130 resultados para Parrot Psittacus-erithacus


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Sexually selected traits are shaped by an interaction between sexual selection and other natural selection pressures in the environment. However, there is little understanding of how recent anthropogenic environmental change affects the elaboration of sexually selected traits. Most sexually selected traits are complex displays comprising multiple components that interact in a functional way, thereby affecting overall trait expression. To understand how environmental change may shape the expression of sexually selected traits, we have to consider not only (i) the phenotypic plasticity of individual components of traits but also their (ii) phenotypic integration, that is, the correlations among trait components, as well as (iii) plasticity integration, that is, the correlations among the plasticities of trait components. Here, we show that background noise is a considerable pressure in shaping a sexually selected multicomponent acoustic signal, bird song. We compared singing behavior of European robins (Erithacus rubecula) in territories that differed in levels of anthropogenic noise and conducted noise-exposure experiments to test if behavioral plasticity caused immediate changes in song components, for example, minimum frequency, song complexity, and song length. We found that song components differed in their plasticity to background noise and that plasticity integration between components may further restrict the elaboration of song. Thus, the altered expression of song components under noise exposure leads to increased phenotypic integration, which is linked with reduced song complexity. Our findings demonstrate that plasticity integration restricts the elaboration of a sexually selected trait, which raises the question of how changing environments may modify sexual selection.


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The reasons why animal populations decline in response to anthropogenic noise are still poorly understood. To understand how populations are affected by noise, we must understand how individuals are affected by noise. By modifying the acoustic environment experimentally, we studied the potential relationship between noise levels and both spatial and singing behaviour in the European robin (Erithacus rubecula). We found that with increasing noise levels, males were more likely to move away from the noise source and changed their singing behaviour. Our results provide the first experimental evidence in a free ranging species, that not merely the presence of noise causes changes in behaviour and distribution, but that the level of noise pollution plays a crucial role as well. Our results have important implications for estimating the impact of infrastructure which differs in the level of noise produced. Thus, governmental planning bodies should not only consider the physical effect on the landscape when assessing the impact of new infrastructure, but also the noise levels emitted, which may reduce the loss of suitable habitats available for animals. © 2012 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.


