990 resultados para Parking lots.


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Letter to S.D. Woodruff regarding parts of Lots 9 and 10 in Willoughby and signed by Calvin Cudney and Ezekiel Cudney (2 copies). Both of these copies are slightly burned on the edges. This does not affect the text, Dec. 20, 1884.


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Map of measurements of lots no.185 and 186 by George Strohan, Dec. 29, 1855.


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Abstract (1 page, handwritten) of title of part of Lots no. 10 and 11 in the township of Grantham no. 8756, n.d.


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Receipt from the City of St. Catharines to Robert Stanley, occupant and Mary Shickluna, owner of Lots 44 and 45 on Ontario Street for taxes, Aug. 8, 1887.


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Agreement (1 page, handwritten note) stating that William Barker of Oxford paid for the broken lots no. 21 and 22 and in the 3rd concession in the County of Oxford of Reverend Harris’ land, Nov. 7, 1831.


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La transplantation d’îlots de Langerhans microencapsulés est un traitement prometteur du diabète de type 1. La microcapsule protège l’îlot du système immunitaire, tout en permettant la diffusion de petites molécules. Comme la microcapsule empêche la revascularisation des îlots, leur oxygénation se fait par diffusion d’oxygène et ils sont exposés à l’hypoxie. Le manque d’oxygène est un facteur limitant dans la survie des îlots microencapsulés. Il est connu que les plus petits îlots sont plus résistant à l’hypoxie à cause d’une meilleure diffusion de l’oxygène. À cette fin, les agrégats de cellules dispersées d’îlots seront étudiés. Lorsque les cellules des îlots sont dispersées, elles ont la propriété de se ré-assembler dans une structure semblable à celle des îlots. La présente étude a permis de mettre au point une technique de formation des agrégats, de les caractériser et de comparer la résistance à l’hypoxie des îlots et des agrégats. Ceux-ci ont une structure semblable aux îlots et ils sont de plus petite taille. Pour cette raison, ils sont plus viables après un choc hypoxique tout en renversant efficacement l’hyperglycémie de souris diabétiques. Les agrégats sont une alternative intéressante pour la transplantation d’îlots microencapsulés puisque leur oxygénation est plus efficace.


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Le diabète de type 2 (DT2) apparaît lorsque la sécrétion d’insuline par les cellules β des îlots du pancréas ne parvient plus à compenser la résistance à l’insuline des organes cibles. Parmi les médicaments disponibles pour traiter le DT2, deux classes agissent en améliorant la sensibilité à l’insuline : les biguanides (metformine) et les thiazolidinediones (pioglitazone et rosiglitazone). Des études suggèrent que ces médicaments protègent également la fonction des cellules β. Dans le but d’identifier des mécanismes par lesquels les médicaments insulinosensibilisateurs protègent les cellules β, nous avons étudié les effets aigus de la metformine et de la pioglitazone sur le métabolisme et la fonction des cellules INS 832/13, sécrétrices d’insuline et des îlots pancréatiques isolés de rats. Nous avons aussi validé in vivo avec des rats Wistar les principales observations obtenues en présence de pioglitazone grâce à des clamps glucidiques et par calorimétrie indirecte. Le traitement aigu des cellules β avec de la pioglitazone ou de la metformine inhibe la sécrétion d’insuline induite par le glucose en diminuant la sensibilité des cellules au glucose (inhibition en présence de concentrations intermédiaires de glucose seulement). Dans les mêmes conditions, les traitements inhibent aussi plusieurs paramètres du métabolisme mitochondrial des nutriments et, pour la pioglitazone, du métabolisme des lipides. Les composés affectent le métabolisme en suivant un patron d’inhibition similaire à celui observé pour la sécrétion d’insuline, que nous avons nommé « décélération métabolique ». La capacité de la pioglitazone à inhiber la sécrétion d’insuline et à ralentir le métabolisme mitochondrial de façon aigüe se confirme in vivo. En conclusion, nous avons identifié la décélération métabolique de la cellule β comme nouveau mode d’action pour les médicaments insulinosensibilisateurs. La décélération métabolique causée par les agents insulinosensibilisateurs les plus utilisés semble provenir d’une inhibition du métabolisme mitochondrial et pourrait être impliquée dans les bienfaits de ceux-ci dans un contexte de stress métabolique. Le fait que les deux agents insulinosensibilisateurs étudiés agissent à la fois sur la sensibilité à l’insuline et sur la sécrétion d’insuline, les deux composantes majeures du DT2, pourrait expliquer pourquoi ils sont parmi les agents antidiabétiques les plus efficaces. La décélération métabolique est une approche thérapeutique à considérer pour le traitement du DT2 et d’autres maladies métaboliques.


