977 resultados para PANORAMIC RADIOGRAPHS
Objectives. This study recorded and evaluated the intra-and inter-group agreement degree by different examiners for the classification of lower third molars according to both the Winter's and Pell & Gregory's systems. Study Design. An observational and cross-sectional study was realized with forty lower third molars analyzed from twenty digital panoramic radiographs. Four examiner groups (undergraduates, maxillofacial surgeons, oral radiologists and clinical dentists) from Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil, classified them in relation to angulation, class and position. The variance test (ANOVA) was applied in the examiner findings with significance level of p<0.05 and confidence intervals of 95%. Results. Intra- and inter-group agreement was observed in Winter's classification system among all examiners. Pell & Gregory's classification system showed an average intra-group agreement and a statistical significant difference to position variable in inter-group analysis with greater disagreement to the clinical dentists group (p<0.05). Conclusions. High reproducibility was associated to Winter's classification, whereas the system proposed by Pell & Gregory did not demonstrate appropriate levels of reliability.
This study was conducted to investigate the relationship among radiographic features observed on panoramic radiographs of sickle cell disease patients and analyze their relationship with history of systemic severity of the disease. Panoramic radiographs of 71 subjects with sickle cell disease were evaluated for the presence of the following radiographic bony alterations: radiopaque areas, increased spacing of bony trabeculae, horizontal arrangement of bony trabeculae and corticalization of mandibular canal. History of clinical systemic severity was assessed through direct questioning about the frequency of vaso-occlusive crisis, history of stroke, clinical jaundice, femur head necrosis, and leg ulceration. Chi-square or Fisher's exact test were applied in order to analyze possible associations between radiographic features and history of complications, with < 0.05 significance level. Increased spacing of bony trabeculae was statistically associated with absence of corticalization of mandibular canal ( < 0.01) and horizontal arrangement of bony trabeculae ( = 0.04). Statistically significant associations were demonstrated between history of clinical jaundice and presence of increased spacing of bony trabeculae ( = 0.02) and between history of stroke and presence of horizontal arrangement of bony trabeculae ( = 0.04). Based on the results of the current study, maxillofacial radiographic features may be associated with clinical parameters of systemic complications in sickle cell disease patients. The relationship between radiographic features and history of complications associated with clinical severity of sickle cell disease has not been demonstrated in the literature. Acknowledgment of such possible association may help establish prognosis and influence clinical treatment of systemic and oral complications.
The neurovascular bundle may be vulnerable during surgical procedures involving the mandible, especially when anatomical variations are present. Increased demand of implant surgeries, wider availability of three-dimensional exams, and lack of clear definitions in the literature indicate that features of anatomical variations should be revisited. The objective of the study was to evaluate features of anatomical variations related to mandibular canal (MC), such as bifid canals, anterior loop of mental nerve, and corticalization of MC. Additionally, bone trabeculation at the submandibular gland fossa region (SGF) was assessed and related to visibility of MC. Cone beam computed tomography exams from 100 patients (200 hemimandibles) were analyzed and the following parameters were registered: diameter and corticalization of MC; trabeculation in SGF region; presence of bifid MC, position of bifurcations, diameter, and direction of bifid canals; and measurement of anterior loops by two methods. Corticalization of the MC was observed in 59% of hemimandibles. In 23%, MC could be identified despite absence of corticalization. Diameter of MC was between 2.1 and 4 mm for nearly three quarters of the sample. In 80% of the sample trabeculation at the SGF was either decreased or not visible, and such cases showed correlation with absence of MC corticalization. Bifid MC affected 19% of the patients, mostly associated with additional mental foramina. Clinically significant anterior loop (> 2 mm of anterior extension) was observed in 22-28%, depending on the method. Our findings, together with previously reported limitations of conventional exams, draw attention to the unpredictability related to anatomical variations in neurovascularization, showing the contribution of individual assessment through different views of three-dimensional imaging prior to surgical procedures in the mandible.