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Contient : 1 Journal autographe de JEHAN DE LA FOSSE, où sont notés mois par mois les principaux événements des années 1557 à 1590, arrivés en France et particulièrement à Paris, où vivait l'auteur, curé de St-Leu et de St-Barthélemy ; 2 Recueil d'épitaphes ; « Cavendish,... general Norris,... docter Story,... mylord Treasurer,... Frier Andrew,... Ellis,... earle of Essex, beheaded in the tower », Joannes Rekingale, episcopus Cicestriensis, Gulielmus de Blitz, archidiaconus Nodovicensis ; Thomas Linaerus, regis Henrici VIII medicus, Antonius Riccius Faventiae, « Mr Hofkins », Lucretia Borgia, Honorius P. M., Johannes Riberius ; Galfridus Chaucer, Corythus, filius Oenones et Paridis, Ninus, Assyriae monarcha, Pyramis, lateritia Asychis, Aegypti regis ; Bartholomaeus Platina, Petrus Pomponatius, Pompeius Magnus, Capys, Ennius, Hannibal ; Marcus Antonius Turrianus, Marcus Antonius Coccius, Marcus Antonius Casanova, Sardanapalus, Rufus, Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar ; Petrus Ciaconius, Nicolaus Macchiavellus, Gulielmus Rondeletus, medicus, Anicia, foemina romana, Callicratea ; Johannes Coletus, Rembertus Dodonaeus, medicus Maximiliani II et Rodolphi imperatorum, Alcaeus poeta, Scipio Africanus ; Paracelsus, Gerardus Noviomagus et Andreas Hyperius, Didacus de Valdes, Albericus de Vere et Gulielmus, primus comes Oxoniensis, Robertus Buc ; Hieronymus Cagnolus Vercellensis, Johannes Stofflerus, mathematicus Tubingae, Remigius Bellaqueus, Pallas, Evandri filius, Zarmanochegas indus, de Bargosa ; Johannes Rivius Attbend, Petrus Bembus, Lucius P. M. Veronae, Gulielmus Norselez, decanus quondam ecclesiae S. Pauli Londini, Mathias Corvinus, rex Pannoniae ; Philippus Callimachus Cracoviae, in aede S. Trinitatis, Ludovicus Bologninus, Bononiae, Rachel, uxor Jacobi Bethleem, Aratus, Plato, Aeschylus ; Joannes Zonaras, Homerus, Menander, Epictetus ; Berengarius, archidiaconus Andegavensis, Andreas Fanzonius, Cyrus, Persarum monarcha, Midas ; Hugo S. Victoris Parisiensis, S. Bernardus, abbas claraevallensis, Petrus de Toledo, Psittacus, Musaeus poeta, Linus, thebanus poeta, Orpheus ; Petrus Lombardus, Petrus Comestor, Pallas, libertus Romae, Megista, Spartanus vates ; Aegidius de Roma, archiepiscopus Bituricensis, Johannes Gerson, Aristocrates, perfidus in Lycaei Jovis luco, Setho, sacerdos Vulcani et Aegypti rex, Rosamunda Cliffordensis, Petrus Aretinus ; Nicolaus de Lyra, Jacobus Pisaurus, Paphi episcopus, Cedwalla, rex Sussexiae ; Alphonsus Tostadus, hispanus, Abulensis episcopus, Albertus Pius de Sabaudia, princeps Carporum, Similis, praefectus praetorianorum, Jupiter, Osyris, Isis ; Aeneas Sylvius, Christophorus Colombus, Hermes, Apollo, Timon, Darius ; Robertus Gaguinus, Johannes de Sacro Busto, Darius, Hystaspis filius, Simandius, Aegypti rex, Idomeneus et Myrio, filii Deucalionis, Semiramis ; Alexander Piccolomineus, Justina, pulchra foemina, quam maritus zelotypus nefarie decollavit, Claudia, nobilis foemina Romae, Carolus Magnus, Carolus V, imperator ; Actius Plautus, Johannes Boccacius, Franciscus Ximenes, cardinalis Hispaniae, Federicus imperator, Sylla, Ricardus I, rex Anglorum ; Johannes Stadius, math. belga, C. Manlia camertina, Johannes de Mandeville, Patricius, Brigida et Columda in Hibernia, la reine d'Angleterre, femme de Jacques Ier ; Johannes Glandorp, Jodocus, medicus Romae, Urandus, sive Durandus, Johannes Jacobus Trivultius, Ludovicus VIII, rex Francorum ; Antonius quidam italus, Fin dal Finale, Battistina Senensis, puella elegantissima ; Chalonerus Dubliniae, Askew Lincolniensis, Christophorus Hatton, Robertus, comes Leicestriae ; Johannes Chidley, Walterus Ralegh, Arturus Gorges, Johannes Parkar, Maria Stafford, Charitas et Carolus Ho., Thomas Wals, Sylvanus Scorus, Johannes Horo et Edwardus Nymark, Edwardus Stanhop, Franciscus Wal ; Philippus Sydney, Franciscus Walsinghan, N. Marsonius, jurisconsultus, Christophorus H, Gulielmus, comes Penbrok, Angliae marescallus, Antonius Deny, frater Lubinus ; Fratislaus, dux Bohemiae, countess of Penbrok, Edward Spenser, Henry Abyngdon, Thomas Nash, N. Dobson ; Dr Hugh a price, Johannes Vitulus, Dr Bently, Hor. Pallavicin, Margaret Ratcliff ; Howlet, Elian, Henry Barron ; James Stuart, Thomas Sackville, Penelope d'Evreux, uxor domini Bar. Rich, pellicis comitis Devonshire, Robert Cecil, Ricardus Bancroft, archiepiscopus Cantuariensis ; Godefridus de Bulion, Balduinus, rex Jerusalem, Allicia, pulchra foemina anglica et forte meretrix, Theobaldus, comes Campaniae, qui vixit tempore regis Angliae Stephani ; Fernandus de Castro, hispanus in Anglia exulans et moriens ob fidem in Dominum Petrum, regem Castellae, Johannes Taylor de Colman street, usurarius, Petrus Miago Vallisoleti, in templo Sancti Stephani, Franciscus Duarte de Mendico, a proveedor de los exercitos y armadas del emperador Carlo V, Henricus, Walliae princeps ; Milo, comes de Anglera, pater Rolandi, a Mauris juxta ripam Ceae occisus, Hecuba, S. Edmundus, rex et martyr, Pindarus, poeta lyricus, Stesichorus, Anacreon, poeta vinosus, Leonidas, dux Lacedemoniorum ad Thermopylas occisus contra Persas, Timotheus, citharedus milesius ; Timocreon Rhodius, Laïs, meretrix Corinthia, sepulta in Thessalia, juxta Peneum fluvium, Acron, antiquissimus medicus Agrigentinus


