918 resultados para Palestinian Refugees, Education, Social Policies, Palestinian Identity, Perception.


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The space and positioning of Indigenous knowledges (IK) within Australian curricula and pedagogy are often contentious, informed by the broader Australian socio-cultural, political and economic landscape. Against changing educational policy, historically based on the myth of terra nullius, we discuss the shifting priorities for embedding Indigenous knowledges in educational practice in university and school curricula and pedagogy. In this chapter, we argue that personal and professional commitment to social justice is an important starting point for embedding Indigenous knowledges in the Australian school curricula and pedagogy. Developing teacher knowledge around embedding IK is required to enable teachers’ preparedness to navigate a contested historical/colonising space in curriculum decision-making, teaching and learning. We draw one mpirical data from a recent research project on supporting pre-service teachers as future curriculum leaders; the project was funded by the Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT). This project aimed to support future curriculum leaders to develop their knowledge of embedding IK at one Australian university. We propose supporting the embedding of IK in situ with pre-service teachers and their supervising teachers on practicum in real, sustained and affirming ways that shifts the recognition of IK from personal commitment to social justice in education, to one that values Indigenous knowledges as content to educate (Connell, 1993). We argue that sustained engagement with and appreciation of IKhas the potential to decolonise Australian curricula, shift policy directions and enhance race relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians .


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With the scope of Chinese diaspora in Australia, this paper theorises the impacts of digitally mediated social interaction on diasporic identity formation in the new media landscape. People’s identity is the outcome of their social interactions with other individuals. In the new media landscape, digital media technologies are changing the way in which people communicate with others. On one hand, space and time are unprecedentedly compressed by media technologies so people can maintain more frequent and instant connections with others than before. On the other hand, the digital media technologies have constructed a virtual social space that might withdraw people from their physical social interactions. As we witness today, our social interactions are increasing digitally mediated, in the forms of posts and comments in social network sites, as well as the messages in social apps. As to the diasporic groups, this new media landscape is presenting a challenge to their identity formation. They physically live in the host countries but still keep close social and cultural connections with their homelands. Facilitated by digital media technologies, they are facing two platforms in which they can practice different identity performances: one is the digitally mediated social network; the other is the physical social network. In the case of Chinese diaspora, the situation is more complex due to the language factor and media censorship in Mainland China, which will be articulated in the main text. This paper aims to fill a gap between media studies and diaspora research. Most of existing research on the relationship between diasporic identity and media primarily focuses on the development of ethnic media institutions, and the production and consumption of ethnic media in the pre-digital media context. However, the process of globalisation and digital media technologies are increasing the homogeneity and hybridity of media content worldwide. In this new context, attributing the formation of different identities to the consumption of media content is arguable to some extent. Therefore, the overlapped area of new media studies and diaspora research still has space deserves further investigation.


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Transitioning the personal brand from one representation to another is sometimes necessary, particularly within the public eye. Marketing literature regarding celebrities focuses on brand endorsement (see for example Till, 1998 or Erdogan, 1999), rather than the positioning of a celebrity brand. Furthermore, the role of social media in strengthening the celebrity brand has received limited attention in the literature outside of political marketing (see for example Crawford, 2009 and Grant, Moon and Grant, 2010). This study focuses on the brand of “Elizabeth Gilbert,” author of the bestseller memoir, Eat, Pray, Love (2006). Through critical discourse analysis, the way the author has used social media to reposition her celebrity brand at the time of the launch of her new novel, ‘The Signature of All Things’ (2013) is examined. This study focuses on the use of social media by celebrities to strengthen the celebrity brand.


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Multicultural social policies were formulated in Australia during the 1970s in response to challenges that had arisen the wake of a large-scale immigration program. Given recent intensification and diversification of immigrant intakes, however, understandings of multiculturalism have been contested repeatedly while new social demands have been made of the policy. In this context, questions have been raised about the adequacy of multicultural ethical education in Australian schools. These concern not only the type of ethics taught, but also the emphasis placed on ethics per se. This study emerges out of this context to look at the utility of using purpose-written philosophical materials– specifically, immigration-themed materials written by advocates of philosophy for children – for development of ethical understanding in multicultural Australia.