Forensic age estimation is an important element of anthropological research, as it produces one of the primary sources of data that researchers use to establish the identity of a person living or the identity of unknown bodily remains. The aim of this study was to determine if the chronology of third molar mineralization could be an accurate indicator of estimated age in a sample Brazilian population. If so, mineralization could determine the probability of an individual being 18 years or older. The study evaluated 407 panoramic radiographs of males and females from the past 5 years in order to assess the mineralization status of the mandibular third molars. The evaluation was carried out using an adaptation of Demirjian's system. The results indicated a strong correlation between chronological age and the mineralization of the mandibular third molars. The results indicated that modern Brazilian generation tends to demonstrate an earlier mandibular third molar mineralization than older Brazilian generation and people of other nationalities. Males reached developmental stages slightly earlier than females, but statistically significant differences between the sex were not found. The probability that an individual with third molar mineralization stage H had reached an age of 18 years or older was 96.8-98.6% for males and females, respectively. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objectives: A wide variety of manifestations is presented in patients with Gaucher's disease (GD), including bone, haematology and visceral disturbances. This study was conducted to ascertain the main maxillofacial abnormalities by means of clinical survey, panoramic and cone beam CT (CBCT); to compare the patient's group with an age-sex matched control group; and to correlate clinical and radiological data. Methods: Ten patients previously diagnosed with GD were submitted to clinical and radiological surveys (CBCT and panoramic radiographs). The examination consisted of anamnesis, extra- and intraoral examinations and analyses of each patient's records. Imaging data were collected from the point of view of 3 observers, and the results compared with a healthy group (20 individuals) by means of statistical analysis (Fisher's exact test). Results: Gaucher patients had significantly more manifestations than otherwise healthy carriers. The most prevalent findings were enlarged marrow spaces, generalized osteopenia and effacement of jaw structures (mandibular canal, lamina dura and mental foramen). Here we describe a case in which thickening of the maxillary sinus mucosa was observed on CBCT rather than opacification of the sinus as seen on panoramic radiographs. Pathological fractures, root resorption and delay on tooth eruption were not observed. Conclusions: A poor relationship could be observed between clinical and radiological data. Patients showed important bone manifestations, which require careful diagnostic and surgical planning whenever necessary. Although panoramic radiographs have shown significant differences, CBCT is more effective in pointing out differences between patients and a control group, thus showing it as an important tool for evaluation of Gaucher patients. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2012) 41, 541-547. doi: 10.1259/dmfr/143023353
Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyse the use of digital tools for image enhancement of mandibular radiolucent lesions and the effects of this manipulation on the percentage of correct radiographic diagnoses. Methods: 24 panoramic radiographs exhibiting radiolucent lesions were selected, digitized and evaluated by non-experts (undergraduate and newly graduated practitioners) and by professional experts in oral diagnosis. The percentages of correct and incorrect diagnoses, according to the use of brightness/contrast, sharpness, inversion, highlight and zoom tools, were compared. All dental professionals made their evaluations without (T-1) and with (T-2) a list of radiographic diagnostic parameters. Results: Digital tools were used with low frequency mainly in T-2. The most preferred tool was sharpness (45.2%). In the expert group, the percentage of correct diagnoses did not change when any of the digital tools were used. For the non-expert group, there was an increase in the frequency of correct diagnoses when brightness/contrast was used in T-2 (p = 0.008) and when brightness/contrast and sharpness were not used in T-1 (p = 0.027). The use or non-use of brightness/contrast, zoom and sharpness showed moderate agreement in the group of experts [kappa agreement coefficient (kappa) = 0.514, 0.425 and 0.335, respectively]. For the non-expert group there was slight agreement for all the tools used (kappa <= 0.237). Conclusions: Consulting the list of radiographic parameters before image manipulation reduced the frequency of tool use in both groups of examiners. Consulting the radiographic parameters with the use of some digital tools was important for improving correct diagnosis only in the group of non-expert examiners. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2012) 41, 203-210. doi: 10.1259/dmfr/78567773
Abstract: Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (BRONJ) is characterized as exposed bone in the jaws for more than 8 weeks in patients with current or previous history of therapy with bisphosphonates (BPs) and no history of radiotherapy in the head and neck. We report a case series of 7 patients with BRONJ and analyze the variations of clinical and imaging signs, correlating them with the presence or absence of bone exposure. Among the patients, 6 were women and 1 was a man, aged 42–79 years. Five of the patients were using zoledronic acid and the other 2 alendronate. The use of BPs varied from 3 to 13 years. In 5 patients, tooth extraction was the triggering event of injuries. Panoramic radiographs and computed tomography (CT) were evaluated by a radiologist blinded to the cases. There were persistent unremodeled extraction socket even several months after tooth extraction in 3 of the cases that were consistent wit CT findings that also showed areas of osteosclerosis and osteolysis. Patients were treated according to the recommendations of the AAOMS, with surgical debridement and antibiotic coverage with amoxicillin in the symptomatic patients. The follow-up of these patients ranged from 8 to 34 months, with a good response to treatment. The image findings in this case series were not specific and showed no difference between each stages of BRONJ (AAOMS, 2009). The image features were similar in presence or absence of exposed bone.
OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were to describe the patterns of maxillary incisor angulation in patients with upper interincisive diastemas, to evaluate angulation changes with treatment and posttreatment period, and to assess whether there are association between incisor angulation and interincisive diastema relapse. METHODS: The sample comprised 30 Class I or Class II patients with at least one pretreatment anterior diastema of 0.77 mm or greater after eruption of maxillary permanent canines. Data were obtained from panoramic radiographs at pretreatment, posttreatment and at least 2 years post-retention. RESULTS: Incisors presented a mesial tipping tendency after treatment, but only lateral incisors showed significant changes between pre and posttreatment stages. CONCLUSION: Regarding post-retention period, no changes were found. Finally, no relation was found between diastema relapse and maxillary incisor axial angulation.