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Identificar, en los discursos y prácticas de los maestros y monitores, los significados que se atribuyen a la sostenibilidad y analizar la relación entre el discurso y la práctica educativa de estos actores socio-educativo, en relación a la sostenibilidad. La investigación es de naturaleza cualitativa, debido al estudio de la realidad de las comunidades en su contexto natural, intentando dar sentido e interpretando los significados que las personas atribuyen a la sostenibilidad. La investigación se desarrolla, en los barrios de Mangabeira y Papagayos, en Feira de Santana, y en dos escuelas públicas, en la ciudad de Serrinha -Bahia. En relación con la muestra de investigación, se compone, en espacios formales diez maestros de las escuelas públicas (estatal y municipal) de la escuela fundamental de Serrinha. En los espacios educativos no formales, se seleccionan cinco monitoras de PETI, que desarrollar sus actividades, en el núcleo de Mangabeira, y de Parrot. Se amplía la muestra con seis monitores pertenecientes a otros centros para participar en el grupo de coordinación. Como fuentes de información, para el estudio, se utilizan los siguientes instrumentos: entrevista semi-estructura, la observación participante y grupo focal. En relación con el análisis e interpretación de los datos, las técnicas utilizas son las siguientes: análisis de los discursos en los grupos de discusión, procesos de triangulación y análisis de contenido . Las propuestas presentadas en la investigación, pueden contribuir a las cuestiones sociales, instituciones educativas y de las comunidades. En lo social, tanto niños como adolescentes y sus familias pueden beneficiarse mediante la mejora de la calidad social de vida de los aspectos: educación, higiene, salud, vivienda, saneamiento, alimentación, trabajo, entre otros. En el campo educativo, este estudio contribuye a la formación de los educadores, contemplando un nuevo plan de estudios que abarca la perspectiva de transversales y la educación integral asociada a diversas actividades de educación. En el aspecto institucional, las instituciones pueden adoptar las propuestas existentes, para repensar, con el fin de proporcionar a los niños y las familias de las comunidades estudiadas nuevos retos en la vida, como la dignidad humana.


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We examined nest site selection by Puerto Rican Parrots, a secondary cavity nester, at several spatial scales using the nest entrance as the central focal point relative to 20 habitat and spatial variables. The Puerto Rican Parrot is unique in that, since 2001, all known nesting in the wild has occurred in artificial cavities, which also provided us with an opportunity to evaluate nest site selection without confounding effects of the actual nest cavity characteristics. Because of the data limitations imposed by the small population size of this critically endangered endemic species, we employed a distribution-free statistical simulation approach to assess site selection relative to characteristics of used and unused nesting sites. Nest sites selected by Puerto Rican Parrots were characterized by greater horizontal and vertical visibility from the nest entrance, greater density of mature sierra palms, and a more westerly and leeward orientation of nest entrances than unused sites. Our results suggest that nest site selection in this species is an adaptive response to predation pressure, to which the parrots respond by selecting nest sites offering advantages in predator detection and avoidance at all stages of the nesting cycle. We conclude that identifying and replicating the “nest gestalt” of successful nesting sites may facilitate conservation efforts for this and other endangered avian species.


