390 resultados para PI3K


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AMR-Me, a C-28 methylester derivative of triterpenoid compound Amooranin isolated from Amoora rohituka stem bark and the plant has been reported to possess multitude of medicinal properties. Our previous studies have shown that AMR-Me can induce apoptosis through mitochondrial apoptotic and MAPK signaling pathways by regulating the expression of apoptosis related genes in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. However, the molecular mechanism of AMR-Me induced apoptotic cell death remains unclear. Our results showed that AMR-Me dose-dependently inhibited the proliferation of MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells under serum-free conditions supplemented with 1 nM estrogen (E2) with an IC50 value of 0.15 µM, 0.45 µM, respectively. AMR-Me had minimal effects on human normal breast epithelial MCF-10A + ras and MCF-10A cells with IC50 value of 6 and 6.5 µM, respectively. AMR-Me downregulated PI3K p85, Akt1, and p-Akt in an ERα-independent manner in MCF-7 cells and no change in expression levels of PI3K p85 and Akt were observed in MDA-MB-231 cells treated under similar conditions. The PI3K inhibitor LY294002 suppressed Akt activation similar to AMR-Me and potentiated AMR-Me induced apoptosis in MCF-7 cells. EMSA revealed that AMR-Me inhibited nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-κB) DNA binding activity in MDA-MB-231 cells in a time-dependent manner and abrogated EGF induced NF-κB activation. From these studies we conclude that AMR-Me decreased ERα expression and effectively inhibited Akt phosphorylation in MCF-7 cells and inactivate constitutive nuclear NF-κB and its regulated proteins in MDA-MB-231 cells. Due to this multifactorial effect in hormone-dependent and independent breast cancer cells AMR-Me deserves attention for use in breast cancer prevention and therapy


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Epithelial cell polarization involves several kinase signaling cascades that eventually divide the surface membrane into an apical and a basolateral part. One kinase, which is activated during the polarization process, is phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K). In MDCK cells, the basolateral potassium channel Kv7.1 requires PI3K activity for surface-expression during the polarization process. Here, we demonstrate that Kv7.1 surface expression requires tonic PI3K activity as PI3K inhibition triggers endocytosis of these channels in polarized MDCK. Pharmacological inhibition of SGK1 gave similar results as PI3K inhibition, whereas overexpression of constitutively active SGK1 overruled it, suggesting that SGK1 is the primary downstream target of PI3K in this process. Furthermore, knockdown of the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2 overruled PI3K inhibition, whereas a Nedd4-2 interaction-deficient Kv7.1 mutant was resistant to both PI3K and SGK1 inhibition. Altogether, these data suggest that a PI3K-SGK1 pathway stabilizes Kv7.1 surface expression by inhibiting Nedd4-2-dependent endocytosis and thereby demonstrates that Nedd4-2 is a key regulator of Kv7.1 localization and turnover in epithelial cells.


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The phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway is frequently activated in human cancer and plays a crucial role in glioblastoma biology. We were interested in gaining further insight into the potential of targeting PI3K isoforms as a novel anti-tumor approach in glioblastoma. Consistent expression of the PI3K catalytic isoform PI3K p110α was detected in a panel of glioblastoma patient samples. In contrast, PI3K p110β expression was only rarely detected in glioblastoma patient samples. The expression of a module comprising the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)/PI3K p110α/phosphorylated ribosomal S6 protein (p-S6) was correlated with shorter patient survival. Inhibition of PI3K p110α activity impaired the anchorage-dependent growth of glioblastoma cells and induced tumor regression in vivo. Inhibition of PI3K p110α or PI3K p110β also led to impaired anchorage-independent growth, a decreased migratory capacity of glioblastoma cells, and reduced the activation of the Akt/mTOR pathway. These effects were selective, because targeting of PI3K p110δ did not result in a comparable impairment of glioblastoma tumorigenic properties. Together, our data reveal that drugs targeting PI3K p110α can reduce growth in a subset of glioblastoma tumors characterized by the expression of EGFR/PI3K p110α/p-S6.