Abstract Objective. We assessed the relationships between (I) ultrasonography calcaneus T-scores (PIXI) and mandibular cortex characteristics on oral panoramic radiographs in older subjects; and (II) osteoporosis and periodontitis. Material and methods. We examined 778 subjects (53% women) aged 59-96 years. Periodontitis was defined by alveolar bone loss assessed from panoramic radiographs. Results. PIXI calcaneus T-values ?-2.5 (osteoporosis) were found in 16.3% of women and in 8.1% of men. PIXI calcaneus T-values <-1.6 (osteoporosis, adjusted) were found in 34.2% of women and in 21.4% of men. The age of the subjects and PIXI T-values were significantly correlated in women (Pearson's r = 0.37, P < 0.001) and men (Pearson's r = 0.19, P < 0.001). Periodontitis was found in 18.7% of subjects defined by alveolar bone level ?5 mm. Subjects with osteoporosis defined by adjusted PIXI T-values had fewer remaining teeth [mean difference 4.1, 95% confidence interval (CI) -1.1 to -6.5, P < 0.001]. The crude odds ratio (OR) of an association between the panoramic assessment of mandibular cortex erosions as a sign of osteoporosis and the adjusted T-value (T-value cut-off <-1.6) was 4.8 (95% CI 3.1-7.2, P < 0.001; Pearson ?(2) = 60.1, P < 0.001). A significant OR between osteoporosis and periodontitis was only found in women for the T-value cut-off ?-2.5 (crude OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.1-3.3, P < 0.03). Conclusions. An association between osteoporosis and periodontitis was only confirmed in women. The likelihood that the mandibular cortex index agrees with adjusted PIXI T-values is significant.
OBJECTIVES: This article describes reconstruction of the severely atrophic mandible using calvarial bone grafts for implant-supported prosthetic oral rehabilitation. The study aim was to evaluate the efficacy of the treatment by determining implant survival and complication rates, and the extent of the postoperative graft resorption. STUDY DESIGN: Ten patients who underwent the treatment were followed clinically and radiologically using panoramic radiographs and CT scans during a mean postoperative period of 30 months. RESULTS: Good bone healing was observable 6 months postoperatively. The height reduction measured on panoramic radiographs was insignificant (mean 0.68 mm). Only minor complications occurred. Implant survival was 95%. Prosthodontic treatment was successfully performed in all cases, resulting in an improvement of oral function. Histological analysis of 1 bone biopsy showed minimal resorptive changes in otherwise very dense bone. CONCLUSION: Augmentation using calvarial grafts is a promising treatment alternative for the severely atrophic mandible.
ABSTRACT Objective: To assess potential associations between maxillary canine impaction (MCI) and agenesis status as well as between MCI and gender. Materials and Methods: The records of 182 orthodontic patients with agenesis (excluding the third molars) and 630 orthodontic patients without agenesis were examined. Diagnosis of MCI was based on pretreatment panoramic radiographs. Maxillary canines that had not erupted as a result of physical barrier or deflection in the eruption path at the dental age of at least 12 years were considered impacted. Logistic regression analysis was used to test for the associations of interest. Results: MCI was detected in 5.6% (n = 35) of the nonagenesis group (28 female and 7 male participants) and in 18.1% (n = 33) of the agenesis group (20 female and 13 male participants). Bilateral impaction was detected in 12 patients (34.3%) of the nonagenesis group and in 11 patients (33.3%) of the agenesis group. There was evidence that maxillary lateral incisor agenesis (odds ratio = 5.1, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.5-10.5, P < .001) and second premolar agenesis (odds ratio = 2.6, 95% CI 1.0-6.6, P = .042) were significant MCI predictors after adjusting for gender. The odds of MCI were 69% higher in female versus male subjects after adjusting for agenesis status (95% CI 0.97-2.92, P = .063). Conclusions: This study indicates that there is evidence that agenesis status is a strong predictor of MCI, whereas gender is a weak predictor of MCI. Caution should be exercised in interpreting the results because of the observational nature of the present study.
