968 resultados para Parameter space


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The diffusion equation-based modeling of near infrared light propagation in tissue is achieved by using finite-element mesh for imaging real-tissue types, such as breast and brain. The finite-element mesh size (number of nodes) dictates the parameter space in the optical tomographic imaging. Most commonly used finite-element meshing algorithms do not provide the flexibility of distinct nodal spacing in different regions of imaging domain to take the sensitivity of the problem into consideration. This study aims to present a computationally efficient mesh simplification method that can be used as a preprocessing step to iterative image reconstruction, where the finite-element mesh is simplified by using an edge collapsing algorithm to reduce the parameter space at regions where the sensitivity of the problem is relatively low. It is shown, using simulations and experimental phantom data for simple meshes/domains, that a significant reduction in parameter space could be achieved without compromising on the reconstructed image quality. The maximum errors observed by using the simplified meshes were less than 0.27% in the forward problem and 5% for inverse problem.


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A spring-mass-lever (SML) model is introduced in this paper for a single-input-single-output compliant mechanism to capture its static and dynamic behavior. The SML model is a reduced-order model, and its five parameters provide physical insight and quantify the stiffness and inertia(1) at the input and output ports as well as the transformation of force and displacement between the input and output. The model parameters can be determined with reasonable accuracy without performing dynamic or modal analysis. The paper describes two uses of the SML model: computationally efficient analysis of a system of which the compliant mechanism is a part; and design of compliant mechanisms for the given user-specifications. During design, the SML model enables determining the feasible parameter space of user-specified requirements, assessing the suitability of a compliant mechanism to meet the user-specifications and also selecting and/or re-designing compliant mechanisms from an existing database. Manufacturing constraints, material choice, and other practical considerations are incorporated into this methodology. A micromachined accelerometer and a valve mechanism are used as examples to show the effectiveness of the SML model in analysis and design. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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In minimal supergravity (mSUGRA) or CMSSM, one of the main co-annihilating partners of the neutralino is the lightest stau, (tau) over tilde (1). In the presence of flavour violation in the right-handed sector, the co-annihilating partner would be a flavour mixed state. The flavour effect is two-fold: (a) It changes the mass of (tau) over tilde (1) thus modifying the parameter space of the co-annihilation and (b) flavour violating scatterings could now contribute to the cross-sections in the early Universe. In fact, it is shown that for large enough delta similar to 0.2, these processes would constitute the dominant channels in co-annihilation regions. The amount of flavour mixing permissible is constrained by flavour violating tau -> mu or tau -> e processes. For Delta(RR) mass insertions, the constraints from flavour violation are not strong enough in some regions of the parameter space due to partial cancellations in the amplitudes. In mSUGRA, the regions with cancelations within LFV amplitudes do not overlap with the regions of co-annihilations. In non-universal Higgs model (NUHM), however, these regions do overlap leading to significant flavoured co-annihilations. At the LHC and other colliders, these regions can constitute for interesting signals.


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The presence of new matter fields charged under the Standard Model gauge group at intermediate scales below the Grand Unification scale modifies the renormalization group evolution of the gauge couplings. This can in turn significantly change the running of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model parameters, in particular the gaugino and the scalar masses. In the absence of new large Yukawa couplings we can parameterise all the intermediate scale models in terms of only two parameters controlling the size of the unified gauge coupling. As a consequence of the modified running, the low energy spectrum can be strongly affected with interesting phenomenological consequences. In particular, we show that scalar over gaugino mass ratios tend to increase and the regions of the parameter space with neutralino Dark Matter compatible with cosmological observations get drastically modified. Moreover, we discuss some observables that can be used to test the intermediate scale physics at the LHC in a wide class of models.


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We report on the status of supersymmetric seesaw models in the light of recent experimental results on mu -> e + gamma, theta(13) and the light Higgs mass at the LHC. SO(10)-like relations are assumed for neutrino Dirac Yukawa couplings and two cases of mixing, one large, PMNS-like, and another small, CKM-like, are considered. It is shown that for the large mixing case, only a small range of parameter space with moderate tan beta is still allowed. This remaining region can be ruled out by an order of magnitude improvement in the current limit on BR(mu -> e + gamma). We also explore a model with non-universal Higgs mass boundary conditions at the high scale. It is shown that the renormalization group induced flavor violating slepton mass terms are highly sensitive to the Higgs boundary conditions. Depending on the choice of the parameters, they can either lead to strong enhancements or cancellations within the flavor violating terms. Such cancellations might relax the severe constraints imposed by lepton flavor violation compared to mSUGRA. Nevertheless for a large region of parameter space the predicted rates lie within the reach of future experiments once the light Higgs mass constraint is imposed. We also update the potential of the ongoing and future experimental searches for lepton flavor violation in constraining the supersymmetric parameter space.


