986 resultados para Paraná Basin


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Foram amostrados 17 trechos de riachos com 100 m de extensão, todos de ordem igual ou menor a três, ao longo de ambas as margens do canal principal do Rio Paranapanema, SP e PR. O ponto médio de cada trecho foi georreferenciado via satélite com receptor GPS e o uso de metodologia padronizada de coleta de dados ambientais e peixes (baseada principalmente na pesca elétrica), possibilitou a obtenção das seguintes informações em cada local: 1) composição taxonômica da ictiofauna e contribuição, em termos de número de indivíduos e biomassa, de cada espécie para a ictiofauna local como um todo; 2) documentação fotográfica de espécimes representativos de cada espécie coletada com sua coloração natural; 3) descrição de cada ambiente coletado, com ilustrações fotográficas coloridas, e seus principais parâmetros bióticos e abióticos. No total foram coletados 3.683 exemplares, pertencentes a seis ordens, 16 famílias, 37 gêneros e 52 espécies, com biomassa total de 16,8 kg. Das espécies coletadas, aproximadamente 36% pertencem a ordem Siluriformes, 36% a Characiformes, 11% a Gymnotiformes, 10% a Perciformes, 4% a Cyprinodontiformes e 2% a Synbranchiformes. As espécies mais abundantes em termos de número de indivíduos foram Astyanax altiparanae (15,2%) e Astyanax sp. 1 (12,3%); aquelas com maior biomassa foram A. altiparanae (28%) e Geophagus brasiliensis (13%). A composição da ictiocenose em termos de abundância e biomassa por família indica a predominância expressiva de Characidae, seguida por Loricariidae, Pimelodidae e Cichlidae. Dentre os trechos amostrados, o trecho 14 (24 espécies) e o 13 (cinco espécies), apresentaram a maior e a menor riqueza em espécies, respectivamente, coincidindo com os valores obtidos para o índice de diversidade específica de Shannon-Wienner (H´= 0,99 e 0,32, respectivamente). A riqueza média encontrada foi de 11 espécies por trecho de riacho. Na estimativa de riqueza por extrapolação para o conjunto total de riachos amostrados na bacia do rio Paranapanema, obtivemos um valor de 69 espécies (erro padrão igual a quatro) indicando ser necessário um esforço amostral adicional moderado para atingir a assíntota da curva. Das 52 espécies coletadas, oito (aproximadamente 15% do total) são seguramente novas, cinco (aproximadamente 10% do total) possuem status taxonômico ainda indefinido, enquanto outras três (aproximadamente 6% do total) são espécies introduzidas. Analisando a estrutura trófica e espacial da ictiocenose estudada, as 10 espécies numericamente dominantes nos riachos estudados dividem-se, em ordem decrescente de importância numérica, em quatro guildas: onívoros nectônicos; invertívoros bentônicos; perifitívoros; e onívoros bentônicos. Uma chave de identificação para todas as espécies de peixes coletadas durante este estudo é fornecida ao final deste trabalho.


