144 resultados para Oxido nitrico
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Mecánica con Especialidad en Materiales) U.A.N.L.
Tesis (Doctor en Ingeniería de Materiales) U.A.N.L.
The mononuclear oxidovanadium(V) complex VO(OEt)L (2), where L2- is the dianion of a diprotic tridentate ONO donor ligand, 2-hydroxyacetophenone-2-aminobenzoylhydrazone (H2L), has been synthesized by oxido-bridge splitting of the corresponding binuclear complex V2O3L2 (1) and structurally characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis, together with electrochemical and spectral studies. Splitting of the oxido-bridge was effected by refluxing 1 with excess triphenylphosphine in ethanol medium. The crystal structure of 2 is compared with that of the precursor binuclear complex 1.
The yeast 20S proteasome is subject to sulfhydryl redox alterations, such as the oxidation of cysteine residues (Cys-SH) into cysteine sulfenic acid (Cys-SOH), followed by S-glutathionylation (Cys-S-SG). Proteasome S-glutathionylation promotes partial loss of chymotrypsin-like activity and post-acidic cleavage without alteration of the trypsin-like proteasomal activity. Here we show that the 20S proteasome purified from stationary-phase cells was natively S-glutathionylated. Moreover, recombinant glutaredoxin 2 removes glutathione from natively or in vitro S-glutathionylated 20S proteasome, allowing the recovery of chymotrypsin-like activity and post-acidic cleavage. Glutaredoxin 2 deglutathionylase activity was dependent on its entry into the core particle, as demonstrated by stimulating S-glutathionylated proteasome opening. Under these conditions, deglutathionylation of the 20S proteasome and glutaredoxin 2 degradation were increased when compared to non-stimulated samples. Glutaredoxin 2 fragmentation by the 20S proteasome was evaluated by SDS-PAGE and mass spectrometry, and S-glutathionylation was evaluated by either western blot analyses with anti-glutathione IgG or by spectrophotometry with the thiol reactant 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole. It was also observed in vivo that glutaredoxin 2 was ubiquitinated in cellular extracts of yeast cells grown in glucose-containing medium. Other cytoplasmic oxido-reductases, namely thioredoxins 1 and 2, were also active in 20S proteasome deglutathionylation by a similar mechanism. These results indicate for the first time that 20S proteasome cysteinyl redox modification is a regulated mechanism coupled to enzymatic deglutathionylase activity.
Em 20 amostras de horizontes B latossólicos, uma de B Plíntico, uma de B incipiente e uma de saprolito, foram avaliados dois procedimentos de extração de óxidos de ferro pedogênicos por ditionito-citrato-bicarbonato de sódio. O procedimento DCB80, com quatro extrações sucessivas a 80oC, extraiu aproximadamente 90% do Fed na primeira extração, sendo mais efetivo que o DCB20, em uma única extração a temperatura ambiente, que teve sua eficiência reduzida com o aumento da substituição por Al3+ na goethita. A substituição por Al3+ na goethita determinada por DCB80 superestimou os valores em relação aos estimados por DRX conforme aumentaram as extrações. Em amostras hematíticas, esta estimativa foi prejudicada pela presença de maghemita que dissolveu juntamente com a hematita. As amostras também foram submetidas a dissoluções seletivas por DCB20 em intervalos de tempo entre 5 e 3840 minutos. A segmentação das curvas de solubilização do ferro pelo tempo de dissolução das amostras demonstrou que populações de goethita de solos poligenéticos são heterogêneas quanto a características como substituição por Al3+ e cristalinidade, que combinadas condicionam a estabilidade da goethita à dissolução por redução. Populações de hematitas de solos poligenéticos caracterizaram-se pela homogeneidade dos cristais, semelhantemente a populações de goethitas oriundas de ambientes pedogênicos jovens. A hematita apresentou uma menor resistência à dissolução por redução em relação à goethita, exceto quando a última combinou baixa substituição por Al3+ e baixa cristalinidade. O fracionamento de populações heterogêneas de goethita pode ampliar a utilização deste óxido como mineral indicador ambiental e de processos pedogenéticos em solos poligenéticos, bem como possibilitar um melhor entendimento do comportamento químico e físico desses solos.
