115 resultados para PARALICHTHYS-OLIVACEUS
Summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) is one of the most economically and ecologically important estuarine-dependent species in the northeastern United States. The status of the population is currently a topic of controversy. Our goal was to assess the potential of using larval abundance at ingress as another fishery independent measure of spawning stock biomass or recruitment. Weekly long-term ichthyoplankton time series were analyzed from Little Egg Inlet, New Jersey (1989–2006) and Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina (1986–2004). Mean size-at-ingress and stage were similar between sites, whereas timing of ingress and abundance at ingress were not similar. Ingress primarily occurred during the fall at Little Egg Inlet and the winter at Beaufort Inlet. These findings agree with those from earlier studies in which at least two stocks (one north and one south of Cape Hatteras) were identified with different spawning periods. Larval abundance at Little Egg Inlet has increased since the late 1990s and most individuals now enter the estuary earlier during the season of ingress. Abundance at Little Egg Inlet was correlated with an increase in spawning stock biomass, presumably because spawning by larger, more abundant fish during the late 1990s and early 2000s provided increased larval supply, at least in some years. Larval abundance at ingress at Beaufort Inlet was not correlated with spawning stock biomass or with larval abundance at ingress at Little Egg Inlet, further supporting the hypothesis of at least two stocks. Larval abundance at Little Egg Inlet could be used as a fishery-independent index of spawning stock size north of Cape Hatteras in future stock assessments. Larval occurrence at Beaufort Inlet may provide information on the abundance of the stock south of Cape Hatteras, but additional stock assessment work is required.
We evaluated habitat quality for juvenile California halibut (Paralichthys californicus) in a Pacific Coast estuary lacking in strong salinity gradients by examining density, recent otolith growth rates, and gut fullness levels of wild-caught and caged juveniles for one year. Juveniles <200 mm standard length were caught consistently in the inner, central, and outer sections of the estuary. The density of juveniles was two times higher in the inner estuary during most of the year, consistent with active habitat selection by part of the population. A generalized linear model indicated temperature, sampling time, and the interaction between salinity and temperature were significantly related to density. However, the model explained only 21% of the variance. Gut fullness levels of wild-caught juveniles were highest during the summer, but recent otolith growth rates were not related to temperature. The proportion of individuals feeding successfully indicated that seasonal differences in food availability are more important than spatial variation in prey abundance in driving feeding success. Feeding success of caged fishes was limited, precluding the use of growth rates as indicators of local habitat quality. However, marginal increment widths were reliable indicators of somatic growth at low growth rates over two-week periods. The relatively high growth rates and abundance of small wild-caught juveniles found throughout the estuary indicates that the entire estuary system has the potential for serving as nursery habitat.
Data on the trophic dynamics of fishes are needed for management of ecosystems such as Chesapeake Bay. Summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) are an abundant seasonal resident of the bay and have the potential to impact foodweb dynamics. Analyses of diet data for late juvenile and adult summer flounder collected from 2002−2006 in Chesapeake Bay were conducted to characterize the role of this flatfish in this estuary and to contribute to our understanding of summer flounder trophic dynamics throughout its range. Despite the diversity of prey, nearly half of the diet comprised mysid shrimp (Neomysis spp.) and bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli). Ontogenetic differences in diet and an increase in diet diversity with increasing fish size were documented. Temporal (inter- and intra-annual) changes were also detected, as well as trends in diet reflecting peaks in abundance and diversity of prey. The preponderance of fishes in the diet of summer flounder indicates that this species is an important piscivorous predator in Chesapeake Bay.
Summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, are managed as a single stock along the Atlantic coast from the U.S.– Canada border to the southern border of North Carolina. Justification of the single-stock approach is based on lack of genetic evidence for multiple stocks and the difficulty presented by managing the species from Cape Hatteras to the U.S.–Canada border. In this review, we present an interpretation of various morphometric, meristic, biochemical, and tagging studies, published and unpublished, that indicate the presence of two, or possibly three, distinct stocks in the management area. In addition, we have included new data from a tagging study that was conducted on juveniles from Virginia that aids in defining the stock(s) north of Cape Hatteras. Summer flounder, overfished for the past two decades, is recovering, and reconsideration of proposed stock structure could have direct implications for management policy decisions.
