995 resultados para Pap Smear
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of erbium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Er:YAG) laser (2.94 mu m) irradiation on the removal of root surface smear layer of extracted human teeth and to compare its efficacy with that of citric acid, ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA), or a gel containing a mixture of tetracycline hydrochloride (HCl) and citric acid, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Thirty human dentin specimens were randomly divided into six groups: G1 (control group), irrigated with 10 ml of physiologic saline solution; G2, conditioned with 24% citric acid gel; G3, conditioned with 24% EDTA gel; G4, conditioned with a 50% citric acid and tetracycline gel; G5, irradiated with Er:YAG laser (47 mJ/10 Hz/5.8 J/cm(2)/pulse); G6, irradiated with Er:YAG laser (83 mJ/10 Hz/10.3 J/cm(2)/pulse). Electron micrographs were obtained and analyzed according to a rating system. Statistical analysis was conducted with Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests (P < 0.05). G1 was statistically different from all the other groups; no statistically significant differences were observed between the Er:YAG laser groups and those undergoing the other treatment modalities. When the two Er:YAG laser groups were compared, the fluency of G6 was statistically more effective in smear layer removal than the one used in G5 (Mann-Whitney test, P < 0.01). Root surfaces irradiated by Er:YAG laser had more irregular contours than those treated by chemical agents. It can be concluded that all treatment modalities were effective in smear layer removal. The results of our study suggest that the Er:YAG laser can be safely used to condition diseased root surfaces effectively. Furthermore, the effect of Er:YAG laser irradiation on root surfaces should be evaluated in vivo so that its potential to enhance the healing of periodontal tissues can be assessed.
Introduction: There is ongoing debate regarding the ideal sequence, volume, and concentration of irrigants, length of time for irrigation, and irrigation technique to achieve debridement of the root canal system. The aim of this study was to verify the impact of the final rinse technique on smear layer removal ability of 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Methods: Sixteen single-rooted human teeth were instrumented and divided into 2 groups at the final rinse step according to the following final rinse techniques used: continuous rinse group, continuous rinse with EDTA during 3 minutes, and rinse and soaking group, rinse with 1 mL of EDTA, soaking of the canal for 2 minutes and 30 seconds, and rinse completion with the remaining 4 mL for 30 seconds. The specimens were split lengthwise and observed under scanning electron microscope. Results: Data were analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests. The continuous rinse group presented more debris-free surfaces when compared with the rinse and soaking group (P <. 01). When the root canal areas were compared within the groups, no statistical differences were found (P > .05). Conclusions: It can be concluded that a continuous rinse with 5 mL of EDTA for 3 minutes can more efficiently remove the smear layer from root canal walls. (J Endod 2010;36:512-514)
Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of different irrigant agitation techniques on smear layer removal in curved root canals. Methods: Mesiobuccal canals of 62 extracted lower molars with a curvature of 33 degrees were used and instrumented up to Pro Taper F2. The samples were divided into 3 experimental groups according to the final irrigation: conventional irrigation, ultrasonic irrigation, and sonic irrigation by using the Endo Activator system. The control group was composed of 2 specimens without any final irrigation. In all of the experimental groups, 5 mL of 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid was used for 1 minute, and 5 mL of 2.5% NaOCl was used for 30 seconds. The analysis of the apical region was performed via scanning electron microscopy by 3 examiners. The data were submitted to the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests (P<.05). Results: The activation systems removed significantly more smear layer than did conventional irrigation. Conclusions: Sonic and ultrasonic irrigation resulted in better removal of the smear layer in the apical third of curved root canals than did conventional irrigation. (J Endod 2011;37:1268-1271)