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Medulloblastoma is the most common malignant childhood brain tumor and is associated with a poor outcome. There is an urgent need to develop novel targeted therapeutic approaches for medulloblastoma, which will arise from an enhanced understanding of the disease at the molecular level. Medulloblastoma has been recognized to be a heterogeneous disease, and no recurrent cancer gene mutations have been found, although many of the mutations described so far affect key intracellular signaling pathways, such as sonic hedgehog (SHH) and Wnt/β-catenin. The PI3K/AKT/mTOR (PAM) signaling pathway controls key cellular responses, such as cell growth and proliferation, survival, migration and metabolism. Over the last decades, it has been recognized that this intracellular signaling pathway is frequently activated by genetic and epigenetic alterations in malignant brain tumors, including medulloblastoma. Clinical trials have started to evaluate the safety and efficacy of agents targeting this pathway in malignant brain tumors. Due to the complexity of the PAM signaling pathway, there remain significant difficulties in the development of novel therapeutic approaches. The future challenges in developing effective treatments for cancer patients include the development of predictive biomarkers and combinatorial approaches to effectively target multiple signal transduction pathways. In this review article, we will summarize the current knowledge about the role of PAM signaling in medulloblastoma and discuss the strategies that are currently being evaluated with targeted agents against this pathway.


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The phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) family of signalling enzymes play a key role in the transduction of signals from activated cell surface receptors controlling cell growth and proliferation, survival, metabolism, and migration. The intracellular signalling pathway from activated receptors to PI3K and its downstream targets v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog (Akt) and mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) is very frequently deregulated by genetic and epigenetic mechanisms in human cancer, including leukaemia and lymphoma. In the past decade, an arsenal of small molecule inhibitors of key enzymes in this pathway has been developed and evaluated in pre-clinical studies and clinical trials in cancer patients. These include pharmacological inhibitors of Akt, mTOR, and PI3K, some of which are approved for the treatment of leukaemia and lymphoma. The PI3K family comprises eight different catalytic isoforms in humans, which have been subdivided into three classes. Class I PI3K isoforms have been extensively studied in the context of human cancer, and the isoforms p110α and p110δ are validated drug targets. The recent approval of a p110δ-specific PI3K inhibitor (idelalisib/Zydelig®) for the treatment of selected B cell malignancies represents the first success in developing these molecules into anti-cancer drugs. In addition to PI3K inhibitors, mTOR inhibitors are intensively studied in leukaemia and lymphoma, and temsirolimus (Torisel®) is approved for the treatment of a type of lymphoma. Based on these promising results it is hoped that additional novel PI3K pathway inhibitors will in the near future be further developed into new drugs for leukaemia and lymphoma.


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Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) generates membrane phospholipids that serve as second messengers to recruit signaling proteins to plasma membrane consequently regulating cell growth and survival. PI3K is a heterodimer consisting of a catalytic p110 subunit and a regulatory p85 subunit. Association of the p85 with other signal proteins is critical for induced PI3K activation. Activated PI3K, in turn, leads to signal flows through a variety of PI3K effectors including PDK1, AKT, GSK3, BAD, p70 S6K and NFκB. The PI3K pathway is under regulation by multiple signal proteins representing cross-talk between different signaling cascades. In this study, we have evaluated the role of protein kinase C family kinases on signaling through PI3K at multiple levels. Firstly, we observed that the action of PKC specific inhibitors like Ro-31-8220 and GF109203X was associated with an increased AKT phosphorylation and activity, suggesting that PKC kinases might play a negative role in the regulation of PI3K pathway. Then, we demonstrated the stimulation of AKT by PKC inhibition was dependent on functional PI3K enzyme and able to be transmitted to the AKT effector p70 S6K. Furthermore, we showed an inducible physical association between the PKCζ isotype and AKT, which was accompanied by an attenuated AKT activity. However, a kinase-dead form of PKC failed to affect AKT. In the second part of our research we revealed the ability of a different PKC family member, PKCδ to bind to the p85 subunit of PI3K in response to oxidative stress, a process requiring the activity of src tyrosine kinases. The interaction was demonstrated to be a direct and specific contact between the carboxyl terminal SH2 domain of p85 and tyrosine phosphorylated PKCδ. Several different types of agonists were capable to induce this association including tyrosine kinases and phorbol esters with PKCδ tyrosine phosphorylation being integral components. Finally, the PKCδ-PI3K complex was related to a reduction in the AKT phosphorylation induced by src. A kinase-deficient mutant of PKCδ was equally able to inhibit AKT signal as the wild type, indicative of a process independent of PKCδ catalytic activity. Altogether, our data illustrate different PKC isoforms regulating PI3K pathway at multiple levels, suggesting a mechanism to control signal flows through PI3K for normal cell activities. Although further investigation is required for full understanding of the regulatory mechanism, we propose that complex formation of signal proteins in PI3K pathway and specific PKC isoforms plays important role in their functional linkage. ^


