Insults during the fetal period predispose the offspring to systemic cardiovascular disease, but little is known about the pulmonary circulation and the underlying mechanisms. Maternal undernutrition during pregnancy may represent a model to investigate underlying mechanisms, because it is associated with systemic vascular dysfunction in the offspring in animals and humans. In rats, restrictive diet during pregnancy (RDP) increases oxidative stress in the placenta. Oxygen species are known to induce epigenetic alterations and may cross the placental barrier. We hypothesized that RDP in mice induces pulmonary vascular dysfunction in the offspring that is related to an epigenetic mechanism. To test this hypothesis, we assessed pulmonary vascular function and lung DNA methylation in offspring of RDP and in control mice at the end of a 2-wk exposure to hypoxia. We found that endothelium-dependent pulmonary artery vasodilation in vitro was impaired and hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular hypertrophy in vivo were exaggerated in offspring of RDP. This pulmonary vascular dysfunction was associated with altered lung DNA methylation. Administration of the histone deacetylase inhibitors butyrate and trichostatin A to offspring of RDP normalized pulmonary DNA methylation and vascular function. Finally, administration of the nitroxide Tempol to the mother during RDP prevented vascular dysfunction and dysmethylation in the offspring. These findings demonstrate that in mice undernutrition during gestation induces pulmonary vascular dysfunction in the offspring by an epigenetic mechanism. A similar mechanism may be involved in the fetal programming of vascular dysfunction in humans.
1 On rat isolated pulmonary arteries, vasorelaxation by S-nitrosocaptopril (SNOcap) was compared with S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) and nitroprusside, and inhibition by SNOcap of contractions to angiotensin I was compared with the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, captopril. 2 SNOcap was equipotent as a vasorelaxant on main (i.d. 2-3 mm) and intralobar (i.d. 600 mum)pulmonary arteries (pIC(50) values: 5.00 and 4.85, respectively). Vasorelaxant responses reached equilibrium rapidly (2-3 min). 3 Pulmonary vasorelaxant responses to SNOcap, like GSNO, were (i) partially inhibited by the soluble guanylate cyclase inhibitor, ODQ (1H-(1,2,4) oxadiazolo(4,3-a)-quinoxalin-1-one; 3 muM) whereas responses to nitroprusside were abolished and (ii) potentiated by hydroxocobalamin (HCOB; NO. free radical scavenger; 100 muM) whereas responses to nitroprusside were inhibited. 4 The relative potencies for pulmonary vasorelaxation compared with inhibition of platelet aggregation were: SNOcap 7: 1; GSNO 25: 1; nitroprusside > 2000:1. 5 SNOcap, like captopril, concentration-dependently and time-dependently increased the EC50 for angiotensin I but not angiotensin II. The dependence on incubation time was independent of the presence of tissue but differed for SNOcap and captopril. This difference reflected the slow dissociation of SNOcap and instability of captopril, and precluded a valid comparison of the potency of the two drugs. After prolonged incubation (greater than or equal to 5.6 h) SNOcap was more effective than captopril. 6 Thus, in pulmonary arteries SNOcap (i) possesses NO donor properties characteristic of S-nitrosothiols but different from nitroprusside and (ii) inhibits ACE at least as effectively as captopril. These properties suggest that SNOcap could be valuable in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension.
1 Hypoxic pulmonary hypertension in rats (10% O-2, 4 weeks) is characterized by changes in pulmonary vascular structure and function. The effects of the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor perindopril (oral gavage, once daily for the 4 weeks of hypoxia) on these changes were examined. 2 Perindopril (30 mg kg(-1) d(-1)) caused an 18% reduction in pulmonary artery pressure in hypoxic rats. 3 Structural changes (remodelling) in hypoxic rats included increases in (i) critical closing pressure in isolated perfused lungs (remodelling of arteries (50 mu m 0.d.) and (ii) medial wall thickness of intralobar pulmonary arteries, assessed histologically (vessels 30-100 and 101-500 mu m o.d.). Perindopril 10 and 30 mg kg(-1) d(-1) attenuated remodelling in vessels less than or equal to 100 mu m (lungs and histology), 30 mg kg(-1) d(-1) was effective in vessels 101-500 mu m but neither dose prevented hypertrophy of main pulmonary artery. 3 mg kg(-1) d(-1) was without effect. 4 Perindopril (30 mg kg(-1) d(-1)) prevented the exaggerated hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstrictor response seen in perfused lungs from hypoxic rats but did not prevent any of the functional changes (i.e. the increased contractions to 5-HT, U46619 (thromboxane-mimetic) and K+ and diminished contractions to angiotensins I and II) seen in isolated intralobar or main pulmonary arteries. Acetylcholine responses were unaltered in hypoxic rats. 5 We conclude that, in hypoxic rats, altered pulmonary vascular function is largely independent of remodelling. Hence any drug that affects only remodelling is unlikely to restore pulmonary vascular function to normal and, like perindopril, may have only a modest effect on pulmonary artery pressure.
