337 resultados para PCI-CAMAC


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In this paper, we propose an extension to the I/O device architecture, as recommended in the PCI-SIG IOV specification, for virtualizing network I/O devices. The aim is to enable fine-grained controls to a virtual machine on the I/O path of a shared device. The architecture allows native access of I/O devices to virtual machines and provides device level QoS hooks for controlling VM specific device usage. For evaluating the architecture we use layered queuing network (LQN) models. We implement the architecture and evaluate it using simulation techniques, on the LQN model, to demonstrate the benefits. With the architecture, the benefit for network I/O is 60% more than what can be expected on the existing architecture. Also, the proposed architecture improves scalability in terms of the number of virtual machines intending to share the I/O device.


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To validate a simple partial coherence interferometry (PCI) based retinal shape method, estimates of retinal shape were determined in 60 young adults using off-axis PCI, with three stages of modeling using variants of the Le Grand model eye, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Stage 1 and 2 involved a basic model eye without and with surface ray deviation, respectively and Stage 3 used model with individual ocular biometry and ray deviation at surfaces. Considering the theoretical uncertainty of MRI (12-14%), the results of the study indicate good agreement between MRI and all three stages of PCI modeling with <4% and <7% differences in retinal shapes along horizontal and vertical meridians, respectively. Stage 2 and Stage 3 gave slightly different retinal co-ordinates than Stage 1 and we recommend the intermediate Stage 2 as providing a simple and valid method of determining retinal shape from PCI data.


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Tutkimuksen tehtävänä on tarkastella suomalaista hyvinvointiyhteiskuntaa ruoka-avun asiakkaan näkökulmasta. Tutkimustehtävä jakautuu kolmeen tutkimuskysymykseen: 1. Mitä eri yhteiskunnan toimijoita asiakkaiden kertomuksissa esiintyy? 2. Millaisia kokemuksia asiakkaalla on näistä toimijoista ja millaisena hän näkee näiden väliset suhteet? 3. Miten asiakas suhtautuu eri toimijoiden toimintaan hyvinvoinnin tuottajina? Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tuottaa virallista tietoa täydentävää ja horjuttavaa niin sanottua toista tietoa tuomalla ruoka-avun asiakkaan ääni mukaan aiheesta tehtyyn tutkimukseen. Aineiston muodostavat viiden ruoka-avun asiakkaan PCI-menetelmää mukaillen kerätyt haastattelut. Haastattelut on pelkistetty 89 tekstikatkelmaksi eli mikrokertomukseksi, jotka on analysoitu käyttämällä A. J. Greimasin aktanttimallia. Asiakkaiden kertomuksia tarkastellaan suhteessa Sakari Hännisen ja Jouko Karjalaisen kuvaamaan toimeentulon spiraaliin ja diversion eli poiskäännyttämisen eri muotoihin. Ruoka-avun asiakkaiden kertomuksissa esiintyvät toimijat mukailevat osittain toimeentulon spiraalin rakenteita ja jakoa yksityiseen, julkiseen ja kolmanteen sektoriin, mutta täydentävät niitä tuomalla esiin neljännen sektorin toimijat eli henkilökohtaiset tukiverkot sekä yksilötoimijat, ihmiset tunteineen, sairauksineen ja ominaisuuksineen. Työmarkkinat ovat ruoka-avun asiakkaiden kertomuksissa ihmisten ensisijainen toimeentulon lähde, jota työttömyys ja työkyvyttömyys uhkaavat. Julkisen sektorin toimijat tukevat työmarkkinoilta pudonneita varsinkin lyhytkestoisissa ja tavanomaisiksi luokitelluissa tilanteissa. Pitkäkestoisissa ja kasaantuvissa ongelmissa ihmiset näyttävät kuitenkin putoavan julkisen sektorin turvaverkkojen läpi epävirallisen avun piiriin, usein julkisen sektorin järjestelmään sisältyvän poiskäännyttämisen logiikan vauhdittamina. Kolmannen sektorin toimijoiden tarjoama ruoka-apu paikkaa virallisen järjestelmän aukkoja ja toimii viimesijaisena apua yksilöiden vaikeissa tilanteissa. Toisin kuin toimeentulon spiraalin mallissa, ruoka-pankki ei kuitenkaan ole diversion päätepiste, vaan poiskäännyttämisen ja autetuksi tulemisen kokemukset kertautuvat myös epävirallisen avun piirissä. Ruoka-avun asiakkaat sitoutuvat pohjoismaisen hyvinvointivaltion universalistiseen eetokseen ja velvoittavat julkisen sektorin laajaan vastuuseen kansalaisten hyvinvoinnista. Markkinatoimijoiden sen sijaan katsotaan olevan yhteiskuntavastuun ulottumattomissa, ja valtion tehtävänä on paikata markkinoiden suhdannevaihteluiden vaikutuksia. Kristillisten järjestöjen harjoittaman ruoka-avun suhteen asiakkaat esittävät kolmenlaisia tulkintoja: Lähimmäisenrakkauden ja kristillisen auttamisperinteen katsotaan velvoittavan avustusorganisaatiot auttamistyöhön, uskonnollisten toimijoiden odotetaan ruoka-avun sijaan keskittyä hengelliseen tehtävään tai vastuun auttamisesta ajatellaan kuuluvan julkiselle sektorille, mutta heikossa asemassa olevien näkökulmasta epävirallinen apu on vallitsevassa tilanteessa tärkeää.


