135 resultados para P20


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Tese de dout., Biologia, Faculdade de Engenharia de Recursos Naturais, Univ. do Algarve, 2003


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Dissertação de mest., Engenharia Biológica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2011


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The need for better gene transfer systems towards improved risk=benefit balance for patients remains a major challenge in the clinical translation of gene therapy (GT). We have investigated the improvement of integrating vectors safety in combining (i) new short synthetic genetic insulator elements (GIE) and (ii) directing genetic integration to heterochromatin. We have designed SIN-insulated retrovectors with two candidate GIEs and could identify a specific combination of insulator 2 repeats which translates into best functional activity, high titers and boundary effect in both gammaretro (p20) and lentivectors (DCaro4) (see Duros et al, abstract ibid). Since GIEs are believed to shield the transgenic cassette from inhibitory effects and silencing, DCaro4 has been further tested with chimeric HIV-1 derived integrases which comprise C-ter chromodomains targeting heterochromatin through either histone H3 (ML6chimera) or methylatedCpGislands (ML10). With DCaro4 only and both chimeras, a homogeneous expression is evidenced in over 20% of the cells which is sustained over time. With control lentivectors, less than 2% of cells express GFP as compared to background using a control double-mutant in both catalytic and ledgf binding-sites; in addition, a two-times increase of expression can be induced with histone deacetylase inhibitors. Our approach could significantly reduce integration into open chromatin sensitive sites in stem cells at the time of transduction, a feature which might significantly decrease subsequent genotoxicity, according to X-SCIDs patients data.Work performed with the support of EC-DG research within the FP6-Network of Excellence, CLINIGENE: LSHB-CT-2006-018933


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Did the recent transition to liberal democracy in Eastern Europe consitute revolutions? Here, game theory is used to structure an explanation of institutional change proposed by Harold Innis (1950).


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Objetivo. Describir factores sociodemográficos, ocupacionales y extraocupacionales en un grupo de trabajadores tejedores del área de circulares, quienes operan máquinas marca Monarch en una Empresa Textil en Bogotá entre Octubre 2011 y Junio de 2012. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo. La población fueron trabajadores tejedores mayores de edad que presentan lesiones osteomusculares, que operan máquinas MONARCH en el Área de Circulares de una Empresa Textil en Bogotá. De 300 trabajadores, 150 presentaron síntomas, 94 cumplieron criterios de inclusión. Resultados: La edad mediana fue 41 años. La mayoría fue sexo masculino. La mayoría estuvo en el mismo cargo 6-10 años. Menos de la mitad reportó realizar actividad física y la mayoría tenía estado nutricional normal. La minoría consumía cigarrillo. Se encontró que el 68.1% presentó dolor lumbar. Se presentó en 72% una lesión osteomuscular. El dolor lumbar fue más frecuente entre 31-45 años. Conclusiones: La lesión osteomuscular más frecuente fue dolor lumbar. Se presentó con mayor frecuencia una sola lesión osteomuscular. La población no es homogénea lo que puede ser un sesgo para los resultados obtenidos para edad y presencia de lesiones osteomusculares. Los trabajadores realizaban actividad física en 40.9% ya usan bicicleta como medio de transporte. No se pudo establecer relación entre estado nutricional y lesiones osteomusculares. Los trabajadores desempeñan actividades que requieren posturas, manipulación de carga y movimientos repetitivos que son constantes en un mismo cargo lo que pude estar relacionado con presencia de lesiones osteomusculares. Sería importante realizar estudios que determinen factores protectores y de riesgo.


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Four different tool steel materials, P20, H13, M2 and D2, were nitrocarburised at 570°C in a fluidised bed furnace. The reactive diffusion of nitrogen and carbon into the various substrate microstructures is compared and related to the different alloy carbide distributions. The effect of carbon bearing gas (carbon dioxide, natural gas) on carbon absorption is reported, as well as its influence on compound layer growth and porosity. Partial reduction of Fe3O4 at the surface resulted in the formation of a complex, epsi-nitride containing oxide layer. In H13, carbon was deeply absorbed throughout the entire diffusion zone, affecting the growth of grain boundary cementite, nitrogen diffusivity and the sharpness of the compound layer: diffusion zone interface. When natural gas was used, carbon became highly concentrated in the compound layer, while surface decarburisation occurred with carbon dioxide. These microstructural effects are discussed in relation to hardness profiles, and compound layer hardness and ductility. The surfaces were characterised using glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy, optical and scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction.