Objective: To assess the prevalence of lateral incisor agenesis impacted canines and supernumerary teeth in a young adult male population. Materials and Methods: The panoramic radiographs of 1745 military students (mean age: 18.6 ± 0.52 years) who attended the Center of Aviation Medicine of the Armed Forces of Greece during the period 1997-2011 were initially analyzed for lateral incisor agenesis by two observers. After exclusion of the known orthodontic cases, a subgroup of 1636 examinees (mean age: 18.6 ± 0.44 years) was evaluated for canine impaction and supernumerary teeth. Results: Twenty-eight missing lateral incisors were observed in 22 military students, indicating an incidence of 1.3% in the investigated population. No lateral incisor agenesis was detected in the mandibular arch. A prevalence rate of 0.8% was determined for canine impaction in the sample of young adults. The majority of impacted teeth (86.7%) were diagnosed in the maxillary arch. Thirty-five supernumerary teeth were observed in 24 examinees (prevalence rate: 1.5%). The ratio of supernumerary teeth located in the maxilla versus the mandible was 2.2:1. The most common type of supernumerary tooth was the upper distomolar. Conclusion: The prevalence of lateral incisor agenesis, canine impaction, and supernumerary teeth ranged from 0.8 to 1.5% in the sample of male Greek military students.
OBJECTIVE To assess the maxillary second molar (M2) and third molar (M3) inclination following orthodontic treatment of Class II subdivision malocclusion with unilateral maxillary first molar (M1) extraction. MATERIALS AND METHODS Panoramic radiographs of 21 Class II subdivision adolescents (eight boys, 13 girls; mean age, 12.8 years; standard deviation, 1.7 years) before treatment, after treatment with extraction of one maxillary first molar and Begg appliances and after at least 1.8 years in retention were retrospectively collected from a private practice. M2 and M3 inclination angles (M2/ITP, M2/IOP, M3/ITP, M3/IOP), constructed by intertuberosity (ITP) and interorbital planes (IOP), were calculated for the extracted and nonextracted segments. Random effects regression analysis was performed to evaluate the effect on the molar angulation of extraction, time, and gender after adjusting for baseline measurements. RESULTS Time and extraction status were significant predictors for M2 angulation. M2/ITP and M2/IOP decreased by 4.04 (95% confidence interval [CI]: -6.93, 1.16; P = .001) and 3.67 (95% CI: -6.76, -0.58; P = .020) in the extraction group compared to the nonextraction group after adjusting for time and gender. The adjusted analysis showed that extraction was the only predictor for M3 angulation that reached statistical significance. M3 mesial inclination increased by 7.38° (95% CI: -11.2, -3.54; P < .001) and 7.33° (95% CI: -11.48, -3.19; P = .001). CONCLUSIONS M2 and M3 uprighting significantly improved in the extraction side after orthodontic treatment with unilateral maxillary M1 extraction. There was a significant increase in mesial tipping of maxillary second molar crowns over time.
Objectives: To assess narrowing of the inferior dental canal in the lower third molar regions using computed tomography (CT) and to determine the value of radiographic markers on rotational panoramic radiographs in assessing the true relationships of the inferior dental canal. Methods: Patients referred for CT assessment of impacted lower third molars were used in this study. The lower third molars were assessed using CT to determine the position and morphology of the inferior dental canal relative to the roots and the cortical plates. The radiographic markers on rotational panoramic radiographs were correlated with the CT findings when rotational panoramic radiographs were available. Results: The patients referred had 202 lower third molars. Inferior positioning of the inferior dental canal was the most common location on CT. Narrowing of the inferior dental canal was found in relation to the lower third molars in 66.8% of cases. The chance of narrowing of the inferior dental canal as shown using CT increased when at least one of the radiographic markers, superimposition, narrowing, deviation or reduction in density was present on the rotational panoramic radiograph. Deviation of the inferior dental canal on rotational panoramic radiographs was found to be the most significant predictor of narrowing of the inferior dental canal and a close relationship to the roots, as shown in CT. Conclusions: Narrowing of the inferior dental canal is a common finding when impacted lower third molars are assessed using CT. On rotational panoramic radiographs deviation of the inferior dental canal is the best predictor of narrowing of the inferior dental canal and a close relationship to the roots.
Association between the presence of an elongated styloid process, vascular calcification (atheroma) and the potential risk factor for osteoporosis was studied. Presence of an elongated styloid process was found to be correlated with systemic osteoporosis and also between elongated styloid process and atheroma. The association between the presences of an elongated styloid process and vascular calcification (atheroma) with the potential risk factor assessment for osteoporosis was studied. Bone mineral density obtained by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry diagnosed osteopenia/osteoporosis on at least two of three sites (column, hips, and forearm) of 50 female patients. Panoramic maxillomandibular radiographs were taken and analyzed. Elongation of the styloid processes was measured and the presence of atheromas in the carotid was investigated. Eighty percent of the patients presented at least one side with elongated styloid process and the highest prevalence (87.5%) occurred in individuals between 60 and 69 years. Atheroma was found in four patients, three of which presented elongated styloid on at least one side and had diagnosed osteoporosis on at least two of the evaluated sites. Correlation was found between the elongation of the styloid process and systemic osteoporosis, and between elongated styloid process and atheroma. The method in this study might be used as part of a method for osteopenia/osteoporosis and atheroma risk assessment.