946 resultados para POWER INDUSTRY


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In the early stages of the development of Japan’s environmental policy, sulfur oxide (SOx) emissions, which seriously damage health, was the most important air pollution problem. In the second half of the 1960s and the first half of the 1970s, the measures against SOx emissions progressed quickly, and these emissions were reduced drastically. The most important factor of the reduction was the conversion to a low-sulfur fuel for large-scale fuel users, such as the electric power industry. However, industries started conversion to low-sulfur fuel not due to environmental concerns, but simply to reduce costs. Furthermore, the interaction among the various interests of the electric power industry, oil refineries, the central government, local governments, and citizens over the energy and environmental policies led to the measures against SOx emissions by fuel conversion.


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Os recursos energéticos naturais não estão distribuídos uniformemente pelo globo terrestre, e são raros os países que os têm na quantidade e na qualidade que necessitam para atender as suas necessidades. Ante a essa realidade, o comércio de energéticos tem sido a forma principal de acesso dos países que não os dispõem em relação as suas necessidades. Esse comércio, que muitas vezes é regido por tratados ou acordos firmados entre países ou blocos econômicos regionais, diversificou-se, traspassou fronteiras e, atualmente, tornou-se um item significativo nas pautas de exportações de vários países. A evolução desse comércio tem a favor a alternativa de integração por meio de interconexões estratégicas de redes e da constituição de mercados comuns, que viabilizam a exploração do potencial de complementariedade energética de forma mais racional. Diante desse contexto, esta dissertação apresenta um estudo exploratório que avalia o estado da arte da integração energética sul-americana e faz análises dos modelos técnicos, das regulamentações, das regulações regionais e multilaterais estabelecidas pelos blocos econômicos sul-americanos e pela Organização Mundial do Comércio. De forma complementar, o estudo verifica e apresenta os fatores que podem comprometer o avanço e a instituição de um futuro mercado comum de energia no continente, conclui pela viabilidade do prosseguimento de ações em prol da ampliação da integração da indústria de energia elétrica na América do Sul e tece recomendações. Os resultados e as recomendações deste trabalho oferecem um embasamento procedimental para a gestão e a atuação institucional dos envolvidos no processo de integração energética da indústria de energia elétrica da região sul americana.


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High-Temperature Low-Sag (HTLS) high voltage overhead conductors offer higher operating temperatures, reduced resistance and less sag than conventional designs. With up to twice the current capacity for the same diameter conductor, they may help ease the power shortage in the constantly increasing electricity demand, but there might be some concerns about their corrosion resistance. These new conductors use materials relatively new to the power industry, such as advanced carbon fiber polymer matrix composites and unique metal matrix composites/nano-composites predominantly used in aerospace industries. This study has made an initial assessment of potential galvanic corrosion problems in three very different HTLS designs: ACCC (Aluminum Conductor Composite Core), ACCR (Aluminum Conductor Composite Reinforced) and ACSS (Aluminum Conductor Steel Supported). In particular the ACCC design was evaluated for its resistance to corrosion and compared to the other designs. The study concludes that all three designs can develop galvanic corrosion under certain circumstances. While the results are not sufficient to make service life predictions of any of the tested conductors, they point out the necessity of thorough corrosion testing of all new conductor designs.


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No setor de energia elétrica, a área que se dedica ao estudo da inserção de novos parques geradores de energia no sistema é denominada planejamento da expansão da geração. Nesta área, as decisões de localização e instalação de novas usinas devem ser amplamente analisadas, a fim de se obter os diversos cenários proporcionados pelas alternativas geradas. Por uma série de fatores, o sistema de geração elétrico brasileiro, com predominância hidroelétrica, tende a ser gradualmente alterada pela inserção de usinas termoelétricas (UTEs). O problema de localização de UTEs envolve um grande número de variáveis através do qual deve ser possível analisar a importância e contribuição de cada uma. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de um modelo de localização de usinas termoelétricas, aqui denominado SIGTE (Sistema de Informação Geográfica para Geração Termoelétrica), o qual integra as funcionalidades das ferramentas SIGs (Sistemas de Informação Geográfica) e dos métodos de decisão multicritério. A partir de uma visão global da área estudada, as componentes espaciais do problema (localização dos municípios, tipos de transporte, linhas de transmissão de diferentes tensões, áreas de preservação ambiental, etc.) podem ter uma representação mais próxima da realidade e critérios ambientais podem ser incluídos na análise. Além disso, o SIGTE permite a inserção de novas variáveis de decisão sem prejuízo da abordagem. O modelo desenvolvido foi aplicado para a realidade do Estado de São Paulo, mas deixando claro a viabilidade de uso do modelo para outro sistema ou região, com a devida atualização dos bancos de dados correspondentes. Este modelo é designado para auxiliar empreendedores que venham a ter interesse em construir uma usina ou órgãos governamentais que possuem a função de avaliar e deferir ou não a licença de instalação e operação de usinas.


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With the launch last April of an affordable lithium-ion home battery – the Powerwall – Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk is betting that batteries are going to become a mass market. This may very well become reality, but this commentary argues that one should not jump to the conclusion that this is the end of energy utilities. Similar to solar panels, batteries have high upfront costs. The massive deployment of solar was driven by dedicated policy support, in many cases without any kind of cost or volume control. There is no such thing for batteries. In the absence of financing programmes, the author finds that high upfront costs provide an unfavourable starting point for a disruptive development. But he notes that the fact that self-consumption of stored solar energy will soon pay for consumers represents a paradigm shift in the power industry, which should be seen as an opportunity, at least for first-movers.


