534 resultados para Pastagens consorciadas
Extratos aquosos de sementes, parte aérea e raízes de três gramíneas e três leguminosas forrageiras foram preparados a uma concentração de 10%, com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos potencialmente alelopáticos sobre a germinação de sementes e o alongamento da radícula das invasoras de pastagens: desmódio, guanxuma e assa-peixe. A germinação foi monitorada em períodos de dez dias, com contagens diárias e eliminação das sementes germinadas. O alongamento da radícula era medido ao final de um período de dez dias de crescimento. Os efeitos do potencial osmótico foram isolados através de cálculos. As espécies doadoras evidenciaram potencialidades alelopáticas que variou de intensidade em função da especificidade entre espécies doadoras e receptoras. B. brizantha e calopogônio foram as espécies que promoveram as reduções mais intensas sobre a germinação das sementes e o alongamento da radícula das espécies receptoras. A parte aérea das espécies doadoras constituiu-se na principal fonte de substâncias potencialmente alelopáticas, solúveis em água. Independentemente da espécie doadora, desmódio e guanxuma foram as invasoras que se mostraram mais susceptíveis aos efeitos potencialmente alelopáticos, enquanto o assapeixe foi a mais tolerante.
Avaliou-se o efeito da suplementação protéica (40% PB) com amiréia ou uréia sobre o consumo de suplemento, desempenho e características econômicas de novilhos terminados em pastagens. Foram utilizados 120 novilhos com 19 meses de idade e 358kg, sendo 60 Nelore e 60 F1 Brangus x Nelore, divididos em três tratamentos com 20 animais, alojados em piquetes de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu de 10 hectares cada, totalizando 120 hectares, sendo dois piquetes por grupo genético e tratamento, pastejados alternadamente a cada pesagem (42 dias). Os tratamentos consistiram em mistura mineral com amiréia-150S (AM), mistura mineral com uréia+milho+enxofre (UR) e mistura mineral (MM). As médias de consumo de suplemento dos animais F1 foram de 206,1; 145,9 e 73,1g/dia, e as dos animais Nelore, 236,0; 205,1 e 94,3g/dia para os tratamentos AM, UR e MM, respectivamente. Para os novilhos Nelore, houve efeito (P<0,05) do suplemento sobre o peso de abate (PA), sendo a média do tratamento UR, 518,85kg, mais alta que a dos demais, 491,89 e 485,20kg, respectivamente, para AM e MM. Para os novilhos F1, foi significativo o efeito da suplementação protéica (P<0,05), com médias de 515,90 e 520,15kg, respectivamente, para os tratamentos UR e AM. A suplementação protéica proporcionou bom desempenho em animais F1 durante períodos de abundância de forragem. O uso de uréia apresentou melhor viabilidade econômica.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de determinar a concentração hidrogeniônica (pH), acidez total titulável e tempo de redução do azul de metileno no fluido ruminal de caprinos com ou sem raça definida, mantidos em pastagens artificiais, exclusivas de gramíneas, ou em caatinga, durante as épocas chuvosa e seca do ano. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, sendo analisado em esquema fatorial 2³ (animais com e sem raça definida, pastagens artificiais e em caatinga, épocas chuvosa e seca do ano). O tipo de pastagem influenciou significativamente (p < 0,05) os valores encontrados para acidez total titulável. em relação ao pH, o tipo de pastagem e época do ano foram significativamente (p < 0,05) os fatores mais incisivos. A atividade microbiana, avaliada através dos parâmetros estudados, foi mais intensa na época das águas e na caatinga em relação à da seca e pastagens artificiais, respectivamente. Na avaliação dos resultados desses testes, deve-se sempre levar em consideração principalmente a época do ano e o tipo de pastagem, sem, no entanto, desprezar o fator raça.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Forty one young bulls of herds selected for 378 day's weight (W378), born in 1996, were finished on pastures of Panicum Maximum (Jacq.), Panicum Maximum (Jaq) cv. Tanzania 1 and Brachiaria brizantha (Hoschst) Stapf cv. Marandu at the Sertaozinho Experimental Station, São Paulo State, Brazil. The samples, representing the W378 mean for each herd, were composed by 11 Nellore Selection (NeS) and by 10 of each one of the groups Nelore Control (NeC), Guzera Selection (GuS) and Caracu (Ca). The slaughter was carried out when the animals were 824 days older, with a body condition score averaging 7.6, in a 1-9 scale. The minimum and maximum adjusted means for the main traits, including all groups, were: average weight daily gain, 406 (NeC) and 501 g (NeS); slaughter weight (SW), 446.8 (NeC) and 544.3 kg (NeS); carcass weight (CW), 249.8 (NeC) and 309.7 kg (NeS); dressing percentage (DP), 54.0 (GuS) and 56.3% (NeC and NeS). In the 9(th) - 11(th) rib section: muscle, 59.6 (NeC) and 65.2% (Ca); fat, 15.6 (Ca) and 21.4% (NeC); bone, 18.9 (NeC) and 20.2% (GuS); fat thickness (FT), 2.0 (Ca) and 4.2 mm (NeC); loin eye area, 65.6 (NeC) and 71.1 cm(2) (NeS and Ca); Warner-Bratzler shear force (SF), 4.5 (Ca) and 6.6 kg (GuS) and total cooking losses (TCL), 22.5 (NeC) and 24.9% (GuS). The selection for weight promoted higher SW and CW in the NeS group, without changing the DP, the physical composition of the rib, SF and TCL in the meat. However, there was lower FT compared to NeC. The GuS animals had intermediates SW and CW, compared to NeS and Ca and lower DP. The Ca animals presented higher muscle percentage, in the rib section, and also higher meat tenderness compared to the meat of the Zebu animals.
