940 resultados para PRECAST CONCRETE
O método construtivo com painéis portantes de concreto é economicamente viável, porém relativamente novo no cenário nacional, sobretudo no caso dos pré-moldados. As incertezas referentes às peculiaridades desse método, bem como a nova norma brasileira de painéis pré-moldados, ainda em elaboração, vem a motivar uma análise probabilística dos critérios de projeto disponíveis. Utilizando-se a técnica da confiabilidade estrutural, é possível propagar as incertezas referentes às variáveis a uma resposta final no índice de confiabilidade, sendo um cálculo totalmente probabilístico. Neste trabalho, emprega-se tal técnica com informações estatísticas referentes a lajes de concreto moldadas in loco para verificar, de maneira mais verossímil, a segurança dos critérios de projeto impostos pelo Precast Concrete Institute Design Handbook - Precast and Prestressed Concrete - 7th Edition (2010) às fases transitórias (desforma, transporte e içamento) e pela Norma Brasileira ABNT NBR 6118: 2014 - Projeto de estruturas de concreto, à fase em uso. Prossegue-se a uma análise crítica dos resultados bem como sugestões para diminuir a variação dos resultados, sobretudo pela calibração de novos coeficientes parciais de segurança, processo para o qual este trabalho pode servir de base.
O presente trabalho trata do estudo do comportamento de chumbadores grauteados inseridos em concreto com fibras de aço em ligações viga-pilar de estruturas de concreto pré-moldado. Este estudo é importante para se entender e poder quantificar a influência da rigidez deste componente no comportamento de ligações semirrígidas de estruturas de concreto pré-moldado. O objetivo do trabalho é estudar o mecanismo do chumbador no concreto com fibras de aço em ensaios específicos e avaliar também o comportamento de uma ligação viga-pilar de concreto pré-moldado utilizando estas fibras no consolo e no dente da viga. Nesta pesquisa foi realizado um programa experimental no Laboratório de Estruturas da EESC, uma análise numérica com o emprego do software DIANA® e uma comparação com formulações analíticas existentes para o cálculo da força última destes componentes. Foram ensaiados nove modelos experimentais para avaliar especificamente o mecanismo resistente do chumbador, variando-se os diâmetros das barras, sua inclinação e a porcentagem de fibras de aço no concreto. Além destes modelos, foi realizado ensaio de uma ligação viga-pilar de concreto pré-moldado para avaliar a rigidez da ligação com chumbador inserido em concreto com fibras de aço. Nos ensaios experimentais dos chumbadores observou-se que modelos com concreto com fibras de aço apresentam rigidez até 25% maior se comparado ao modelo com concreto convencional. Verificou-se que o graute utilizado para solidarizar os chumbadores exerce significativa influência na capacidade última do modelo, podendo diminuir em cerca de 30% a capacidade de carga. A ligação viga-pilar de concreto pré-moldado utilizando concreto com fibras de aço no consolo e no dente da viga se comportou de maneira satisfatória, não apresentando fissuração na interface dos diferentes concretos. Na comparação dos modelos ensaiados com as formulações teóricas extraídas de trabalhos de referência verificou-se que, para os modelos específicos de chumbador, a formulação existente é representativa. Para a ligação viga-pilar, alguns ajustes na formulação analítica se fizeram necessários para considerações de efeitos de grupo e de borda observados e decorrentes da utilização de dois chumbadores na ligação proposta neste trabalho.
Desde a década de 1980 diversos autores apresentaram correlações entre provas de carga estática e ensaios de carregamento dinâmico em estacas. Para uma boa correlação é fundamental que os testes sejam bem executados e que atinjam a ruptura segundo algum critério, como o de Davisson, por exemplo, além de levar em conta o intervalo de tempo entre a execução da prova de carga estática e do ensaio dinâmico, face ao efeito \"set up\". Após a realização do ensaio dinâmico realiza-se a análise CAPWAP que permite a determinação da distribuição do atrito lateral em profundidade, a carga de ponta e outros parâmetros dos solos tais como quakes e damping. A análise CAPWAP é realizada por tentativas através do procedimento \"signal matching\", isto é, o melhor ajuste entre os sinais de força medido pelos sensores e o calculado. É relativamente fácil mostrar que a mesma solução pode ser obtida através de dados de entrada diferentes. Isso significa que apesar de apresentarem cargas mobilizadas próximas o formato da curva da simulação de prova de carga estática, obtida pelo CAPWAP, assim como a distribuição do atrito lateral, podem ser diferentes, mesmo que as análises apresentem \"match quality\" (MQWU) satisfatórios. Uma forma de corrigir o formato da curva simulada do CAPWAP, assim como a distribuição do atrito lateral, é através da comparação com provas de carga estática (PCE). A sobreposição das duas curvas, a simulada e a \"real\", permite a determinação do quake do fuste através do trecho inicial da curva carga-recalque da prova de carga estática, que por sua vez permite uma melhor definição da distribuição do atrito lateral e da reação de ponta. Neste contexto surge o conceito de \"match quality de recalques\" (MQR). Quando a PCE não está disponível, propõe-se efetuar um carregamento estático utilizando o peso próprio do martelo do bate-estaca (CEPM). Mostra-se, através de dois casos de obra, em que estavam disponíveis ensaios de carregamento dinâmico e PCEs, que esse procedimento permite obter uma melhor solução do ponto de vista físico, isto é consistente com as características do subsolo e com a curva carga-recalque da PCE, e não apenas matemático, através da avaliação do \"match quality\" (MQWU).