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The notions of identity and teacher education have attracted considerable research over the years, revealing a strong correlation between teacher beliefs and practices and the resultant impact on pedagogical practices in the classroom. In an era where the use of digital technologies should be synonymous with teacher pedagogical practices and transforming education, there is a growing need for pre-service teachers to develop an identity that resonates with pedagogical practices that engage and connect with students in a positive and productive way. With many educational institutions also mandating that educators use digital technologies as a tool to support and enhance teaching, pre-service teacher education needs to ensure that students understand and develop a positive identity within this digital world. Current literature acknowledges that many educators adopt digital technologies in the classroom without sometimes fully understanding its scope or impact. It is within this context that this paper reports on a three-year study of first year pre-service education students and their understanding of identity in a digital world. More specifically, the study identifies how students currently use social and digital media in their personal and professional lives to identify themselves online in order to promote a positive image. The study also seeks to identify how these technologies and an understanding of identity can be utilised to promote a positive first year experience.


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This article reports on a 6-year study that examined the association between pre-admission variables and field placement performance in an Australian bachelor of social work program (N=463). Very few of the pre-admission variables were found to be significantly associated with performance. These findings and the role of the admissions process are discussed. In addition to the usual academic criteria, the authors urge schools to include a focus on nonacademic criteria during the admissions process and the ongoing educational program.


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A cibercultura, cultura contemporânea mediada pelo digital em rede, potencializada pelos usos dos dispositivos móveis, delineia novas formas de relações: econômicas, sociais, profissionais, políticas, educacionais, trazendo novos contornos à sociedade. Neste contexto, esta dissertação buscou compreender em que medida, a mobilidade dada pelas redes telemáticas sem fio podem ser utilizadas dentro de um contexto educativo, entendendo que esse contexto se dá dentrofora da universidade, nos diversos espaçostempos da cidade. Buscamos, para tanto, articular à pesquisa-formação (Macedo, Santos e Josso) com abordagem multirreferencial (Ardoino), os pressupostos das pesquisas nos dos com os cotidianos (Alves) e criamos, no contexto formativo da disciplina de Didática, da Licenciatura de Pedagogia da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, atos de currículo com os usos dos dispositivos móveis e do digital em rede, em diálogo com os estudos da cibercultura (Lévy, Lemos, Santaella, Santos). Analisando os usos do digital em rede e dos dispositivos móveis no contexto formativo dos estudantes de Didática e suas narrativas, chegamos aos seguintes achados: a) as interfaces sociais definem a percepção do espaço em que estamos assim como as possibilidades de interação comunicacional com os outros; b) a mobilidade dada pelo digital em rede e pelos usos dos dispositivos móveis imprime outras dinâmicas ao como e quando aprenderensinar; c) expandir as estratégias de aprendizagemensino disponíveis por meio do digital em rede aumenta a possibilidade de acesso a conteúdos, informações, reconfigurando o papel da universidade; d) no que tange ao acesso livre à rede, tanto dentro da universidade quanto na cidade, há necessidade de políticas públicas efetivas para a inclusão digital; e) no âmbito da pesquisa-formação, nossa pesquisa contribuiu para a formação de docentes, criando as ambiências pedagógicas necessárias para o desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências para uma gestão mais flexível do conhecimento e dos processos de aprendizagemensino dentrofora da universidade.


