999 resultados para P. fluorescens


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The application of plant-beneficial pseudomonads provides a promising alternative to chemical pest management in agriculture. The fact that Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 and Pf-5, both well-known biocontrol agents of fungal root diseases, exhibit also potent insecticidal activity is of particular interest, as these plant-beneficial bacteria naturally colonize the rhizosphere of important crop plants. Insecticidal activity in these strains depends on a novel locus encoding the production of a protein toxin termed Fit (for P. fluorescens insecticidal toxin). To gain a better understanding of the ecological relevance of the Pseudomonas anti-insect activity, we have begun to investigate the occurrence and molecular diversity of the Fit toxin genes among root-associated pseudomonads. To this end, we have screened a large world-wide collection of fluorescent Pseudomonas sp. isolated from the roots of different plant species using molecular fingerprinting techniques. The strains are already well characterized for exoproduct patterns and disease-suppressive ability and are currently being tested for insecticidal activity in a greater wax moth larvae assay system.


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Thousands of chemical compounds enter the natural environment but many have unknown effects and consequences, in particular at low concentrations. This thesis work contributes to our understanding of pollution effects by using bacteria as test organisms. Bacteria are important for this question because some of them degrade and transform pollutants into less harmful compounds, but secondly because they themselves can be inhibited in their reproduction by exposure to toxic compounds. When inhibitory effects occur this may change the composition of the microbial com¬munity in the long run, leading to altered or diminished ecosystem services by those communities. As a result chemicals of anthropogenic origin may accumulate and per¬sist in the environment, and finally, affect higher organisms as well. In addition to acquiring basic understanding of pollutant effects at low concentrations on bacterial communities an applied goal of this thesis work was to develop bacteria-based tests to screen new organic chemicals for toxicity and biodégradation. In the first part of this work we developed a flow cytometry-based assay on SYT09 plus ethidium-bromide or propidium-iodide stained cells of Pseudomonas ûuorescens exposed or not to a variety of pollutants under oligotrophic growth conditions. Flow cytometry (FC) allows fast and accurate counting of bacterial cells under simul¬taneous assessment of their physiological state, in particular in combination with different fluorescent dyes. Here we employed FC and fluorescent dyes to monitor the effect that pollutants may exert on Pseudomonas ûuorescens SV3. First we designed an oligotrophic growth test, which enabled us to follow population growth at low densities (104 - 10 7 cells per ml) using 0.1 mM sodium acetate as carbon source. Cells in the oligotrophic milieu were then exposed or not to a variety of common pollutants, such as 2-chlorobiphenyl (2CBP), naphthalene (NAH), 4-chlorophenol (4CP), tetradecane (TD), mercury chloride (HgCl2) or benzene, in different dosages. Exposed culture samples were stained with SYT09 (green fluorescent dye binding nucleic acids, generally staining all cells) in combination with propidium iodide (PI) or ethidium bromide (EB), both dyes being membrane integrity indicators. We ob- served that most of the tested compounds decreased population growth in a dosage- dependent manner. SYT09/PI or SYT09/EB staining then revealed that chemical exposure led to arisal of subpopulations of live and injured or dead cells. By modeling population growth on the total cell numbers in population or only the subpopulation of live cells we inferred that even in stressed populations live cells multiply at rates no different to unexposed controls. The net decrease in population growth would thus be a consequence of more and more cells being not able to multiply at all, rather than all cells multiplying at slower rates. In addition, the proportion of injured cells correlated to the compound dosage. We concluded that the oligotrophic test may be useful to asses toxicity of unknown chemicals on a variety of model bacteria. Mul¬tiple tests can be run in parallel and effects are rapidly measured within a period of 8 hours. Interestingly, in the same exposure tests with P. fluorescens SV3 we observed that some chemicals which did not lead to a reduction of net population growth rates did cause measurable effects on live cells. This was mainly observed in cells within the live subpopulation as an increase of the EB fluorescence signal. We showed that SYT09/EB is a more useful combination of dyes than SYT09/PI because PI fluorescence tend to increase only when cells are effectively dead, but not so much in live cells (less then twofold). In contrast, EB geometric mean fluorescence in live cells increased up to eightfold after exposure to toxic compounds. All compounds even at the lowest concentration caused a measurable increase in EB geometric mean fluorescence especially after 2 h incubation time. This effect was found to be transient for cells exposed to 2CBP and 4CP, but chronic for cells incubated with TD and NAH (ultimately leading to cell death). In order to understand the mechanism underlying the observed effects we used known membrane or energy uncouplers. The pattern of EB signal increase in chemical-exposed populations resembled mostly that of EDTA, although EB fluorescence in EDTA-treated or pasteurized cells was even higher than after exposure to the four test chemicals. We conclude that the ability of cells to efflux EB under equilibrium conditions is an appropriate