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Throughout the corpus of Latin love elegy, the imaginary tombs envisaged by the elegists for their own personae and for other inhabitants of their poetic world display a striking tendency to take on the characteristic attributes and personalities of those interred within. The final resting-place of Propertius, for instance, that self-proclaimed acolyte of Callimachean miniaturism and exclusivity, is to be sequestered from the degrading attentions of the passing populace (Prop. 3.16.25–30) and crowned with the poet's laurel (2.13.33–4). What remains of his meagre form will rest in a ‘tiny little urn’ (paruula testa, 2.13.32) beneath a monument declaring the lover's slavery to a single passion (2.13.35–6), and the grave is to be attended, or so he hopes, by the object of that passion herself (3.16.23–4), or occasionally (though he is not so confident of this) by his patron Maecenas (2.1.71–8). Likewise the memorial designed by Ovid for Corinna's pet parrot - an imitatrix ales endowed with the most distinctive foibles of the elegiac tradition - in Amores 2.6, comprising a burial mound pro corpore magnus (2.6.59) topped with a tombstone described as exiguus (‘tiny’, 2.6.60; cf. Prop. 2.1.72, 2.13.33), exhibits an elegiac emphasis worthy of the parrot's human counterparts among Ovid's poetic predecessors.


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Aim We present a molecular phylogenetic analysis of Brotogeris (Psittacidae) using several distinct and complementary approaches: we test the monophyly of the genus, delineate the basal taxa within it, uncover their phylogenetic relationships, and finally, based on these results, we perform temporal and spatial comparative analyses to help elucidate the historical biogeography of the Neotropical region. Location Neotropical lowlands, including dry and humid forests. Methods Phylogenetic relationships within Brotogeris were investigated using the complete sequences of the mitochondrial genes cyt b and ND2, and partial sequences of the nuclear intron 7 of the gene for Beta Fibrinogen for all eight species and 12 of the 17 taxa recognized within the genus (total of 63 individuals). In order to delinetae the basal taxa within the genus we used both molecular and plumage variation, the latter being based on the examination of 597 skin specimens. Dates of divergence and confidence intervals were estimated using penalized likelihood. Spatial and temporal comparative analyses were performed including several closely related parrot genera. Results Brotogeris was found to be a monophyletic genus, sister to Myiopsitta. The phylogenetic analyses recovered eight well-supported clades representing the recognized biological species. Although some described subspecies are diagnosably distinct based on morphology, there was generally little intraspecific mtDNA variation. The Amazonian species had different phylogenetic affinities and did not group in a monophyletic clade. Brotogeris diversification took place during the last 6 Myr, the same time-frame as previously found for Pionus and Pyrilia. Main conclusions The biogeographical history of Brotogeris implies a dynamic history for South American biomes since the Pliocene. It corroborates the idea that the geological evolution of Amazonia has been important in shaping its biodiversity, argues against the idea that the region has been environmentally stable during the Quaternary, and suggests dynamic interactions between wet and dry forest habitats in South America, with representatives of the Amazonian biota having several independent close relationships with taxa endemic to other biomes.


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The Hyacinth Macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) is one of 14 endangered species in the family Psittacidae occurring in Brazil, with an estimated total population of 6,500 specimens. We used nuclear molecular markers (single locus minisatellites and microsatellites) and 472 bp of the mitochondrial DNA control region to characterize levels of genetic variability in this species and to assess the degree of gene flow among three nesting sites in Brazil (Pantanal do Abobral, Pantanal de Miranda and Piaui). The origin of five apprehended specimens was also investigated. The results suggest that, in comparison to other species of parrots, Hyacinth Macaws possess relatively lower genetic variation and that individuals from two different localities within the Pantanal (Abobral and Miranda) belong to a unique interbreeding population and are genetically distinct at nuclear level from birds from the state of Piaui. The analyses of the five apprehended birds suggest that the Pantanal is not the source of birds for illegal trade, but their precise origin could not be assigned. The low genetic variability detected in the Hyacinth Macaw does not seem to pose a threat to the survival of this species. Nevertheless, habitat destruction and nest poaching are the most important factors negatively affecting their populations in the wild. The observed genetic structure emphasizes the need of protection of Hyacinth Macaws from different regions in order to maintain the genetic diversity of this species.


