975 resultados para PHOTO-FENTON
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O objetivo principal deste estudo foi determinar a origem da inibição do processo foto-Fenton [Fe(II)/Fe(III), H2O2, luz UV] pelo íon cloreto. Um estudo das reações primárias da etapa fotocatalítica do processo foto-Fenton por fotólise por pulso de laser na presença de NaCl mostrou que a inibição reflete: i) fotólise competitiva dos complexos Fe(Cl)2+ e Fe(Cl)2+; ii) captura do radical hidroxila (dependente do pH) pelo íon cloreto. Esses dois processos formam o ânion radical menos reativo Cl2•- em lugar do radical HO•-, provocando uma progressiva inibição da reação de degradação com a diminuição do pH. Modelagem cinética destes resultados previa que a manutenção do pH em 3,0 durante a fotodegradação evitaria a formação do Cl2•-, o que foi confirmada através de experimentos de fotodegradação do fenol e da gasolina em meio aquoso na presença de NaCl. Por outro lado, na degradação do fenol pela reação térmica de Fenton [Fe(II)/Fe(III), H2O2], o radical hidroxila não parece ter um papel muito importante. A degradação térmica não foi inibida pela presença de íon cloreto e a cinética de mineralização do fenol pela reação térmica de Fenton é indistinguível da degradação do fenol pelo processo foto-Fenton inibido por NaCl. Isso sugere que a reação proposta por Hamilton, isto é, a redução de Fe(III) a Fe(II) por catecol (o principal intermediário inicial da oxidação do fenol) na presença de H2O2, é o mecanismo principal de catálise da reação térmica de Fenton no nosso sistema.
Processos de fotodegradação de compostos orgânicos tóxicos têm sido bastante estudados. Este trabalho trata da aplicação do processo foto-Fenton para a degradação de atrazina em água (composto modelo). O efeito das concentrações dos seguintes compostos foi avaliado: peróxido de hidrogênio (2 a 6 mmol L-1) e ferrioxalato de potássio (0,2 a 1 mmol L-1). Os experimentos foram realizados em um reator com lâmpada UV - 8W (254nm). O processo de fotodegradação foi monitorado por medidas de espectrofotometria de absorção molecular automatizada por injeção seqüencial (SIA) para determinação de peróxido de hidrogênio e por cromatografia a líquido de alta eficiência (CLAE) para determinação de atrazina e metabólitos. Os experimentos demonstram que o processo de foto-Fenton é viável para o tratamento de atrazina em água.
Clays are materials with specific properties that make them promising for various studies. In this work we used the vermiculite clay as support for iron compounds, in order to obtain promising materials for application in the heterogeneous type photo-Fenton process. In all, the study included six solid, starting from the vermiculite (V0) was obtained calcined vermiculite (V0-C), the mixed material (V0/β-FeOOH) formed by vermiculite more akaganeite, exchanged vermiculite (v0t-C), vermiculite impregnated Wet (V0u-C) and V0u-CL that is the solid obtained by impregnating with a back washing. The solids of the study had their physical and chemical characteristics investigated by the following characterization techniques: X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Infrared Spectroscopy (IR), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF), UV-Vis by Diffuse Reflectance (DR UV-Vis), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The V0 material showed three distinct phases, which are the very vermiculite, hidrobiotite and biotite, the last two phases are part of the geological of formation process vermiculite. The solids obtained after the modification showed an increase in the amount of iron present in the clay, these being quantities important for application in photocatalysis. The micrographs and EDS data, show that after treatment of addition of the metal , the iron was intercalary in structure of vermiculite for solid V0t-C and V0u-C, however, this did not occur with mixed material. In the photoFenton process, was observed a maximum removal of 88.8% of the dye methylene blue coloring for the catalyst V0/β-FeOOH, while for the other solids was obtained values between 76.8 and 62.6%, compared to 37.8% of discoloration without the presence of catalyst. Therefore, it is concluded that the vermiculite clay presents as a good catalyst and iron support for the, beyond of presenting a low cost because of its high abundance.
Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP) are techniques involving the formation of hydroxyl radical (HO•) with high organic matter oxidation rate. These processes application in industry have been increasing due to their capacity of degrading recalcitrant substances that cannot be completely removed by traditional processes of effluent treatment. In the present work, phenol degrading by photo-Fenton process based on addition of H2O2, Fe2+ and luminous radiation was studied. An experimental design was developed to analyze the effect of phenol, H2O2 and Fe2+ concentration on the fraction of total organic carbon (TOC) degraded. The experiments were performed in a batch photochemical parabolic reactor with 1.5 L of capacity. Samples of the reactional medium were collected at different reaction times and analyzed in a TOC measurement instrument from Shimadzu (TOC-VWP). The results showed a negative effect of phenol concentration and a positive effect of the two other variables in the TOC degraded fraction. A statistical analysis of the experimental design showed that the hydrogen peroxide concentration was the most influent variable in the TOC degraded fraction at 45 minutes and generated a model with R² = 0.82, which predicted the experimental data with low precision. The Visual Basic for Application (VBA) tool was used to generate a neural networks model and a photochemical database. The aforementioned model presented R² = 0.96 and precisely predicted the response data used for testing. The results found indicate the possible application of the developed tool for industry, mainly for its simplicity, low cost and easy access to the program.
Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP) are techniques involving the formation of hydroxyl radical (HO•) with high organic matter oxidation rate. These processes application in industry have been increasing due to their capacity of degrading recalcitrant substances that cannot be completely removed by traditional processes of effluent treatment. In the present work, phenol degrading by photo-Fenton process based on addition of H2O2, Fe2+ and luminous radiation was studied. An experimental design was developed to analyze the effect of phenol, H2O2 and Fe2+ concentration on the fraction of total organic carbon (TOC) degraded. The experiments were performed in a batch photochemical parabolic reactor with 1.5 L of capacity. Samples of the reactional medium were collected at different reaction times and analyzed in a TOC measurement instrument from Shimadzu (TOC-VWP). The results showed a negative effect of phenol concentration and a positive effect of the two other variables in the TOC degraded fraction. A statistical analysis of the experimental design showed that the hydrogen peroxide concentration was the most influent variable in the TOC degraded fraction at 45 minutes and generated a model with R² = 0.82, which predicted the experimental data with low precision. The Visual Basic for Application (VBA) tool was used to generate a neural networks model and a photochemical database. The aforementioned model presented R² = 0.96 and precisely predicted the response data used for testing. The results found indicate the possible application of the developed tool for industry, mainly for its simplicity, low cost and easy access to the program.
Hydrogels micro, sub-micro and nanoparticles are of great interest for drug encapsulation and delivery or as embolotherapic agents. In this work it is described the preparation of nano and sub-microparticles of pre-formed, high molecular weight and monomer free poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) encapsulated inside the core of lecithin vesicles. The hydrogel particles are formed with a very narrow diameter distribution, of about 800 nm, and a moderate swelling ratio, of approximately 10.
Oxidation processes can be used to treat industrial wastewater containing non-biodegradable organic compounds. However, the presence of dissolved salts may inhibit or retard the treatment process. In this study, wastewater desalination by electrodialysis (ED) associated with an advanced oxidation process (photo-Fenton) was applied to an aqueous NaCl solution containing phenol. The influence of process variables on the demineralization factor was investigated for ED in pilot scale and a correlation was obtained between the phenol, salt and water fluxes with the driving force. The oxidation process was investigated in a laboratory batch reactor and a model based on artificial neural networks was developed by fitting the experimental data describing the reaction rate as a function of the input variables. With the experimental parameters of both processes, a dynamic model was developed for ED and a continuous model, using a plug flow reactor approach, for the oxidation process. Finally, the hybrid model simulation could validate different scenarios of the integrated system and can be used for process optimization.
The solar driven photo-Fenton process for treating water containing phenol as a contaminant has been evaluated by means of pilot-scale experiments with a parabolic trough solar reactor (PTR). The effects of Fe(II) (0.04-1.0 mmol L(-1)), H(2)O(2) (7-270 mmol L(-1)), initial phenol concentration (100 and 500 mg C L(-1)), solar radiation, and operation mode (batch and fed-batch) on the process efficiency were investigated. More than 90% of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was removed within 3 hours of irradiation or less, a performance equivalent to that of artificially-irradiated reactors, indicating that solar light can be used either as an effective complementary or as an alternative source of photons for the photo-Fenton degradation process. A non-linear multivariable model based on a neural network was fit to the experimental results of batch-mode experiments in order to evaluate the relative importance of the process variables considered on the DOC removal over the reaction time. This included solar radiation, which is not a controlled variable. The observed behavior of the system in batch-mode was compared with fed-batch experiments carried out under similar conditions. The main contribution of the study consists of the results from experiments under different conditions and the discussion of the system behavior. Both constitute important information for the design and scale-up of solar radiation-based photodegradation processes.
New emerging contaminants could represent a danger to the environment and Humanity with repercussions not yet known. One of the major worldwide pharmaceutical and personal care productions are antimicrobials products, triclosan, is an antimicrobial agent present in most products. Despite the high removal rate of triclosan present in wastewater treatments, triclosan levels are on the rise in the environment through disposal of wastewater effluent and use of sewage sludge in land application. Regulated in the EC/1272/2008 (annex VI, table 3.1), this compound is considered very toxic to aquatic life and it has been reported that photochemical transformation of triclosan produces dioxins. In the current work it was defined three objectives; determination of the most efficient process in triclosan degradation, recurring to photochemical degradation methods comparing different sources of light; identification of the main by-products formed during the degradation and the study of the influence of the Fenton and photo-Fenton reaction. Photochemical degradation methods such as: photocatalysis under florescent light (UV), photocatalysis under visible light (sunlight), photocatalysis under LEDs, photo-Fenton and Fenton reaction have been compared in this work. The degradation of triclosan was visualized through gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). In this study photo-Fenton reaction has successfully oxidized triclosan to H2O and CO2 without any by-products within 2 hours. Photocatalysis by titanium dioxide (TiO2) under LEDs was possible, having a degradation rate of 53% in an 8 hours essay. The degradation rate of the Fenton reaction, UV light and sunlight showed degradation between 90% and 95%. The results are reported to the data observed without statistic support, since this was not possible during the work period. Hydroquinone specie and 2,4-dichlorophenol by-products were identified in the first hour of photocatalysis by UV. A common compound, possibly identified has C7O4H , was present at the degradation by UV, sunlight and LEDs and was concluded to be a contaminant. In the future more studies in the use of LEDs should be undertaken given the advantages of long durability and low consumption of energy of these lamps and that due to their negative impact on the environment fluorescent lamps are being progressively made unavailable by governments, requiring new solutions to be found. Fenton and photo-Fenton reactions can also be costly processes given the expensive reagents used.