measure for the potential of a chemical to exert toxicity. Since most bacterial species possess efflux systems for EB that all require cellular energy, our test should be more widely relevant to infer toxicity effects of chemical exposure on the physiological status of the bacterial cell. To better understand the effect of toxicant exposure on efflux defense systems, we studied 2-hydroxybiphenyl toxicity to Pseudomonas azeiaica HBP1. We showed that 2-HBP exerts toxicity even to P. azelaica HBP1, but only at concentrations higher than 0.5 mM. Above this concentration transient loss of membrane polarization and integrity occurred, which we conclude from staining of growing cells with fluorescent dyes. Cells finally recover and resume growth on 2HBP. The high resistance of P. azelaica HBP1 to 2-HBP was found to be the result of an efficient MexABOprM- type efflux pump system counteracting passive influx of this compound into the membrane and cellular interior. Mutants with disrupted mexA, mexB and oprM genes did no longer grow on 2-HBP at concentrations above 100 μΜ, whereas below this concentration we found 2-HBP-concentration dependent decrease of growth rate. The MexAB-OprM system in P. azeiaica HBP1 is indeed an efflux pump for ethidium bromide as well. By introducing gfp reporter fusions responsive to intracellular 2- HBP concentrations into HBP1 wild-type or the mutants we demonstrated that 2HBP enters into the cells in a similar way. In contrast, the reporter system in the wild-type cells does not react to 2-HBP at an outside concentration of 2.4 μΜ, whereas in mutant cells it does. This suggests that wild-type cells pump 2-HBP to the outside very effectively preventing accumulation of 2-HBP. 2HBP metabolism, therefore, is not efficient enough to lower the intracellular concentration and prevent toxicity. We conclude that P. azelaica HBP1 resistance to 2-HBP is mainly due to an efficient efflux system and that 2HBP in high concentrations exerts narcotic effects on the bacterial membrane. In the part of this thesis, we investigated the possibilities of bacteria to degrade pollutants at low concentrations (1 mg per L and below). As test components we used 2-hydroxybiphenyl, antibiotics and a variety of fragrances, many of which are known to be difficult to biodegrade. By using accurate counting of low numbers of bacterial cells we could demonstrate that specific growth on these compounds is possible. We demonstrated the accuracy of FC counting at low cell numbers (down to 103 bacterial cells per ml). Then we tested whether bacterial population growth could be specifically monitored at the expense of low substrate concentrations, us¬ing P. azelaica HBP1. A perfect relationship was found between growth rate, yield and 2-HBP concentrations in the range of 0.1 up to 5 mg per L. Mixing P. azelaica within sludge, however, suggested that growth yields in a mixed community can be much lower than in pure culture, perhaps because of loss of metabolic intermediates. We then isolated new strains from activated sludge using 2-HBP or antibiotics (Nal, AMP, SMX) at low concentrations (0.1-1 mg per L) as sole carbon and energy sub¬strate and PAO microdishes. The purified strains were then examined for growth on their respective substrate, which interestingly, showed that all strains can not with¬stand higher than 1 or 10 mg per L concentrations of target substrate. Thus, bacteria must exist that contribute to compound degradation at low pollutant concentrations but are inhibited at higher concentrations. Finally we tested whether specific biomass growth (in number of cells) at the expense of pollutants can also be detected with communities as starting material. Hereto, we focused on a number of fragrance chemicals and measured community biomass increase by flow cytometry cell counting on two distinct starter communities: (i) diluted Lake Geneva water, and dilute activated sludge from a wastewater treatment plant. We observed that most of the test compounds indeed resulted in significant biomass increase in the starter community compared to a no-carbon added control, but activated sludge and lake Geneva water strongly differed (almost mutually ex¬clusive) in their capacity to degrade the test chemicals. In two cases for activated sludge the same type of microbial community developed upon compound exposure, as concluded from transcription fragment length polymorphism analysis on community purified and PCR amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments. To properly test compound biodegradability it is thus important to use starter communities of different origin. We conclude that FC counting can be a valuable tool to screen chemicals for their biodegradability and toxicity. - Des milliers de produits chimiques sont libérés dans l'environnement mais beaucoup ont des effets inconnus, en particulier à basses concentrations. Ce travail de thèse contribue à notre comprehension des effets de la pollution en utilisant des bacteries comme des organismes-tests. Les bacteries sont importantes pour etudier cette ques¬tion car certaines d'entre elles peuvent degrader ou transformer les polluants, mais également parce qu'elles-mmes peuvent tre inhibees dans leur reproduction après avoit ete exposees à ces composes toxiques. Quand des effets inhibiteurs ont lieu, la composition de la communauté microbienne peut tre changee à long terme, ce qui mène à une reduction du service d'ecosystème offert par ces communautés. En consequence, après leur liberation dans l'environnement, les produits chimiques d'origine anthropogenique peuvent soit s'y accumuler et per¬sister, exerant ainsi des effets encore inconnus sur les organismes vivants. En plus d'acquérir des connaissances de base sur les effets des polluants à basses concentra¬tions sur les communautés microbiennes, un but applique de cette thèse était de développer des tests bases sur les bacteries afin d'identifier de nouveau composes pour leur toxicité ou leur biodégradation. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons developpe un test base sur la cytometrie de flux (FC) sur des cellules de Pseudomonas fluorescens colorees par du bromure d'ethidium ou de l'iodure de propidium et exposees ou non à une palette de polluants sous des conditions de croissance oligotrophique. La cytometrie de flux est une technique qui connaît de nombreuses applications dans la microbiologie environ¬nementale. Cela est principalement du au fait qu'elle permet un comptage rapide et precis ainsi que l'évaluation de l'état physiologique, en particulier lorsqu'elle est combinée h des colorations fluorescentes. Ici, nous avons utilise la technique FC et des colorants fluorescents afin de mesurer l'effet que peuvent exercer certains pollu¬ants sur Pseudomonas ûuorescens SV3 . D'abord nous avons conu des tests oligo- trophiques qui nous permettent de suivre la croissance complète de cellules en culture h des densites faibles (104 -10 7 cellules par ml), sur de l'acetate de sodium à 0.1 mM, en presence ou absence de produits chimiques (2-chlorobiphenyl (2CBP), naphthalène (NAH), 4-chlorophenol (4CP), tetradecane (TD), chlorure de mercure(II) (HgCl2)) à différentes concentrations. Afin de montrer le devenir des bacteries tant au niveau de la cellule individuelle que celui de la population globale, après exposition à des series de composes chimiques, nous avons compte les cellules colorees avec du SYT09 (col¬orant fluorescent vert des acides nucléiques pour la discrimination des cellules par rapport au bruit de fond) en combinaison avec l'iodure de propidium (PI) ou le bromure d'ethidium (EB), indicateurs de l'intégrité de la membrane cellulaire avec FC. Nous avons observe que de nombreux composes testes avaient un effet sur la croissance bacterienne, resultant en une baisse du taux de reproduction de la po¬ulation. En outre, la double coloration que nous avons utilisee dans cette etude SYT09/PI ou SYT09/EB a montre que les produits chimiques testes induisaient une reponse heterogène des cellules dans la population, divisant celle-ci en sous- populations "saine", "endommagee" ou "morte". Les nombres de cellules à partir du comptage et de la proportion de celles "saines" et "endommagees/mortes" ont ensuite ete utilises pour modeliser la croissance de P. ûuorescens SV3 exposee aux produits chimiques. La reduction nette dans la croissance de population est une consequence du fait que de plus en plus de cellules sont incapables de se reproduire, plutt que du fait d'une croissance plus lente de l'ensemble de la population. De plus, la proportion de cellules endommagees est correllee au dosage du compose chimique. Les résultats obtenus nous ont permis de conclure que le test oligotrophique que nous avons developpe peut tre utilise pour l'évaluation de la toxicité de produits chimiques sur différents modèles bacteriens. Des tests multiples peuvent tre lances en parallèle et les effets sont mesures en l'espace de huit heures. Par ailleurs, nous en déduisons que les produits chimiques exercént un effet sur la croissance des cellules de P. ûuorescens SV3, qui est heterogène parmi les cellules dans la population et depend du produit chimique. Il est intéressant de noter que dans les mmes tests d'exposition avec P. ûuorescens SV3, nous avons observe que certains composes qui n'ont pas conduit à une reduction du taux de la croissance nette de la population, ont cause des effets mesurables sur les cellule saines. Ceci a ete essentiellement observe dans la portion "saine" des cellules en tant qu'augmentation du signal de la fluorescence de 1ΈΒ. D'abord nous avons montre que SYT09/EB était une com¬binaison de colorants plus utile que celle de SYT09/PI parce que la fluorescence du PI a tendance à augmenter uniquement lorsque les cellules sont effectivement mortes, et non pas dans les cellules saines (moins de deux fois plus). Par opposi¬tion, la fluorescence moyenne de l'EB dans les cellules saines augmente jusqu'à huit fois plus après exposition aux composes toxiques. Tous les composes, mme aux plus basses concentrations, induisent une augmentation mesurable de la fluorescence moy¬enne de 1ΈΒ, plus particulièrement après deux heures d'incubation. Cet effet s'est revele tre transitoire pour les cellules exposees aux 2CNP et 4CP, mais est chro¬nique pour les cellules incubees avec le TD et le NAH (entranant la mort cellulaire). Afin de comprendre les mécanismes qui sous-tendent les effets observes, nous avons utilise des decoupleurs d'energie ou de membrane. L'augmentation du signal EB dans les populations causee par des produits chimiques ressemblait à celle exerce par le chelateur des ions divalents EDTA. Cependant, les intensités du signal EB des cellules exposees aux produits chimiques testees n'ont jamais atteint les valeurs des cellules traitees avec l'EDTA ou pasteurises. Nous en concluons que le test oli- gotrophique utilisant la coloration (SYT09/)EB des cellules exposees ou non à un produit chimique est utile afin d'evaluer l'effet toxique exerce par les polluants sur la physiologie bacterienne. Afin de mieux comprendre la reaction d'un système de defense par pompe à efflux après exposition à une toxine, nous avons étudié la toxicité du 2-hydroxybiphenyl (2-HBP) sur Pseudomonas azeiaica HBP1. Nous avons montre que le 2-HBP exerce une toxicité mme sur HBP1, mais uniquement à des concentrations su©rieures à 0.5 mM. Au-dessus de cette concentration, des pertes transitoires d'intégrité et de polarization membranaire ont lieu, comme cela nous a ete montre par coloration des cellules en croissance. Les cellules sont finalement capables de se rétablir et de reprendre leur croissance sur 2-HBP. La forte resistance de P. azeiaica HBP1 h 2-HBP physiologie bacterienne s'est revele tre le résultat d'un système de pompe h efflux de type MexABOprM qui contre-balance l'influx