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a progressive disease of the small pulmonary arteries, characterised by pulmonary vascular remodelling due to excessive proliferation and resistance to apoptosis of pulmonary artery endothelial cells (PAECs) and pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMCs). The increased pulmonary vascular resistance and elevated pulmonary artery pressures result in right heart failure and premature death. Germline mutations of the bone morphogenetic protein receptor-2 (bmpr2) gene, a receptor of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) superfamily, account for approximately 75%-80% of the cases of heritable form of PAH (HPAH) and 20% of sporadic cases or idiopathic PAH (IPAH). IPAH patients without known bmpr2 mutations show reduced expression of BMPR2. However only ~ 20% of bmpr2-mutation carriers will develop the disease, due to an incomplete penetrance, thus the need for a ‘second hit’ including other genetic and/or environmental factors is accepted. Diagnosis of PAH occurs most frequently when patients have reached an advanced stage of disease. Although modern PAH therapies can markedly improve a patient’s symptoms and slow the rate of clinical deterioration, the mortality rate from PAH remains unacceptably high. Therefore, the development of novel therapeutic approaches is required for the treatment of this multifaceted disease. Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) include microRNAs (miRNAs) and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs). MiRNAs are ~ 22 nucleotide long and act as negative regulators of gene ex-pression via degradation or translational inhibition of their target mRNAs. Previous studies showed extensive evidence for the role of miRNAs in the development of PAH. LncRNAs are transcribed RNA molecules greater than 200 nucleotides in length. Similar to classical mRNA, lncRNAs are translated by RNA polymerase II and are generally alternatively spliced and polyadenylated. LncRNAs are highly versatile and function to regulate gene expression by diverse mechanisms. Unlike miRNAs, which exhibit well-defined actions in negatively regulating gene expression via the 3’-UTR of mRNAs, lncRNAs play more diverse and unpredictable regulatory roles. Although a number of lncRNAs have been intensively investigated in the cancer field, studies of the role of lncRNAs in vascular diseases such as PAH are still at a very early stage. The aim of this study was to investigate the involvement of specific ncRNAs in the development of PAH using experimental animal models and cell culture. The first ncRNA we focused on was miR-143, which is up-regulated in the lung and right ventricle tissues of various animal models of PH, as well as in the lungs and PASMCs of PAH patients. We show that genetic ablation of miR-143 is protective against the development of chronic hypoxia induced PH in mice, assessed via measurement of right ventricular systolic pressure (RVSP), right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) and pulmonary vascular remodelling. We further report that knockdown of miR-143-3p in WT mice via anti-miR-143-3p administration prior to exposure of mice to chronic hypoxia significantly decreases certain indices of PH (RVSP) although no significant changes in RVH and pulmo-nary vascular remodelling were observed. However, a reversal study using antimiR-143-3p treatment to modulate miR-143-3p demonstrated a protective effect on RVSP, RVH, and muscularisation of pulmonary arteries in the mouse chronic hypoxia induced PH model. In vitro experiments showed that miR-143-3p overexpression promotes PASMC migration and inhibits PASMC apoptosis, while knockdown miR-143-3p elicits the opposite effect, with no effects observed on cellular proliferation. Interestingly, miR-143-3p-enriched