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O ponto médio de cada trecho foi georreferenciado via satélite com receptor GPS e o uso de metodologia padronizada de coleta de dados ambientais e peixes (baseada principalmente na pesca elétrica), possibilitou a obtenção das seguintes informações em cada local: 1) composição taxonômica da ictiofauna e contribuição, em termos de número de indivíduos e biomassa, de cada espécie para a ictiofauna local como um todo; 2) documentação fotográfica de espécimes representativos de cada espécie coletada com sua coloração natural; 3) descrição de cada ambiente coletado, com ilustrações fotográficas coloridas, e seus principais parâmetros bióticos e abióticos. No total foram coletados 3.070 exemplares, pertencentes a seis ordens, 18 famílias, 44 gêneros e 64 espécies, com biomassa total de 14,3 kg. Das espécies coletadas, aproximadamente 50% pertencem a ordem Characiformes, 26,5% a Siluriformes, 11% a Perciformes, 6% a Gymnotiformes, 5% a Cyprinodontiformes e 1,5% a Synbranchiformes. As espécies mais abundantes em termos de número de indivíduos foram Astyanax altiparanae (17,4%) e Hypostomus ancistroides (9%); aquelas com maior biomassa foram A. altiparanae (35%) e Geophagus brasiliensis (9%). em termos de abundância e biomassa por família, a composição da fauna de peixes estudada indica a predominância expressiva de Characidae, seguida por Loricariidae e Cichlidae. Dentre os trechos amostrados, o trecho SG6 (26 espécies) e o PG4 (três espécies), apresentaram a maior e a menor riqueza em espécies, respectivamente, coincidindo com os valores obtidos para o índice de diversidade específica de Shannon-Wiener (H'= 1,08 e 0,26, respectivamente). A riqueza média encontrada foi de 12 espécies por trecho de riacho. Na estimativa de riqueza por extrapolação para o conjunto total de riachos amostrados na bacia do Rio Grande, obtivemos um valor de 93 espécies (erro padrão igual a três) indicando ser necessário um esforço amostral adicional moderado para atingir a assíntota da curva. Das 64 espécies coletadas, quatro (aproximadamente 6% do total) são seguramente novas, sete (aproximadamente 11% do total) possuem status taxonômico ainda indefinido, enquanto outras duas (aproximadamente 3% do total) são espécies certamente introduzidas. Analisando a estrutura trófica e espacial da ictiofauna estudada as 10 espécies numericamente dominantes nos riachos amostrados dividem-se, com base em dados de literatura, em ordem decrescente de importância numérica, em cinco guildas: onívoros nectônicos; invertívoros bentônicos; perifitívoros; algívoros e onívoros bentônicos. Uma chave de identificação para todas as espécies de peixes coletadas durante este estudo é fornecida ao final deste trabalho.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Uma síntese das espécies de peixes de cabeceiras do rio Tietê é apresentada com base em material de coleções zoológicas e novas coletas realizadas. São referidas para região 56 espécies pertencentes a sete ordens e 16 famílias, aumentando significativamente números anteriores. Os resultados mostram que as cabeceiras do rio Tietê possuem uma composição ictiofaunistica bastante peculiar, distinta daquela encontrada no restante do Alto rio Paraná, mostrando acentuado grau de endemismo e grande similaridade com bacias hidrográficas litorâneas, corroborando a hipótese de captura de rios da região por drenagens costeiras e vice e versa no passado. Dentre as espécies encontradas na região, oito são endêmicas (14,3%), 13 são encontradas nas cabeceiras do rio Tietê e drenagens litorâneas da região sudeste do Brasil (23,2%), dez ocorrem em todo Alto rio Paraná (17,9%), cinco são encontradas no Alto rio Paraná e drenagens litorâneas da região sudeste do Brasil (8,9%), enquanto 13 espécies mostram uma ampla distribuição na América do Sul (23,2%), das quais parte ainda precisa ter a identidade confirmada. A diversidade de espécies é acrescida de pelo menos cinco espécies novas pertencentes aos gêneros Cyphocharax, Characidium, Astyanax, Pareiorhina e Australoheros e quatro novos registros são feitos para Characidium cf. zebra, Scleromystax barbatus, Crenicicla britskii e Synbranchus cf. marmoratus. Pelo menos sete espécies introduzidas estão estabelecidas na região, enquanto outras dez espécies são relacionadas em listas de espécies ameaçadas.


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Palaeomagnetic results from 20 volcanic sequences and 11 intrusive bodies (sills and dykes) of the Serra Geral Formation (Paraná Basin) are reported in this paper. The sequences are widespread all over the basin, while sills and dykes (Ponta Grossa arch) come from the northeastern portion. Three mean palaeomagnetic poles were computed for the Serra Geral Formation, which account for a time interval of ∼ 15 Ma. Pole SG1 is located at 85°S,108°E (α95 = 1.1°, N = 18) and represents the main phase of the magmatic activity in the basin, with a mean age of ∼ 135 Ma. Pole SG2 is located at 82°S,38°E (α95 = 7.8°, N = 2) and represents a younger magmatic phase, with an associated age of ∼ 130 Ma. Pole SG3 (72°S,37°E; α95 = 6.8°, N = 10) is the youngest pole. It is computed from the intrusive rocks and its age is assumed to be not younger than 118 Ma, the lower limit of the 'Cretaceous normal magnetic interval'. These three poles describe a shifting path, which suggest that the South American platform moved ∼ 5° southwards and rotated ∼ 10° clockwise during the Lower Cretaceous, preceding the South Atlantic opening. © 1990.