passif de ce compose h travers la membrane. Nous avons montre, en construisant des mutants avec des insertions dans les gènes mexA, mexB and oprM et des fusions avec le gène rapporteur gfp, que l'altération de n'importe quelle partie du système d'efflux conduisait à accroître l'accumulation de 2-HBP dans la cellule, en comparaison avec la souche sauvage HBP1, provoquant une diminution de la resistance au 2-HBP ainsi qu'une baisse du taux de reproduction des cellules. Des systèmes d'efflux similaires sont répandus chez de nombreuses es¨ces bactériennes. Ils seraient responsables de la resistance aux produits chimiques tels que les colorants fluorescents (bromure d'ethidium) et des antibiotiques. Nous concluons que la resistance de P. azelaica HBP1 à 2-HBP est principalement due à un système d'efflux efficace et que 2-HBP, à des concentrations elevees, exerce un effet deletère sur la membrane bacterienne. En se basant sur le comptage des cellules avec la FC, nous avons developpe ensuite une methode pour evaluer la biodegradabilite de polluants tels que le 2-HBP ainsi que les antibiotiques (acide nalidixique (Nal), ampicilline (AMP) ou sulfamethoxazole (SMX)) à de faibles concentrations lmg par L et moins), par le suivi de la croissance s©cifique sur le compose de cultures microbiennes pures et mixtes. En utilisant un comptage precis de faibles quantités de cellules nous avons pu demontrer que la croissance s©cifique sur ces composes est possible. Nous avons pu illustrer la precision du comptage par cytometrie de flux à faible quantité de cellules (jusqu'à 10 3 cellules par ml). Ensuite, nous avons teste s'il était possible de suivre dynamiquement la croissance de la population de cellules sur faibles concentrations de substrats, en utilisant P. azelaica HBP1. Une relation parfaite a ete trouvee entre le taux de croissance, le rendement et les concentrations de 2-HBP (entre 0.1 et 5 mg par L). En mélangeant HBP1 à de la boue active, nous avons pu montrer que le rendement en communauté mixtes pouvait tre bien inférieur qu'en culture pure. Ceci étant peut tre le résultat d'une perte d'intermédiaires métaboliques. Nous avons ensuite isole de nouvelles souches à partir de la boue active en utilisant le 2-HBP ou des antibiotiques (Nal, AMP, SMX) h basses concentrations (0.1-1 mg par L) comme seules sources de carbone et d'energie. En combinaison avec ceci, nous avons également utilise des microplaques PAO. Les souches purifiees ont ensuite ete examinees pour leurs croissances sur leurs substrats respectifs. De faon intéressante, toutes ces souches ont montre qu'elles ne pouvaient pas survivre à des concentrations de substrats su©rieures à 1 ou 10 mg par L. Ainsi, il existe des bacteries qui contribuent à la degradation de composes à basses concentrations de polluant mais sont inhibes lorsque ces concentrations deviennent plus hautes. Finalement, nous avons cherche à savoir s'il est possible de detecter une croissance s©cifique à une biomasse au depend d'un polluant, en partant d'une communauté microbienne. Ainsi, nous nous sommes concentre sur certains composes et avons mesure l'augmentation de la biomasse d'une communauté grce à la cytometrie de flux. Nous avons compte deux communautés de depart distinctes: (i) une dilution d'eau du Lac Léman, et une dilution de boue active d'une station d'épuration. Nous avons observe que la plupart des composes testes ont entrane une augmentation de la biomasse de depart par rapport au control sans addition de source de carbone. Néanmoins, les échantillons du lac Léman et de la station d'épuration différaient largement (s'excluant mutuellement l'un l'autre) dans leur capacité à degrader les composes chimiques. Dans deux cas provenant de la station d'épuration, le mme type de communauté microbienne s'est developpe après exposition aux composes, comme l'a démontré l'analyse TRFLP sur les fragments d'ARN 16S purifie de la communauté et amplifie par PCR. Afin de tester correctement la biodegradabilite d'un compose, il est donc important d'utiliser des communautés de depart de différentes origines Nous en concluons que le comptage par cytometrie de flux peut tre un outil de grande utilité pour mettre en valeur la biodegradabillite et la toxicité des composes chimiques.


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A few bacterial species are known to produce and excrete hydrogen cyanide (HCN), a potent inhibitor of cytochrome c oxidase and several other metalloenzymes. In the producer strains, HCN does not appear to have a role in primary metabolism and is generally considered a secondary metabolite. HCN synthase of proteobacteria (especially fluorescent pseudomonads) is a membrane-bound flavoenzyme that oxidizes glycine, producing HCN and CO2. The hcnABC structural genes of Pseudomonas fluorescens and P. aeruginosa have sequence similarities with genes encoding various amino acid dehydrogenases/oxidases, in particular with nopaline oxidase of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Induction of the hcn genes of P. fluorescens by oxygen limitation requires the FNR-like transcriptional regulator ANR, an ANR recognition sequence in the -40 region of the hcn promoter, and nonlimiting amounts of iron. In addition, expression of the hcn genes depends on a regulatory cascade initiated by the GacS/GacA (global control) two-component system. This regulation, which is typical of secondary metabolism, manifests itself during the transition from exponential to stationary growth phase. Cyanide produced by P. fluorescens strain CHA0 has an ecological role in that this metabolite accounts for part of the biocontrol capacity of strain CHA0, which suppresses fungal diseases on plant roots. Cyanide can also be a ligand of hydrogenases in some anaerobic bacteria that have not been described as cyanogenic. However, in this case, as well as in other situations, the physiological function of cyanide is unknown.


