Purpose: For treatment of various knee disorders, muscles are trained in open or closed kinetic chain tasks. Coordination between the heads of the quadriceps muscle is important for stability and optimal joint loading for both the tibiofemoral and the patellofemoral joint. The aim of this study was to examine whether the quadriceps femoris muscles are activated differently in open versus closed kinetic chain tasks. Methods: Ten healthy men and women (mean age 28.5 +/- 0.7) extended the knees isometrically in open and closed kinetic chain tasks in a reaction time paradigm using moderate force. Surface electromyography (EMG) recordings were made from four different parts of the quadriceps muscle. The onset and amplitude of EMG and force data were measured. Results: In closed chain knee extension, the onset of EMG activity of the four different muscle portions of the quadriceps was more simultaneous than in the open chain. In open chain, rectus femoris (RF) had the earliest EMG onset while vastus medialis obliquus was activated last (7 +/- 13 ms after RF EMG onset) and with smaller amplitude (40 +/- 30% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)) than in closed chain (46 +/- 43% MVC). Conclusions: Exercise in closed kinetic chain promotes more balanced initial quadriceps activation than does exercise in open kinetic chain. This may be of importance in designing training programs aimed toward control of the patellofemoral joint.
Introdução: O síndrome patelo-femural é uma das disfunções músculo-esqueléticas mais comuns ao nível do joelho. É de etiologia multifatorial, sendo a rotação lateral da tíbia um dos fatores contribuintes, sendo que pode potenciar alterações da biomecânica da articulação patelo-femural por aumentar as forças de reação sobre a articulação. Brian Mulligan sugere que a técnica para a correção da rotação lateral da tíbia pode ser benéfica no alívio da dor e no aumento da amplitude de flexão do joelho, em pacientes com síndrome patelo-femural, apesar da evidência acerca da efetividade desta técnica ser ainda escassa. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos da técnica de mobilização com movimento de rotação medial da tíbio-femural com flexão do joelho, ao nível da intensidade da dor e da amplitude de movimento de flexão do joelho, durante o agachamento, em indivíduos com síndrome patelo-femural. Métodos: Estudo experimental, com uma amostra constituída por 20 estudantes universitários, do género feminino, com síndrome patelo-femural e dor ao agachamento bilateral. Estes foram distribuídos aleatoriamente por dois grupos: experimental (intervenção com técnica de mobilização com movimento) e placebo (intervenção placebo). Foram avaliadas a amplitude de flexão do joelho com um goniómetro eletrónico (Biometrics®) e a intensidade de dor com a Escala Visual Analógica, durante o agachamento bilateral, antes e imediatamente após as respetivas intervenções. O nível de significância foi de 0,05. Resultados: A realização da Análise da Covariância revelou que, relativamente à intensidade da dor, foi possível constatar que existiram diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos (p<0,001). Entre a avaliação inicial e a final, o grupo experimental diminuiu mais 2,1cm na Escala Visual Analógica do que o grupo placebo. Em relação à avaliação da amplitude articular, foi possível constatar que, existiram diferenças significativas, entre os dois grupos (p=0,004). Entre a avaliação inicial e a final, o grupo experimental teve mais 8,6º de aumento na amplitude articular do que o grupo placebo. Conclusão: Para indivíduos com síndrome patelo-femural, a técnica de mobilização com movimento para correção da rotação lateral da tíbia, parece ser benéfica no alívio da dor e no ganho de amplitude de flexão do joelho, analisando o movimento de agachamento bilateral.
The sports clinician faces multiple treatment options when dealing with overload injuries, and it is important to evaluate their outcomes. Multiple scores exist, some clincian rated (CRO), others patient rated (PRO), the latter being currently favoured. This review presents some of these scores and we selected the ones we feel are the most appropriate for a sports clinician. We considered these common problems: tennis elbow, rotator cuff issues, groin pain, patellofemoral pain syndrome, achilles tendinopathy and ankle instability. In addition, an activity level score is useful to weigh the result in the context of return to performance. These scores help to create a common language between therapists and to evaluate treatments objectively.