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This paper presents the work on detailed characterization of effervescent spray of Jatropha and Pongamia pure plant oils. The spray characteristics of these biofuels are compared with those of diesel. Both macroscopic and microscopic spray characteristics at different injection pressures and gas-to-liquid ratio (GLR) have been studied. The particle/droplet imaging analysis (PDIA) technique along with direct imaging methods are used for the purpose of spray characterization. Due to their higher viscosity, pure plant oils showed poor atomization compared to diesel and a blend of diesel and pure plant oil at a given GLR. Pure plant oil sprays showed a lower spray cone angle when compared to diesel and blends at lower GLRs. However, the difference is not significant at higher GLRs. Droplet size measurements at 100 mm downstream of the exit orifice showed reduction in Sauter mean diameter (SMD) diameter with increase in GLR. A radial variation in the SMD is observed for the blend and pure plant oils. Pure oils showed a larger variation when compared to the blend. Spray unsteadiness has been characterized based on the image-to-image variation in the mean droplet diameter and fluctuations in the spray cone angle. Results showed that pure plant oil sprays are more unsteady at lower GLRs when compared to diesel and blend. A critical GLR is identified at which the spray becomes steady. The three regimes of spray operation, namely ``steady spray,'' ``pulsating spray,'' and ``spray and unbroken liquid jet'' are identified in the injection pressure-GLR parameter space for these pure plant oils. Two-phase flow imaging inside the exit orifice shows that for the pure plant oils, the flow is highly transient at low GLRs and the bubbly, slug, and annular two-phase flow regimes are all observed. However, at higher GLRs where the spray is steady, only the annular flow regime is observed.


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We present a unified study of the effect of periodic, quasiperiodic, and disordered potentials on topological phases that are characterized by Majorana end modes in one-dimensional p-wave superconducting systems. We define a topological invariant derived from the equations of motion for Majorana modes and, as our first application, employ it to characterize the phase diagram for simple periodic structures. Our general result is a relation between the topological invariant and the normal state localization length. This link allows us to leverage the considerable literature on localization physics and obtain the topological phase diagrams and their salient features for quasiperiodic and disordered systems for the entire region of parameter space. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.146404


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We consider supersymmetric models in which the lightest Higgs scalar can decay invisibly consistent with the constraints on the 126 GeV state discovered at the CERN LHC. We consider the invisible decay in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), as well its extension containing an additional chiral singlet superfield, the so-called next-to-minimal or nonminimal supersymmetric standard model (NMSSM). We consider the case of MSSM with both universal as well as nonuniversal gaugino masses at the grand unified scale, and find that only an E-6 grand unified model with unnaturally large representation can give rise to sufficiently light neutralinos which can possibly lead to the invisible decay h(0) -> (chi) over tilde (0)(1)(chi) over tilde (0)(1). Following this, we consider the case of NMSSM in detail, where we also find that it is not possible to have the invisible decay of the lightest Higgs scalar with universal gaugino masses at the grand unified scale. We delineate the regions of the NMSSM parameter space where it is possible for the lightest Higgs boson to have a mass of about 126 GeV, and then concentrate on the region where this Higgs can decay into light neutralinos, with the soft gaugino masses M-1 and M-2 as two independent parameters, unconstrained by grand unification. We also consider, simultaneously, the other important invisible Higgs decay channel in the NMSSM, namely the decay into the lightest CP-odd scalars, h(1) -> a(1)a(1), which is studied in detail. With the invisible Higgs branching ratio being constrained by the present LHC results, we find that mu(eff) < 170 GeV and M-1 < 80 GeV are disfavored in NMSSM for fixed values of the other input parameters. The dependence of our results on the parameters of NMSSM is discussed in detail.


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We demonstrate a unique shear-induced crystallization phenomenon above the equilibrium freezing temperature (T-K(o)) in weakly swollen isotropic (L-i) and lamellar (L-alpha) mesophases with bilayers formed in a cationic-anionic mixed surfactant system. Synchrotron rheological X-ray diffraction study reveals the crystallization transition to be reversible under shear (i.e., on stopping the shear, the nonequilibrium crystalline phase L-c melts back to the equilibrium mesophase). This is different from the shear-driven crystallization below T-K(o), which is irreversible. Rheological optical observations show that the growth of the crystalline phase occurs through a preordering of the L-i phase to an L-alpha phase induced by shear flow, before the nucleation of the Lc phase. Shear diagram of the L-i phase constructed in the parameter space of shear rate ((gamma)) over dot vs. temperature exhibits L-i -> L-c and L-i -> L-alpha transitions above the equilibrium crystallization temperature (T-K(o)), in addition to the irreversible shear-driven nucleation of L-c in the L-i phase below T-K(o). In addition to revealing a unique class of nonequilibrium phase transition, the present study urges a unique approach toward understanding shear-induced phenomena in concentrated mesophases of mixed amphiphilic systems.