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The minimal replicon of the Pseudomonas plasmid pVS1 was genetically defined and combined with the Escherichia coli p15A replicon, to provide a series of new, oligocopy cloning vectors (5.3 to 8.3 kb). Recombinant plasmids derived from these vectors were stable in growing and nongrowing cells of root-colonizing P. fluorescens strains incubated under different environmental conditions for more than 1 month.


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BACKGROUND: Small RNAs (sRNAs) are widespread among bacteria and have diverse regulatory roles. Most of these sRNAs have been discovered by a combination of computational and experimental methods. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a ubiquitous Gram-negative bacterium and opportunistic human pathogen, the GacS/GacA two-component system positively controls the transcription of two sRNAs (RsmY, RsmZ), which are crucial for the expression of genes involved in virulence. In the biocontrol bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, three GacA-controlled sRNAs (RsmX, RsmY, RsmZ) regulate the response to oxidative stress and the expression of extracellular products including biocontrol factors. RsmX, RsmY and RsmZ contain multiple unpaired GGA motifs and control the expression of target mRNAs at the translational level, by sequestration of translational repressor proteins of the RsmA family. RESULTS: A combined computational and experimental approach enabled us to identify 14 intergenic regions encoding sRNAs in P. aeruginosa. Eight of these regions encode newly identified sRNAs. The intergenic region 1698 was found to specify a novel GacA-controlled sRNA termed RgsA. GacA regulation appeared to be indirect. In P. fluorescens CHA0, an RgsA homolog was also expressed under positive GacA control. This 120-nt sRNA contained a single GGA motif and, unlike RsmX, RsmY and RsmZ, was unable to derepress translation of the hcnA gene (involved in the biosynthesis of the biocontrol factor hydrogen cyanide), but contributed to the bacterium's resistance to hydrogen peroxide. In both P. aeruginosa and P. fluorescens the stress sigma factor RpoS was essential for RgsA expression. CONCLUSION: The discovery of an additional sRNA expressed under GacA control in two Pseudomonas species highlights the complexity of this global regulatory system and suggests that the mode of action of GacA control may be more elaborate than previously suspected. Our results also confirm that several GGA motifs are required in an sRNA for sequestration of the RsmA protein.


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Les pressions écologiques peuvent varier tant en nature qu'en intensité dans le temps et l'espace. C'est pourquoi, un phénotype unique ne peut pas forcément conférer la meilleure valeur sélective. La plasticité phénotypique peut être un moyen de s'accommoder de cette situation, en augmentant globalement la tolérance aux changements environnementaux. Comme pour tout trait de caractère, une variation génétique doit persister pour qu'évoluent les traits plastiques dans une population donnée. Cependant, les pressions extérieures peuvent affecter l'héritabilité, et la direction de ces changements peut dépendre du caractère en question, de l'es¨ce mais aussi du type de stress. Dans la présente thèse, nous avons cherché à élucider les effets des pressions pathogéniques sur les phénotypes et la génétique quantitative de plusieurs traits plastiques chez les embryons de deux salmonidés, la palée (Coregonus palaea), et la truite de rivière (Salmo trutta). Les salmonidés se prêtent à de telles études du fait de leur extraordinaire variabilité morphologique, comportementale et des traits d'histoire de vie. Par ailleurs, avec le déclin des salmonidés dans le monde, il est important de savoir combien la variabilité génétique persiste dans les normes de réaction afin d'aider à prédire leur capacité à répondre aux changements de leur milieu. Nous avons observé qu'une augmentation de la croissance des communautés microbiennes symbiotiques entraînait une mortalité accrue et une éclosion précoce chez la palée, et dévoilait la variance génétique additive pour ces deux caractères (Chapitres 1-2). Bien qu'aucune variation génétique n'ait été trouvée pour les normes de réaction, nous avons observé une variabilité de la plasticité d'éclosion. Néanmoins, on a trouvé que les temps d'éclosion étaient corrélés entre les environnements, ce qui pourrait limiter l'évolution de la norme de réaction. Le temps d'éclosion des embryons est lié à la taille des géniteurs mâles, ce qui indique des effets pléiotropiques. Dans le Chapitre 3, nous avons montré qu'une interaction triple entre la souche bactérienne {Pseudomonas fluorescens}, l'état de dévelopement de l'hôte ainsi que ses gènes ont une influence sur la mortalité, le temps d'éclosion et la taille des alevins de la palée. Nous avons démontré qu'une variation génétique subsistait généralement dans les normes de réaction des temps d'éclosion, mais rarement pour la taille des alevins, et jamais pour la mortalité. Dans le même temps, nous avons exhibé que des corrélations entre environnements dépendaient des caractères phénotypiques, mais contrairement au Chapitre 2, nous n'avons pas trouvé de preuve de corrélations transgénérationnelles. Le Chapitre 4 complète le chapitre précédent, en se plaçant du point de vue moléculaire, et décrit comment le traitement d'embryons avec P. fluorescens s'est traduit par une régulation négative d'expression du CMH-I indépendemment de la souche bactérienne. Nous avons non seulement trouvé une variation génétique des caractères phénotypiques moyens, mais aussi de la plasticité. Les deux derniers chapitres traitent de l'investigation, chez la truite de rivière, des différences s©cifiques entre populations pour des normes de réaction induites par les pathogènes. Dans le Chapitre 5, nous avons illustré que le métissage entre des populations génétiquement distinctes n'affectait en rien la hauteur ou la forme des normes de réaction d'un trait précoce d'histoire de vie suite au traitement pathogénique. De