We monitored the movements of 45 adult Summer Flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) between June 2007 and July 2008 through the use of passive acoustic telemetry to elucidate migratory and within-estuary behaviors in a lagoon system of the southern mid-Atlantic Bight. Between 8 June and 10 October 2007, fish resided primarily in the deeper (>3 m) regions of the system and exhibited low levels of large-scale (100s of meters) activity. Mean residence time within this estuarine lagoon system was conservatively estimated to be 130 days (range: 18–223 days), which is 1.5 times longer than the residence time previously reported for Summer Flounder in a similar estuarine habitat ~250 km to the north. The majority of fish remained within the lagoon system until mid-October, although some fish dispersed earlier and some of them appeared to disperse temporarily (i.e., exited the system for at least 14 consecutive days before returning). Larger fish were more likely to disperse before mid-October than smaller fish and may have moved to other estuaries or the inner continental shelf. Fish that dispersed after mid-October were more likely to return to the lagoon system the following spring than were fish that dispersed before mid-October. In 2008, fish returned to the system between 7 February and 7 April. Dispersals and returns most closely followed seasonal changes in mean water temperature, but photoperiod and other factors also may have played a role in large-scale movements of Summer Flounder.
Increasing interest in the use of stock enhancement as a management tool necessitates a better understanding of the relative costs and benefits of alternative release strategies. We present a relatively simple model coupling ecology and economic costs to make inferences about optimal release scenarios for summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus), a subject of stock enhancement interest in North Carolina. The model, parameterized from mark-recapture experiments, predicts optimal release scenarios from both survival and economic standpoints for varyious dates-of-release, sizes-at-release, and numbers of fish released. Although most stock enhancement efforts involve the release of relatively small fish, the model suggests that optimal results (maximum survival and minimum costs) will be obtained when relatively large fish (75–80 mm total length) are released early in the nursery season (April). We investigated the sensitivity of model predictions to violations of the assumption of density-independent mortality by including density-mortality relationships based on weak and strong type-2 and type-3 predator functional responses (resulting in depensatory mortality at elevated densities). Depending on postrelease density, density-mortality relationships included in the model considerably affect predicted postrelease survival and economic costs associated with enhancement efforts, but do not alter the release scenario (i.e. combination of release variables) that produces optimal results. Predicted (from model output) declines in flounder over time most closely match declines observed in replicate field sites when mortality in the model is density-independent or governed by a weak type-3 functional response. The model provides an example of a relatively easy-to-develop predictive tool with which to make inferences about the ecological and economic potential of stock enhancement of summer flounder and provides a template for model creation for additional species that are subjects of stock enhancement interest, but for which limited empirical data exist.
El lenguado común, Paralichthys adspersus (Steindachner), es una especie que se captura frecuentemente en la pesca artesanal costera y se distribuye latitudinalmente a lo largo del litoral peruano; longitudinalmente puede alejarse hasta la isóbata de 200 m, por influencia del calentamiento de las aguas, sobre todo durante los eventos El Niño. Dado el interés comercial que este lenguado representa se consideró conveniente efectuar un estudio biológico-pesquero, el mismo que se realizó en el Laboratorio IMARPE de San José, durante los años de 1991 a 1997, a base de muestreos realizados en el área de pesca de Lambayeque (6° a 7°20' 5). Se le determinó como pez predador de las especies de peces que comparten su habitat. En las muestras capturadas no se registró el estadía gonadal inmaduro (I). La mayor frecuencia del estadío desovante (VI) ocurre entre los meses de octubre y febrero (primavera-verano), considerada como la época de reproducción. siendo la talla media de desove de 60,4 cm para las hembras y 43,1 cm para los machos. En las muestras no se hallaron peces con edades de 1 y 2 años, posiblemente debido a la selectividad de las redes de pesca. En los machos e registraron tallas menores, con edades hasta de 5 años; y las hembras tuvieron tallas mayores y edades hasta de 9 años. Los parámetros de crecimiento fueron calculados en L = 87,8 cm; P = 9,118 g; K= 0,20 y to = 0,46. Los índices de abundancia relativa, estimados como captura/viaje, por caletas o lugar de desembarque, fueron calculados entre 1 78,1 kg en Puerto Pizarro y O, 9 kg en Parachique y con promedios generales por caleta de 21,8 kg/viaje de pesca, 14,5 kg/ día de pesca y 314 kg/mes-caleta. Para el área de Lambayeque los índices variaron de 70,1 a 31,5 kg/lancha-mes y de 30,8 a 11,8 kg/viaje-mes, para los años 1991-1997, siendo los años de 1996 y 1997 los que presentaron los más bajos índices.