El presente artículo se centra en la valorización de las cenizas de lodo de depuradora adicionadas en bloques de hormigón prefabricados, por tanto, en una matriz a base de cemento Portland con características particulares (consistencia seca). Se realiza una experiencia piloto mediante la fabricación de bloques en una planta industrial local, utilizando mezclas con porcentajes de sustitución de árido fino del 5, 10 y 15% por cenizas de lodo de depuradora, cuyos resultados se compararán con bloques de referencia (sin adición). Los ensayos aplicados son los preceptivos para su comercialización según normativa europea (marcado CE), lo que permitirá igualmente comprobar las características físicas y mecánicas de los hormigones. Los resultados obtenidos son prometedores: la utilización de este residuo permitiría su comercialización, mejora características de los bloques como la resistencia a compresión, y permitiría reducir un gran volumen de material utilizado habitualmente como materia prima y consumir un residuo destinado a vertedero.
Se plantea la combinación binaria y ternaria de cenizas de lodo de depuradora (CLD) con ceniza volante, polvo de mármol y ceniza de cáscara de arroz, como sustitución parcial o como adición respecto al cemento Portland en hormigones, con una dosificación similar a la utilizada en la prefabricación de bloques (consistencia muy seca). Se llevaron a cabo ensayos físico-mecánicos sobre probetas de mortero y hormigón con edades de curado de 28 y 90 días: densidad, absorción y resistencia a compresión. Se comprueba que la sustitución de cemento por CLD supone una disminución de la densidad y de la resistencia respecto a la muestra patrón, sin embargo, las combinaciones con otros residuos mejoran notablemente las características de los materiales cementantes. La adición de CLD proporcionó densidades y resistencias similares a la muestra de control y reduce significativamente la absorción de agua.
Purpose: This paper aims to describe an investigation into how company performance can be improved by integrating internal and external customers and technology. The approach was developed, implemented and evaluated in the operations of the building components industry. The research was carried out in the precast concrete division of a Singapore company. Design/methodology/ approach: For the purpose of undertaking the investigation an exploratory case study approach was used. This was divided into conceptual and action research stages. The action research was also used to implement the changes in the company. Questionnaire surveys were carried out among company employees and external customers to assess the effect of these changes. Results of the investigation were derived using content and statistical analysis. Triangulation between three sources was used for validating the data. Findings: The exploratory case study strategy resulted in rich research data, which provided evidence of the changes taking place and integration happening, leading to improved performance. The action research approach proved a powerful tool where the uncertainty of outcomes makes it near impossible to make accurate forecasts. Another output of the research was the development of an "integrated customer orientation" (ICO) model. Research limitations/implications: The research in this paper used a single site action research investigation so should be interpreted within the specific company and industry context. There are implications for theory and practice in a number of areas of production and marketing as well as contributions to understanding about productivity improvement and organisational development. The investigation also fulfils the dual objectives of action research by contributing to both knowledge and practice. Originality/value: The paper describes a unique approach towards improving productivity, quality and service through the use of action research to implement changes, as well as providing the research evidence to evaluate both the process of implementation and results achieved. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
The piles are one of the most important types of solution adopted for the foundation of buildings. They are responsible for transmitting to the soil in deepe r and resistant layers loads from structures. The interaction of the foundation element with the soil is a very important variable, making indispensable your domain in order to determine the strength of the assembly and establish design criteria for each c ase of application of the pile. In this research analyzes were performed f rom experiments load tests for precast concrete piles and inve stigations of soil of type SPT, a study was performed for obtaining the ultimate load capacity of the foundation through methods extrapolation of load - settlement curve , semi - empirical and theoretic . After that, were realized comparisons between the different methods used for two types of soil a granular behavior and other cohesive. For obtaining soil paramet ers to be used i n the methods were established empirical correlations with the standard penetration number (NSPT). The charge - settlement curves of the piles are also analyzed. In the face of established comparisons was indicated the most reliable semiempirical method Déco urt - Quaresma as the most reliable for estimating the tensile strength for granular and cohesive soils. Meanwhile, among the methods studied extrapolation is recommended method of Van der Veen as the most appropriate for predicting the tensile strength.
