extraction with tetrahydrofuran:methanol (1:1) gave significantly lower results for zeaxanthin and lutein. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)