987 resultados para POLYVINYL-ALCOHOL


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A novel UV dosimeter is described comprising a tetrazolium dye, neotetrazolium chloride (NTC), dissolved in a film of polymer, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). The dosimeter is pale yellow/colourless in the absence of UV light, and turns red upon exposure to UV light. The spectral characteristics of a typical UV dosimeter film and the mechanism through which the colour change occurs are detailed. The NTC UV dosimeter films exhibit a response to UV light that is related to the intensity and duration of UV exposure, the level of dye present in the films and the thickness of the films themselves. The response of the dosimeter is temperature independent over the range 20-40 degrees C and, like most UV dosimeters, exhibits a cosine-like response dependence upon irradiance angle. The introduction of a layer of a UV-screening compound which slows the rate at which the dosimeter responds to UVR enables the dosimeter response to be tailored to different UV doses. The possible use of these novel dosimeters to measure solar UV exposure dose is discussed. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A UV indicator/dosimeter based on benzyl viologen (BV2+) encapsulated in polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is described. Upon exposure to UV light, the BV2+/PVA film turns a striking purple colour due to the formation of the cation radical, BV center dot+. The usual oxygen sensitivity of BV center dot+ is significantly reduced due to the very low oxygen permeability of the encapsulating polymer, PVA. Exposure of a typical BV2+/PVA film, for a set amount of time, to UVB light with different UV indices produces different levels of BV center dot+, as measured by the absorbance of the film at 550 nm. A plot of the change in absorbance at this wavelength, Delta Abs(550), as a function of UV index, UVI, produces a linear calibration curve which allows the film to be used as a UVB indicator, and a similar procedure could be employed to allow it to be used as a solar UVI indicator. A typical BV2+/PVA film generates a significant, semi-permanent (stable for > 24 h) saturated purple colour (absorbance similar to 0.8-0.9) upon exposure to sunlight equivalent to a minimal erythemal dose associated with Caucasian skin, i.e. skin type II. The current drawbacks of the film and the possible future use of the BV2+/PVA film as a personal solar UV dosimeter for all skin types are briefly discussed.


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This study has demonstrated biorefining steps for ryegrass and silage at a pilot scale to extrude fibre cake for the production of nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC), a potentially green biomaterial for replacing conventional fillers in the manufacture of polymer composites. Further treatments of processed ryegrass fibres with mechanical shearing, microfluidising, hydrochloric acid (HCl)/ sulphuric acid and a four stage {ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid, sodium hydroxide, sodium hypochlorite and HCl} hydrolysis yielded 43.8, 36.1, 25.6 and 39.8 kg t21 DM of NFCs respectively. The NFCs were characterised using microscopy, X-ray diffraction, dynamic light scattering, spectroscopy and thermogravimetry. The NFC had diameters from 3.0–9.1 nm and length 308 nm– 4.6 mm. NFC-polyvinyl alcohol composites containing NFC (5 wt%) exhibited enhanced Young’s modulus and thermal stability by factors of 2.5 and 2 respectively compared with control. The mass, energy, water and chemical balances of the four process steps were assessed to evaluate technical feasibility and also to provide baseline production data for scaling up. The microfluidised product has been identified as the best NFC product, but production cost needs to be reduced.


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This study investigated the feasibility of manufacturing hydroxyapatite (HA)-based scaffolds using 3D printing technology by incorporating different binding additives, such as maltodextrin and polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH), into the powder formulation. Different grades of PVOH were evaluated in terms of their impact on the printing quality. Results showed that scaffolds with high architectural accuracy in terms of the design and excellent green compressive strength were obtained when the PVOH (high viscosity) was used as the binding additive for HA.


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The present work aimed to explore the potential of new nanocomposites based on carbon nanostructures and metal nanoparticles for the detection of biomolecules through surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). In a first step, polyvinyl alcohol composites were prepared incorporating silver nanoparticles by two different reduction procedures. At first without introduction of carbon nanostructures. These composites showed good results for the SERS identification of nucleic acids. Next, the synthesis and characterization of graphene oxide was studied to be used in the preparation of silver and gold nanocomposites. The reduction of this nanomaterial with different chemical agents was explored, since its reduction degree may be a determinant factor for the application envisaged (biomolecules interaction). The preparation of the nanocomposites with silver and gold was performed with different reducing agents. The SERS activity of these new nanocomposites was then explored in the presence of different analytes, varying the experimental conditions for Raman spectra acquisition. It was interesting to verify that the silver containing nanocomposites presented the particularity to intensify the graphene D and G bands. It is also important to highlight that a new eco-friendly reducing agent was tested for the synthesis of the graphene oxide composites, an Eucalyptus Globulus extract. Other variable introduced was the preparation of gold nanostars synthesized with hydroxylamine in the presence of graphene oxide, which allowed the preparation of a new nanocomposite with SERS potential. Fibrous membranes were also prepared by electrospinning with the aim to prepare SERS supports with adequate topography and porosity for the formation of nanoparticles agglomerates for the creation of the so-called hot-spots and also to allow the penetration of the analyte molecules. The polymers polyvinyl alcohol and polyacrylonitrile were selected for electrospinning. Using this technique, electrospun mantles with silver and gold nanoparticles and nanocomposites were prepared. Several variables were studied, such as the introduction of the nano-fillers during the electrospinning process, later deposition of the nano-fillers on the simple electrospun polymeric fibres and surface functionalization of the simple polymeric membranes to link the nano-fillers. At last, the potentialities of using carbon nanotubes forests, produced by chemical vapor deposition and coated with gold film by sputtering, as new SERS substrates were explored. It was found that the SERS detection of DNA bases and ADN itself is possible using these substrates.


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La dérégulation de la formation et l'intégrité des vaisseaux sanguins peut conduire à un état pathologique tel qu’observé dans de nombreuses maladies ischémiques telles que: la croissance de tumeur solide, l’arthrite rhumatoïde, le psoriasis, les rétinopathies et l'athérosclérose. Par conséquent, la possibilité de moduler l'angiogenèse régionale chez les patients souffrant d'ischémie est cliniquement pertinente. Un élément clé dans l'induction de l'angiogenèse pathologique est une inflammation qui précède et accompagne la formation des nouveaux vaisseaux. Ce phénomène est démontré par l'augmentation de la perméabilité vasculaire et le recrutement de monocytes/ macrophages et cellules polynucléaires (neutrophiles). En collaboration avec d'autres groupes, nous avons montré que différents facteurs de croissance tels que le facteur de croissance endothélial vasculaire et les angiopoïétines peuvent non seulement promouvoir l'angiogenèse mais aussi induire diverses étapes connexes au processus de la réaction inflammatoire, y compris la synthèse et la libération des médiateurs inflammatoires et la migration des neutrophiles. Les objectifs de notre étude étaient d'adresser si le vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) et les angiopoïétines (Ang1 et Ang2) sont capables de promouvoir la formation des nouveaux vaisseaux sanguins au fil du temps et d'identifier la présence de différentes cellules inflammatoires dans ce processus. Des éponges d'alcool polyvinylique stérilisées et imbibées de Matrigel appauvri en facteur de croissance (contenant PBS, VEGF, Ang1 ou Ang2 (200 ng/200 μl)) ont été insérées sous la peau de souris C57/Bl6 anesthésiées. Les éponges ont ensuite été retirées aux jours 4, 7, 14 ou 21 après la procédure pour des analyses histologiques, immunohistologiques et cytométriques. La formation des nouveaux vaisseaux a été validée par la coloration au Trichrome de Masson et des analyses histologiques et immunohistologiques contre les cellules endothéliales (anti-CD31). De plus, la maturation des vaisseaux a été démontrée par la coloration séquentielle contre les cellules endothéliales (anti-CD31) et musculaires lisses (anti-alpha-actine). Nous avons effectué la même procédure pour caractériser le recrutement de neutrophiles (anti-MPO), et de macrophages (anti-F4/80). Afin de mieux délimiter la présence de différents sous-ensembles de leucocytes recrutés dans les éponges, nous avons utilisé une technique de cytométrie en flux sur des préparations de cellules isolées à partir de ces éponges. Nous avons observé que le VEGF et les angiopoïétines favorisent le recrutement de cellules endothéliales et la formation de nouveaux vaisseaux plus rapidement qu’en présence de PBS. Une fois formé au jour 7, ces nouveaux vaisseaux restent stables en nombre, et ne subissent pas une réorganisation importante de leur surface. Ces vaisseaux maturent grâce au recrutement et au recouvrement par les cellules musculaires lisses des néovaisseaux. En outre, le microenvironnement angiogénique est composé de cellules inflammatoires, principalement de neutrophiles, macrophages et quelques cellules de type B et T. Donc, le VEGF, l’Ang1 et l’Ang2 induisent séparément la formation et la stabilisation de nouveaux vaisseaux sanguins, ainsi que le recrutement de cellules inflammatoires avec des puissances différentes et une action temps-dépendante dans un modèle d’éponge/Matrigel.


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Polymer materials find application in optical storage technology, namely in the development of high information density and fast access type memories. A new polymer blend of methylene blue sensitized polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyacrylic acid (PAA) in methanol is prepared and characterized and its comparison with methylene blue sensitized PVA in methanol and complexed methylene blue sensitized polyvinyl chloride (CMBPVC) is presented. The optical absorption spectra of the thin films of these polymers showed a strong and broad absorption region at 670-650 nm, matching the wavelength of the laser used. A very slow recovery of the dye on irradiation was observed when a 7:3 blend of polyvinyl alcohol/polyacrylic acid at a pHof 3.8 and a sensitizer concentration of 4.67 10 5 g/ml were used. A diffraction efficiency of up to 20% was observed for the MBPVA/alcohol system and an energetic sensitivity of 2000 mJ/cm2 was obtained in the photosensitive films with a spatial frequency of 588 lines/mm.


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Polymer materials find application in optical storage technology, namely in the development of high information density and fast access type memories. A new polymer blend of methylene blue sensitized polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyacrylic acid (PAA) in methanol is prepared and characterized and its comparison with methylene blue sensitized PVA in methanol and complexed methylene blue sensitized polyvinyl chloride (CMBPVC) is presented. The optical absorption spectra of the thin films of these polymers showed a strong and broad absorption region at 670-650 nm, matching the wavelength of the laser used. A very slow recovery of the dye on irradiation was observed when a 7:3 blend of polyvinyl alcohol/polyacrylic acid at a pHof 3.8 and a sensitizer concentration of 4.67 10 5 g/ml were used. A diffraction efficiency of up to 20% was observed for the MBPVA/alcohol system and an energetic sensitivity of 2000 mJ/cm2 was obtained in the photosensitive films with a spatial frequency of 588 lines/mm.


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The photoacoustic investigations carried out on different photonic materials are presented in this thesis. Photonic materials selected for the investigation are tape cast ceramics, muItilayer dielectric coatings, organic dye doped PVA films and PMMA matrix doped with dye mixtures. The studies are performed by the measurement of photoacoustic signal generated as a result of modulated cw laser irradiation of samples. The gas-microphone scheme is employed for the detection of photoacoustic signal. The different measurements reported here reveal the adaptability and utility of the PA technique for the characterization of photonic materials.Ceramics find applications in the field of microelectronics industry. Tape cast ceramics are the building blocks of many electronic components and certain ceramic tapes are used as thermal barriers. The thermal parameters of these tapes will not be the same as that of thin films of the same materials. Parameters are influenced by the presence of foreign bodies in the matrix and the sample preparation technique. Measurements are done on ceramic tapes of Zirconia, Zirconia-Alumina combination, barium titanate, barium tin titanate, silicon carbide, lead zirconate titanateil'Z'T) and lead magnesium niobate titanate(PMNPT). Various configurations viz. heat reflection geometry and heat transmission geometry of the photoacoustic technique have been used for the evaluation of different thermal parameters of the sample. Heat reflection geometry of the PA cell has been used for the evaluation of thermal effusivity and heat transmission geometry has been made use of in the evaluation of thermal diffusivity. From the thermal diffusivity and thermal effusivity values, thermal conductivity is also calculated. The calculated values are nearly the same as the values reported for pure materials. This shows the feasibility of photoacoustic technique for the thermal characterization of ceramic tapes.Organic dyes find applications as holographic recording medium and as active media for laser operations. Knowledge of the photochemical stability of the material is essential if it has to be used tor any of these applications. Mixing one dye with another can change the properties of the resulting system. Through careful mixing of the dyes in appropriate proportions and incorporating them in polymer matrices, media of required stability can be prepared. Investigations are carried out on Rhodamine 6GRhodamine B mixture doped PMMA samples. Addition of RhB in small amounts is found to stabilize Rh6G against photodegradation and addition of Rh6G into RhB increases the photosensitivity of the latter. The PA technique has been successfully employed for the monitoring of dye mixture doped PMMA sample. The same technique has been used for the monitoring of photodegradation ofa laser dye, cresyl violet doped polyvinyl alcohol also.Another important application of photoacoustic technique is in nondestructive evaluation of layered samples. Depth profiling capability of PA technique has been used for the non-destructive testing of multilayer dielectric films, which are highly reflecting in the wavelength range selected for investigations. Eventhough calculation of thickness of the film is not possible, number of layers present in the system can be found out using PA technique. The phase plot has clear step like discontinuities, the number of which coincides with the number of layers present in the multilayer stack. This shows the sensitivity of PA signal phase to boundaries in a layered structure. This aspect of PA signal can be utilized in non-destructive depth profiling of reflecting samples and for the identification of defects in layered structures.


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LLDPE was blended with poly (vinyl alcohol) and mechanical, thermal, spectroscopic properties and biodegradability were investigated. The biodegradability of LLDPE/PVA blends has been studied in two environments, viz. (1) a culture medium containing Vibrio sp. and (2) a soil environment over a period of 15 weeks. Nanoanatase having photo catalytic activity was synthesized by hydrothermal method using titanium-iso-propoxide. The synthesized TiO2 was characterized by X-Ray diffraction (XRD), BET studies, FTIR studies and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The crystallite size of titania was calculated to be ≈ 6nm from the XRD results and the surface area was found to be about 310m2/g by BET method. SEM shows that nanoanatase particles prepared by this method are spherical in shape. Linear low density polyethylene films containing polyvinyl alcohol and a pro-oxidant (TiO2 or cobalt stearate with or without vegetable oil) were prepared. The films were then subjected to natural weathering and UV exposure followed by biodegradation in culture medium as well as in soil environment. The degradation was monitored by mechanical property measurements, thermal studies, rate of weight loss, FTIR and SEM studies. Higher weight loss, texture change and greater increments in carbonyl index values were observed in samples containing cobalt stearate and vegetable oil. The present study demonstrates that the combination of LLDPE/PVA blends with (I) nanoanatase/vegetable oil and (ii) cobalt stearate/vegetable oil leads to extensive photodegradation. These samples show substantial degradation when subsequent exposure to Vibrio sp. is made. Thus a combined photodegradation and biodegradation process is a promising step towards obtaining a biodegradable grade of LLDPE.


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Fluorescence is a powerful tool in biological research, the relevance of which relies greatly on the availability of sensitive and selective fluorescent probes. Nanometer sized fluorescent semiconductor materials have attracted considerable attention in recent years due to the high luminescence intensity, low photobleaching, large Stokes’ shift and high photochemical stability. The optical and spectroscopic features of nanoparticles make them very convincing alternatives to traditional fluorophores in a range of applications. Efficient surface capping agents make these nanocrystals bio-compatible. They can provide a novel platform on which many biomolecules such as DNA, RNA and proteins can be covalently linked. In the second phase of the present work, bio-compatible, fluorescent, manganese doped ZnS (ZnS:Mn) nanocrystals suitable for bioimaging applications have been developed and their cytocompatibility has been assessed. Functionalization of ZnS:Mn nanocrystals by safe materials results in considerable reduction of toxicity and allows conjugation with specific biomolecules. The highly fluorescent, bio-compatible and water- dispersible ZnS:Mn nanocrystals are found to be ideal fluorescent probes for biological labeling


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A new class of high molecular weight polyethersulfone ionomers is described in which the ionic content can be varied, at will, over a very wide and fully-controllable range. A novel type of coating process enables these materials to be deposited from alcohol-type solvents as cohesive but very thin (50 – 250 nm) films on porous support-membranes, giving high-flux membranes (3.3 – 5.0 L m-2 h-1 bar-1) with very good, though not outstanding salt rejection (typically 92 - 96%). A secondary layer, of formaldehyde-cross-linked polyvinyl alcohol, can be deposited from aqueous solution on the surface of the ionomer membrane, and this layer increases salt rejection to greater than 99% without serious loss of water permeability. The final multi-layer membrane shows excellent chlorine tolerance in reverse-osmosis operation.


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The inhibitory effects of mate tea (MT), a beverage produced with leaves from Ilex paraguariensis, in vitro lipase activity and on obesity in obese mice models were examined. For the in vitro experiment, porcine and human pancreatic lipase (PL) activities were determined by measuring the rate of release of oleic acid from hydrolysis of olive oil emulsified with taurocholate, phospholipids, gum arabic, or polyvinyl alcohol. For the in vivo experiments, animals were fed with a standard diet (SD, n = 10) or high-fat diet (HFD, n = 30) for 16 weeks. After the first 8 weeks on the HFD, the animals were treated with 1 and 2 g/kg of body weight of MT. The time course of the body weight and obesity-related biochemical parameters were evaluated. The results showed that MT inhibited both porcine and human PL (half-maximal inhibitory concentration = 1.5 mg MT/ml) and induced a strong inhibition of the porcine lipase activity in the hydrolysis of substrate emulsified with taurocholate + phosphatidylcholine (PC) (83 +/- 3.8%) or PC alone (62 +/- 4.3%). MT suppressed the increases in body weight (P < 0.05) and decreased the serum triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol concentrations at both doses (from 190.3 +/- 5.7 to 135.0 +/- 8.9 mg/dl, from 189.1 +/- 7.3 to 129.3 +/- 17.6 mg/dl; P < 0.05, respectively) after they had been increased by the HFD. The liver lipid content was also decreased by the diet containing MT (from 132.6 +/- 3.9 to 95.6 +/- 6.1 mg/g of tissue; P < 0.05). These results suggest that MT could be a potentially therapeutic alternative in the treatment of obesity caused by a HFD.


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We show a simple strategy to obtain all efficient enzymatic broelectrochemical device, in which urease was immobilized oil electroactive nanostructured membranes (ENMs) made with polyaniline and silver nanoparticles (AgNP) stabilized in polyvinyl alcohol (PAni/PVA-AgNP). Fabrication of the modified electrodes comprised the chemical deposition of polyaniline followed by drop-coating of PVA-AgNP and urease, resulting in a final ITO/PAni/PVA-AgNP/urease electrode Configuration. For comparison. the electrochemical performance of ITO/PAni/urease electrodes (without Ag nanoparticles) was also studied. The performance of the modified electrodes toward Urea hydrolysis was investigated via amperometric measurements, revealing a fast increase in cathodic current with a well-defined peak upon addition of urea to the electrolytic solution. The cathodic currents for the ITO/PAni/PVA-AgNP urease electrodes were significantly higher than for the ITO/PAni/urease electrodes. The friendly environment provided by the ITO/PAni/PVA-AgNP electrode to the immobilized enzyme promoted efficient catalytic conversion of urea into ammonium and bicarbonate tons. Using the Michaelis-Menten kinetics equation, a K(M)(aPP) of 2.7 mmol L(-1) was obtained. indicating that the electrode architecture employed may be advantageous for fabrication of enzymatic devices with improved biocatalytic properties. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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CoFe(2)O(4) nanoparticles were obtained by the co-precipitation method. They were further modified by the adsorption of ricinoleic acid (RA). The non-modified and modified CoFe(2)O(4)/RA nanoparticles were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), Raman, and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The modified particles present a mean diameter < 20 nm. The adsorption of RA on the CoFe(2)O(4) surface is characterized by the IR absorptions of the RA while in the Raman spectrum the predominant signals are those from the CoFe(2)O(4). The cis-polyisoprene (PI) composite was prepared by dissolving PI in cyclohexane followed by the addition of a magnetic fluid based on CoFe(2)O(4)/RA nanoparticles dispersed in cyclohexane. After solvent evaporation a magnetic composite was obtained and characterized by AFM, Raman, and FTIR measurements. AFM images show uniformly CoFe(2)O(4)/RA particles distributed in the PI matrix. Raman spectra obtained for the composites reveal the characteristic Raman peaks of PI and CoFe(2)O(4) nanoparticles.