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A presente tese nasce da hipótese da existência da dualidade educacional (DE) nas políticas contemporâneas e que se confirma nesse trabalho. Por sua vez, a DE (uma escola para elite e outra para a classe popular) existe para que a classe hegemônica possa conservar a estratificação social e a divisão do trabalho a seu favor. Tem conivência do Estado, mesmo ele se expressando enquanto uma disputa de classe em movimento. Como metodologia de trabalho, utiliza-se o materialismo histórico-dialético no intuito de abranger o conflito de interesses entre classes sociais e poder caracterizar a materialidade e a dialeticidade nas subjetivações elucidadas. O trabalho de combate à DE é feito com mediações do ideário educacional anarquista e que se aproxima do marxismo através do nascedouro iluminista, comum às duas correntes. É um trabalho de cunho humanista e vai além da lógica iluminista. Pois é possível perceber o avanço em que o anarquismo trata as categorias igualdade, liberdade e solidariedade. No intuito de abranger melhor as relações do fenômeno da DE, é considerada a conjuntura política e econômica globalizada nas novas configurações entre Estado e sociedade civil no Brasil sob a vigência do capitalismo financeiro; além de ser levado em consideração o pensamento de Florestan Fernandes no que diz respeito ao Brasil ser um país de capitalismo dependente. Em relação às parcerias público-privadas na contemporaneidade, que promovem educação financiada pelo Estado, mas controlada pela sociedade civil; na prática, esse controle é feito por grupos empresariais, tendo em vista a falta de organização da população para esse fim. Desse modo, as estratégias hegemônicas de formatação e implantação das políticas educacionais neoliberais contribuem para a identificação do próprio fenômeno da dualidade educacional, no seio de estruturas organizativas bem planejadas. As novas faces da DE nas contradições de uma educação mercantilizada e alinhada aos ditames internacionais influenciam as políticas públicas educacionais locais. Por exemplo, a Gestão Integrada da Escola (GIDE), implantada desde 2011 na rede pública fluminense, é um projeto de caráter neoliberal, mas que tem uma lógica taylorista-fordista em seu funcionalismo gerencial administrativo-pedagógico. Nesse sistema fica patente a previsibilidade do processo fabril para a construção de um conhecimento sob a chancela de uma nova versão do tecnicismo que subtrai a criatividade e autonomia profissional e escolar, elege uma grade curricular fragmentada e mínima, prioriza o caráter quantitativo dos resultados nas estatísticas que, para tal, burocratiza o trabalho do professor e da própria escola. Na contramão desse ensino instrumental e padronizado desenvolvido pela GIDE, é conveniente rever o significado do que é o ensino libertário, que é aquele que consagra a liberdade e sacrifica progressivamente a autoridade numa educação que tem como objetivo final formar homens livres e respeitadores da liberdade alheia. Essa pesquisa no campo da educação apontou como uma forte pista a federalização das unidades escolares públicas. O chão da escola precisa assumir a sua autonomia possível frente ao sistema centralizador de ensino em um processo dialético de recriação de identidade e reafirmação da escola enquanto força organizativa local junto à comunidade


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As políticas públicas de desenvolvimento e distribuição de renda levadas a efeito durante a primeira década do nosso século alteraram os patamares de renda da parcela mais pobre da população brasileira, fenômeno que estaria dando origem àquilo que se passou a chamar de nova classe média brasileira. A redução das desigualdades sociais estaria atrelada, assim, a um processo de mobilidade social. Esse estudo se ocupa desse fenômeno. Para isso, apresenta, inicialmente, uma análise das políticas sociais implementadas, a partir de 2003, nos âmbitos econômico e educacional. A seguir, discute os conceitos de classe social e de mobilidade social, optando por considerar o fenômeno à luz do conceito de capital cultural, de Pierre Bourdieu, com o qual se define o traço distintivo da educação superior como marca da classe média. Assim, propôs-se a investigar a emergência desse traço em universitários oriundos de classes populares, que estariam em processo de mobilidade social. O trabalho de campo, que ouviu 35 estudantes de 16 diferentes cursos da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, em metodologia de caráter qualitativo, permitiu verificar que os alunos entrevistados mantém seu perfil original de classe trabalhadora, embora sejam inequívocos os ganhos da realização do curso superior, em termos de realização própria e de perspectivas de futuro, tanto para o estudante quanto para o seu grupo social, o que aponta para uma alteração do perfil da classe trabalhadora, e não para a emergência de uma nova classe média.