Neste trabalho, propomos uma modificação do modelo de reação-difusão (R. M. C. de Almeida et al., Physics Review B, 61, 19 (2000)) incluindo difusividade variável com o objetivo principal de predizer, ou no mínimo descrever melhor, o crescimento de oxido de Si no regime de filmes nos. Estudamos o modelo reação-difusão a coeficiente de difusão, D, fixo e D variável. Estudamos extensivamente o modelo reação-difusão com D fixo caracterizando seu comportamento geral, e resolvendo numericamente o modelo com D variável para um intervalo amplo de relações DSiO2=DSi. Ambos casos apresentam comportamento assintótico parabólico das cinéticas. Obtivemos as equações analíticas que regem o regime assintótico de tais casos. Ambos os modelos apresentam interface não abrupta. Comparações das cinéticas com o modelo linear-parabólico e com dados experimentais foram feitas, e também para as espessuras da interface. Contudo nenhum dos dois modelos de reação-difusãao, com D fixo e com D varáavel, podem explicar a região de filmes nos, que possui taxa de crescimento superior a taxa de crescimento da região assintótica. Porém, ao incluir taxa de reação variável dentro do modelo de reação-difusão com D variável, este aponta para uma solução do regime de filmes nos.
A matéria orgânica é de grande importância em solos tropicais e subtropicais, pois influencia em suas propriedades físicas, químicas, biológicas, mineralógicas e espectrais. O clima e a interação da matéria orgânica com a fração mineral apresentam um papel fundamental nas relações que envolvem o acúmulo, estabilização e qualidade da matéria orgânica no solo. Nesse sentido, no estudo 1, investigou-se a qualidade da matéria orgânica, a partir de sua caracterização por espectroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear do 13C, ao longo de uma climossequência de Latossolos do Rio Grande do Sul. O teor de matéria orgânica foi influenciado pelas condições climáticas aumentando seu teor no solo conforme aumentou a relação PMA/PET (quociente da precipitação média anual e potencial de evapotranspiração). O grupo C-O-alquil apresentou a maior contribuição nos espectros de RMN do 13C, sendo que as maiores proporções ocorreram nos horizontes superficiais dos solos de ambientes mais frios e úmidos. Os índices de humificação testados foram eficientes para avaliar o grau de humificação na climossequência. No estudo 2, o principal objetivo foi analisar a influência dos teores e da qualidade da matéria orgânica e da mineralogia sobre o comportamento espectral de Latossolos de diferentes ambientes. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a técnica de espectrorradiometria do solo pode auxiliar na identificação e mesmo na quantificação de atributos do solo como teor de matéria orgânica e óxidos de ferro. As correlações significativas entre reflectância e os teores de matéria orgânica e os índices de humificação obtidas pela espectroscopia de RMN do 13C mostraram ser promissoras e necessitam de estudos mais aprofundados para estabelecimento de índices que possam auxiliar no entendimento da qualidade da matéria orgânica do solo.
As doenças cerebrovasculares, popularmente conhecidas como derrames, são uma das principais causas de morbidade e mortalidade entre adultos e idosos. Contudo, muitos pacientes que sofrem derrame sobrevivem e experimentam as conseqüências do insulto por muitos anos, muitas vezes a nível emocional, motor ou intelectual. Dentre estas lesões, destaca-se a isquemia cerebral. Existem modelos experimentais de isquemia cerebral in vivo e in vitro. Os modelos in vitro são realizados em culturas ou fatias de tecido cerebral submetidas à Privação de Oxigênio e Glicose (POG), que mimetizam condições traumáticas similares, mas não idênticas às produzidas in vivo. A investigação da atividade de substâncias potencialmente neuroprotetoras a partir da comparação da morte celular entre culturas ou fatias de tecido cerebral controle e tratadas é facilitada neste tipo de modelo experimental. Após a injúria, as culturas são expostas a métodos de avaliação da viabilidade ou dano celular como, por exemplo, o corante fluorescente iodeto de propídeo, que marca seletivamente células mortas ou em curso de morte, ou MTT (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazoliumbromide) que mede a viabilidade mitocondrial possibilitando uma posterior quantificação. As plantas são uma fonte importante de produtos naturais biologicamente ativos, muitos dos quais se constituem em modelos para a síntese de um grande número de fármacos. Um exemplo é a planta kava-kava ou somente kava (Piper Methysticum) a qual chamou a atenção dos pesquisadores devido à sua utilização nas ilhas do Pacífico sul. Foi demonstrada a possibilidade da kava possuir uma variedade de atividades farmacológicas importantes, entre elas a atividade de neuroproteção Esse trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a atividade neuroprotetora do extrato de kava-kava (Piper methysticum) em modelos in vitro de morte neuronal em fatias de hipocampo de ratos, investigar o envolvimento da proteína de choque térmico HSP27 (Heat Shock Protein) no processo de morte e