surcroît, en dépit de l'éclosion tardive et de la réduction de la taille des alevins, le traitement n'a pas modifié la variation héritable des traits de caractère. D'autre part, dans le Chapitre 6, nous avons démontré que le traitement d'embryons avec des stimuli contenus dans l'eau de cons©cifiques infectés a entraîné des réponses propre à chaque population en terme de temps d'éclosion ; néanmoins, nous avons observé peu de variabilité génétique des normes de réaction pour ce temps d'éclosion au sein des populations. - Ecological stressors can vary in type and intensity over space and time, and as such, a single phenotype may not confer the highest fitness. Phenotypic plasticity can act as a means to accommodate this situation, increasing overall tolerance to environmental change. As with any trait, for plastic traits to evolve in a population, genetic variation must persist. However, environmental stress can alter trait heritability, and the direction of this shift can be trait, species, and stressor-dependent. In this thesis, we sought to understand the effects of pathogen stressors on the phenotypes and genetic architecture of several plastic traits in the embryos of two salmonids, the whitefish (Coregonus palaea), and the brown trout (Salmo trutta). Salmonids lend themselves to such studies because their extraordinary variability in morphological, behavioral, and life-history traits. Also, with declines in salmonids worldwide, knowing how much genetic variability persists in reaction norms may help predict their ability to respond to environmental change. We found that increasing growth of symbiotic microbial communities increased mortality and induced hatching in whitefish, and released additive genetic variance for both traits (Chapters 1-2). While no genetic variation was found for survival reaction norms, we did find variability in hatching plasticity. Nevertheless, hatching time was correlated across environments, which could constrain evolution of the reaction norm. Hatching time in the induced environment was also correlated to sire size, indicating pleiotropic effects. In Chapter 3 we report that a three-way interaction between bacterial strain (Pseudomonas fluorescens), host developmental stage, and host genetics impacted mortality, hatching time, and hatchling size in whitefish. We also showed that genetic variation generally persisted in hatching age reaction norms, but rarely for hatchling length, and never for mortality. At the same time, we demonstrated that cross-environmental correlations were trait-dependent, and unlike Chapter 2, we found no evidence of cross-generational correlations. Chapter 4 expands on the previous chapter, moving to the molecular level, and describes how treatment of embryos with P. fluorescens resulted in strain-independent downregulation of MHC class I. Genetic variation was evident not only in trait means, but also in plasticity. In the last two chapters, we investigated population level differences in pathogen- induced reaction norms in brown trout. In Chapter 5, we found that interbreeding between genetically distinct populations did not affect the elevation or shapes of the reaction norms of early life-history traits after pathogen challenge. Moreover, despite delaying hatching and reducing larval length, treatment produced no discernable shifts in heritable variation in traits. On the other hand, in Chapter 6, we found that treatment of embryos with water-borne cues from infected conspecifics elicited population-specific responses in terms of hatching time; however, we found little evidence of genetic variability in hatching reaction norms within populations. We have made considerable progress in understanding how pathogen stressors affect various early life-history traits in salmonid embryos. We have demonstrated that the effect of a particular stressor on heritable variation in these traits can vary according to the trait and species under consideration, in addition to the developmental stage of the host. Moreover, we found evidence of genetic variability in some, but not all reaction norms in whitefish and brown trout.


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The performance of Pseudomonas biocontrol agents may be improved by applying mixtures of strains which are complementary in their capacity to suppress plant diseases. Here, we have chosen the combination of Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 with another well-characterized biocontrol agent, P. fluorescens Q2-87, as a model to study how these strains affect each other's expression of a biocontrol trait. In both strains, production of the antimicrobial compound 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG) is a crucial factor contributing to the suppression of root diseases. DAPG acts as a signaling compound inducing the expression of its own biosynthetic genes. Experimental setups were developed to investigate whether, when combining strains CHA0 and Q2-87, DAPG excreted by one strain may influence expression of DAPG-biosynthetic genes in the other strain in vitro and on the roots of wheat. DAPG production was monitored by observing the expression of lacZ fused to the biosynthetic gene phlA of the respective strain. Dual-culture assays in which the two strains were grown in liquid medium physically separated by a membrane revealed that Q2-87 but not its DAPG-negative mutant Q2-87::Tn5-1 strongly induced phlA expression in a DeltaphlA mutant of strain CHA0. In the same way, phlA expression in a Q2-87 background was induced by DAPG produced by CHA0. When coinoculated onto the roots of wheat seedlings grown under gnotobiotic conditions, strains Q2-87 and CHA0, but not their respective DAPG-negative mutants, were able to enhance phlA expression in each other. In summary, we have established that two nonrelated pseudomonads may stimulate each other in the expression of an antimicrobial compound important for biocontrol. This interpopulation communication occurs in the rhizosphere, i.e., at the site of pathogen inhibition, and is mediated by the antimicrobial compound itself acting as a signal exchanged between the two pseudomonads.