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Antiplatelet medication is known to decrease adverse effects in patients with atherothrombotic disease. However, despite ongoing antiplatelet medication considerable number of patients suffer from atherothrombotic events. The aims of the study were 1) to evaluate the individual variability in platelet functions and compare the usability of different methods in detecting it, 2) to assess variability in efficacy of antiplatelet medication with aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) or the combination of aspirin and clopidogrel and 3) to investigate the main genetic and clinical variables as well as potential underlying mechanisms of variability in efficacy of antiplatelet medication. In comparisons of different platelet function tests in 19 healthy individuals PFA-100® correlated with traditional methods of measuring platelet function and was thus considered appropriate for testing individual variability in platelet activity. Efficacy of ongoing 100mg aspirin daily was studied in 101 patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Aspirin response was measured with arachidonic acid (AA)-induced platelet aggregation, which reflects cyclo-oxygenase (COX)-1 dependent thromboxane (Tx) A2 formation, and PFA-100®, which evaluates platelet activation under high shear stress in the presence of collagen and epinephrine. Five percent of patients failed to show inhibition of AA-aggregation and 21% of patients had normal PFA-100® results despite aspirin and were thus considered non-responders to aspirin. Interestingly, the two methods of assessing aspirin efficacy, platelet aggregation and PFA-100®, detected different populations as being aspirin non-responders. It could be postulated that PFA-100® actually measures enhanced platelet function, which is not directly associated with TxA2 inhibition exerted by aspirin. Clopidogrel efficacy was assessed in 50 patients who received a 300mg loading dose of clopidogrel 2.5 h prior to percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and in 51 patients who were given a loading dose of 300mg combined with a five day treatment of 75mg clopidogrel daily mimicking ongoing treatment. Clopidogrel response was assessed with ADP-induced aggregations, due to its mechanism of action as an inhibitor of ADP-induced activation. When patients received only a loading dose of clopidogrel prior to PCI, 40% did not gain measurable inhibition of their ADP-induced platelet activity (inhibition of 10% or less). Prolongation of treatment so that all patients had reached a plateau of inhibition exerted by clopidogrel, decreased the incidence of non-responders to 20%. Polymorphisms of COX-1 and GP VI, as well as diabetes and female gender, were associated with decreased in vitro aspirin efficacy. Diabetes also impaired the in vitro efficacy of short-term clopidogrel. Decreased response to clopidogrel was associated with limited inhibition by ARMX, an antagonist of P2Y12-receptor, suggesting the reason for clopidogrel resistance to be receptor-dependent. Conclusions: Considerable numbers of CAD patients were non-responders either to aspirin, clopidogrel or both. In the future, platelet function tests may be helpful to individually select effective and safe antiplatelet medication for these patients.