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ErbB2 is an excellent target for cancer therapies because its overexpression was found in about 30% of breast cancers and correlated with poor prognosis of the patients. Unfortunately, current therapies for ErbB2-positive breast cancers remain unsatisfying due to side effects and resistance, and new therapies for ErbB2 overexpressing breast cancers are needed. Peptide/protein therapy using cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) as carriers is promising because the internalization is highly efficient and the cargos can be bioactive. The major obstacle in using CPPs for therapy is their lack of specificity. We sought to develop a peptide carrier specifically introducing therapeutics to ErbB2-overexpressing breast cancer cells. By modifying the TAT-derived CPP, and attaching anti-HER2/neu peptide mimetic (AHNP), we developed the peptide carrier (P3-AHNP) specifically targeted ErbB2-overexpressing breast cancers in vitro and in vivo. A STAT3 SH2 domain-binding peptide conjugated to this peptide carrier (P3-AHNP-STAT3BP) was delivered preferentially into ErbB2-overexpressing breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. P3-AHNP-STAT3BP inhibited growth and induced apoptosis in vitro, with ErbB2-overexpressing 435.eB cells being more sensitive than the ErbB2-lowexpressing MDA-MB-435 cells. P3-AHNP-STAT3BP preferentially accumulated and inhibited growth in 435.eB xenografts, comparing with MDA-MB-435 xenografts or normal tissues with low levels of ErbB2. This ErbB2-targeting peptide delivery system provided the basis for future development of novel cancer target-specific treatments with low toxicity to normal cells. ^ Another urgent issue in treating ErbB2-positive breast cancers is trastuzumab resistance. Trastuzumab is the only FDA-approved ErbB2-targeting antibody for treatment of metastatic breast cancers overexpressing ErbB2, and has remarkable therapeutic efficacy in certain patients. The overall trastuzumab response rate, however, is limited, and understanding the mechanisms of trastuzumab resistance is needed to overcome this problem. We report that PTEN activation contributes to trastuzumab's anti-tumor activity. Trastuzumab treatment quickly inactivated Src, which reduced PTEN tyrosine phosphorylation, increased PTEN membrane localization and its phosphatase activity in cancer cells. Reducing PTEN expression in breast cancer cells by antisense oligonucleotides conferred trastuzumab resistance in vitro and in vivo. Importantly, PI3K inhibitors sensitized PTEN-deficient breast cancers to the growth inhibition by trastuzumab in vitro and in vivo, suggesting that combination therapies with PI3K inhibitors plus trastuzumab could overcome trastuzumab resistance. ^