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The Pseudomonas aeruginosa antimetabolite L-2-amino-4-methoxy-trans-3-butenoic acid (AMB) shares biological activities with 4-formylaminooxyvinylglycine, a related molecule produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens WH6. We found that culture filtrates of a P.aeruginosa strain overproducing AMB weakly interfered with seed germination of the grassy weed Poa annua and strongly inhibited growth of Erwinia amylovora, the causal agent of the devastating orchard crop disease known as fire blight. AMB was active against a 4-formylaminooxyvinylglycine-resistant isolate of E.amylovora, suggesting that the molecular targets of the two oxyvinylglycines in Erwinia do not, or not entirely, overlap. The AMB biosynthesis and transport genes were shown to be organized in two separate transcriptional units, ambA and ambBCDE, which were successfully expressed from IPTG-inducible tac promoters in the heterologous host P.fluorescens CHA0. Engineered AMB production enabled this model biocontrol strain to become inhibitory against E.amylovora and to weakly interfere with the germination of several graminaceous seeds. We conclude that AMB production requires no additional genes besides ambABCDE and we speculate that their expression in marketed fire blight biocontrol strains could potentially contribute to disease control.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a compatibilidade entre rizobactérias biocontroladoras pré-selecionadas e o efeito de suas combinações sobre a queima-das-bainhas (Rhizoctonia solani), a meloidoginose (Meloidogyne graminicola) e a promoção de crescimento de plantas de arroz. A compatibilidade foi determinada pela antibiose. O efeito das combinações de isolados foi avaliado por microbiolização de sementes de arroz, cultivar El Paso L144, com suspensões das rizobactérias DFs185 (Pseudomonas synxantha), DFs223 (P. fluorescens), DFs306 (ainda não identificada), DFs416 e DFs418 (Bacillus sp.). Essas rizobactérias foram usadas isoladamente ou combinadas em arranjos de dois, três e quatro isolados. O isolado DFs223 não foi combinado com nenhum outro por ser incompatível com os demais isolados. Cinco combinações de rizobactérias (DFs185/418, DFs306/416, DFs306/418, DFs416/418, DFs185/306/418) e o isolado DFs306 destacaram-se por reduzir a reprodução de M. graminicola e promover o crescimento das plantas. A combinação DFs185/306 apresentou os melhores resultados quanto ao controle de R. solani e à promoção de crescimento. A combinação DFs306/416 proporcionou os melhores resultados para o controle das duas doenças.


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Biological control of root pathogens--mostly fungi--can be achieved by the introduction of selected bacterial inoculants acting as 'biopesticides'. Successful inoculants have been identified among Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, often belonging to Pseudomonas spp. and Bacillus spp., respectively. Biocontrol activity of a model rhizobacterium, P. fluorescens CHAO, depends to a considerable extent on the synthesis of extracellular antimicrobial secondary metabolites and exoenzymes, thought to antagonize the pathogenicity of a variety of phytopathogenic fungi. The regulation of exoproduct formation in P. fluorescens (as well as in other bacteria) depends essentially on the GacS/GacA two-component system, which activates a largely unknown signal transduction pathway. However, recent evidence indicates that GacS/GacA control has a major impact on target gene expression at a post-transcriptional level, involving an mRNA target sequence (typically near the ribosome binding site), two RNA binding proteins (designated RsmA and RsmE), and a regulatory RNA (RsmZ) capable of binding RsmA. The expression and activity of the regulatory system is stimulated by at least one low-molecular-weight signal. The timing and specificity of this switch from primary to secondary metabolism are essential for effective biocontrol.


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Fit produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 is a novel insect toxin in root colonizing pseudomonads, of which a homologue is described in Photorhabdus species.However, occurrence and abundance of insect pathogenicity in plant-associated pseudomonads is still unclear. An extensive screening outside the P. fluorescens complex identified strains of Pseudomonas chlororaphis as further Fit toxin producing candidates. Sequences of five different P. chlororaphis strains generated in this study were used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the Fit toxin gene and to analyse its mode of evolution. We found that P. chlororaphis is closely associated with a small subgroup of 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol and pyoluteorin- producing pseudomonads, both when analyzing four housekeeping genes and the nucleotide sequences for the Fit toxin gene. Additionally, we identified purifying selection to be the predominant mode of Fit toxin evolution.