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Two new species of gall midge associated with two distinct galls on the succulent creeping shrub Sarcocornia quinqueflora are described from salt marshes in south-eastern Australia. The infestations caused by the new species hinder the growth of S. quinqueflora, the seeds of which are the major food of the critically endangered orange-bellied parrot Neophema chrysogaster. Asphondylia floriformis sp. n. Veenstra-Quah & Kolesik transforms leaf segments into flower-like galls, whereas Asphondylia sarcocorniae sp. n. Veenstra-Quah & Kolesik produces simple swellings on branches. Both galls have fungal mycelium growing in the apoplast of the gall tissue and lining the inner surface of the larval chamber where it is presumably grazed by the larva. Descriptions of the larvae, pupae, males, females and the geographical distribution of the two gall midges in south-eastern Australia are given.


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With an increasing demand and reliance on volunteers in a host of different sectors, the need for organisations to understand motivating factors behind volunteering, and how to retain volunteer services, is crucial. This paper examines the recruitment, retention and attrition among a group of volunteers participating in a long-term monitoring program for the critically endangered orange-bellied parrot Neophema chrysogaster. This project is one of the longest running of its type in Australia with more than 20 years of survey activities. Volunteers were most often recruited via other environmental agencies. Almost three-quarters of respondents had been involved in birdwatching or other bird monitoring activities usually in connection with conservation organisations. The modal response was an involvement of 10-20 years, with most other responses in the range 0-5 years. The majority intend to continue volunteering, but cited perceived health and time commitments as the main factors behind possible future decisions to cease volunteering. Respondents suggested improvements in the volunteer management of the program, and in particular, thought a personal 'thank you', would maintain motivation and participation.


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The Borough of Queenscliffe (BoQ) occupies a unique place among coastal Victorian locations. Situated at the tip of the Bellarine Peninsula, the Borough has approximately 3000 permanent residents, one third of who are over 60 years old. The Borough is also the smallest in Victoria, covering a total area of 13 square kilometres. BoQ is also unique because of its location. The Borough is almost totally surrounded by water and much of this is classified as maritime national park. The Swan Bay Marine Reserve is a Ramsar site and is therefore a wetland of international significance. The Borough relies heavily on tourism for its economic livelihood.

This paper begins with an overview of the BoQ in geographic, demographic and economic terms and then discusses the possible effects and impacts of climate change, as they relate to this small community. These sections are viewed from environmental, economic and social perspectives. Environmental impacts include the erosion of the coastal sand dune system and the loss of habitat for the orange-bellied parrot. Social impacts include the health effects and dangers of flooding for low-lying housing. Various indicators of community response are described, particularly the activities of the local climate change action group. Their strategy can essentially be described as a ‘push upward and downward’ approach. Innovative actions to implement this strategy are described in the paper.


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Fluorescence has so far been found in 52 parrot species when illuminated with ultraviolet-A (UVA) 'black' lamps, and two attempts have been made to determine whether such fluorescence plays any role in sexual signalling. However, the contribution of the reflectance versus fluorescence to the total radiance from feathers, even in the most studied species to date (budgerigars), is unclear. Nor has the plumage of this study species been systematically assessed to determine the distribution of fluorescent patches. We therefore used spectrofluorometry to determine which areas of budgerigars fluoresce and the excitation and emission spectra involved; this is the first time that such a technique has been applied to avian plumage. We found that both the yellow crown and (normally hidden) white downy chest feathers exhibit strong UVA-induced fluorescence, with peak emissions at 527 nm and 436 nm, respectively. Conversely, the bright-green chest and dark-blue tail feathers do not fluoresce. When comparing reflectance spectra (400700 nm) from the yellow crown using illuminants with a proportion of UVA comparable to daylight, and illuminants with all UVA removed, no measurable difference resulting from fluorescence was found. This suggests that under normal daylight the contribution of fluorescence to radiance is probably trivial. Furthermore, these spectra revealed that males had fluorescent crowns with substantially higher reflectance than those of females, in both the UV waveband and at longer wavelengths. Reflectance spectrophotometry was also performed on a number of live wild-type male budgerigars to investigate the chromatic contrast between the different plumage areas. This showed that many plumage regions are highly UV-reflective. Overall our results suggest that rapid surveys using UVA black lamps may overestimate the contribution of fluorescence to plumage coloration, and that any signalling role of fluorescence emissions, at least from the yellow crown of budgerigars, may not be as important as previously thought.