FEHR, Guilherme Lotierso et al. Efetividade dos exercícios em cadeia cinética aberta e cadeia cinética fechada no tratamento da síndrome da dor femoropatelar. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte, [s.l], v. 12, n. 2, p.66-70, mar./abr. 2006. Bimestral. Disponível em:
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Patellofemoral pain syndrome is defined as a fore or retro patellar pain and it has multifactorial etiology, where the bad patellar alignment is the most acceptable hypothesis. However proximal factors to the knee, as the debility of the muscles of the hip, have been demonstrated as a contributing factor to the appearing of that syndrome. Purpose: To evaluate if exists a relation between the hip muscles performance and the development of the SDPF. Methods: Thirty women took part in this study. They were divided in two groups; a control group (fifteen asymptomatic subjects) and an experimental group (fifteen subjects with the diagnosis of SDPF). The muscle performance was evaluated in an isokinetic dynamometer, where it was verified the peak torque (PT), PT to body weight, PT time and the agonist/antagonist relation. It was also analyzed the electromyographic activity of the middle gluteus. The data was analyzed by the not paired t test at a significance level of 5%. Results:. Didn t have significant difference to the PT of the abductor muscles (p = 0,46) and lateral rotators of the hip (p = 0,17) between groups. Also didn t have significant difference to the PT values by the body weight, to these muscle groups either (p = 0,10 e p = 0,11, respectively). Didn t have significant difference between the amplitude of the signal (p = 0,05) and the onset of medium gluteus (p = 0,25) between the groups. Conclusion: In the experimental conditions realized, the study didn t demonstrate a relation between performance the hip muscles behavior and the development of the SDPF
Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is described as anterior or retropatellar pain knee in the absence of other pathologies and is frequently associated with dysfunction of the vastus medialis oblique (VMO). However, several studies have demonstrated the inability to selectively activate this muscle through exercise. To evaluate the effect of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) selective VMO in women with syndrome. We evaluated thirty-eight women: twenty in the control group (24.15 ± 2.60 years) and eighteen diagnosed with PFPS (25.56 ± 3.55 years). Both groups were evaluated before and after a protocol of electro stimulation. To measure for comparing groups before and after treatment, we assessed the extensor torque concentric and eccentric knee through an isokinetic dynamometer, the intensity (Root Mean Square - RMS) and the onset of activation (onset) of VMO compared to the vastus lateralis (VL) in two types of exercise: open and closed kinetic chain. . Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 15.0, with a significance level of 5%. Results: Our data showed an increase in the intensity of activation (RMS) of the VMO muscle after NMES in both study groups. During concentric contraction the RMS of the VMO before the NMES was 105.69 ± 32.26 μV and after a single intervention was 122.10 ± 39.62 μV (p = 0.048) for the control group. In the group with PPS, we found a similar behavior, with RMS of the VMO before NMES of 96.25 ± 18.83 μV and 139.80 ± 65.88 μV after the intervention (p = 0.0001). However, there was no evidence in the RMS value of VL muscle. The onset was calculated by subtracting the onset of VL by the onset of VMO. For the group with PFPS, the onset before the intervention was -0.007 ± 0.14 ms, indicating a delay of the VMO relative to VL, and after NMES was 0.074 ± 0.09 ms (p = 0.016), showing an activation previous VMO to VL. The same occurred for the control group. We also observed that NMES increased knee extensor power during the concentric contraction in both groups. Before the intervention the mean power was 28.97 ± 9.01 W for the PPS group and after NMES was 34.38 ± 7.61 W (p = 0.0001). Conclusion: We observed an increase in electromyographic activity of the VMO and also an anticipatory effect of this muscle
INTRODUÇÃO: A síndrome de dor femoropatelar (SDFP) é um problema comum que afeta uma em cada quatro pessoas. A alteração no tempo de ativação e a intensidade de contração dos músculos vasto medial oblíquo (VMO) e vasto lateral (VL) são consideradas fatores importantes na etiologia da SDFP. No entanto, existem poucos estudos sobre a função da porção oblíqua do vasto lateral (VLO) e nenhum sobre o tempo de ativação (onset) do VLO em atividades funcionais em sujeitos normais e com SDFP. OBJETIVO: Assim, o objetivo do estudo foi investigar o tempo de início de atividade eletromiográfica nos músculos VMO, VLO e VL longo (VLL) durante a marcha. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: A amostra foi formada por 15 sujeitos sem e 12 com SDFP. Dados eletromiográficos foram obtidos dos músculos VMO, VLL e VLO durante caminhada na esteira sem inclinação. A diferença relativa no onset (DRO) entre VMO-VLL e VMO-VLO foi determinada a partir da média de três passadas. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença entre os sujeitos com e sem SDFP em relação à DRO entre VMO-VLL. Nos sujeitos com SDFP, a ordem de início da atividade elétrica foi VLL seguida por VLO e após VMO. Nos indivíduos sem a patologia, a ordem foi diferente: primeiro VMO após VLO e, por último, VLL. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados sugerem que a ativação do VMO após o VLL poderia auxiliar no desenvolvimento e na manutenção da SDFP, enquanto o tempo de ativação do VLO possui menor participação.
The patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is defined as a retropatellar or anterior knee pain, without another disease. It affects until 25% of the population, being more common in women and trained persons. As others pathologies, PFPS have been affected the training of elite and amateurs athletes. Thereby, the general purpose of this study was discuss the occurrence of PFPS as a sports injury, there prevention possibilities and the appropriate recovery training after injury. It had been developed a literature review addressing the specific characteristics of the syndrome, its diagnosis, its target population, its development, how it affects the training and which are their possibilities of prevention and treatment. © FTCD/FIP-MOC.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Fisioterapia - FCT
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Stair climbing is a functional activity often cited as main complaint by patients with orthopedic – as patellofemoral pain syndrome – or neurologic alterations. Moreover, the stair climbing is usually used as therapeutic resource. However, few studies have been conducted to characterize the movement during the ascent or descent of stairs and these studies concluded that the high variability of the data could not confirm the results [Yu, 1997] . In this way, this study aimed to verify which parameters show less variation and so, are more appropriate to characterize the stair climbing.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the use MRI to quantify the workload of gluteus medius (GM), vastus medialis (VM) and vastus lateralis (VL) muscles in different types of squat exercises. Fourteen female volunteers were evaluated, average age of 22 +/- 2 years, sedentary, without clinical symptoms, and without history of previous lower limb injuries. Quantitative MRI was used to analyze VM, VL and GM muscles before and after squat exercise, squat associated with isometric hip adduction and squat associated with isometric hip abduction. Multi echo images were acquired to calculate the transversal relaxation times (T2) before and after exercise. Mixed Effects Model statistical analysis was used to compare images before and after the exercise (Delta T2) to normalize the variability between subjects. Imaging post processing was performed in Matlab software. GM muscle was the least active during the squat associated with isometric hip adduction and VM the least active during the squat associated with isometric hip abduction, while VL was the most active during squat associated with isometric hip adduction. Our data suggests that isometric hip adduction during the squat does not increase the workload of VM, but decreases the GM muscle workload. Squat associated with isometric hip abduction does not increase VL workload.