984 resultados para Pó de aciaria elétrica


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A qualidade da semente na produção agrícola é um dos principais fatores a ser considerado na implantação da cultura, de forma que se torna importante a obtenção de informações sobre a germinação e o vigor das sementes, além da necessidade de avaliá-los. Dentro desse contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo adequar a metodologia do teste de condutividade elétrica para a avaliação da qualidade fisiológica de sementes de Pisum sativum subsp. arvense. Para tanto, foram utilizados dez lotes de sementes da cultivar IAPAR 83, empregando-se períodos de condicionamento de 8, 16, 20, 24 e 28 horas, combinados às temperaturas de 20 e 25°C e volumes de 75 e 250mL de água. Além destes, foram conduzidos os testes de germinação, primeira contagem de germinação e emergência de plântulas. Para ambas as avaliações, foram utilizadas quatro repetições de 50 sementes. Os testes de vigor, assim como o teste de germinação foram sensíveis para avaliar a qualidade das sementes dos diferentes lotes estudados, porém houve variações na ordenação deles quanto ao vigor. O volume de água, o tempo e a temperatura de embebição influenciaram os valores de condutividade elétrica. Concluiu-se que o teste de condutividade elétrica utilizando 250mL de água, na temperatura de 25°C por 24 horas é promissor para a diferenciação de lotes de sementes de P. sativum subsp. arvense.


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Sementes de tomate, sendo dois lotes comerciais do cultivar Petomech e dois lotes do cultivar Santa Clara, foram estudados com o objetivo de se avaliar as variações nos resultados de teste de condutividade elétrica, em função do período de embebição (6, 12, 18 e 24 horas) e do número de sementes utilizadas no teste (25, 50 e 100), procurando-se relacionar os resultados com a emergência das plântulas e o desempenho das sementes em outros testes, em tres épocas de avaliação. Os resultados obtidos mostraram comportamento diferenciado dos cultivares, com valores mais altos de condutividade elétrica para as sementes do cultivar Petomech. Observaram-se também diferenças acentuadas entre os dois lotes do cultivar Petomech em termos de condutividade. Os acréscimos dos valores de condutividade com o decorrer da embebição corresponderam a queda no vigor das sementes independentemente do cultivar.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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During the period from October/92 to September/94 experiments were carried out at the Seed Laboratory, FCAV/UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil, using soybean seeds of different genotypes in order to evaluate the effect of genotype on the electrical conductivity (bulk conductivity) of soaked seeds. Seed moisture content (105+/-3 degrees C, 24 h), standard germination (four 50-seed samples, paper towel, 30 degrees C), and vigor-accelerated aging (42 degrees C, 48 h) were first determined. Undamaged soybean seeds were soaked in deionized water (four 50-seed samples, 75 ml, 25 degrees C, 24 h) and electrical conductivity (mu mhos.cm(-1).g(-1)) was measured. Significant differences in conductivity were observed among genotypes having the same pattern of germination and vigor. The results have showed that electrical conductivity can be significantly influenced by genotype.


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Records of the electrical impedance were obtained by means of surface electrodes placed on ventral and dorsal sides of the left kidney of anesthetized dogs. Changes of the renal electrical impedance resulted from alterations of the glomerular filtration rate caused by decrease of blood renal pressure to 80 and 50 mm Hg either due to constriction of the aorta or bleeding. The relation was established also by using physiological infusion. The results showed that changes of the means of renal electrical impedance were in opposite direction to changes in glomerular filtration rate. The electrodes employed were constituted of two parts: one fixed and another adjustable and flexible, allowing good contact with the renal surface independent of the kidney size.


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This paper presents the Benders decomposition technique and Branch and Bound algorithm used in the reactive power planning in electric energy systems. The Benders decomposition separates the planning problem into two subproblems: an investment subproblem (master) and the operation subproblem (slave), which are solved alternately. The operation subproblem is solved using a successive linear programming (SLP) algorithm while the investment subproblem, which is an integer linear programming (ILP) problem with discrete variables, is resolved using a Branch and Bound algorithm especially developed to resolve this type of problem.


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A site investigation program was carried out to detect salt-water intrusions in a shallow sedimentary aquifer based on electrical resistivity measurements. The site is located close to Paranaguá harbor, in the Paraná State, Brasil. At this site, high chloride concentration contaminated shallow water wells used to supply water for local industries. The site investigation program included a fieldwork, dipole-dipole electrical profiling, resistivity piezocone tests, physical-chemical analysis of sampled water and interpretation of borehole logs. The resistivity piezocone tests provided two simultaneous information; the soil stratigraphy at a very detailed level and a quasi-continuous resistivity profile. Both information adequately complemented dipole-dipole electrical profiling test data. The integration of all test data allowed identifying the contaminated areas as well as guided the location of new water wells to be installed in this area.