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Bladder cancer is the fourth most common cancer in men in the United States. There is compelling evidence supporting that genetic variations contribute to the risk and outcomes of bladder cancer. The PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway is a major cellular pathway involved in proliferation, invasion, inflammation, tumorigenesis, and drug response. Somatic aberrations of PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway are frequent events in several cancers including bladder cancer; however, no studies have investigated the role of germline genetic variations in this pathway in bladder cancer. In this project, we used a large case control study to evaluate the associations of a comprehensive catalogue of SNPs in this pathway with bladder cancer risk and outcomes. Three SNPs in RAPTOR were significantly associated with susceptibility: rs11653499 (OR: 1.79, 95%CI: 1.24–2.60), rs7211818 (OR: 2.13, 95%CI: 1.35–3.36), and rs7212142 (OR: 1.57, 95%CI: 1.19–2.07). Two haplotypes constructed from these 3 SNPs were also associated with bladder cancer risk. In combined analysis, a significant trend was observed for increased risk with an increase in the number of unfavorable genotypes (P for trend<0.001). Classification and regression tree analysis identified potential gene-environment interactions between RPS6KA5 rs11653499 and smoking. In superficial bladder cancer, we found that PTEN rs1234219 and rs11202600, TSC1 rs7040593, RAPTOR rs901065, and PIK3R1 rs251404 were significantly associated with recurrence in patients receiving BCG. In muscle invasive and metastatic bladder cancer, AKT2 rs3730050, PIK3R1 rs10515074, and RAPTOR rs9906827 were associated with survival. Survival tree analysis revealed potential gene-gene interactions: patients carrying the unfavorable genotypes of PTEN rs1234219 and TSC1 rs704059 exhibited a 5.24-fold (95% CI: 2.44–11.24) increased risk of recurrence. In combined analysis, with the increasing number of unfavorable genotypes, there was a significant trend of higher risk of recurrence and death (P for trend<0.001) in Cox proportional hazard regression analysis, and shorter event (recurrence and death) free survival in Kaplan-Meier estimates (P log rank<0.001). This study strongly suggests that genetic variations in PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway play an important role in bladder cancer development. The identified SNPs, if validated in further studies, may become valuable biomarkers in assessing an individual's cancer risk, predicting prognosis and treatment response, and facilitating physicians to make individualized treatment decisions. ^


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Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death for females due to lack of specific early detection method. It is of great interest to find molecular-based biomarkers which are sensitive and specific to ovarian cancer for early diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutics. miRNAs have been proposed to be potential biomarkers that could be used in cancer prevention and therapeutics. The current study analyzed the miRNA and mRNA expression data extracted from the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database. Using simple linear regression and multiple regression models, we found 71 miRNA-mRNA pairs which were negatively associated between 56 miRNAs and 24 genes of PI3K/AKT pathway. Among these miRNA and mRNA target pairs, 9 of them were in agreement with the predictions from the most commonly used target prediction programs including miRGen, miRDB, miRTarbase and miR2Disease. These shared miRNA-mRNA pairs were considered to be the most potential genes that were involved in ovarian cancer. Furthermore, 4 of the 9 target genes encode cell cycle or apoptosis related proteins including Cyclin D1, p21, FOXO1 and Bcl2, suggesting that their regulator miRNAs including miR-16, miR-96 and miR-21 most likely played important roles in promoting tumor growth through dysregulated cell cycle or apoptosis. miR-96 was also found to directly target IRS-1. In addition, the results showed that miR-17 and miR-9 may be involved in ovarian cancer through targeting JAK1. This study might provide evidence for using miRNA or miRNA profile as biomarker.^