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O objetivo desse trabalho é compreender a produção intelectual do autor palestino, Edward W. Said, cuja trajetória heterogênea representou em larga medida uma metáfora teórica dos seus maiores dilemas políticos e conceituais, alguns deles constitutivos do objeto dessa tese. Entendemos que Said define a Cultura como lócus privilegiado para compreender a dominação colonial e, posteriormente, incorpora um discurso político para a formação da chamada identidade nacional Palestina. Procuramos demarcar o paradoxo central da sua obra que diz respeito ao convívio teórico da abordagem pós-colonial com a busca da historicidade do ethos nacional palestino. Entendemos que o paradoxo do Nacionalismo, sua estreita vinculação com o debate pós-colonial e os percursos teóricos decorrentes do engajamento progressivo com a causa nacional Palestina subsidiam outras reflexões que possuem interrelação. São essas; a representação do intelectual na sociedade contemporânea, a relação entre texto e realidade histórica, entendida por meio do conceito de mundanidade, a categoria de exílio como condição ontológica e metáfora epistemológica e o problema da relação entre cultura e imperialismo. Esses percursos de análise orientam-se por um objetivo mais geral que é a análise da centralidade e respectiva atualidade da obra de Edward W. Said na Historiografia Pós-Colonial.


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This article studies the gender values that are promoted both in the literacy courses for gypsy women beneficiaries of the Social Integration Revenue Policy of the Region of Madrid and in the events that are organized for this group by public institutions and NGOs. The process of “socialization” that occurs in the educative groups for Gypsy women is focused on constructing an image of what it is to be a “Gypsy modern woman”. Through multiple mechanisms and discursive techniques a specific conception of gender equality is transmitted in these educative spaces. In addition to this, Gypsy women are continually urged to assume certain values and social practices (of gender identity, of "citizenship", of parenting, etc..), while an archetype of "Gypsy Woman" which condenses powerful stereotypes and prejudices about the "Gypsy culture" and the gender relations characteristics of this group is constructed.


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The movement towards developing practice more firmly grounded on empirical research has, arguably, been one of the most significant international trends in social work during the past decade. However, in the UK the implications of this trend for pedagogical practices and the design of educational programmes have still to be fully explored. This paper reports on the findings of a repeated cross-sectional survey of MSW students in Queen's University Belfast which focused on their perceptions of the value of research training to professional practice. The study, conducted over a four year period, explored students' awareness of the relationship between research and practice and their readiness to engage with research training. The findings suggested that the majority of students perceived research training as a valuable component of professional development. However, the study also found a level of scepticism among students about its practical utility along with some resistance towards actively embracing a research agenda. The paper evaluates the significance of these findings for developing research and evidence-based practice as integral components of the new degrees in social work in the UK and for social work education programmes in other countries aiming to develop research-minded practice.


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Service user involvement in social work education is now a firmly established concept in UnitedKingdom.As a result, it is common practice for service users to occupy central roles the education and training of social work students and staff in both qualifying and postqualifying programmes. This paper describes an initiative, undertaken inNorthern Ireland, which compares two methods of user involvement employed with undergraduate and postqualifying social work students. In both situations the students firstly observed discussedDVDexcerpts of narratives from people affected by cancer and secondly observed live facilitated interview with a 25-year-old male service user who shared his experiences being diagnosedwith cancer at a young age.Understanding the social work role in palliative care is crucial as all social workers, regardless of practice context, will have some degree involvement in helping individuals and families to address end-of-life care issues. paper compares the findings of evaluations from two student groups which may help inform social work educators about the effectiveness of different teaching methods used achieve meaningful and effective user involvement with seldom heard groups.


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Participatory citizenship education has been highlighted as a strategy to promote social cohesion in divided societies whereby collaborations with Non-Governmental Organisations and inter-school links have been proposed as tools to improve social networks between schools and communities. This article explores the role and meaning of citizenship education and cross-community participation in promoting social capital and social cohesion. School survey findings, focus groups and interviews with young people and educators indicated that differences between school sectors and established allegiances with particular communities and NGOs may limit the potential for citizenship education to produce bridging social capital and serve to reproduce bonding social capital. It is argued that the introduction of citizenship curricula into segregated schools systems in divided societies may be useful to promote citizenship values and positive attitudes to the other but insufficient to promote the development of bridging social capital and, ultimately, social cohesion in the long term.