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1. Recovery of rainforest bird community structure and composition, in relation to forest succession after slash-and-burn shifting cultivation or jhum was studied in Mizoram, north-east India. Replicate fallow sites abandoned after shifting cultivation 1, 5, 10, 25 and approximate to 100 years ago, were compared with primary evergreen and semi-evergreen forest using transect and quadrat sampling. 2. Vegetation variables such as woody plant species richness, tree density and vertical stratification increased with fallow age in a rapid. nun-linear, asymptotic manner. Principal components analysis of vegetation variables summarized 92.8% of the variation into two axes: PC1 reflecting forest development and woody plant succession (variables such as tree density, woody plant species richness), and PC2 depicting bamboo density, which increased from 1 to 25 years and declined thereafter. 3. Bird species richness, abundance and diversity, increased rapidly and asymptotically during succession paralleling vegetation recovery as shown by positive correlations with fallow age and PC1 scores of sites. Bamboo density reflected by PC2 had a negative effect on bird species richness and abundance. 4. The bird community similarity (Morisita index) of sites with primary forest also increased asymptotically with fallow age indicating sequential species turnover during succession. Bird community similarity of sites with primary forest (or between sites) was positively correlated with both physiognomic and floristic similarities with primary forest (or between sites). 5. The number of bird species in guilds associated with forest development and woody plants (canopy insectivores, frugivores: bark feeders) was correlated with PCI scores of the sites. Species in other guilds (e. g. granivores, understorey insectivores) appeared to dominate during early and mid-succession. 6. The non-linear relationships imply that fallow periods less than a threshold of 25 years for birds, and about 50-75 years for woody plants, are likely to cause substantial community alteration. 7. As 5-10-year rotation periods or jhum cycles prevail in many parts of north-east India. there is a need to protect and conserve tracts of late-successional and primary forest.


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The static and dynamic pressure concentration isotherms (PCIs) of MmNi(5-x)Al(x). (x = 0, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.8) hydrides were measured at different temperatures using volumetric method. The effect of Al substitution on PCI and thermodynamic properties were studied. The plateau pressure and maximum hydrogen storage capacity decreased with Al content whereas reaction enthalpy increased. The plateau pressure, plateau slope and hysteresis effect was observed more for dynamic PCIs compared to static PCIs. Different mathematical models used for metal hydride-based thermodynamic devices simulation are compared to select suitable model for static and dynamic PCI simulation of MmNi(5)-based hydrides. Few important physical coefficients (partial molar volume, reaction enthalpy, reaction entropy, etc.) useful for development of thermodynamic devices were estimated. A relation has been proposed to correlate aluminium content and physical coefficients for the prediction of unknown PCI. The simulated and experimental PCIs were found matching closely for both static and dynamic conditions. Copyright (C) 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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En esta memoria se presenta un Proyecto Final de Carrera de Ingeniería Informática para la Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, proyecto que ha sido llevado a cabo en las empresas PCI Security Doctors y S21sec. El objetivo de este proyecto ha sido establecer las bases que envuelven la Vigilancia Digital desde la fase de diseño hasta la implantación de una plataforma para llevar a cabo esta actividad. Al mismo tiempo, se ha realizado un estudio sobre la legislación aplicable a esta disciplina y se ha estudiado la viabilidad de monitorizar nuevas fuentes de información. La parte más importante del proyecto ha girado en torno a la plataforma de Vigilancia Digital desarrollada por S21sec IRATI con la que se ha trabajado durante gran parte del proceso.


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La enfermedad de Crohn (EC) es un proceso inflamatorio crónico del aparato digestivo, principalmente de origen desconocido pero con factores genéticos y ambientales que aumentan el riesgo de padecerla. Algunas personas presentan períodos prolongados de remisión, que alternan con fases de actividad (brote), mientras que otros padecen síntomas continuos durante años a pesar de recibir un tratamiento adecuado. Los signos y síntomas comunes incluyen dolor abdominal, diarrea, fiebre y pérdida de peso, pudiendo afectar a personas de cualquier edad, aunque la mayoría de los pacientes son adultos jóvenes entre los 16 y los 40 años. No existe una “cura” para esta enfermedad, sin embargo, la terapia médica permite la remisión clínica de la patología y alivio de síntomas, aumentando la calidad de vida del paciente. Actualmente se recurre a un nuevo grupo de fármacos conocidos como agentes biológicos, ante pacientes que no responden a tratamiento médico convencional, que se utilizan para inducir y/o mantener la remisión. Siendo la EC una patología crónica que afecta a un número significativo de personas, cuya calidad de vida puede verse mermada profundamente, se propone un plan de cuidados individualizado (PCI) para un caso clínico de un paciente con la EC con el objetivo de fomentar la calidad de vida de estas personas. Este plan de cuidados se apoya en el modelo conceptual de Virginia Henderson (modelo de suplencia y ayuda) siguiendo una metodología enfermera (el proceso de atención de enfermería) y un lenguaje universal estandarizado mediante la interrelación de las taxonomías NANDA-I, NIC, NOC.