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We consider the problem of finding the best features for value function approximation in reinforcement learning and develop an online algorithm to optimize the mean square Bellman error objective. For any given feature value, our algorithm performs gradient search in the parameter space via a residual gradient scheme and, on a slower timescale, also performs gradient search in the Grassman manifold of features. We present a proof of convergence of our algorithm. We show empirical results using our algorithm as well as a similar algorithm that uses temporal difference learning in place of the residual gradient scheme for the faster timescale updates.


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Light neutralino dark matter can be achieved in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model if staus are rather light, with mass around 100 GeV. We perform a detailed analysis of the relevant supersymmetric parameter space, including also the possibility of light selectons and smuons, and of light higgsino- or wino-like charginos. In addition to the latest limits from direct and indirect detection of dark matter, ATLAS and CMS constraints on electroweak-inos and on sleptons are taken into account using a ``simplified models'' framework. Measurements of the properties of the Higgs boson at 125 GeV, which constrain amongst others the invisible decay of the Higgs boson into a pair of neutralinos, are also implemented in the analysis. We show that viable neutralino dark matter can be achieved for masses as low as 15 GeV. In this case, light charginos close to the LEP bound are required in addition to light right-chiral staus. Significant deviations are observed in the couplings of the 125 GeV Higgs boson. These constitute a promising way to probe the light neutralino dark matter scenario in the next run of the LHC. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A rain forest dusk chorus consists of a large number of individuals of acoustically communicating species signaling at the same time. How different species achieve effective intra-specific communication in this complex and noisy acoustic environment is not well understood. In this study we examined acoustic masking interference in an assemblage of rain forest crickets and katydids. We used signal structures and spacing of signalers to estimate temporal, spectral and active space overlap between species. We then examined these overlaps for evidence of strategies of masking avoidance in the assemblage: we asked whether species whose signals have high temporal or spectral overlap avoid calling together. Whereas we found evidence that species with high temporal overlap may avoid calling together, there was no relation between spectral overlap and calling activity. There was also no correlation between the spectral and temporal overlaps of the signals of different species. In addition, we found little evidence that species calling in the understorey actively use spacing to minimize acoustic overlap. Increasing call intensity and tuning receivers however emerged as powerful strategies to minimize acoustic overlap. Effective acoustic overlaps were on average close to zero for most individuals in natural, multispecies choruses, even in the absence of behavioral avoidance mechanisms such as inhibition of calling or active spacing. Thus, call temporal structure, intensity and frequency together provide sufficient parameter space for several species to call together yet communicate effectively with little interference in the apparent cacophony of a rain forest dusk chorus.


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The authors consider the channel estimation problem in the context of a linear equaliser designed for a frequency selective channel, which relies on the minimum bit-error-ratio (MBER) optimisation framework. Previous literature has shown that the MBER-based signal detection may outperform its minimum-mean-square-error (MMSE) counterpart in the bit-error-ratio performance sense. In this study, they develop a framework for channel estimation by first discretising the parameter space and then posing it as a detection problem. Explicitly, the MBER cost function (CF) is derived and its performance studied, when transmitting binary phase shift keying (BPSK) and quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) signals. It is demonstrated that the MBER based CF aided scheme is capable of outperforming existing MMSE, least square-based solutions.


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We revisit the constraints on the parameter space of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), from charge and color breaking minima in the light of information on the Higgs from the LHC so far. We study the behavior of the scalar potential keeping two light sfermion fields along with the Higgs in the pMSSM framework and analyze the stability of the vacuum. We find that for lightest stops a parts per thousand(2) 1 TeV and small mu a parts per thousand(2) 500 GeV, the absolute stability of the potential can be attained only for . The bounds become stronger for larger values of the mu parameter. Note that this is approximately the value of Xt which maximizes the Higgs mass. Our bounds on the low scale MSSM parameters are more stringent than those reported earlier in literature. We reanalyze the stau sector as well, keeping both staus. We study the connections between the observed Higgs rates and vacuum (meta)stability. We show how a precision study of the ratio of signal strengths, (mu (gamma gamma) /mu (ZZ) ) can shed further light.


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The origin of a high Neel temperature in a 5d oxide, NaOsO3, has been analyzed within the mean-field limit of a multiband Hubbard model and compared with the analogous 4d oxide, SrTcO3. Our analysis shows that there are a lot of similarities in both of these oxides on the dependence of the effective exchange interaction strength (J(0)) on the electron-electron interaction strength ( U). However, the relevant value of U in each system puts them in different portions of the parameter space. Although the Neel temperature for NaOsO3 is less than that for SrTcO3, our results suggest that there could be examples among other 5d oxides that have a higher Neel temperature. We have also examined the stability of the G-type antiferromagnetic state found in NaOsO3 as a function of electron doping within GGA + U calculations and find a robust G-type antiferromagnetic metallic state stabilized. The most surprising aspect of the doped results is the rigid bandlike evolution of the electronic structure, which indicates that the magnetism in NaOsO3 is not driven by Fermi surface nesting.