Arch bridges are strong, durable, aesthetically pleasing and require little maintenance but very few have been built since the early 1900s. However, this trend has changed as more than 60 FlexiArch bridges have been installed since the system was launched in 2007. The FlexiArch uses precast concrete voussoirs, requires neither corrodible reinforcement, nor centring, can be installed in hours and is contractor friendly. Details of this innovative method of construction and installation of arch bridges are given and the enormous potential of the system for multi-span
viaducts is also highlighted.
At present, in large precast concrete enterprises, the management over precast concrete component has been chaotic. Most enterprises take labor-intensive manual input method, which is time consuming and laborious, and error-prone. Some other slightly better enterprises choose to manage through bar-code or printing serial number manually. However, on one hand, this is also labor-intensive, on the other hand, this method is limited by external environment, making the serial number blur or even lost, and also causes a big problem on production traceability and quality accountability. Therefore, to realize the enterprise’s own rapid development and cater to the needs of the time, to achieve the automated production management has been a big problem for a modern enterprise. In order to solve the problem, inefficiency in production and traceability of the products, this thesis try to introduce RFID technology into the production of PHC tubular pile. By designing a production management system of precast concrete components, the enterprise will achieve the control of the entire production process, and realize the informatization of enterprise production management. RFID technology has been widely used in many fields like entrance control, charge management, logistics and so on. RFID technology will adopt passive RFID tag, which is waterproof, shockproof, anti-interference, so it’s suitable for the actual working environment. The tag will be bound to the precast component steel cage (the structure of the PHC tubular pile before the concrete placement), which means each PHC tubular pile will have a unique ID number. Then according to the production procedure, the precast component will be performed with a series of actions, put the steel cage into the mold, mold clamping, pouring concrete (feed), stretching, centrifugalizing, maintenance, mold removing, welding splice. In every session of the procedure, the information of the precast components can be read through a RFID reader. Using a portable smart device connected to the database, the user can check, inquire and management the production information conveniently. Also, the system can trace the production parameter and the person in charge, realize the traceability of the information. This system can overcome the disadvantages in precast components manufacturers, like inefficiency, error-prone, time consuming, labor intensity, low information relevance and so on. This system can help to improve the production management efficiency, and can produce a good economic and social benefits, so, this system has a certain practical value.
Abstract. Currently, thermal energy generation through coal combustion produces ash particles which cause serious environmental problems and which are known as Fly Ash (FA). FA main components are oxides of silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium and magnesium in addition, toxic metals such as arsenic and cobalt. The use of fly ash as a cement replacement material increases long term strength and durability of concrete. In this work, samples were prepared by replacing cement by ground fly ash in 10, 20 and 30% by weight. The characterization of raw materials and microstructure was obtained by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The final results showed that the grinding process significantly improves the mechanical properties of all samples when compared replacing a mortar made with cement by ground fly ash and the reference samples without added fly ash. The beneficial effect of the ground fly ash can increase the use of this product in precast concrete industry
Precast prestressed concrete panels have been used as subdecks in bridge construction in Iowa and other states. To investigate the performance of these types of composite slabs at locations adjacent to abutment and pier diaphragms in skewed bridges, a research prcject which involved surveys of design agencies and precast producers, field inspections of existing bridges, analytical studies, and experimental testing was conducted. The survey results from the design agencies and panel producers showed that standardization of precast panel construction would be desirable, that additional inspections at the precast plant and at the bridge site would be beneficial, and that some form of economical study should be undertaken to determine actual cost savings associated with composite slab construction. Three bridges in Hardin County, Iowa were inspected to observe general geometric relationships, construction details, and to note the visual condition of the bridges. Hairline cracks beneath several of the prestressing strands in many of the precast panels were observed, and a slight discoloration of the concrete was seen beneath most of the strands. Also, some rust staining was visible at isolated locations on several panels. Based on the findings of these inspections, future inspections are recommended to monitor the condition of these and other bridges constructed with precast panel subdecks. Five full-scale composite slab specimens were constructed in the Structural Engineering Laboratory at Iowa State University. One specimen modeled bridge deck conditions which are not adjacent to abutment or pier diaphragms, and the other four specimens represented the geometric conditions which occur for skewed diaphragms of 0, 15, 30, and 40 degrees. The specimens were subjected to wheel loads of service and factored level magnitudes at many locations on the slab surface and to concentrated loads which produced failure of the composite slab. The measured slab deflections and bending strains at both service and factored load levels compared reasonably well with the results predicted by simplified Finite element analyses of the specimens. To analytically evaluate the nominal strength for a composite slab specimen, yield-line and punching shear theories were applied. Yield-line limit loads were computed using the crack patterns