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Today a major responsibility for the contamination of soil and groundwater and surface water are establishments known as gas stations of fuel which has attracted increasing attention from both the general population as the state agencies of environmental control due to leaks in storage tanks and mainly to disruption of pipe corrosion of tanks and pumping. Other services, like oil changes and car wash are also causes for concern in this type of establishment. These leaks can cause or waste produced, and the contamination of aquifers, serious health problems and public safety, since most of these stations located in urban areas. Based on this, the work was to evaluate soil contamination of a particular service station and fuel sales in the city of Natal, through the quantification of heavy metals like Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn of total organic carbon (TOC) and organic matter using different techniques such as optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma source (ICP OES), Total Organic Carbon analyzer and gravimetric analysis respectively. And also to characterize the soil through particle size analysis. Samples were taken in 21 georeferenced points and collected in the same period. The soils sampled in sampling stations P3, P5, P6, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P17, P18 and P20 showed the smallest size fractions ranging from fine sand to medium sand. The other study sites ranged from fine sand to medium sand, except the point P8 showed that only the type size medium sand and P19, indicating a particle size of the coarse type. The small correlation of organic matter with the elements studied in this work suggests that these are not of anthropogenic origin but geochemical support


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da técnica de oscilação oral de alta freqüência (com o aparelho Shaker), aplicada em diferentes pressões expiratórias (PE), sobre a função autonômica e parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios. Foram coletados dados de 20 voluntários jovens saudáveis (21,6±1,3 anos), que permaneceram em repouso inicial por 10 minutos e, em seguida, fizeram três séries de dez expirações no aparelho (com intervalo de descanso de 2 minutos entre as séries) em três diferentes PE - pressão livre (PL), de 10 (P10) e de 20 (P20) cmH2O - permanecendo por mais 10 minutos em repouso final. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente, com nível de significância de 5%. Após a aplicação da técnica, constatou-se diferença significante nos índices de variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca em PL e um aumento significante na pressão arterial sistólica em P20. Na pressão arterial diastólica, freqüência respiratória e saturação periférica de oxigênio não foram encontradas diferenças antes, durante e após a técnica, nas diferentes PE. A percepção do esforço aumentou significantemente ao longo das séries em PL e P20 e entre P10 e P20 em cada série. A freqüência cardíaca (FC) aumentou e diminuiu em sincronia com os movimentos de inspiração e expiração, respectivamente. Foram observadas modificações na modulação autonômica do coração em PL. A aplicação da técnica nessa população, nas diferentes PE analisadas, promoveu modificações no comportamento da FC, no esforço percebido e, em PL, na modulação autonômica do coração.


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Cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization and weight loss were investigated in periadolescent Wistar rats kept with their mothers or subjected to repeated maternal separation. Litters allocated to the separation procedure were placed in a temperature-controlled (33ºC) chamber for 3 h per day from postnatal day 6 (P6) to P20. Non-handled rats were left undisturbed until weaning. Treatments were started on P30-31 and the test was performed on P36-37. Animals received injections of saline or cocaine (10 mg/kg, sc) twice daily for 5 days. on day 6 all animals received saline. on day 7 animals were challenged with 10 mg/kg cocaine and their locomotion was evaluated in activity cages. A third group received saline throughout the 7-day period. Body weights were recorded on P30-31 and P36-37. Two-way ANOVA on body weights showed a main effect of treatment group (F(1,35) = 10.446, P = 0.003; N = 10-12). Non-handled rats treated with cocaine for 5 days gained significantly less weight, while no significant effect was observed in maternally separated rats. Two-way ANOVA revealed a main effect of drug treatment on locomotor activity (F(2,32) = 15.209, P<0.001; N = 6-8), but not on rearing condition (F(1,32)<0.001, P = 0.998). Animals pretreated with cocaine showed a clear behavioral sensitization relative to the saline group. No difference in the magnitude of sensitization was found between separated and non-handled animals. Only the effect of cocaine on weight gain was significantly affected by repeated episodes of early maternal separation during the pre-weaning period.