Objective. The objective of this study was to assess the influence of different final irrigating solutions on dentin permeability and smear layer removal using the same specimens and relate the results obtained. Study design. Forty anterior human teeth were instrumented and divided into 4 groups (n = 10) at the final rinse step, according to the irrigant used: G I (control) - 1% NaOCl; G II - 17% EDTA; G III - 17% EDTAT; and G IV - Biopure MTAD. The canals were filled with 0.5% methylene blue and maintained in bottles for 48 hours. The roots were transversally split in coronal, middle, and apical fragments. The specimens were photographed and analyzed regarding dye penetration. The fragments were then axially split and prepared for SEM. The photomicrographs were analyzed and qualified by scores. Results. Only the EDTA-T group exhibited statistical difference in which the apical third had less dentin permeability (P < .05). When a decalcifying agent was used, smear layer was removed, which did not happen in the NaOCl group. Regarding smear layer removal, differences were found only in the EDTA group in which the apical third presented more smear layer (P < .05). No correlation was found for both studies (r = 0.4207). Conclusions. There was not an even relationship between the results from both studies, which inferes that higher or lower dentinal permeability does not necessarily correspond to a higher or lower amount of smear layer. The analysis of dentin permeability and smear layer removal was shown to be a feasible procedure using the same specimens. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 107: e47-e51)
Objective. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of different volumes of 17% EDTA for final rinse on smear layer removal on the different areas of the root canal. Study design. Forty single-rooted teeth were instrumented using rotary instruments. The teeth were divided into 3 test groups according to the EDTA volume for final rinse (5 mL, 10 mL, 15 mL) and 1 control group (10 mL of 1% sodium hypochlorite). The roots were axially split into halves, and the smear layer removal from the canals was determined under scanning electron microscope. The data were analyzed using Kruskal Wallis and Dunn tests. Results. The 3 experimental groups showed no statistical difference (P > .05); however, when the test groups were compared to the control group statistically significant differences were found (P < .01). The root canal wall surfaces of teeth in the control group showed the presence of heavy smear layer through the entire length of the root canals. The other groups showed mainly smear layer-free surfaces or a small amount of debris. When coronal, middle and apical thirds were compared, there was no statistically significant difference (P > .05). Conclusions. Based on the results, it appears that a final rinse with 5 mL of EDTA per canal provides good smear layer removal, with root canal walls free of debris and mostly open dentinal tubules in all areas. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2008;106:e40-e43)
Aim. The aim of this study was to evaluate the concentration of calcium ions and smear layer removal by using root canal chelators according to flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry and scanning electron microscopy. Forty-two human maxillary central incisors were irrigated with 15% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 10% citric acid, 10% sodium citrate, apple vinegar, 5% acetic acid, 5% malic acid, and sodium hypochlorite. The concentration of calcium ions was measured by using flame atomic absorption spectrometry, and smear layer removal was determined by scanning electron microscopy. Mean +/- standard deviation, one-way analysis of variance, Tukey-Kramer, Kruskal-Wallis, Dunn, and kappa tests were used for statistical analysis. The use of 15% EDTA resulted in the greatest concentration of calcium ions followed by 10% citric acid; 15% EDTA and 10% citric acid were the most efficient solutions for removal of smear layer. (J Endod 2009;35:727-730)
Objective: A new protocol for fixation and slide preservation was evaluated in order to improve the quality of immunocytochemical reactions on cytology slides. Methods: The quality of immunoreactions was evaluated retrospectively on 186 cytology slides (130 direct smears, 56 cytospins) prepared from different cytology samples. Ninety-three of the slides were air dried, stored at -20 °C and fixed in acetone for 10 minutes (Protocol 1), whereas the other 93 were immediately fixed in methanol at -20 °C for at least 30 minutes, subsequently protected with polyethylene glycol (PEG) and stored at room temperature (Protocol 2). Immunocytochemical staining, with eight primary antibodies, was performed on a Ventana BenchMark Ultra instrument using an UltraView Universal DAB Detection Kit. The following parameters were evaluated for each immunoreaction: morphology preservation, intensity of specific staining, background and counterstain. The slides were blinded and independently scored by four observers with marks from 0 to 20. Results: The quality of immunoreactions was better on methanol-fixed slides protected with PEG than on air-dried slides stored in the freezer: X¯ = 14.44 ± 3.58 versus X¯ = 11.02 ± 3.86, respectively (P < 0.001). Conclusion: Immediate fixation of cytology slides in cold methanol with subsequent application of PEG is an easy and straightforward procedure that improves the quality of immunocytochemical reactions and allows the storage of the slides at room temperature.