neuroproteção induzida pela kava, bem como investigar o efeito da lesão induzida por POG sobre o imunoconteúdo da proteína Oxido Nítrico Sintase induzível (iNOS). Os resultados dos experimentos por nós realizados nas culturas organotípicas submetidas à POG por 40 minutos e tratadas com extrato de kava (7µg/ml) demonstraram uma significativa redução, na ordem de 58% na intensidade da morte neuronal na região CA1 do hipocampo em resposta à injúria. Em fatias hipocampais submetidas à POG por 60 minutos a adição do extrato de kava 7µg/ml aumentou em 15% a viabilidade celular, confirmando a atividade neuroprotetora sugerida para esta planta. As culturas expostas à POG e tratadas com kava apresentaram um aumento significativo no imunoconteúdo da proteína HSP27, esse aumento é acompanhado de um aumento da fosforilação, uma vez que a percentagem de proteína fosforilada se mantém igual. As fatias lesionadas tratadas com kava apresentaram uma diminuição significativa no imunoconteúdo da iNOS na ordem de 35 % em relação as fatias lesionadas tratadas com DMSO (Dimetilsulfoxido). Estes dados podem sugerir que um dos mecanismos da neuroproteção observada para o extrato de kava, possa envolver essas proteínas.
The fucoidan from Fucus vesiculosus is known for having diverse biological properties. This study analyzed the therapeutic action of populations of commercial fucoidan (F. vesiculosus) on zymosan-induced arthritis. Three populations of fucoidan were obtained after acetone fractionation; these were denominated F1 (52.3%), F2 (36.7%) and F3 (10.7%). Chemical analyses showed that F1 contained the largest amount of sulfate ion. The electrophoretic profile shows that the commercial or total fucoidan (TF), different from the other fucoidans and from glycosaminoglycan patterns, is quite polydisperse, which indicates that it is composed of a mixture of sulfate polysaccharides. On the other hand, the fucoidans obtained from TF showed only an electrophoretic band with much lower polydispersion than that observed for TF. Fucoidan F2 showed a migration between fucoidans F1 and F3. Owing to the small amount of mass obtained from F3, we used only fucoidans F1 and F2 in the induced arthritis tests. After 1 hour of induction, we administered F1 or F2 (10, 25 and 50 mg/kg i.p.) or diclofenac sodium (10 mg/kg i.p.) or lumiracoxib (5 mg/kg o.a.) or L-NAME (30 mg/kg i.p.). After 6 hours, we performed analyses of cell influx and nitrite levels in addition to histopathological analysis. Fucoidans F1 and F2 were more potent both in decreasing the number of leukocytes and the amount of nitric oxide found in the synovial fluid. This indicates that the anti-inflammatory mechanism of these fucoidans is not only related to selectin block, but also to nitric oxide synthesis inhibition
The resistance of aluminum and their alloys, to the corrosion phenomenon, in aqueous solutions, is a result of the oxide layer formed. However, the corrosion process in the aluminum alloy is associated with the presence a second phase of particles or the presence of chloride ions which promote the disruption of the oxide layer located producing the corrosion process. On the other hand, the term water produced is used to describe the water after the separation of the oil and gas in API separators. The volumes of produced water arrive around 5 more times to the volume of oil produced. The greatest feature of the water is the presence of numerous pollutants. Due to the increased volume of waste around the world in the current decade, the outcome and the effect of the discharge of produced water on the environment has recently become an important issue of environmental concern where numerous treatments are aimed at reducing these contaminants before disposal. Then, this study aims to investigate the electrochemical corrosion behavior of aluminum alloy 6060 in presence of water produced and the influence of organic components as well as chloride ions, by using the electrochemical techniques of linear polarization. The modification of the passive layer and the likely breakpoints were observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). In the pit formation potential around -0.4 to -0.8 V/EAg/AgCl was observed that the diffusion of chloride ions occurs via the layer formed with the probable formation of pits. Whereas, at temperatures above 65 °C, it was observed that the range of potential for thepit formation was -0.4 to -0.5 V/EAg/AgCl. In all reactions, the concentration of Al(OH)3 in the form of a gel was observed