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Metformin has antiproliferative effects through the activation of AMPK and has gained interest as an antineoplastic agent in several cancer types, although studies in endometrial cancer (EC) are limited. The aims of this project were to evaluate pathways targeted by metformin in EC, investigate mechanisms by which metformin exerts its antiproliferative effects, and explore rational combination therapies with other targeted agents. Three EC cell lines were used to evaluate metformin’s effect on cell proliferation, PI3K and Ras-MAPK signaling, and apoptosis. A xenograft mouse model was also used to evaluate the effects of metformin treatment on in vivo tumor growth. These preliminary studies demonstrated that K-Ras mutant cell lines exhibited a decreased proliferative rate, reduced tumor growth, and increased apoptosis in response to metformin compared to K-Ras wild-type cells. To test the hypothesis that mutant K-Ras may predict response to metformin, murine EC cells with loss of PTEN and expressing mutant K-RasG12D were transfected to re-express PTEN or have K-Ras silenced using siRNA. While PTEN expression did not alter response to metformin, cells in which K-Ras was silenced displayed reduced sensitivity to metformin. Mislocalization of K-Ras to the cytoplasm is associated with decreased signaling and induction of apoptosis. Metformin’s effect on K-Ras localization was analyzed by confocal microscopy in cells expressing oncogenic GFP-K-RasG12V. Metformin demonstrated concentration-dependent mislocalization of K-Ras to the cytoplasm. Mislocalization of K-Ras to the cytoplasm was confirmed in K-Ras mutant EC cells (Hec1A) by cell fractionation in response to metformin 1 and 5 mM (p=0.008 and p=0.004). This effect appears to be AMPK-independent as combined treatment with Compound C, an AMPK inhibitor, did not alter K-Ras localization. Furthermore, treatment of EC cells with metformin in combination with PI3K inhibitors resulted in a significant decrease in proliferation than either agent or metformin alone. While metformin exerts antineoplastic effects by activation of AMPK and decreased PI3K signaling, our data suggest that metformin may also disrupt localization of K-Ras and hence its signaling in an AMPK-independent manner. This has important implications in defining patients who may benefit from metformin in combination with other targeted agents, such as mTOR inhibitors.


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Relaxin is a polypeptide hormone that has diverse effects on reproductive and non-reproductive tissues. Relaxin activates the G-protein coupled receptors, LGR7 and LRG8. Early studies described increased cAMP and protein kinase A activity upon relaxin treatment, but cAMP accumulation alone could not account for all of the relaxin-mediated effects. We utilized the human monocyte cell line THP-1 to study the mechanism of relaxin-stimulated CAMP production. ^ Relaxin treatment in THP-1 cells produces a biphasic time course in cAMP accumulation, where the first peak appears as early as 1–2 minutes with a second peak at 10–20 minutes. Selective inhibitors for phosphoinositide 3-kinase (P13K), such as wortmannin and LY294002, show a dose-dependent inhibition of relaxin-stimulated cAMP accumulation, specific for the second peak of the relaxin time course. Neither the effects of relaxin nor the inhibition of relaxin by LY294002 is mediated by the activity of phosphodiesterases. Furthermore, LY294002 blocks upregulation of vascular endothelial growth factor transcript levels by relaxin. ^ To further delineate relaxin signaling pathways, we searched for downstream targets of PI3K that could activate adenylyl cyclase (AC). Protein kinase C ζ (PKCζ) was a prime candidate because it activates types II and V AC. Chelerythrine chloride (a general PKC inhibitor) inhibits relaxin-induced cAMP production to the same degree as LY294002 (∼40%). Relaxin stimulates PKCζ translocation to the plasma membrane in THP-1, MCF-7, PHM1-31, and MMC cells, as shown by immunocytochemistry. PKCζ translocation is P13K-dependent and independent of cAMP production. Antisense PKCζ oligodeoxynucleotides (PKCζ-ODNs) deplete both PKCζ transcript and protein levels in THP-1 cells. PKCζ-ODNs abolish relaxin-mediated PKCζ translocation and inhibit relaxin stimulation of cAMP by 40%, as compared to mock and random ODN controls. Treatment with LY294002 in the presence of PKCζ-ODNs results in little further inhibition. Taken together, we present a novel role for PI3K and PKCζ in relaxin stimulation of cAMP and provide the first example of the PKCζ regulation of AC in an endogenous system. Furthermore, we have identified higher order complexes of AC isoforms and PKA anchoring proteins in attempts to explain the differential coupling of relaxin to cAMP and PI3K-signaling pathways in various cell types. ^