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Three pig genetics lineages A, B and C marketed in Brazil, were stunning with the manual electric stunning (Karl Schermer 220-230/250 volts, 45-60 Hz and 1.4 - 1.5 A) and the collective gaseous system (COMBI-BUTINA 90% CO 2). The electric stunning provided higher blood splashed levels in the areas of the inside round (0.477 and 0.26, p ≤ 0.01), shoulder/cranial (0.154 and 0.039, p ≤ 0.005), shoulder/central (0.261 e 0.052, p ≤ 0.001), shoulder/caudal (0.180 and 0.030, p ≤ 0.01), loin/central (0.185 and 0.065, p ≤ 0.01), loin/caudal (0.06 and 0.207, p ≤ 0.01) and loin/lateral external (0.061 and 0.013, p ≤ 0.05), as well as more diffuse blood splashed in the areas of the inside round (0.461 and 0.279, p ≤ 0.05), shoulder/cranial (0.154 and 0.039, p ≤ 0.001), shoulder/central (0.231 and 0.039, p ≤ 0.001) and shoulder/caudal (0.185 and 0.026, p ≤ 0.001). The electric stunning also provided higher skin damage levels in the areas of the shoulder (1.098 and 0.795, p ≤ 0.001), body (1.04 and 0.948, p ≤ 0.05) and ham (0.84 and 0.68, p ≤ 0.001), as well as higher eyelid reflex levels (11.57%) comparatively to the gaseous system (2.86%) of a total of 426 pigs. Small indexes of bone fractures and muscle bruises were found in both systems.


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Pigs of three genetics lineages A, B and C marketed in Brazil, with alive weight from 100 to 120 kg were submitted to the manual electric stunning (Karl Schermer 220-230/250 volts, 45-60 Hz and 1.4 -1.5 A) and to the collective gaseous system (COMBI-BUTINA 90% CO 2). Blood samples, for levels determination of creatine phosphokinase (CPK), lactate and cortisol, as well as samples of the semimembranosus muscle (10 g) for the determination of the gene halothane, were collected. Being compared the electric and gaseous stunning systems, the electric stunning did demonstrate to be more stressful providing larger plasmatic concentrations of cortisol (p ≤ 0.001) and lactate (p ≤ 0.001) for the genetic lineages A and C, in the studied conditions. However it didn't observe significant differences beween the sanguine indicators and stunning systems in subject when the lineage B was considered. Significant differences among the genetic lineages A, B and C were obtained being compared the plasmatic values of creatine phosphokinase (p ≤ 0.001), lactate (p ≤ 0.001) and cortisol (p ≤ 0.001) when stunned with the gaseous system, however when the electric system was used only the cortisol values presented significant differences (p ≤ 0.001). The presence of the gene halothane (Nn) was only observed in the lineage B.


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The effects of salt concentration levels in electrical conductivity (EC) were evaluated in chrysanthemum root, cultivated in substrate using two sampling methods, under greenhouse conditions. The experiment was carried out in Paranapanema, São Paulo using the experimental design in randomized blocks and four replications. The treatments consisted of eight sampling periods of substrate solutions in pots: 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49 and 56 days after strike root and five salt concentration levels of applied saline solution: 1.42; 1.65; 1.89; 2.13 and 2.36 dS m -1 in the vegetative period and during the reproduction period of flower budding: 1.71; 1.97; 2.28; 2.57 and 2.85 dS m -1. The substrate solution EC monitoring was done using two methods: solution extractors and 1:2 water diluted solution. The use of solution extractors and 1:2 water diluted solution allowed substrate solution EC monitoring along the culture cycle; the amount of salt concentration applied in the substrate caused the substrate salinity increase; the method using solution extractors presented higher EC values in the substrate.


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Vertical electrical soundings using eletroresistivity method were carried out in the public waste landfill in Macapá - AP, having as a goal to investigate the geoelectrical and hidrogeologic characteristics of the ground. The results of geophysics interpretation allowed obtaining a model of five geoelectrical layers until the depth of 14,6 m. This model is correlated to a sedimentary sequence of clay-silt-sandy with laterite. The main flow of the water table, also determined, is concordant to the topographical gradient.


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The definition of models and base parameters for application of investigation tools in environment with high complexity are a basic premise to any sciences. The geophysics is a science with solid theoretical base and applications in diversified areas of the sciences geological, astronomical, meteorological, among many others. Its application in environmental studies is relatively recent and needs further research. To understand the behavior of resident contaminants in a dynamic and complex environment as the geological, it requests studies in scale laboratorial, under control of factors seasonality variable. This work simulates a leak of gasoline in soil, under conditions and in laboratory scale, with the objective of monitoring the temporary behavior of the hydrocarbon under the optics of variation of the parameter physical electric resistivity. The results indicate increase of the resistivity in recent periods the contamination, followed for stability in the values and finally fall and return tendency to the natural conditions.


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The objective of this work was to analyze the consumption, electric energy cost, and economic results of irrigated citrus (Citrus sinensis). The treatments consisted of a dripping irrigation system with one and two lateral distribution lines, a micro sprinkler irrigation system and a treatment without irrigation. For each irrigation system, three water depths were used: 100%, 75% and 50% of Etc (citrus evapotranspiration). The electric energy cost for two tariff groups, Group A and Group B, was studied. For Group A, the expenses with energy were determined for the Conventional Binomial Structure tariff, the Hour-seasonal tariff (green and blue) and the special tariff for nocturnal irrigation. The kWh cost for the tariff systems were obtained from the website of CPFL (São Paulo State Power and Light Company, Brazil). The best relation between the electric energy consumption (kWh.ha -1) and productivity (t.ha -1) occurred in the treatment irrigated with 50% of the Etc. The irrigated treatments increased productivity. The biggest productivity was observed in the irrigation treatments with 50% of the Etc when compared to the ones with 100% of the Etc. The blue and green Hour-seasonal tariff system of Group A (nocturnal irrigation) was the best option. A biggest economic turnover occurred in the treatments irrigated with 50% of the Etc.