The present study aimed to characterize the thermal profile of wood fired oven used by the red ceramic industry in Parelhas, in the Seridó region/RN, aiming to propose structural interventions that can contribute to increasing productivity and product quality, optimize wood consumption and mitigate existing losses during the burning process. The study was conducted at Cerâmica Esperança in the city of Parelhas -RN, Brazil, during the period from August 2012 to September 2013. Four treatments were performed with three replicates, ie, with, a total of 12 experimental units (burnings). In the first stage 4 treatments were performed with three replicates, totaling 12 experimental units (firings). In the second stage 2 treatments were performed with three replications, totaling 6 experimental units (firings). The physical characteristics of the wood were analyzed using standard NBR 11941 and NBR 7190 for basic density and moisture, respectively. The clay was used as a reference parameter for distinguishing treatments. For both the analysis and characterization was carried out using techniques of fluorescence X (XRF) rays, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, particle size analysis (FA). In the first and second stages were monitored: the time during the firing process, the amount of wood used at each firing, the number of parts enfornadas for subsequent determination of the percentages of losses, but also product quality. To characterize the thermal profile of the oven, we measured the temperature at 15 points scored in the surface charge put into the oven. Measurements were taken every 30 minutes from preheat until the end of burning, using a pyrometer laser sight sighting from preheating until the end of burning. In the second step 12 metal cylinders distributed on the oven walls, and the cylinder end walls 8 of the furnace 2 and rollers on each side walls are installed equidistant to 17 cm from the soil and the surface 30 of the wall are installed. The cylinders distributed on the front were placed 50 cm above the furnace, and the base of the oven 20 cm distant from the ground. 10 also thermocouples were installed, and five thermocouples distributed 1.77 cm above the combustion chambers, and one thermocouple on each side, and three thermocouples in front of the oven. We carried out the measurements of the temperatures every 1 hour during the burning two hours in cooling the cylinders with a pyrometer and thermocouples for dattaloger. These were fixed with depth of 30 cm from the wall. After statistical analysis it was found that: the thermal profile of the furnace surface and at different heights was heterogeneous; and the ranges of density and moisture content of wood are within recommended for use as an energy source standards. We conclude that even at low temperatures reached during firing there was a significant production of good quality products, this is due to high concentrations of iron oxide and potassium oxide found in clay, which lowers the melting point of the piece. The average burn time for each step varied 650-2100 minutes wood consumption was on average 20 m3, product quality was on average 16% of first quality, 70% second, third and 5% to 10% loss . The distance between the wire and the surface of the oven was a significant parameter for all treatments, but with different variations, meaning that the wire should not be so generic and unique form, used as a criterion for completion of the burn process. The central part of the furnace was the area that reached higher temperature, and in a unified manner, with the highest concentration of top quality products. The ideal temperature curve, which provided the highest quality of ceramic products was achieved in the central part of the furnace
Considering the constant evolution of technology in growth and the need for production techniques in the ceramics area to move forward together, we sought in this study, the research and development of polymeric precursor method to obtain inorganic ceramic pigments. Method that provides quality to obtain the precursor powders of oxides and pigments at the same time, offers time and cost advantages, such as reproducibility, purity and low temperature heat treatment, control of stoichiometry. This work used chromium nitrate and iron nitrate as precursors. The synthesis is based on the dissolution of citric acid as a complexing agent, addition of metal oxides, such as ion chromophores; polymerization with ethylene glycol and doping with titanium oxide. Passing through precalcination, breakdown, thermal treatments at different temperatures of calcination (700 to 1100 oC), resulting in pigments: green for chromium oxide deposited on TiO2 (CrTiO3) and orange for iron oxide deposited on TiO2 ( FeTiO3). Noticing an increase of opacity with increasing temperature. Were performed thermal analysis (TG and ATD) in order to evaluate its thermodecomposition. The powders were also characterized by techniques such as XRD, revealing the formation of crystalline phases such as iron titanate (FeTiO3) and chrome titanate (CrTiO3), SEM, demonstrating formation of rounded particles for both oxides and Spectroscopy in the UV-Visible Region, verifying the potential variation and chromaticity os pigments. Thus, the synthesized oxides were within the requirements to be applied as pigments and shown to be possible to propose its use in ceramic materials