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A lesão por isquemia-reperfusão (I/R) é o mecanismo fisiopatológico central no desenvolvimento da insuficiência hepática pós-operatória. Diversas estratégias para minimizar suas consequências estão sendo desenvolvidas, mas ainda sem resultados satisfatórios. Recentemente o pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto (PCIR), método em que ciclos breves de I/R aplicados em um órgão ou membro é capaz de atenuar os resultados da I/R em um órgão distante, vem sendo utilizado, em modelos experimentais, com resultados promissores. No entanto seu mecanismo de ação ainda não foi esclarecido. Um dos mecanismos propostos é a modulação na expressão das citocinas sintetizadas durante a resposta inflamatória que acompanha o processo de I/R. Foram utilizados 36 ratos (Rattus norvegicus), machos, com peso entre 250 e 280 g, divididos em três grupos: Grupo Sham, cirurgia simulada; Grupo IR, isquemia de 70% do fígado por 45 minutos e reperfusão; e Grupo PCIR, pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto do fígado através de seis ciclos de isquemia-reperfusão da pata do animal, com quatro minutos de isquemia e quatro minutos de reperfusão em cada ciclo, seguido de isquemia hepática semelhante ao do Grupo IR. Terminado os procedimentos cirúrgicos, metade dos animais foi morta decorridos 60 minutos de reperfusão, e a outra metade após 180 minutos. Foi coletado tecido hepático do lobo submetido à isquemia, para estudo histopatológico, utilizando o índice de injúria hepática modificado; e sangue, para dosagem plasmática de TNF-α, IL-6, IL-10 e ALT. A análise histopatológica mostrou que a necrose celular foi significativamente reduzida no Grupo PCIR quando comparado com Grupo IR (p <0,0001). As transaminases mostraram o mesmo padrão com redução significativa dos seus valores no Grupo PCIR quando comparados com o Grupo I-R (p <0,0001). A dosagem das interleucinas mostrou redução significativa na expressão da IL-6 no Grupo PCIR quando comparado com o Grupo IR (p<0,001). Houve aumento da expressão de IL-10 nos grupo PCIR, porém não atingiu significância estatística. Não foi identificada diferença na dosagem de TNF-α nos grupos estudados. O PCI-R foi eficaz na redução na necrose celular resultante da lesão por I-R nos grupos estudados. A redução na síntese de IL-6 segue o padrão observado em outros estudos.


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Low level aqueous radioactive wastes from the nuclear complex at Trombay are discharged into the Bombay harbour. Of the 6 principal radionuclides comprising the discharge, cesium-137 is most predominantly taken up by silt from the sea water. Isoactivity contours show that activity levels just off the point of discharge, and further south to Pir Pau, were between 50 and 100 pCi/g. Activity in the main channel of the harbour remained below 10 pCi/g, while further north (below the Thane Creek bridge) it was around 20 pCi/g. Activity in the top 6 cm of a core off Trombay naval jetty was <5 pCi/g, reaching a maximum of 178 pCi/g at 14cm below the surface. Thereafter, it tapered off to 5 pCi/g down to a metre.


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文章介绍兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环主环用于加速粒子的高频加速系统。加速系统的频率范围为0.25~1.7 MHz,最高峰值电压为8.0 kV。高频腔体的固有谐振频率通过调节绕在腔体加载的铁氧体材料上的偏磁电流来改变,所加载的铁氧体材料为600HH。高频腔体内的真空度达到3×10-9Pa,高频发射机的最大输出功率为30 kW,高频系统的控制采用基于PCI总线技术,它提供所有高频系统控制及监测功能。


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