exosomes derived from PASMCs mediated cell-to-cell communication between PASMCs and PAECs, contributing to the pro-migratory and pro-angiogenic phenotype of PAECs that underlies the pathogenesis of PAH. Previous work has shown that miR-145-5p expression is upregulated in the chronic hypoxia induced mouse model of PH, as well as in PAH patients. Genetic ablation and pharmacological inhibition (subcutaneous injection) of miR-145-5p exert a protective against the de-velopment of PAH. In order to explore the potential for alternative, more lung targeted delivery strategies, miR-145-5p expression was inhibited in WT mice using intranasal-delivered antimiR-145-5p both prior to and post exposure to chronic hypoxia. The decreased expression of miR-145-5p in lung showed no beneficial effect on the development of PH compared with control antimiRNA treated mice exposed to chronic hypoxia. Thus, miR-143-3p modulated both cellular and exosome-mediated responses in pulmonary vascular cells, while the inhibition of miR-143-3p prevented the development of experimental pulmonary hypertension. We focused on two lncRNAs in this project: Myocardin-induced Smooth Muscle Long noncoding RNA, Inducer of Differentiation (MYOSLID) and non-annotated Myolnc16, which were identified from RNA sequencing studies in human coronary artery smooth muscle cells (HCASMCs) that overexpress myocardin. MYOSLID was significantly in-creased in PASMCs from patients with IPAH compared to healthy controls and increased in circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) from bmpr2 mutant PAH patients. Exposure of PASMCs to hypoxia in vitro led to a significant upregulation in MYOSLID expres-sion. MYOSLID expression was also induced by treatment of PASMC with BMP4, TGF-β and PDGF, which are known to be triggers of PAH in vitro. Small interfering RNA (siR-NA)-mediated knockdown MYOSLID inhibited migration and induced cell apoptosis without affecting cell proliferation and upregulated several genes in the BMP pathway in-cluding bmpr1α, bmpr2, id1, and id3. Modulation of MYOSLID also affected expression of BMPR2 at the protein level. In addition, MYOSLID knockdown affected the BMP-Smad and BMP-non-Smad signalling pathways in PASMCs assessed by phosphorylation of Smad1/5/9 and ERK1/2, respectively. In PAECs, MYOSLID expression was also induced by hypoxia exposure, VEGF and FGF2 treatment. In addition, MYOSLID knockdown sig-nificantly decreased the proliferation of PAECs. Thus, MYOSLID may be a novel modulator in pulmonary vascular cell functions, likely through the BMP-Smad and –non-Smad pathways. Treatment of PASMCs with inflammatory cytokines (IL-1 and TNF-α) significantly in-duced the expression of Myolnc16 at a very early time point. Knockdown of Myolnc16 in vitro decreased the expression of il-6, and upregulated the expression of il-1 and il-8 in PASMCs. Moreover, the expression levels of chemokines (cxcl1, cxcl6 and cxcl8) were sig-nificantly decreased with Myolnc16 knockdown. In addition, Myolnc16 knockdown decreased the MAP kinase signalling pathway assessed by phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK and inhibited cell migration and proliferation in PASMCs. Thus, Myolnc16 may a novel modulator of PASMCs functions through anti-inflammatory signalling pathways. In summary, in this thesis we have demonstrated how miR-143-3p plays a protective role in the development of PH both in vivo animal models and patients, as well as in vitro cell cul-ture. Moreover, we have showed the role of two novel lncRNAs in pulmonary vascular cells. These ncRNAs represent potential novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of PAH with further work addressing to investigate the target genes, and the pathways modulated by these ncRNAs during the development of PAH.