This work is directed to the treatment of organic compounds present in produced water from oil using electrochemical technology. The water produced is a residue of the petroleum industry are difficult to treat , since this corresponds to 98 % effluent from the effluent generated in the exploration of oil and contains various compounds such as volatile hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phenols, carboxylic acids and inorganic compounds. There are several types of treatment methodologies that residue being studied, among which are the biological processes, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), such as electrochemical treatments electrooxidation, electrocoagulation, electrocoagulation and eletroredution. The electrochemical method is a method of little environmental impact because instead of chemical reagents uses electron through reactions of oxide-reducing transforms toxic substances into substances with less environmental impact. Thus, this paper aims to study the electrochemical behavior and elimination of the BTX (benzene, toluene and xylene) using electrode of Ti/Pt. For the experiment an electrochemical batch system consists of a continuous source, anode Ti/Pt was used, applying three densities of current (1 mA/cm2, 2,5 mA/cm2 and 5 mA/cm2). The synthetic wastewater was prepared by a solution of benzene, toluene and xylene with a concentration of 5 ppm, to evaluate the electrochemical behavior by cyclic voltammetry and polarization curves, even before assessing the removal of these compounds in solution by electrochemical oxidation. The behavior of each of the compounds was evaluated by the use of electrochemical techniques indicate that each of the compounds when evaluated by cyclic voltammetry showed partial oxidation behavior via adsorption to the surface of the Ti/Pt electrode. The adsorption of each of the present compounds depends on the solution concentration but there is the strong adsorption of xylene. However, the removal was confirmed by UV-Vis, and analysis of total organic carbon (TOC), which showed a percentage of partial oxidation (19,8 % - 99,1 % TOC removed), confirming the electrochemical behavior already observed in voltammetry and cyclic polarization curves
The protein complement of the secretion from hypopharyngeal gland of nurse-bees (Apis mellifera L.) was partially identified by using a combination of 2D-PAGE, peptide sequencing by MALDI-PSD/MS and a protein engine identification tool applied to the honeybee genome. The proteins identified were compared to those proteins already identified in the proteome complement of the royal jelly of the honey bees. The 2D gel electrophoresis demonstrated this protein complement is constituted of 61 different polypepides, from which 34 were identified as follows: 27 proteins belonged to MRJPs family, 5 proteins were related to the metabolism of carbohydrates and to the oxido-reduction metabolism of energetic Substrates, I protein was related to the accumulation of iron in honeybee bodies and I protein may be a regulator of MRJP-1 oligomerization. The proteins directly involved with the carbohydrates and energetic metabolisms were: alpha glucosidase, glucose oxidase and alpha amylase, whose are members of the same family of enzymes, catalyzing the hydrolysis of the glucosidic linkages of starch; alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase, whose are constituents of the energetic metabolism. The results of the present manuscript support the hypothesis that the most of these proteins are produced in the hypoharyngeal gland of nurse-bees and secreted into the RJ. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The structural complexity of the nitrogen source strongly affects both biomass and ethanol production by industrial strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, during fermentation in media containing glucose or maltose, and supplemented with a nitrogen source varying from a single ammonium salt (ammonium sulfate) to free amino acids (casamino acids) and peptides (peptone). Diauxie was observed at low glucose and maltose concentrations independent of nitrogen supplementation. At high sugar concentrations diauxie was not easily observed. and growth and ethanol production depended on the nature of the nitrogen source. This was different for baking and brewing ale and lager yeast strains. Sugar concentration had a strong effect on the shift from oxido-fermentative to oxidative metabolism. At low sugar concentrations, biomass production was similar under both peptone and casamino acid supplementation. Under casamino acid supplementation, the time for metabolic shift increased with the glucose concentration, together with a decrease in the biomass production. This drastic effect on glucose fermentation resulted in the extinction of the second growth phase, probably due to the loss of cell viability. Ammonium salts always induced poor yeast performance. In general, supplementation with a nitrogen source in the peptide form (peptone) was more positive for yeast metabolism, inducing higher biomass and ethanol production, and preserving yeast viability, in both glucose and maltose media, for baking and brewing ale and lager yeast strains. Determination of amino acid utilization showed that most free and peptide amino acids present, in peptone and casamino acids, were utilized by the yeast, suggesting that the results described in this work were not due to a nutritional status induced by nitrogen limitation.