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The Lagoa Dourada is a circular-shaped pond formed on the Furnas Formation (Devonian of the Paraná Basin), filled by late Pleistocene - Holocene sediments. It lies in the hydrographic basin of the Guabiroba River, a tributary of the Tibagi River situated in the Campos Gerais region of the State of Paraná, southern Brazil. The pond is about 200 m in diameter and the maximum water depth is 5.4 m. Geological, chemical, textural and mineralogical studies on a core sample of the sediments collected from the Lagoa Dourada, 12.2 m thick, was obtained for investigations of paleoenvironmental changes as well as to provide additional data to support previous reconstructions based on palynomorphs and diatoms. Within the period recorded in the core, the pond has been filled by sandy material introduced by springs at the northern edge of the pond as well as by muddy material brought in by floodwaters of the Guabiroba River. Thus, the sandy layers could be interpreted as evidence of drier climates with consequent diminution of fluvial overflow, but with maintenance of the sandy deposits coming from springs. The occurrence of euhedral pyrite in the sediments, locally associated with gypsum, may indicate periods of increase in the organic matter content or an increase in the water salinity, what could be related to greater evaporation under drier paleoclimate regimes. Three cycles defined by an increase in the total carbon content of the sediments of the pond were observed. These cycles seem to correspond to an increase in the isotope ratio 13C/12C (δ13C). Several hypotheses can be suggested to explain the presence of these cycles, including the alternation of wetter or drier climatic phases. The convergence of the sedimentological data obtained during this study with previous microfossil paleoclimatic (pollens and diatoms) indicators and radiocarbon dating suggests that a drier paleoclimatic phase occurred around 8720±150 years B.P. The evidence for a second drier phase in more recent times is less consistent. This subsequent phase could correspond to the drier phase in southern and southeastern Brazil between 5000 and 3000 years B.P. as suggested by other paleoclimatic studies.


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This paper presents the identification of tectonic deformation through the application of the stream-gradient index (slope x length) method in the Rio do Peixe hydrographic basin, located in western State of Sã o Paulo. The main principle used is that river valleys are the best tools for this type of analysis because of their fast adjustment to even the most gentle crustal deformations. This type of analysis for structural studies is extremely useful in the western region of the State of São Paulo, where deep chemical weathering results in a thick regolith and scarce outcrops. The stream length index is the ratio of the altimetric amplitude of each drainage and the natural logarithm of its length. The value obtained is plotted on maps at the median point of each drainage, allowing the drawings of lines with the same values (isodefs). Three anomalies (A, B and C) were identified along the Rio do Peixe valley representing uplift sectors indicated by the formation and distribution of Upper Quaternary deposits in terraces and modern fluvial plains and alluvial fans. In correlation with known tectonic data for this region it is possible to attribute the A and B anomalies to the Ribeirão Preto and Presidente Prudente crustal sutures, respectively. The smaller C anomaly needs further field investigation, but it could be associated with the Três Lagoas crustal suture. It must be emphasised that these sutures are inherited from the Precambrian Basement which had a strong influence on the Phanerozoic evolution in the whole sedimentary and volcanic stratigraphic pile of the Paraná Basin and on the dominant structural lineaments directions developed therein .The A, Band C anomalies are suggestive of renewed uplift as a result of neotectonic action in modern times.


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There is yet enthusiastic debate in the literature about the environmental conditions that originated the Cretaceous deposits of the Bauru Group, despite many authors accept that arid climatic conditions widely dominant at the base, evolved to chiefly fluvial-lacustrine conditions at the intermediate portion, and to arid conditions again at the top of the unit. The Bauru Group covers an area of about 117.000 km 2 of the Paraná Basin in São Paulo State territory. Core samples of this lithostratigraphic unit collected from a drill hole at Pirapozinho (Southwest of the São Paulo State) are described and together with well log data brought new information that do not agree with the described model. It was identified in this well the Caiuá, Pirapozinho, Santo Anastácio, Araçatuba and Adamantina formations. The study of these core samples clearly showed the dominance of hydrodynamic sedimentary structures and high to medium intensity of bioturbation in whole profile. These characteristics observed in core samples and compared to patterns of geophysical logs testify the dominance of fluvial processes in the Bauru Group deposition at the studied area. These new data suggests that the paleo-environmental evolution of the unit was much more complex, showing strong lateral and vertical changes that diverges from the model more widely accepted in the literature.


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This paper presents the results of a geophysical study carried out in northeastern São Paulo State and southwestern Minas Gerais State over an area 80 km wide and 97.5 km long in SE Brazil. The Bouguer anomaly map, and geological and structural data allowed to identify three different gravity domains - crustal blocks limited by major discontinuities -related to the structural pattern of the area. These discontinuities were interpreted as geosuture zones underlying the Paraná Basin sediments which have extensions in the Pre-cambrian Basement. The crustal discontinuities named Alterosa and Ribeirão Preto may be seen as A - type collision sutures in a triple junction arramgement. Two prominent linear anomalies are recognized in the Bouguer anomaly map, as well as the limit between the Brasilia and São Paulo crustal blocks or paleoplates. The Alterosa suture zone trends NW-SE while the Ribeirão Preto suture has a NE-SW direction. The Bouguer anomaly map provides subsidies and information on new concepts and theories leading to the refinement of tectonic models.