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The stimulation of motor learning is an important component to a rehabilitation and type of practice used is de basic importance to Physiotherapy. The motor skills are the types more basic of behavior that subjects must acquire throughout its lives and observational learning one of forms for its acquisition. Objective: This study aimed to compare performance of patients post- stroke on test of recognition of activities of day life using self-controlled and externally determined practice. Intervention: Forty subjects had been evaluated, 20 stroke patients (the mean age was 57,9?}6,7 years, schooling 6,7?}3,09 years and time of injury 23,4?}17,2 months) and 20 health subjects (the mean age 55,4?}5,9 years and schooling 8?}3,7 years). All was evaluated about independence functional (FIM) and cognitive state (MMSE), and patients were also evaluated about neurologic state (NIHSS). Later, all realized a recognition of activities of day life test (drink water and speak to telephone) on self-controlled (PAUTO and CAUTO) and externally determined (P20 and C20) frequency. The stroke subjects also were examined for a three-dimensional system of kinematic analysis, when they have drink water. The statistic analysis was realized for chi-square and t Student tests. Results: This was not difference, about number of rightness, between groups of self-controlled and externally determined practice (p0,005), and also not between patients and control groups (p0,005). Patients mean velocity (PAUTO: 141,1mm/sec and P20: 141,6mm/sec) and peak velocity (PAUTO: 652,1mm/sec and P20: 598,6mm/sec) were reduced, as well as the angles reached for elbow (PAUTO: 66,60 and 124,40; P20: 66,30 and 128,50 extension e flexion respectively) regarding literature. Conclusions: The performance on recognition of activities of day life test was similar between on self-controlled and externally determined frequency, showing both technique may be used to stimulate motor learning on chronic patients after stroke


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INTRODUÇÃO: A utilização correta de um plasma-controle para a comparação com o plasma do paciente nos testes de coagulação é fundamental para a garantia de um resultado seguro dessas provas laboratoriais. OBJETIVO: O presente estudo analisou a viabilidade do uso de um pool de plasma caseiro, realizado com cinco (P5) e 20 (P20) amostras a partir de pacientes normais, para ser utilizado como controle normal do tempo de tromboplastina parcial (TTP). MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Os dois pools de plasma caseiro foram analisados em relação a um controle normal comercial (AP). Foram 10 dias de experimento e a cada dia os dois pools caseiro eram feitos. Para cada dia foi feito o TTP de P5, P20 e AP. Todos os pacientes com solicitação de TTP, em cada dia do experimento, tiveram a relação de tempos (R) determinada frente a P5, P20 e AP. As ferramentas estatísticas utilizadas foram média (X), análise de variância e teste de Tukey. RESULTADOS: A análise estatística demonstrou que os valores de TTP são significativamente diferentes entre AP e P5 e entre AP e P20, mas não há diferença significativa entre P5 e P20. Quando a relação de tempos foi analisada, não houve diferença significativa entre AP, P5 e P20. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo demonstrou que pode ser utilizado como controle normal um pool de plasma caseiro, feito a partir de cinco ou 20 amostras.


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Introduction: The prothrombin time (PT) test is commonly used to monitor anticoagulant levels in patients undergoing oral anticoagulant therapy. Currently, anticoagulation levels have been assessed through the international normalized ratio (INR) value. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine if inhouse preparations of polled plasma, containing five (P5) and 20 (P20) samples, respectively, may be used as normal control of PT and to assess its interference in INR values. Material and methods: The experiment was performed in 32 days. Both polled plasma preparations were analyzed in comparison with a commercial control (PC). PT was performed for PC, P5 and P20 daily and the INR value for PC, P5 and P20 was assessed in patients undergoing oral anticoagulant therapy. The applied statistical tools were mean value (X), analysis of variance and Tukey test. Results: There were no statiscally significant differences in PT and INR for PC, P5 and P20. Conclusion: In-house polled plasma (P5 and P20) may be applied as normal control of PT and it does not interfere in the INR value.


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