OBJECTIVE To assess the increased diagnostic yield for pulmonary tuberculosis using bronchial washing cultures compared with sputum cultures. METHODS Study conducted with 61 adults in Lima, Peru, from January 2006 to December 2007. The yield of sputum cultures was compared with the yield of acid-fast bacilli smears and cultures of bronchial washing for diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis in suspected cases of clinical tuberculosis with negative acid fast bacilli sputum smears. RESULTS Twenty seven (95%CI 32;58) of the cases were eventually diagnosed with smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis. Bronchial washing samples detected 23 (95%CI 72;99) of the smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis cases compared with 15 (95%CI 37;74) for sputum cultures (p = 0.02). The incremental diagnostic yield of acid fast bacilli smear and culture of bronchial washing specimens over sputum culture was 44% (95%CI 25;65). CONCLUSIONS In function of the epidemiological context and the resources available, bronchoscopy should be deployed as part of a comprehensive work up that optimizes smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis and minimizes risk and costs.
Thick smears of human feces can be made adequate for identification of helminth eggs by means of refractive index matching. Although this effect can be obtained by simply spreading a fleck of feces on a microscope slide, a glycerol solution has been routinely used to this end. Aiming at practicability, a new quantitative technique has been developed. To enhance both sharpness and contrast of the images, a sucrose solution (refractive index = 1.49) is used, which reduces the effect of light-scattering particulates. To each slide a template-measured (38.5 mm³) fecal sample is transferred. Thus, egg counts and sensitivity evaluations are easily made.
Objective: To assess quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (q-PCR) for the sputum smear diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) in patients living with HIV/AIDS with a clinical suspicion of PTB.Method: This is a prospective study to assess the accuracy of a diagnostic test, conducted on 140 sputum specimens from 140 patients living with HIV/AIDS with a clinical suspicion of PTB, attended at two referral hospitals for people living with HIV/AIDS in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. A Löwenstein-Jensen medium culture and 7H9 broth were used as gold standard.Results: Of the 140 sputum samples, 47 (33.6%) were positive with the gold standard. q-PCR was positive in 42 (30%) of the 140 patients. Only one (0.71%) did not correspond to the culture. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the q-PCR were 87.2%, 98.9% and 95% respectively. In 39 (93%) of the 42 q-PCR positive cases, the CT (threshold cycle) was equal to or less than 37.Conclusion: q-PCR performed on sputum smears from patients living with HIV/AIDS demonstrated satisfactory sensitivity, specificity and accuracy, and may therefore be recommended as a method for diagnosing PTB.
This study compared the efficiency of Kato-Katz thick smear and thick smear techniques for the diagnosis of intestinal helminths. The sensitivity of the thick smear technique was higher than that of the Kato-Katz method for the diagnosis of all helminths except Schistosoma mansoni.
Os métodos de imunoperoxidase têm muito em comum com os da imunofluorescência para a demonstração de antígenos teciduais e celulares como no campo das doenças renais relacionadas a imunoglobinas e imunocomplexos. Neste trabalho os autores fazem um estudo comparativo da sensibilidade dos dois métodos (IF e PAP) em tecido de congelação e blocos parafinizados de material de biópsia renal. A análise estatística dos resultados mostrou uma concordãncia significativa entre a IF de congelação e a imunoperoxidase em tecido parafinizado com exceções para a detecção de frações de complemento e de fibrinogênio. Não houve concordância entre a IF em congelação e IF em tecido parafinizado.
Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada al Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale, França, entre setembre i octubre del 2006. La PAP va ser identificada inicialment com una proteïna de secreció, que apareixia al suc pancreàtic després de la inducció d’una pancreatitis aguda experimental. Per la PAP s’ha suggerit diferents funcions, algunes no relacionades en aparença, però les més interessants en el camp de la pancreatitis són les activitats antiapoptótiques, mitogéniques i, especialment, antiinflamatóries. Per aprofundir en aquests aspectes de la PAP, s’ha emprat un model de ratolí PAP-/- per observar els efectes de la deleció del gen de la PAP durant la pancreatitis aguda.Per induir la pancreatitis es va fer servir el model de administració de ceruleina a dosi supra-màximes. En aquestes condicions es va observar que en els animals PAP-/-, la severitat del procés era menor. Els marcadors de necrosi pancreàtica, lipasa i amilasa, van presentar nivells menors en els animals PAP-/- que en els corresponents wild type. Per contra, el nombre de PMN infiltrats i la producció de citoquines pro-inflamatories va ser major en el pàncreas dels animals PAP-/-. La intensitat de la resposta inflamatòria observada suggereix que en condicions fisiològiques, el paper anti-inflamatori de la PAP es prou rellevant. Això ja s’havia suggerit en estudis in vitro, en els que es va demostrar que l’activitat antiinflamatòria de la PAP depenia de la via de transducció de senyal Jak/STAT/SOCS3. Aquesta hipòtesi s’ha comprovat in vivo, monitoritzant el nivell d’activació de STAT3 en els pàncreas dels animals després de la inducció de la pancreatitis.Tot plegat confirma que les funcions antiinflamatòries descrites in vitro per la PAP també es poden observar in vivo, de manera que la PAP sembla ser un agent important en la resposta de les cèl•lules pancreàtiques durant la pancreatitis aguda.
In order to evaluate the predictive value of acid fast bacilii (AFB) smear for the diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in respiratory specimens in a setting with a high prevalence of Aids and an unknown prevalence of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), we retrospectively examined specimens cultured for mycobacteria between 1 September 1993 and 30 September 1994 and medical records of patients with positive culture in a General Hospital, Aids reference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Seventy three per cent (1517/2077) of samples were respiratory specimens and mycobacteria were recovered from 20.6% (313/1517) of these. M. tuberculosis was identified in 94.2% (295/313) and NTM in 5.8% (18/313). The yield of positive AFB smear and of positive culture was 6.1% (93/1517) and 20.6% (313/1517), respectively. The positive predictive value (PPV) of AFB for M. tuberculosis was 98.4% in expectorated sputum and 96.4% in bronchoalveolar lavage. Forty four percent (130/295) of specimens with positive culture for M. tuberculosis and 66.7% (12/18) for NTM were from patients HIV positive. The conclusion was that in our study population, the PPV of AFB for M. tuberculosis in respiratory specimens was high and the prevalence of NTM was low despite the high prevalence of HIV positive.
From January 1995 to August 1997 we evaluated prospectively the clinical presentation, laboratory findings and short-term survival of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) patients who sought care at our hospital. After providing informed, written consent, the patients were interviewed and laboratory tests were performed. Information about survivorship and death was collected through September 1998. Eighty-six smear-positive pulmonary TB patients were enrolled; 26.7% were HIV-seropositive. Seventeen HIV-seronegative pulmonary TB patients (19.8%) presented chronic diseases in addition to TB. In the multiple logistic regression analysis a CD4+ cell count <= 200 cell/mm³ was independently associated with HIV seropositivity. In the Cox regression model, fitted to all patients, HIV seropositivity and age > or = 50 years were independently associated with decreased survival. Among HIV-seronegative persons, the presence of an additional disease increased the risk of death of almost six-fold. Use of antiretroviral drugs was associated with a lower risk of death among HIV-seropositive smear-positive pulmonary TB patients (RH = 0.32, 95% CI 0.10-0.92). In our study smear-positive pulmonary TB patients had a low short-term survival rate that was strongly associated with HIV infection, age and co-morbidities. Therapy with antiretroviral drugs reduced the short-term risk of death among HIV-seropositive patients after TB diagnosis.