955 resultados para Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company.


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An assimilation data set based on the GFDL MOM3 model and the NODC XBT data set is used to examine the circulation in the western tropical Pacific and its seasonal variations. The assimilated and observed velocities and transports of the mean circulation agree well. Transports of the North Equatorial Current (NEC), Mindanao Current (MC), North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC) west of 140degreesE and Kuroshio origin estimated with the assimilation data display the seasonal cycles, roughly strong in boreal spring and weak in autumn, with a little phase difference. The NECC transport also has a semi-annual fluctuation resulting from the phase lag between seasonal cycles of two tropical gyres' recirculations. Strong in summer during the southeast monsoon period, the seasonal cycle of the Indonesian throughflow (ITF) is somewhat different from those of its upstreams, the MC and New Guinea Coastal Current (NGCC), implying the monsoon's impact on it.


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The distribution of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and nitrate were determined seasonally (winter, spring and summer) during three years along line P, i.e. an E-W transect from the coast of British Columbia, Canada, to Station P (50degreesN, 145degreesW) in the subarctic North East Pacific Ocean. In conjunction, DON measurements were made in the Straits of Juan de Fuca and Georgia within an estuarine system connected to the NE Pacific Ocean. The distribution of DON at the surface showed higher values of 4-17 muM in the Straits relative to values of 4-10 muM encountered along line P, respectively. Along line P, the concentration of DON showed an inshore-offshore gradient at the surface with higher values near the coast. The equation for the conservation of DON showed that horizontal transport of DON (inshore-offshore) was much larger than vertical physical mixing. Horizontal advection of DON-rich waters from the coastal estuarine system to the NE Pacific Ocean was likely the cause of the inshore-offshore gradient in the concentration of DON. Although the concentration of DON was very variable in space and time, it increased from winter to summer, with an average build up of 4.3 muM in the Straits and 0.7 muM in the NE subarctic Pacific. This implied seasonal DON sources of 0.3 mmol N m(-2) d(-1) at Station P and 1.5 mmol N m(-2) d(-1) in the Straits, respectively. These seasonal DON accumulation rates corresponded to about 15-20% of the seasonal nitrate uptake and suggested that there was a small seasonal build up of labile DON at the surface. However, the long residence times of 180-1560 d indicated that the most of the DON pool in surface waters was refractory in two very different productivity regimes of the NE Pacific. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A shares certificate for Gladstone Mines and Reduction Company in the amount of 200 shares. The certificate is dated 13 March 1925 and is signed by the secretary F.J. Carr and the president Charles Stoddart. The price is one dollar per share and it is made out to W.H. Cowan.


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Certificate for 1 share of capital stock in Nicola Valley Coal and Coke Company to Welland D. Woodruff, May 13, 1905.


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Certificate for 21 shares of capital stock in Nicola Valley Coal and Coke Company to Welland D. Woodruff, Oct. 16, 1905.


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Letter to S.D. Woodruff from the Holmes’ Burglar Alarm, Telegraph Company of New York stating that they will send a Mr. Whittaker over to make repairs or changes. There is a partial envelope included with this letter, Feb. 8, 1881.


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Clipping of notices from the Woodstock and Lake Erie Railway and Harbour Company and the Buffalo, Brantford and Goderich Railway, 1853.


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Telegram from Great North Western Telegraph Company of Canada to S.D. Woodruff from L. Cabot stating that he will take the shares, Jan. 16, 1886.


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Telegram from Great North Western Telegraph Company of Canada to S.D. Woodruff from L. Cabot stating that the draft for $5000.00 will be forwarded on Monday or Tuesday, Jan. 16, 1886.


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Flyer (2 double sided pages, printed) about the Dominion Power and Transmission Company bonds from R.W. Harris and Co. Bankers, New York, n.d.


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Esta tesis tiene como propósito demostrar las relaciones inequitativas entre las empresas transnacionales y las empresas nacionales de petróleo. Aborda inicialmente desde el contexto de las relaciones internacionales que se dan en torno al petróleo y a los hidrocarburos en general, para luego examinarlas desde una visión desde las transacciones globales y sus tendencias. Posteriormente enfatiza el análisis jurídico-político en el estudio del caso Occidental – Petroecuador, con una revisión previa en el marco institucional y económico en el que se desarrolla este caso. El análisis se establece especialmente en un marco temporal contemporáneo, refiriéndose, cuando es necesario para contextualizar el complejo manejo de los hidrocarburos, a fechas claves que permiten entender determinados fenómenos actuales.