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Es va determinar l’efecte nematicida d’un biopreparat fet a partir de material de mantell de bosc autòcton, tècnica coneguda com a Activació de Microorganismes de Muntanya, sobre una població de Meloidogyne javanica, en cultiu de tomàquet cv. Durinta, en condicions de semicamp i sota hivernacle. Es van realitzar 5 aplicacions de biopreparat actiu (MMactivat) i el mateix biopreparat esterilitzat en autoclau (MMautoclavat) en un volum d’1L de sorra de riera autoclavada a raó de 8,4 mL per planta. La primera aplicació es va fer just desprès de trasplantar el conreu i una setmana abans d’inocular 1 J2·cm-3 de sòl, i els quatre tractaments restants amb cadència setmanal. Paral·lelament, es va determinar les unitats formadores de colònia de fongs i bacteris del biopreparat actiu i esterilitzat, així com la presència de coliformes fecals. Al final de l’assaig, desprès que el nematode completés una generació, es va avaluar el pes sec aeri i el pes fresc de les arrels, el nombre d’ous per planta, i la freqüència d’aïllament de fongs endòfits d’arrel i tija de tomaquera. El pH del biopreparat era de 3,7. Les mostres contenien nivells superiors a 107 UFC ml-1 tant de fongs com de bactèries. No es va detectar la presència de coliformes totals obtenint un valor < 3 NMP/mL amb ‰¤0,05. No es van aïllar colònies de bacteris termodúrics ni de Pseudomonas aureginosa ni P. fluorescens que poguessin actuar com a organismes de control biològic. El biopreparat no va mostrar cap efecte sobre el desenvolupament aeri i radicular de la planta. La producció d’ous en les plantes tractades amb el biopreparat actiu i esterilitzat va ser un 63% i un 67% menor que en el testimoni sense tractar. Es van detectar fongs endòfits en arrel i tija de tomaquera en la majoria de les mostres sense atendre a cap tractament, inclòs el control sense tractar.


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Most fishes produce free-living embryos that are exposed to environmental stressors immediately following fertilization, including pathogenic microorganisms. Initial immune protection of embryos involves the chorion, as a protective barrier, and maternally-allocated antimicrobial compounds. At later developmental stages, host-genetic effects influence susceptibility and tolerance, suggesting a direct interaction between embryo genes and pathogens. So far, only a few host genes could be identified that correlate with embryonic survival under pathogen stress in salmonids. Here, we utilized high-throughput RNA-sequencing in order to describe the transcriptional response of a non-model fish, the Alpine whitefish Coregonus palaea, to infection, both in terms of host genes that are likely manipulated by the pathogen, and those involved in an early putative immune response. Embryos were produced in vitro, raised individually, and exposed at the late-eyed stage to a virulent strain of the opportunistic fish pathogen Pseudomonas fluorescens. The pseudomonad increased embryonic mortality and affected gene expression substantially. For example, essential, upregulated metabolic pathways in embryos under pathogen stress included ion binding pathways, aminoacyl-tRNA-biosynthesis, and the production of arginine and proline, most probably mediated by the pathogen for its proliferation. Most prominently downregulated transcripts comprised the biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids, the citrate cycle, and various isoforms of b-cell transcription factors. These factors have been shown to play a significant role in host blood cell differentiation and renewal. With regard to specific immune functions, differentially expressed transcripts mapped to the complement cascade, MHC class I and II, TNF-alpha, and T-cell differentiation proteins. The results of this study reveal insights into how P. fluorescens impairs the development of whitefish embryos and set a foundation for future studies investigating host pathogen interactions in fish embryos.


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Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de oito isolados bacterianos pré-selecionados de Pseudomonas synxatha, P. fluorescens, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus sp. e Stenotrophomonas malthophilia no controle da queima-das-bainhas do arroz, causada por Rhizoctonia solani. Sementes da cultivar El Passo L144 foram imersas em suspensão (A540=0,5) de cada um dos isolados e agitadas por 30 min a 10ºC. Sementes imersas somente em solução salina e em salina mais fungicida (Carboxin + Thiran) foram utilizadas como testemunhas. Foram semeadas 10 sementes por vaso, em quatro repetições, dispostas em delineamento completamente casualizado. Foram realizados três ensaios, sendo que no primeiro foi possível selecionar três isolados como promissores, com reduções na severidade da doença atingindo 50, 33,3 e 16,7 %, respectivamente. Estes isolados foram utilizados nos ensaios posteriores, instalados em casa de vegetação e conduzidos até o ponto de colheita, onde foi possível observar o efeito biocontrolador propiciado, principalmente, pelo isolado de P. fluorescens DFs223, com reduções significativas na severidade da doença chegando a 88 e 91,7% no segundo e terceiro ensaios respectivamente. Em ambos os ensaios, houve incremento tanto do número de panículas quanto do número de perfilhos e da massa seca de raízes em até 42,8, 81,2 e 113% respectivamente, nas plantas tratadas com o isolado de P. fluorescens DFs223.


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The biofilm formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas fluorescens on AISI 304 stainless steel in the presence of reconstituted skim milk under different temperatures was conducted, and the potential of three chemical sanitizers in removing the mono-species biofilms formed was compared. Pseudomonas aeruginosa cultivated in skim milk at 28 °C presented better growth rate (10.4 log CFU.mL-1) when compared with 3.7 and 4.2 log CFU.mL-1 for P. aeruginosa and P. fluorescens cultivated at 7 °C, respectively. Pseudomonas aeruginosa formed biofilm when cultivated at 28 °C. However, only the adhesion of P. aeruginosa and P. fluorescens was observed when incubated at 7 °C. The sodium dichloroisocyanurate was the most efficient sanitizer in the reduction of the adhered P. aeruginosa cells at 7 and 28 °C and those on the biofilm, respectively. The hydrogen peroxide was more effective in the reduction of adhered cells of P. fluorescens at 7 °C.