Notas sobre cultivo de los lenguados Paralichthys adspersus y Etropus ectenes en ambiente controlado
Determina la factibilidad del cultivo del recurso lenguado en ambiente controlado, dando como resultado que es posible el cultivo de esta especie, en especial de P. adspersus, que se adapta fácilmente al cautiverio y a las condiciones abióticas del medio, en comparación al recurso E. ectenes.
La acuicultura se está convirtiendo en una actividad de desarrollo importante para Perú, teniendo un crecimiento a una tasa de 20% anual. Existe una gran variedad de especies con potencial acuícola, como es el lenguado (P. adspersus). En tal sentido, en el presente compendio se describen los procedimientos para la reproducción del lenguado en condiciones de cautiverio, desde la captura hasta métodos de evaluación de la calidad de puestas, a fin de contribuir al desarrollo de la tecnología de cultivo de esta especie. Este documento es resultado de las experiencias realizadas en el proyecto: “Producción de semilla del lenguado Paralichthys adspersus en cautiverio: I Mejoramiento de la calidad y cantidad de desoves”- Contrato Nº051-FINCyT-PIBAP-2009”, ejecutado en el Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE).
Se describe el método de observaciones in vivo de la madurez gonadal de Paralichthys adspersus. Las observaciones microscópicas de las gónadas se realizaron con muestras provenientes de las canulaciones intra-ováricas e intra-testiculares, se analizó y describió el desarrollo ovocitario y espermatogénico en individuos mantenidos en condiciones de laboratorio para determinar el estado de madurez gonadal y el momento adecuado para la inducción hormonal. Se interpreta el significado de la atresia ovocitaria en las gónadas de lenguado.
Se presenta la escala de madurez gonadal del lenguado Paralichthys adspersus, elaborada en base al análisis y procesamiento histológico de 96 ovarios y 66 testículos de ejemplares capturados en la costa central del Perú y mantenidos en cautiverio. Los ovarios fueron clasificados micro y macroscópicamente, teniendo en cuenta el desarrollo de gametos y gonadas en: virginal, reposo, en maduración, maduro, desovante y recuperación; y a los testículos en virginal, reposo, en maduración, maduro, expulsante y post expulsante. La comparación de las características macro y microscópicas de las gónadas de peces en cautiverio no mostraron ninguna diferencia con respecto a las gónadas de los peces en su ambiente natural.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Parasitología) UANL
In the present investigation the locomotor and the metabolic activity of Gymnostreptus olivaceus were studied, using 24-hr cycles at different photoperiods and constant temperature and RH. Locomotor activity was studied by the actography method and was reported as coefficients of nocturnalism [CN (N/N + D). 100]. The results showed a nocturnalism coefficient of 98,71% under normal photoperiod conditions and of 29,58% under inverted photoperiod conditions. In constant illumination, the CN of G. olivaceus was 88,22%, and in constant darkness, its rhythm was close to that of the normal photoperiod (CN = 94,92%). The metabolic activity was studied by manometric Warburg respirometry and lit was reported as mu l O-2 . g(-1). h(-1). The respiratory rate of G. olivaceus under normal photoperiod condition was higher at night than during the day (52,52 x 28,76), coinciding with the pattern of nocturnal locomotor activity of the animal. However, under conditions of inverted photoperiod, the millipede maintained its tendency toward a more intense nocturnal respiratory rate (50,35 x 39,14). Similar behaviours were observed under constant illumination and constant darkness, in which G. olivaceus again presented higher nocturnal respiratory rates than diurnal ones(85,84 x 53,48 and 73,18 x 57,0, respectively). The present experimental data suggests the persistence of an endogenous rhythm where the light may not be an important exogenous synchronizer of the activity of G. olivaceus, because it was insufficient to block the start of the biological clock and the natural tendency of higher nocturnal activities of millipedes, principally when the tests were performed in constant illumination or darkness (free-running tests).