generated during an ultimate strength test. In most cases, these analyses indicated that the failure mode was not flexural. Since the punching shear limit loads in most instances were close to the failure loads, and since the failure surfaces immediately adjacent to the wheel load footprint appeared to be a truncated prism shape, the probable failure mode for all of the specimens was punching shear. The development lengths for the prestressing strands in the rectangular and trapezoidal shaped panels was qualitatively investigated by monitoring strand slippage at the ends of selected prestressing strands. The initial strand transfer length was established experimentally by monitoring concrete strains during strand detensioning, and this length was verified analytically by a finite element analysis. Even though the computed strand embedment lengths in the panels were not sufficient to fully develop the ultimate strand stress, sufficient stab strength existed. Composite behavior for the slab specimens was evaluated by monitoring slippage between a panel and the topping slab and by computation of the difference in the flexural strains between the top of the precast panel and the underside of the topping slab at various locations. Prior to the failure of a composite slab specimen, a localized loss of composite behavior was detected. The static load strength performance of the composite slab specimens significantly exceeded the design load requirements. Even with skew angles of up to 40 degrees, the nominal strength of the slabs did not appear to be affected when the ultimate strength test load was positioned on the portion of each slab containing the trapezoidal-shaped panel. At service and factored level loads, the joint between precast panels did not appear to influence the load distribution along the length of the specimens. Based on the static load strength of the composite slab specimens, the continued use of precast panels as subdecks in bridge deck construction is recommended.
Reconstruction of bridge approach slabs which have failed due to a loss of support from embankment fill consolidation or erosion can be particularly challenging in urban areas where lane closures must be minimized. Precast prestressed concrete pavement is a potential solution for rapid bridge approach slab reconstruction which uses prefabricated pavement panels that can be installed and opened to traffic quickly. To evaluate this solution, the Iowa Department of Transportation constructed a precast prestressed approach slab demonstration project on Highway 60 near Sheldon, Iowa in August/September 2006. Two approach slabs at either end of a new bridge were constructed using precast prestressed concrete panels. This report documents the successful development, design, and construction of the precast prestressed concrete bridge approach slabs on Highway 60. The report discusses the challenges and issues that were faced during the project and presents recommendations for future implementation of this innovative construction technique.
The discrepancies between the designed and measured camber of precast pretensioned concrete beams (PPCBs) observed by the Iowa DOT have created challenges in the field during bridge construction, causing construction delays and additional costs. This study was undertaken to systematically identify the potential sources of discrepancies between the designed and measured camber from release to time of erection and improve the accuracy of camber estimations in order to minimize the associated problems in the field. To successfully accomplish the project objectives, engineering properties, including creep and shrinkage, of three normal concrete and four high-performance concrete mix designs were characterized. In parallel, another task focused on identifying the instantaneous camber and the variables affecting the instantaneous camber and evaluated the corresponding impact of this factor using more than 100 PPCBs. Using a combination of finite element analyses and the time-step method, the long-term camber was estimated for 66 PPCBs, with due consideration given to creep and shrinkage of concrete, changes in support location and prestress force, and the thermal effects. Utilizing the outcomes of the project, suitable long-term camber multipliers were developed that account for the time-dependent behavior, including the thermal effects. It is shown that by using the recommended practice for the camber measurements together with the proposed multipliers, the accuracy of camber prediction will be greatly improved. Consequently, it is expected that future bridge projects in Iowa can minimize construction challenges resulting from large discrepancies between the designed and actual camber of PPCBs during construction.
Estudio de soluciones prefabricadas de hormigón no estandarizadas en los Países Bajos tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Precast prestressed concrete panels have been used in bridge deck construction in Iowa and many other states. To investigate the performance of these panels at abutment or pier diaphragm locations for bridges with various skew angles, a research program involving both analytical and experimental aspects, is being conducted. This interim report presents the status of the research with respect to four tasks. Task 1 which involves a literature review and two surveys is essentially complete. Task 2 which involved field investigations of three Iowa bridges containing precast panel subdecks has been completed. Based on the findings of these investigations, future inspections are recommended to evaluate potential panel deterioration due to possible corrosion of the prestressed strands. Task 3 is the experimental program which has been established to monitor the behavior of five configurations of full scale composite deck slabs. Three dimensional test and instrumentation frameworks have been constructed to load and monitor the slab specimens. The first slab configuration representing an interior panel condition is being tested and preliminary results are presented for one of these tests in this interim report. Task 4 involves the analytical investigation of the experimental specimens. Finite element methods are being applied to analytically predict the behavior of the test specimens. The first test configuration of the interior panel condition has been analyzed for the same loads used in the laboratory, and the results are presented herein. Very good correlation between the analytical and experimental results has occurred.