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An increase in the level of active, GTP-bound Ras is not necessary for transformation of chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF) by v-Src. This suggests that other Ras-independent pathways contribute to transformation by v-Src. To address the possibility that activation of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) and the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR/FRAP), represents one of these pathways, we have examined the effect of simultaneous inhibition of the Ras-MAPK and PI3K-mTOR pathways on transformation of CEF by v-Src. Transformation was assessed by the standard parameters of morphological alteration, increased hexose uptake, loss of density inhibition, and anchorage-independent growth. Inhibition of the Ras-MAPK pathway by expression of the dominant-negative Ras mutant HRasN17 or by addition of the MAPK kinase (MEK) inhibitor PD98059 reduced several of these parameters but failed to block transformation. Similarly, inhibition of the PI3K-mTOR pathway by addition of the PI3K inhibitor 2-[4-morpholinyl]-8-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one (LY294002) or the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin, although reducing several parameters of transformation, also failed to block transformation. However, simultaneous inhibition of signaling by the Ras-MAPK pathway and the PI3K-mTOR pathway essentially blocked transformation. These data indicate that transformation of CEF by v-Src is mediated by two parallel pathways, the Ras-MAPK pathway and the PI-3K-mTOR pathway, which both contribute to transformation. The possibility that simultaneous activation of other pathways is also required is not excluded.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 17-β-estradiol (E2)-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) on the induction of mammary tumorigenesis. We found that ROS-induced by repeated exposures to 4-hydroxy-estradiol (4-OH-E2), a predominant catechol metabolite of E2, caused transformation of normal human mammary epithelial MCF-10A cells with malignant growth in nude mice. This was evident from inhibition of estrogen-induced breast tumor formation in the xenograft model by both overexpression of catalase as well as by co-treatment with Ebselen. To understand how 4-OH-E2 induces this malignant phenotype through ROS, we investigated the effects of 4-OH-E2 on redox-sensitive signal transduction pathways. During the malignant transformation process we observed that 4-OH-E2 treatment increased AKT phosphorylation through PI3K activation. The PI3K-mediated phosphorylation of AKT in 4-OH-E2-treated cells was inhibited by ROS modifiers as well as by silencing of AKT expression. RNA interference of AKT markedly inhibited 4-OH-E2-induced in vitro tumor formation. The expression of cell cycle genes, cdc2, PRC1 and PCNA and one of transcription factors that control the expression of these genes – nuclear respiratory factor-1 (NRF-1) was significantly up-regulated during the 4-OH-E2-mediated malignant transformation process. The increased expression of these genes was inhibited by ROS modifiers as well as by silencing of AKT expression. These results indicate that 4-OH-E2-induced cell transformation may be mediated, in part, through redox-sensitive AKT signal transduction pathways by up-regulating the expression of cell cycle genes cdc2, PRC1 and PCNA, and the transcription factor – NRF-1. In summary, our study has demonstrated that: (i) 4-OH-E2 is one of the main estrogen metabolites that induce mammary tumorigenesis and (ii) ROS-mediated signaling leading to the activation of PI3K/AKT pathway plays an important role in the generation of 4-OH-E2-induced malignant phenotype of breast epithelial cells. In conclusion, ROS are important signaling molecules in the development of estrogen-induced malignant breast lesions.


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The importance of pyrazole and isoquinoline-5,8-dione scaffolds in medical chemistry is underlined by the high number of drugs currently on trading that contains these active ingredients. Due to their cytotoxic capability, the interest of medicinal chemists in these heterocyclic rings has grown exponentially especially, for cancer therapy. In this project, the first synthesis of pyrazole-fused isoquinoline-5,8-diones has been developed. 1,3-Dipolar cycloaddition followed by oxidative aromatization, established by our research group, has been employed. Screening of reaction conditions and characterization studies about the regioselectivity have been successfully performed. A remote control of regioselectivity, to achieve the two possible regioisomers has been accomplished. Through Molecular Docking studies, Structure-Activity relationship of differently substituted scaffolds containing our central core proved that a family of PI3K inhibitors have been discovered. Finally, in order to verify the promising antitumor activity, a first test of cell viability in vitro on T98G cell line of a solid brain tumor, the Glioblastoma Multiforme, showed cytotoxic inhibition comparable to currently trade anticancer drugs.