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o ganho de peso vivo de bovinos submetidos a três tipos de pastagens de capim-colonião (Panicum maximum Jacq.): colonião testemunha (sem adubação nitrogenada); colonião adubado com 100 kg/ha de nitrogênio; e colonião consociado com soja perene (Neonotonia wightii Verde.) e centrosema (Centrosema pubescens Benth.). Foram usados novilhos da raça Guzerá, com idade variável de 12 a 15 meses e peso vivo médio de 210 kg. O sistema de pastejo foi rotativo, sendo o ajuste pasto-animal realizado pelo método de carga variável. As pesagens dos animais e amostragens do material vegetativo foram realizadas a cada 35 dias. Os resultados revelaram que, durante a época seca, os ganhos diários e por hectare referentes ao tratamento consociado (0,264 kg/animal/dia e 85,73 kg/ha, respectivamente) foram superiores aos das pastagens adubadas com nitrogênio (0,114 kg/animal/dia e 19,93 kg/ha) e testemunha (0,140 kg/animal/dia e 36,60 kg/ha). Ao final de quinze meses, as pastagens adubadas com nitrogênio e consociadas não apresentaram diferenças nos ganhos de peso vivo por hectare, sendo estes, entretanto, 16% superiores em relação ao da pastagem testemunha.
The brown bug (Scaptocoris castanea, Perty 1830) is an insect of underground habits, which continuously suctions the juice through the roots leads the plants to emaciate, dry and die. It has not yet been described as pest in cultivated pastures in Brazil. Its occurrence has been observed in cultivated pastures of Cynodon dactylon cv. Coast cross and Brachiaria decumbens cv Brasilik and IPEAN in red-yellow podzolic soil originally covered by savannah vegetation, in Botucatu County, state of São Paulo.
objective of this study was to identify the weed community in areas of pasture. The phyto-sociological survey was conducted during November and December, 2009 in three regions: two located in Tangara da Serra-MT (region A = areas surrounding the town; and region B = areas in the Antonio Conselheiro Settlement and one area in Barra of the Bugres-MT (region C). Five properties were analyzed in each region, each containing 10 plots of 25 m(2). The weed species were counted and identified in the plots. Data were analyzed by calculating density, frequency, abundance, relative density, relative frequency, relative abundance, importance value index (IVI), and similarity index. Thirty-eight weed species were identified, distributed among 18 families, with Asteraceae (7), Fabaceae (6), Arecaceae (3), Euforbiaceae (3) and Poaceae (3) being the most representative in number of species. The species most frequently found were: region A - Sida spp. (IVI: 127.93) and Eragrostis plana (IVI: 42.18); region B - Eragrostis plana (IVI: 54.78), Mimosa wedelliana (IVI: 52.39), and Sida spp. (IVI: 50.30); and region C - Sida spp. (IVI: 73.92), and Mimosa wedelliana (IVI: 26.55). A significant similarity was found between regions A and B (52.63%) and between regions B and C (50.98%).
The objective of this study was to evaluate two grazing intervals (IG) for elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum cv. Cameroon) pasture: one variable, determined by the entry of animals to the paddocks when 95% of active photosynthetic radiation was intercepted by the sward, and fixed 26-day grazing interval. Eight dairy cows were used, averaging 124 days lactation, 516 kg body weight and 17.5 kg daily milk production at the beginning of the trial. The experimental period was 80 days divided into four sub-periods of 20 days each. Data were analyzed in a cross-over design. The grazing frequencies did not influence milk production and composition, plasma urea nitrogen, body condition score and variations in body weight. However, the stocking rate and milk production per hectare were higher for pasture with interval of grazing determined by 95% of active photosynthetic radiation. Thus grazing frequency defined in variable intervals by sward interception of active photosynthetic radiation result in higher milk production per area unit.