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Purpose – This paper aims to describe the extent to which corporate organizations in Germany and in New Zealand have included sustainability practices as part of their strategic planning process.

Design/methodology/approach –
Current literature is reviewed to make a case for sustainability to be a driver behind corporate decision making and long-term performance. The results of surveys of several hundred firms in both Germany and New Zealand, countries with a publicly stated commitment to sustainability, are reviewed to compare the adoption rates of sustainability practices.

Findings – There is a significant difference between what firms do and what their managers think is important. Managers largely consider sustainability practices an important factor for their future careers, while firms to a large extent do not include sustainability as part of their strategic or operational planning process.

Research limitations/implications –
The International Sustainability Acceptance Measurement (ISAM) collects data in several countries through local-language versions of the same online survey tool (www.worldreply.com). The findings in this report are specific only to New Zealand and Germany.

Practical implications –
The paper points academics, corporate executives and sustainability fanatics to an alarming inconsistency between what is publicly reported as commitment to sustainability and what is practically achieved.

Originality/value – This paper adds value to the discussion of how sustainability practices have migrated into the operation of firms.


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One of the challenges of being a property law teacher is marking the script of a student who has "spotted" accession for the exam, but answers a question dealing with restrictive conditions by writing shotgun-style everything he or she knows about accession. The same feeling is experienced when one reads the above decision. The only difference is the absence of students in this case.


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This paper is an account of teacher educator perceptions of the take-up by beginning teachers of the values and practices advocated in pre-service education. Methodologically grounded in a critical ethnographic account, two teacher educator/researchers retell their understanding of the one-month experience as middle school classroom teachers in an allocated school. The paper examines the consequences of what counts as professional knowledge in the eyes of pre-service and beginning teachers and the implications of the encounter for the role of teacher educators in preservice preparation. The purpose of the research is to consider the well-researched issue of the rejection of academic training (to greater or lesser extents) that is experienced by very many preservice and beginning teachers at some stage after experience in schools. As an exemplary colleague teacher said to us as we negotiated our participation in the school: "I do lots of things that the University would not approve of". Our argument is that teacher education needs the kind of participatory inquiry represented by the undertaking and methodology of this project. The paper is the 'primary record' (Carspecken 1996) of the research and works to open the next phase, the dialogical stage of the research process.


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Evidence and health policy discussions to date have largely focused on the relationship between those generating research evidence and policy decision-makers and how improving this relationship will increase research use in policy development. All too often policy makers are perceived as the problem, not understanding or seeing the importance of research evidence. Policy makers do have a responsibility to source and use available evidence, as do researchers to the sharp and meaningful production and syntheses of policy relevant research evidence. This takes more than improved communication mechanisms between individual researcher and policy makers. Evidence-informed policy making is a science in its own right requiring the development and application of methods that conceptualise, synthesise and exchange research evidence. Policy organisations need to develop as receptor sites for research and its application to day-to-day decision-making, this is a significant program of work if it is to be done well and affect the evidence culture of organisations.


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The objective of this study is to investigate the impacts of mixed use developments on parking requirements. Along with the renewed interests in mixed use development, shared parking concept has been a focus for traffic engineers, local governments and mixed use developers in recent years. With the help of a case study of Gold Coast city in Australia, this study has identified that shared parking significantly reduces the overall parking requirements of mixed use developments. However, to be shared parking more effective, the type and the size of various land uses within a particular mixed use development should favour the concept. For example, offices and hotels can go side by side as the time-of-day parking requirements and peak parking demand do not conflict each other. A series of time-of-day parking occupancy rates have been developed for typical land use categories to identify such effectiveness.