Background: Balloon pulmonary angioplasty (BPA) has recently been developed as an alternative and less- invasive treatment strategy for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH), but therapeutic efficacy and technical safety of the technique have to be established. Aim: effects of BPA on patients with inoperable disease or residual pulmonary hypertension (PH) after pulmonary endarterectomy (PEA). Methods: From June 2015 to September 2019 we enrolled symptomatic (NYHA ≥ II) inoperable CTEPH patients and patients with residual PH after PEA. At baseline, immediately before the first BPA session and 3-6 months after last BPA session all patients underwent clinical evaluation, six-minute walking distance and right heart catheterization. For comparisons Friedman test (with Bonferroni post-hoc pairwise analysis) was used. Survival curves were done with Kaplan Meier method. Results: Forty-seven patients [male 45%, median age 68 (51-74) years, 40 inoperable and 7 with residual PH after PEA] were treated for a total of 136 sessions (median number of sessions for each patient: 2); during each session we treated 2 (2-3) vessels; BPA significantly improved symptoms (NYHA III-IV from 85 to 42%), exercise capacity (from 425 to 446 m) and hemodynamic profile (reduction of mean pulmonary arterial pressure from 41 to 35 mmHg and of pulmonary vascular resistance from 7.1 to 4.7 WU). Five pulmonary artery dissection and 2 hemoptysis with clinical impairment were documented; 33 patients had lung injury (radiographic opacity with/without hemoptysis and/or hypoxemia), 7 patients had access site complications. Five patients died during follow-up (none within 30 days from the procedure) because of sepsis (1), heart failure (1), cancer (1), arrhythmic storm (1) and sudden death in a patient with severe coronary atherosclerosis (1). Conclusions: BPA is a safe and effective treatment able to improve symptoms and hemodynamic profile in inoperable CTEPH patients and in patients with residual PH after PEA.
Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a severe disease characterized by increasing in pulmonary vascular resistance leading to right ventricular failure and death. Currently available drugs for treatment of PAH act on three different pathways responsible of the pathogenesis of this disease: the endothelin pathway, the nitric oxide pathway and the prostacyclin pathway. The purpose of our study was to reassess our experience on the use of drugs that interact on the pathobiological line of prostacyclin so we retrospectively included all patients, referred to our center from February 1995 to December 2021, who received therapy with i.v. Epoprostenol, s.c. Treprostinil or oral Selexipag. Firstly, we observed that patients treated with Epoprostenol were significantly more compromised at baseline when compared to the two other groups and evaluating the effects of the three different drugs, it emerged that patients treated with Epoprostenol had significantly greater improvements in respect to those treated with Treprostinil and Selexipag. In the second part of our analysis we assessed the effects of these drugs when used as third line strategy in order to limit many confounding factors that could influence demographic, clinical and hemodynamic characteristics of patient populations. The differences emerged in exercise capacity and baseline hemodynamics reflect the fact that in our clinical practice, we add Epoprostenol as third line therapy in more compromised patients, Treprostinil in intermediate situations and Selexipag in less impaired conditions. Comparing the effects of treatments between baseline and first follow-up we noticed smaller benefits with Selexipag when compared with intravenous and subcutaneous strategies but it’s important to weight baseline patient’s differences. Our analysis confirmed clinical and functional benefits for the use of both prostacyclin analogues and prostacyclin receptor agonists in terms of improved functional class, six-minute walking distance and cardiopulmonary hemodynamics.
Background and Purpose: Carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum is associated with significant hypercarbia and acidosis. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of carbon dioxide and helium pneumoperitoneum on renal function. Materials and Methods: Thirty adult dogs were put randomly into one of three groups ( n = 10 animals each): group A - pneumoperitoneum not performed; group B - CO2 pneumoperitoneum; and group C - helium pneumoperitoneum. The groups were analyzed with consideration given to body weight, hematologic values, hemodynamic parameters ( heart rate, mean arterial pressure, central venous pressure, cardiac output, stroke volume, systemic vascular resistance, pulmonary vascular resistance, left cardiac work index, cardiac index, mean pulmonary artery pressure, and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure), and renal function ( plasma renin activity, urinary output, creatinine clearance, and sodium excretory fraction). Results: An accentuated decrease in urinary output was observed during pneumoperitoneum in groups B and C compared to the control group. In groups B and C, creatinine clearance declined significantly during pneumoperitoneum in comparison to group A, but after deflation a faster recovery of glomerular filtration was noticed for group C, and a significant increase in sodium excretory fraction was seen for group B. On the other hand, in comparison to the control group, group B had a significant increase in plasma renin activity, with late recovery of glomerular function. Conclusion: Helium ameliorates renal alterations when used for pneumoperitoneum, and it might be used for patients with compromised renal function who have to undergo laparoscopic surgery.
Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute