96 resultados para POLYPHARMACY


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Background: Few cross-sectional studies involving adults and elderly patients with major DDIs have been conducted in the primary care setting. The study aimed to investigate the prevalence of potential drug-drug interactions (DDIs) in patients treated in primary care. Methodology/Principal Findings: A cross-sectional study involving patients aged 45 years or older was conducted at 25 Basic Health Units in the city of Maringa (southern Brazil) from May to December 2010. The data were collected from prescriptions at the pharmacy of the health unit at the time of the delivery of medication to the patient. After delivery, the researcher checked the electronic medical records of the patient. A total of 827 patients were investigated (mean age: 64.1; mean number of medications: 4.4). DDIs were identified in the Micromedex (R) database. The prevalence of potential DDIs and major DDIs was 63.0% and 12.1%, respectively. In both the univariate and multivariate analyses, the number of drugs prescribed was significantly associated with potential DDIs, with an increasing risk from three to five drugs (OR = 4.74; 95% CI: 2.90-7.73) to six or more drugs (OR = 23.03; 95% CI: 10.42-50.91). Forty drugs accounted for 122 pairs of major DDIs, the most frequent of which involved simvastatin (23.8%), captopril/enalapril (16.4%) and fluoxetine (16.4%). Conclusions/Significance: This is the first large-scale study on primary care carried out in Latin America. Based on the findings, the estimated prevalence of potential DDIs was high, whereas clinically significant DDIs occurred in a smaller proportion. Exposing patients to a greater number of prescription drugs, especially three or more, proved to be a significant predictor of DDIs. Prescribers should be more aware of potential DDIs. Future studies should assess potential DDIs in primary care over a longer period of time.


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Depression is the most frequent mental disorder in older people, often causing emotional distress and reduced quality of life. Despite its clinical significance, depression remains underdiagnosed and inadequately treated in older patients. Regarding prognosis, data suggest that almost 70% of patients, treated long enough and with appropriate doses, recover from an index episode of depression. Antidepressants are efficient for treating depressed outpatients with several comorbid physical diseases as well as hospitalized patients, with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors being the antidepressants of choice for older patients. Available data can guide pharmacological treatment in both the acute and maintenance stages, but further research is required to guide clinical strategies when remission is not achieved. Approaches for the management of resistance to treatment are summarized, including optimization strategies, drug changes, algorithms, and combined and augmentation pharmacological treatments. Finally, additional therapeutic choices such as electroconvulsive therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation, and integrated psychotherapy are presented.


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Foi avaliado o uso de cinco ou mais medicamentos (polifarmácia) e seus fatores associados por idosos do município de São Paulo. Realizou-se estudo transversal de base populacional: Estudo SABE - Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento, no ano de 2006. A amostra foi composta por 1.115 idosos com 65 anos e mais, que correspondiam a 422.377 indivíduos do Município de São Paulo. Utilizou-se regressão logística múltipla. A prevalência de polifarmácia foi de 36%. Sexo feminino (OR = 1,7; IC 95%: 1,0; 2,9), idade igual ou superior a 75 anos (OR = 1,9; IC 95%: 1,3; 2,7), maior renda (OR = 1,8; IC 95%: 1,2; 2,8), estar trabalhando (OR = 1,8; IC 95%: 1,1; 2,9), auto avaliação de saúde regular (OR = 1,6; IC 95%: 1,1; 2,3) ou ruim (OR = 2,6; IC 95%: 1,4; 4,9), hipertensão (OR = 2,0; IC 95%: 1,4; 2,9), diabetes (OR = 4,1; IC 95%: 2,2; 7,5), doença reumática (OR = 2,3; IC 95%: 1,5; 3,6) e problemas cardíacos (OR = 2,9; IC 95%: 1,9; 4,5) apresentaram associação positiva com polifarmácia. Usar apenas o sistema público de saúde (OR = 0,5; IC 95%: 0,3; 0,7) associou-se inversamente à polifarmácia. Os medicamentos mais utilizados foram os de ação no sistema cardiovascular e trato alimentar e metabolismo. No âmbito da farmacoepidemiologia, o conhecimento dos fatores associados a polifarmácia, como os identificados nesse estudo, pode ser útil para alertar os profissionais da saúde quanto à importância de identificar e monitorar os grupos de idosos mais vulneráveis a polifarmácia.


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During recent years a consistent number of central nervous system (CNS) drugs have been approved and introduced on the market for the treatment of many psychiatric and neurological disorders, including psychosis, depression, Parkinson disease and epilepsy. Despite the great advancements obtained in the treatment of CNS diseases/disorders, partial response to therapy or treatment failure are frequent, at least in part due to poor compliance, but also genetic variability in the metabolism of psychotropic agents or polypharmacy, which may lead to sub-therapeutic or toxic plasma levels of the drugs, and finally inefficacy of the treatment or adverse/toxic effects. With the aim of improving the treatment, reducing toxic/side effects and patient hospitalisation, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) is certainly useful, allowing for a personalisation of the therapy. Reliable analytical methods are required to determine the plasma levels of psychotropic drugs, which are often present at low concentrations (tens or hundreds of nanograms per millilitre). The present PhD Thesis has focused on the development of analytical methods for the determination of CNS drugs in biological fluids, including antidepressants (sertraline and duloxetine), antipsychotics (aripiprazole), antiepileptics (vigabatrin and topiramate) and antiparkinsons (pramipexole). Innovative methods based on liquid chromatography or capillary electrophoresis coupled to diode-array or laser-induced fluorescence detectors have been developed, together with the suitable sample pre-treatment for interference removal and fluorescent labelling in case of LIF detection. All methods have been validated according to official guidelines and applied to the analysis of real samples obtained from patients, resulting suitable for the TDM of psychotropic drugs.


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Great strides have been made in the last few years in the pharmacological treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders, with the introduction into the therapy of several new and more efficient agents, which have improved the quality of life of many patients. Despite these advances, a large percentage of patients is still considered “non-responder” to the therapy, not drawing any benefits from it. Moreover, these patients have a peculiar therapeutic profile, due to the very frequent application of polypharmacy, attempting to obtain satisfactory remission of the multiple aspects of psychiatric syndromes. Therapy is heavily individualised and switching from one therapeutic agent to another is quite frequent. One of the main problems of this situation is the possibility of unwanted or unexpected pharmacological interactions, which can occur both during polypharmacy and during switching. Simultaneous administration of psychiatric drugs can easily lead to interactions if one of the administered compounds influences the metabolism of the others. Impaired CYP450 function due to inhibition of the enzyme is frequent. Other metabolic pathways, such as glucuronidation, can also be influenced. The Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) of psychotropic drugs is an important tool for treatment personalisation and optimisation. It deals with the determination of parent drugs and metabolites plasma levels, in order to monitor them over time and to compare these findings with clinical data. This allows establishing chemical-clinical correlations (such as those between administered dose and therapeutic and side effects), which are essential to obtain the maximum therapeutic efficacy, while minimising side and toxic effects. It is evident the importance of developing sensitive and selective analytical methods for the determination of the administered drugs and their main metabolites, in order to obtain reliable data that can correctly support clinical decisions. During the three years of Ph.D. program, some analytical methods based on HPLC have been developed, validated and successfully applied to the TDM of psychiatric patients undergoing treatment with drugs belonging to following classes: antipsychotics, antidepressants and anxiolytic-hypnotics. The biological matrices which have been processed were: blood, plasma, serum, saliva, urine, hair and rat brain. Among antipsychotics, both atypical and classical agents have been considered, such as haloperidol, chlorpromazine, clotiapine, loxapine, risperidone (and 9-hydroxyrisperidone), clozapine (as well as N-desmethylclozapine and clozapine N-oxide) and quetiapine. While the need for an accurate TDM of schizophrenic patients is being increasingly recognized by psychiatrists, only in the last few years the same attention is being paid to the TDM of depressed patients. This is leading to the acknowledgment that depression pharmacotherapy can greatly benefit from the accurate application of TDM. For this reason, the research activity has also been focused on first and second-generation antidepressant agents, like triciclic antidepressants, trazodone and m-chlorophenylpiperazine (m-cpp), paroxetine and its three main metabolites, venlafaxine and its active metabolite, and the most recent antidepressant introduced into the market, duloxetine. Among anxiolytics-hypnotics, benzodiazepines are very often involved in the pharmacotherapy of depression for the relief of anxious components; for this reason, it is useful to monitor these drugs, especially in cases of polypharmacy. The results obtained during these three years of Ph.D. program are reliable and the developed HPLC methods are suitable for the qualitative and quantitative determination of CNS drugs in biological fluids for TDM purposes.


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Altern geht mit einer Reihe physiologischer Veränderungen einher. Da in höherem Lebensalter überdurchschnittlich viele Arzneistoffe eingenommen werden und häufig mehrere Erkrankungen gleichzeitig vorliegen, können Auffälligkeiten in den Arzneimittelkonzentrationen im Blut nicht nur altersbedingt, sondern auch krankheitsbedingt oder durch Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen verursacht sein.rnrnDie vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Fragestellung, ob der Arzneimittelmetabolismus bei Alterspatenten generell, oder nur bei Patienten mit Multimorbidität und –medikation verändert ist, und in welchem Lebensalter diese Veränderungen einsetzen. Im Mittelpunkt stand dabei die Frage, ob die Aktivitäten distinkter Arzneimittel-abbauender Enzyme der Cytochrom P450-Enzym-Familie (CYP) verändert sind. Da viele Psychopharmaka nur bei Patienten im Alter zwischen 18 und 65 Jahren zugelassen sind, wurde die Hypothese geprüft, dass sich Patienten im Alter über und unter 65 Jahren in ihren Medikamentenspiegeln unterscheiden.rnrnFür die Untersuchungen wurde eine Datenbank aus Blutspiegelmessungen erstellt, die im Rahmen des pharmakotherapiebegleitenden TDM erhoben worden waren. Die Blutspiegel stammten von insgesamt 4197 Patienten, die mit Amisulprid, Aripiprazol, Citalopram, Clozapin, Donepezil, Escitalopram, Mirtazapin, Quetiapin, Risperidon, Sertralin, Venlafaxin oder Ziprasidon behandelt wurden. Die Messungen wurden ergänzt mit Angaben aus den TDM-Anforderungsscheinen bezüglich Tagesdosis, Begleitmedikamenten, Schweregrad der Erkrankung, Therapieerfolg und Verträglichkeit der Medikation. Zusätzlich wurden klinische Befunde der Leber- und Nierenfunktion einbezogen, sowie Angaben zur Berechnung des BMI. Die in vivo-CYP-Enzymaktivitäten wurden anhand von metabolischen Ratios (Serumkonzentrationen Metabolit/ Serumkonzentration Muttersubstanz) beurteilt.rnrnIm Mittel stieg der Schweregrad der Erkrankung mit dem Alter und der Therapieerfolg verschlechterte sich. Dies betraf im Einzelnen nur Patienten, die mit Amisulprid oder Clozapin behandelt worden waren. Ältere Patienten litten häufiger an Nebenwirkungen als jüngere.rnUnter Aripiprazol, Quetiapin, Sertralin und Venlafaxin erreichten Alterspatienten mit niedrigeren Tagesdosen gleiche Therapieerfolge wie jüngere Patienten.rnPatienten, die mit Clozapin oder Amisulprid behandelt wurden, zeigten im Alter schlechtere Behandlungserfolge bei gleicher (Clozapin) bzw. niedrigerer (Amisulprid) Tagesdosis.rnTherapieerfolg und mittlere Tagesdosis änderten sich bei Patienten, die Ziprasidon, Donepezil, Citalopram, Escitalopram und Mirtazapin einnahmen, nicht altersabhängig.rnrnAltersabhängige Unterschiede der Serumspiegel zeigten sich für Amisulprid, Aripiprazol, Donepezil, Mirtazapin, Desmethylmirtazapin, Quetiapin und DesmethylsertralinrnAllerdings lagen die Altersgrenzen außer bei Donepezil deutlich niedriger als die gängig angenommene, nämlich bei 35 Jahren (Aripiprazol), 70 Jahren (Donepezil), 55 Jahren (D-Sertralin), 41 Jahren (Amisulprid), 49 Jahren (Quetiapin) und 58 Jahren (Mirtazapin).rnEs bestand kein Zusammenhang zwischen dem Auftreten veränderter Serumspiegel im Alter und dem Verteilungsvolumen, der Plasmaproteinbindung oder der Eliminationshalbwertszeit der untersuchten Wirkstoffe.rnrnBei Patienten ohne Comedikation fand sich in keinem Fall eine altersabhängige Veränderung der Ratio. Es ergab sich daher kein Hinweis auf eine Veränderung der CYP-Aktivität im Alter. Die Einnahme von Comedikation nahm mit dem Alter zu, hierfür ließ sich eine Altersgrenze von 49 Jahren definieren. Unter Polytherapie wurden Veränderungen der CYP-Aktivität beobachtet.rnrnDer Einfluss veränderter Leber- oder Nierenfunktion auf die Biotransformation von Pharmaka wurde anhand von Serumspiegeln von Patienten, die mit Donepezil, Venlafaxin, Citalopram oder Escitalopram behandelt wurden, untersucht. rnBei keinem Wirkstoff wurden unter auffälligen Leber- oder Nierenparametern signifikant veränderte Serumspiegel gemessen.rnEine Abhängigkeit der Serumspiegel vom Körpergewicht wurde nur für Desmethylsertralin gefunden. Die Spiegel waren bei Patienten mit einem Body Mass Index unter 20 signifikant höher als bei Patienten mit einem Index über 20. Aufgrund der kleinen Fallgruppe und der Tatsache, dass der Serumspiegel der Muttersubstanz nicht stieg, konnte nicht zwingend von einem Alterseinfluss aufgrund der veränderten Körperzusammensetzung ausgegangen werden.rnInsgesamt ergaben sich aus den Untersuchungen Hinweise auf moderate altersabhängige Veränderungen der Pharmakokinetik. Es ließen sich allerdings keine allgemeinen Dosierempfehlungen für Alterspatienten ableiten. Es zeigte sich jedoch, dass mit altersabhängigen Veränderungen der Pharmakokinetik bereits nach dem 50. Lebensjahr zu rechnen ist. Weitere Untersuchungen sollten auch den Alterseffekt auf gastrointestinale Transporter einbeziehen, die die aktive Aufnahme von Arzneistoffen ins Blut bewerkstelligen. Unklar ist auch die Rolle des Alterns auf die Aktivität des P-Glykoproteins. rn


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Potential drug-drug interactions (PDDIs) might expand with new combination antiretroviral therapies (ART) and polypharmacy related to increasing age and comorbidities. We investigated the prevalence of comedications and PDDIs within a large HIV cohort, and their effect on ART efficacy and tolerability.


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Patients with liver cirrhosis may be at risk for potential drug-drug interactions (pDDIs) and/or adverse drug reactions (ADRs) due to the severity of their disease and comorbidities associated with polypharmacy.


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BACKGROUND Since drug-related emergency department (ED) visits are common among older adults, the objectives of our study were to identify the frequency of drug-related problems (DRPs) among patients presenting to the ED with non-specific complaints (NSC), such as generalized weakness and to evaluate responsible drug classes. METHODS Delayed type cross-sectional diagnostic study with a prospective 30 day follow-up in the ED of the University Hospital Basel, Switzerland. From May 2007 until April 2009, all non-trauma patients presenting to the ED with an Emergency Severity Index (ESI) of 2 or 3 were screened and included, if they presented with non-specific complaints. After having obtained complete 30-day follow-up, two outcome assessors reviewed all available information, judged whether the initial presentation was a DRP and compared their judgment with the initial ED diagnosis. Acute morbidity ("serious condition") was allocated to individual cases according to predefined criteria. RESULTS The study population consisted of 633 patients with NSC. Median age was 81 years (IQR 72/87), and the mean Charlson comorbidity index was 2.5 (IQR 1/4). DRPs were identified in 77 of the 633 cases (12.2%). At the initial assessment, only 40% of the DRPs were correctly identified. 64 of the 77 identified DRPs (83%) fulfilled the criteria "serious condition". Polypharmacy and certain drug classes (thiazides, antidepressants, benzodiazepines, anticonvulsants) were associated with DRPs. CONCLUSION Elderly patients with non-specific complaints need to be screened systematically for drug-related problems. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT00920491.


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Falls in the elderly are a major source of injury resulting in disability and hospitalization. They have a significant impact on individual basis (loss of quality of live, nursing home admissions) and social basis (healthcare costs). Even though falls in the elderly are common there are some well studied risk factors. Special emphasis should be put on sarcopenia/frailty, polypharmacy, multimorbidity, vitamin D status and home hazards. There are several well evaluated fall prevention approaches that either target a single fall risk factor or focus on multiple risk factors. It has to be kept in mind that not all fall prevention strategies are useful for all patients as for example dietary substitution of vitamin D is only recommended in people with increased risk for a vitamin D deficiency. Home hazard reduction strategies are more effective when combined with other fall prevention approaches such as for example exercise programs. In conclusion elderly patients should routinely be screened for relevant risk factors and if need an indiviudally targeted fall prevention program compiled.


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O estado nutricional dos idosos, nomeadamente a malnutrição constitui um dos principais determinantes de doença e diminuição da qualidade de vida (Elia & Stratton, 2005). A malnutrição deve ser encarada como uma das maiores ameaças para a saúde, bem-estar e autonomia dos idosos; prejudica a saúde física e psicológica predispondo-os ao desenvolvimento de doenças, ao mesmo tempo que condiciona negativamente o seu prognóstico (Cowan, Roberts, Fitzpatrick, While & Baldwin, 2004; Elia & Stratton, 2005). O trabalho de investigação desenvolvido pretende conhecer o estado nutricional dos idosos inscritos no centro de saúde Santa Maria de Bragança. Definem-se como objetivos principais: caracterizar o estado nutricional, identificar a prevalência de malnutrição e relacionar o estado nutricional com variáveis socioeconómicas demográficas, comportamentais e clínicas. Face aos objetivos delineados opta-se por um estudo observacional, analítico, transversal e de abordagem quantitativa. A amostra é composta por 385 idosos, representativos da população alvo com distribuição por sexo e faixa etária da população. Para a colheita de dados utiliza-se um formulário, no qual é incluído o MNA® e o Índice de Barthel. Como principais resultados e segundo o IMC, evidencia-se uma acentuada prevalência de malnutrição (57,66%), rastreando-se 43,11% dos idosos como sobrenutridos e 14.54% desnutridos. Através da aplicação do MNA® identificam-se 25% de situações de risco nutricional. Conclui-se que o estado nutricional segundo o MNA® está significativamente associado com o estado civil, escolaridade, coabitação, solidão, consumo de álcool, polimedicação, existência de hospitalizações recorrentes, estado de dentição e ao nível de independência do idoso. Segundo o IMC está significativamente associado ao estado civil, escolaridade, coabitação, estado da dentição e ao nível de independência do idoso.


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Background: some patients may have medication-related risk factors only identified by home visits, but the extent to which those risk factors are associated with poor health outcomes remains unclear. Objective: to determine the association between medication-related risk factors and poor patient health outcomes from observations in the patients' homes. Design: cross-sectional study. Setting: patients' homes. Subjects: 204 general practice patients living in their own homes and at risk of medication-related poor health outcomes. Methods: medications and medication-related risk factors were identified in the patients' homes by community pharmacists and general practitioners (GPs). The medication-related risk factors were examined as determinants of patients' self-reported health related quality of life (SF-36) and their medication use, as well as physicians' impression of patient adverse drug events and health status. Results: key medication-related risk factors associated with poor health outcomes included: Lack of any medication administration routine, therapeutic duplication, hoarding, confusion between generic and trade names, multiple prescribers, discontinued medication repeats retained and multiple storage locations. Older age and female gender were associated with some poorer health outcomes. In addition, expired medication and poor adherence were also associated with poor health outcomes, however, not independently. Conclusion: the findings support the theory that polypharmacy and medication-related risk factors as a result of polypharmacy are correlated to poor health outcomes.


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Relaxation of the upper age limits for solid organ transplantation coupled with improvements in post-transplant survival have resulted in greater numbers of elderly patients receiving immunosuppressant drugs such as tacrolimus. Tacrolimus is a potent agent with a narrow therapeutic window and large inter- and intraindividual pharmacokinetic variability. Numerous physiological changes occur with aging that could potentially affect the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus and, hence, patient dosage requirements. Tacrolimus is primarily metabolised by cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A enzymes in the gut wall and liver. It is also a substrate for P-glycoprotein, which counter-transports diffused tacrolimus out of intestinal cells and back into the gut lumen. Age-associated alterations in CYP3A and P-glycoprotein expression and/or activity, along with liver mass and body composition changes, would be expected to affect the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in the elderly. However, interindividual variation in these processes may mask any changes caused by aging. More investigation is needed into the impact aging has on CYP and P-glycoprotein activity and expression. No single-dose, intense blood-sampling study has specifically compared the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus across different patient age groups. However, five population pharmacokinetic studies, one in kidney, one in bone marrow and three in liver transplant recipients, have investigated age as a co-variate. None found a significant influence for age on tacrolimus bioavailability, volume of distribution or clearance. The number of elderly patients included in each study, however, was not documented and may have been only small. It is likely that inter- and intraindividual pharmacokinetic variability associated with tacrolimus increase in elderly populations. In addition to pharmacokinetic differences, donor organ viability, multiple co-morbidity, polypharmacy and immunological changes need to be considered when using tacrolimus in the elderly. Aging is associated with decreased immunoresponsiveness, a slower body repair process and increased drug adverse effects. Elderly liver and kidney transplant recipients are more likely to develop new-onset diabetes mellitus than younger patients. Elderly transplant recipients exhibit higher mortality from infectious and cardiovascular causes than younger patients but may be less likely to develop acute rejection. Elderly kidney recipients have a higher potential for chronic allograft nephropathy, and a single rejection episode can be more devastating. There is a paucity of information on optimal tacrolimus dosage and target trough concentration in the elderly. The therapeutic window for tacrolimus concentrations may be narrower. Further integrated pharmacokinetic-pharmaco-dynamic studies of tacrolimus are required. It would appear reasonable, based on current knowledge, to commence tacrolimus at similar doses as those used in younger patients. Maintenance dose requirements over the longer term may be lower in the elderly, but the increased variability in kinetics and the variety of factors that impact on dosage suggest that patient care needs to be based around more frequent monitoring in this age group.


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Objective: To identify utilisation rates of prn (pro re nata) sedation in children and adolescents receiving inpatient psychiatric treatment, and to compare correlates of prn prescribing and administration. Method A retrospective chart review examined 122 medical charts from a child and youth mental health inpatient service. Results 71.3% of patients were prescribed prn sedation and 50.8% were administered prn sedation. Patients received an average of 8.0 doses of prn sedation, with 9.8% receiving 10 or more doses. Chlorpromazine and diazepam were the most commonly utilised agents. Prescribing of prn sedation was only related to use of regular medications (p < 0.01), and non-parent carers (p < 0.01). In contrast, administration of prn sedation was associated with multiple diagnoses (p < 0.01), pervasive development disorder (p < 0.01), mental retardation (p < 0.01) ADHD (p < 0.01), longer hospital admission (p < 0.01), use of atypical antipsychotics (p < 0.01) and polypharmacy (p < 0.01). Conclusions Despite lack of data to inform practice, prn sedation is widely utilised, especially in complex patients. Future research in this area needs to incorporate nurses and examine whether patients benefit from prn sedation, which drugs and dosing patterns optimise safety and efficacy, and what is the role of prn sedation in the context of other medication.


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Objectives: This study aimed to identify rates and correlates of psychotropic drug utilization in children and adolescents in inpatient and outpatient settings. Methods: A retrospective chart review examined 122 inpatient and 126 outpatient charts from a metropolitan child and youth mental health service in Brisbane, Australia. Results: Inpatients received more psychotropic medication than outpatients (71% vs. 25%; p < 0.01). Patients receiving medication were older, had longer hospital admissions, and more complex presentations, including history of abuse or suicide attempts and more diagnoses (all p < 0.01). Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) were the most frequently used drug class (44% inpatients; 14% outpatients), primarily indicated for mood disorders (31%). SSRIs and newer antidepressants (ADs) were used more frequently in patients with a high suicide risk (p < 0.01). Atypical antipsychotics (APs) were also used (inpatients 23%; outpatients 3%), primarily for behavioral disturbances. Half of those receiving medication (51%) received polypharmacy (> 1 concurrent drug), with up to four drugs used at one time. Rates of polypharmacy were highest among patients receiving antipsychotics. Conclusions: Use of psychotropic medication is frequent in this population. Future research should initially focus on inpatients and intensive treatment settings and examine both safety and efficacy of interventions for depression in young people, atypical antipsychotics for behavioral disturbances, and polypharmacy.