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The basalts of the Formação Serra Geral in Parana Basin in the Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso states cover an area of 180,000 km2. They rest on the Botucatu sandstones and they are recovered by the sedimentary rocks of Bauru and Caiuá Groups. The mineralogical composition of these rocks are plagioclase (40%-55%), clinopyroxenes (19%-40%; augite and pigeonite), opaque minerals (2%-10%; magnetite and ilmenite) and olivine (1.5%). Geochemical data show two different types of basalts, named ATi-Pitanga (2.6% < TiO2 < 4.2%; 396 ppm < Sr < 438 ppm) and BTi-Ribeira (1.7% TiO2 <2.4%, 246 ppm < Sr < 286 ppm). In general, ATi-Pitanga have gently higher La/Yb(n) (6,1 ± 1,5ppm) than those BTi-Ribeira (5.6 ± 1,7ppm). The geochemical differences between ATi-Pitanga and BTi-Ribeira probably are related to different degrees of partial melt of a same mantle source, or to different mantle sources. The field relations show that BTi-Ribeira is displaced towards the north-western margin of the Paraná Basin and the thickness of lava flows increases towards the Paraná Graben, suggesting that ATi-Pitaga overlies BTi-Ribeira.


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The Thermal Corridor of Uruguay River is located in the triple border of Argentine, Brazil and Uruguay, and shows an intense economic thermal tourism activity, mainly based on groundwaters from Guarani Aquifer System (GAS). Recent studies have pointed out the occurrence of high concentrations of arsenic (>10 μg/L) in GAS groundwater in this area. The complex geological and hydrogeological framework in the area is associated to the Paraná Basin geological evolution south of the Assuncion-Rio Grande Arch; it encompass paleozoic marine sequences and continental sequences permian/eotriassic to mesozoic in age, which are covered by basaltic lavas of Serra Geral Formation. Iron oxide coatings have been described in sandstones of Buena Vista and Sanga do Cabral formations, which underlie GAS units. Arsenic occurrence is associated to sodium bicarbonate groundwater with pH values over 8.0. Arsenic is released to groundwater by desorption from iron oxides/hydroxides, as result of the higher pH of these waters, indicating that arsenic is released from the units that underlie GAS units. Increase in chromium and uranium concentrations are also related to high pH groundwaters, thus indicating special care on using groundwater from this region.


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This paper presents a review on the geotectonic framework of the Southeastern Brazil and neighborhoods, and its importance in the regional geologic evolution, which was exposed as a main conference at the XI Symposium of Southeast Geology (São Pedro, SP, 2009). Although the geologic history dates back to the Archean, and Paleo to Mesoproterozoic processes related to the evolution of the Columbia and Rodinia supercontinents occurred, it was in the Neoproterozoic that the most important structural features developed due to collisional tectonics. The collisions began in the Brasiliano I (900-700 Ma), but mainly developed during the Brasiliano II (670-530 Ma) and ended in the Brasiliano III (580-490 Ma), resulting the orogenic systems of Mantiqueira and Tocantins. The final consolidation resulted in Gondwana, around 460 My in the part which correspond to the South America Platform. The structural features represent an important heritage that controlled much the Phanerozic geologic and tectonic processes: the formation of the Paraná Basin in the Ordovician-Jurassic, the South Atlantian reactivation (active magmatism and Paraná LIP, rifting, morphogenesis and the Atlantic opening), and the Neogene-Quaternary intraplate discrete neotectonism.


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The Capão Bonito Granitic Massif is situated in the south portion of the São Paulo State and represents an elongate body with general direction NE-SW, intrusive in epimetamorphic rocks of Açungui Group (Votuverava Formation), and in granitic rocks of the Três Córregos Complex. It is partially covered by sedimentary rocks of the Paraná Basin (Itararé Group). As the chief type we have red sienogranite, holo to leucocratic with biotite and rare hornblende, inequigranular with medium to coarse grains to porphiritic and isotropic to slightly cataclastic textures of marginal zones. This granite was analyzed for petrographics (composition, structure and texture), chemical composition (major elements), physical and mechanical (water absorption, resistance to abrasion, impact of hard body and efforts of compression and traction) and chemical attack aspects. The results were compared to suggested values for granitic rocks used for ornamental purposes. The whole massif shows compositional, textural, structural (related to isotropy) and chemical (major elements) characteristics very homogeneous. The varieties of sienogranite named commercially as Capão Bonito or Rubi Red Granite showed results very similar to each other, with some variations in the physical and mechanical resistance resulting of the penetrative brittle deformation of regional occurrence, evidenced by differences in the microfissural index.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)