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Presents an overview of the wind energy industry and discusses potential future wind energy development in Illinois.


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The deregulation of power industry worldwide has delivered the efficiency gains to the society; meanwhile, the intensity of competition has increased uncertainty and risks to market participants. Consequently, market participants are keen to hedge the market risks and maintain a competitive edge in the market; and this is a good explanation to the flourish of electricity derivative market. In this paper, the authors gave a comprehensive review of derivative contract pricing methods and proposed a new framework for energy derivative pricing to suit the needs of a deregulated electricity market


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The aim of this work was to design and build an equipment which can detect ferrous and non-ferrous objects in conveyed commodities, discriminate between them and locate the object along the belt and on the width of the belt. The magnetic induction mechanism was used as a means of achieving the objectives of this research. In order to choose the appropriate geometry and size of the induction field source, the field distributions of different source geometries and sizes were studied in detail. From these investigations it was found the square loop geometry is the most appropriate as a field generating source for the purpose of this project. The phenomena of field distribution in the conductors was also investigated. An equipment was designed and built at the preliminary stages of thework based on a flux-gate magnetometer with the ability to detect only ferrous objects.The instrument was designed such that it could be used to detect ferrous objects in the coal conveyors of power stations. The advantages of employing this detector in the power industry over the present ferrous metal electromagnetic separators were also considered. The objectives of this project culminated in the design and construction of a ferrous and non-ferrous detector with the ability to discriminate between ferrous and non-ferrous metals and to locate the objects on the conveying system. An experimental study was carried out to test the performance of the equipment in the detection of ferrous and non-ferrous objects of a given size carried on the conveyor belt. The ability of the equipment to discriminate between the types of metals and to locate the object on the belt was also evaluated experimentally. The benefits which can be gained from the industrial implementations of the equipment were considered. Further topics which may be investigated as an extension of this work are given.


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The power industry generates as waste ceramic bodies of electrical fuses that are discarded after use. The formulation of ceramic bodies for porcelain electrical insulators using waste from the bodies fuse allocation promotes environmentally appropriate, through the reuse of the material. This work evaluated the technical feasibility of using waste for use in electrical porcelains with formulations containing the residue, feldspar and kaolinite. The raw materials were processed through grinding and sieving to 200 mesh. The ceramic material obtained from the proposed formulations with 25%, 30%, 34% and 40% of the residue went through a vibratory mill for grinding and homogenization, and then were sieved at 325 mesh. The samples were shaped in a uniaxial press, with the application of 25 MPa and sintered at 1100° C, 1150°C, 1200°C, 1225°C and 1250°C, at levels of 20 and 45 minutes. Were also developed bodies of evidence with reference formulations obtained without residue, to establish a comparison on physical, mechanical and electrical. The tests were conducted and technology: linear shrinkage, porosity, water absorption, resistance to bending to three points, measuring insulation resistance electrical resistivity of the material, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence Waste characterizations pointed to the existence of two phases: mullite and quartz phases are of great importance in the microstructure of the ceramic and this fact reveals a possibility for reuse in electrical porcelains. The mullite is an important constituent because it is a phase that makes it possible to increase the mechanical strength in addition to the body allows the use at high temperatures. The use of ceramic bodies residue fuses, proved feasible for application in electrical porcelain and the most significant results were obtained by the formulations with 25% waste and sintering at 1200°C


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Power relations and small and medium-sized enterprise strategies for capturing value in global production networks: visual effects (VFX) service firms in the Hollywood film industry, Regional Studies. This paper provides insights into the way in which non-lead firms manoeuvre in global value chains in the pursuit of a larger share of revenue and how power relations affect these manoeuvres. It examines the nature of value capture and power relations in the global supply of visual effects (VFX) services and the range of strategies VFX firms adopt to capture higher value in the global value chain. The analysis is based on a total of thirty-six interviews with informants in the industry in Australia, the United Kingdom and Canada, and a database of VFX credits for 3323 visual products for 640 VFX firms.


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This paper focuses on Australian development firms in the console and mobile games industry in order to understand how small firms in a geographically remote and marginal position in the global industry are able to relate to global firms and capture revenue share. This paper shows that, while technological change in the games industry has resulted in the emergence of new industry segments based on transactional rather than relational forms of economic coordination, in which we might therefore expect less asymmetrical power relations, lead firms retain a position of power in the global games entertainment industry relative to remote developers. This has been possible because lead firms in the emerging mobile devices market have developed and sustained bottlenecks in their segment of the industry through platform competition and the development of an intensely competitive ecosystem of developers. Our research shows the critical role of platform competition and bottlenecks in influencing power asymmetries within global markets.


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The research aims to gain a deeper understanding of direct buyer-supplier relationships within the Australian fresh produce industry. Specifically, dependence and power within the buyer-supplier relationship are considered in terms of their antecedents and their relationships their-in. In-depth interviews with buyers and suppliers provided the means by which to expose perceptions with regard to the relative importance of dependence and power within the relationship. The research reveals that relationship antecedents (trading offer: price and quality) impact power and dependence and are, in tum, impacted by them.