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Vocal variation may be important in population divergence. We studied geographical variation in contact calls of parrots of the crimson rosella, Platycercus elegans, complex, which is characterized by striking geographical plumage coloration variation. This complex has long been considered a rare example of a ring species (where two divergent forms coexist in sympatry but are connected by a chain of intermediate populations forming a geographical ring). We tested whether contact call variation is consistent with the ring species hypothesis. We recorded calls throughout the ring, including several sites from the three main population groups forming the ring and interfaces between them. We analysed duration, peak frequency, fundamental frequency and frequency modulation. We found significant differences, particularly in fundamental frequency and frequency modulation, at multiple biogeographical scales ranging from local populations to subspecies level. Discriminant function analyses showed some populations could be reliably discriminated from call structure. However, our results provided little support for three key predictions of the ring species hypothesis: (1) calls of the terminal, most divergent forms were not significantly different in three of the four acoustic variables, and differences did not appear to be maintained in sympatry, (2) phenotypically/geographically intermediate populations were not characterized by intermediate calls, and (3) call variation was not concordant with geographical sequence around the ring from one terminal form to the other. Our results underscore the emerging view that the evolutionary histories and phenotypic variability of many long-held ring species may be inadequately described by the ring species hypothesis and require alternative explanations. (C) 2008 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The plumages of parrots provide some of the most striking colouration in nature.We summarise the diversity of mechanisms producing colour in parrots and the current evidence for the adaptive significance of variation in the colour of parrot plumages. Only recently have detailed studies begun to unravel the mechanisms of their colour-production and colour vision systems. Parrots produce much of their plumage colouration through a unique suite of pigments (psittacofulvins), or through a feather tissue nanostructure that results in coherent scattering of light, or a combination of the two (producing green). Psittacofulvins are found nowhere else in nature, and may even generate fluorescence in many parrot species.Compared with other avian taxa, the adaptive significance of parrot plumage colouration remains poorly understood, although some studies suggest that plumage colouration may form important sexual signals and may be used in mate-choice by several species. There is evidence to suggest that parrot colouration can be subject to both environmental and genetic control. We emphasise that parrots offer a distinctive and useful colouration system for further study. Further research is required to unravel how the dramatic colour patterns of parrots evolved, and what roles colour signals may play in the life histories of parrots.


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Both basal metabolic rate (BMR) and maximum lifespan potential (MLSP) vary with body size in mammals and birds and it has been suggested that these are mediated through size-related variation in membrane fatty acid composition. Whereas the physical properties of membrane fatty acids affect the activity of membrane proteins and, indirectly, an animal's BMR, it is the susceptibility of those fatty acids to peroxidation which influence MLSP. Although there is a correlation between body size and MLSP, there is considerable MLSP variation independent of body size. For example, among bird families, Galliformes (fowl) are relatively short-living and Psittaciformes (parrots) are unusually long-living, with some parrot species reaching maximum lifespans of more than 100 years. We determined BMR and tissue phospholipid fatty acid composition in seven tissues from three species of parrots with an average MLSP of 27 years and from two species of quails with an average MLSP of 5. 5 years. We also characterised mitochondrial phospholipids in two of these tissues. Neither BMR nor membrane susceptibility to peroxidation corresponded with differences in MLSP among the birds we measured. We did find that (1) all birds had lower n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid content in mitochondrial membranes compared to those of the corresponding tissue, and that (2) irrespective of reliance on flight for locomotion, both pectoral and leg muscle had an almost identical membrane fatty acid composition in all birds.