The spittlebugs are considered the most important pests in tropical pastures. The damages caused by these insects decrease the production of pastures. The objective this work was to study the population dynamics of Notozulia entreriana, from June 2007 to June 2008, and the correlation with meteorological and environmental factors (rainfall, temperature, daily solar radiation and pasture height). Therefore, sampled were made in three areas of grassland in the municipality of Marechal Candido Rondon-PR. Sampling of adults and nymphs was made. Also we determined which species of spittlebugs (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) occur in the western region of Parana State. The population fluctuation of N. entreriana showed four peaks during the period of favorable development - spring / summer. The daily solar radiation had a higher correlation with the population. Rainfall, temperature and pasture height had little correlation with the population dynamics. The species that occurred with greater abundance was N. entreriana, representing 88.4% of the total insects collected in western of Parana State.
Bioassays were carried out to identify and characterize the allelopathic potential effects of forage legumes leucena (Leucaena leucocephala), mineirão (Stylosanthes guianensis cv. Mineirão) and calopogônio (Calopogonium mucunoides) on germination and radicle elongation of the pasture weeds desmódio (Desmodium adscendens), guanxuma (Sida rhombifolia) and assa-peixe (Vernonia polyanthes). Aqueous seeds and shoot extracts were prepared in a concentration of 10% (w/v). The pH and osmotic potential were measured in each extract. The effects of the osmotic potential on the results were calculated considering the regression equations adjusted to the variations of osmotic potential in each parameter and the osmotic potential of the extracts. The results showed that the pH did not constitute in a source of variation of the results. The donor species indicated allelopathic potential that varied in function of donor and receiver species and part of the donor plant. The aqueous shoot extract of mineirão and calopogônio showed inhibition potential higher than the extract from seeds, while for leucena the effects more evident were obtained with the extract from seeds. Comparatively, the radicle elongation was a more sensitive indicator than germination to the effects of the extracts.The receiver species assa-peixe was the less sensitive to the effects of the extract.
Isolated trees in pastures are now often, due to increasing devastation of forested areas, important feeding places for migratory or generalist birds. These trees serve both as food sources and as deposition sites for seeds from fruits consumed in neighboring areas. The objective of this study was to identify the avian consumers of the fruits of Cytharexyllum myrianthum trees in open pastures and describe their feeding behavior and how it influences seed dispersion. Forty two hours of observations included 198 feeding bouts of nine bird species. Turdus leucomelas (Muscicapidae) was the main consumer (28% of fruit consumption), swallowing the entire fruit. Next, was Tyrannus melancholicus (Tyrannidae, 23%), which may be the most efficient seed disperser of C. myrianthum because it regurgitates the seeds on sites far from the parent tree.
The aims of this work were to show the pasture irrigation system by center pivot with Brazilian cattle and to discuss the economic feasibility of this technique in different regions of the country. Important parameters to dry matter production of tropical forage plants, as temperature, solar radiation, fertilization, and water requirement were shown Also, the system advantages and disadvantages and a discussion about economic feasibility of this technique were presented. It was concluded that pasture irrigation is a feasible and economical technique to some specific Brazilian regions, depending on appropriated parameters. This work also concludes that just water supply is not enough to assure forage production avoiding reduction in dry production in the winter.
This study evaluated the effect of supplementation and the type of supplement on nutrient digestibility and performance of lactating calves fed with Brachiara brizantha cv. Marandu pasture from February to May. The treatments were: supplementation in creep-feeding with protein concentrate, with energy concentrate, with energy-protein concentrate and without concentrate. In a Latin square design, four Canchim calves were kept in individual pens, receiving marandu hay and controlled suckling twice a day. The performance was evaluated in a completely randomized design, with 23 calves kept with the cows. Higher intake and nutrients digestibility (65% of dry mater digestibility) and calf performance (live weight gain of 0.98 kg day-1) were obtained with energyprotein concentrate, and the cows kept weight and body reserves during the experiment. The protein concentrate did not show good results, and was lower than the performance of calves without supplementation - 0.56 and 0.77 kg day-1, respectively. The performance of calves without supplementation was similar to calves receiving energy concentrate, but the cows lost more body weight and energy reserves. The supplementation with energy-protein concentrate for lactating calves fed with Brachiara brizantha cv. Marandu during the beginning of the dry season was benefifical for the performance of calves and cows.