99 resultados para Oxamniquine


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Os autores relatam o caso de um paciente masculino, de 24 anos, hépato-esplênico e com hipertensão pulmonar esquistossomótica (pressão média na artéria pulmonar de 27,5mm HG). Tratado com oxamniquine. Após 11 anos o exame mostrou reversão à hépato-intestinal, com persistência da hipertensão pulmonar, diagnosticada pelo cateterismo cardíaco (pressão média na artéria pulmonar de 20mm Hg) e ecocardiografia.


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Uma auxiliar de laboratório infectou-se acidentalmente, com cercárias de Schistosoma mansoni, cepa LE, mantida rotineiramente em nossos laboratórios. Decorridos 5 meses, o exame parasitológico de fezes revelou 108 ovos/g . A pacientefoi tratada com oxamniquine, porém a infecção continuou ativa (6 ovos/g). Foi então obtido o isolado SSF mantido no modelo Biomphalaria glabrata - camundongo albino. Os resultados obtidos no estudo comparativo, entre o isolado SSF e a cepa LE, que lhe deu origem, mostraram que a duração do período pré-patente e o índice de infectividade em camundongos, bem como a resposta aos agentes esquistossomicidas (hycanthone, oxamniquine epraziquantel) não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Por outro lado, o número de miracídios obtidos dos intestinos e fígados dos camundongos infectados foi o dobro com a cepa LE, quando comparados com aquele do isolado SSF. Também a variação do peso dos animais foi bastante diferente. Concluiu-se que apenas uma passagem pelo hospedeiro humano não mudou substancialmente as características da cepa estudada.


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In this paper we present a study of members of 265 nuclear families, aged six or more. This study is based of family heredograms, and takes into account the clinical form ofschistosomiasis observed before treatment with oxamniquine. The probability of occurrence of two or more cases ofhepatosplenomegaly is low, notwithstanding the fact that it was observed in 38 families. Even less frequent is the occurrence of three or more cases observed in 17 families (P=0.002). The concentration of the hepatosplenic form was higher among siblings than it was among mothers and children, or fathers and children. It was found to be not significant between husband (father) and wife (mother). These observations reinforce the evidence for the presence of a genetic component in susceptibility to the hepatosplenic form of the disease. In cases in which the mother was hepatosplenic there was a higher incidence of hepatosplenic children; the relative risk was a least five times higher than in those in which the father was the affected member (the maternal effect). In cases where both members were affected by the hepatointestinal form, the risk to the filial generation was similar to that of the population in general. Thus, in the process towards severe forms of Schistosomiasis mansoni, pre and post natal factors might be involved.


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Mice infected with adult Schistosoma mansoni were dosed with a single oral dose of 125 or 250 mg/kg oltipraz, 50 or 100 mg/kg oxamniquine, or 200 or 400 mg/kg praziquantel. The mortality rate of worms and oogram changes were determined between 1 and 16 weeks after dosing. The time required between dosing and postmortem to obtain maximum effectiveness was 1 week for praziquantel, 2 weeks for oxamniquine and 8 weeks for oltipraz. Changes in oograms persisted throughout most of the experiment, although relapse has been observed at the 4th week on.


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Forty-two with hepatosplenic patients treated with praziquantel and followed up for 5 years. One half of the patients received a single 30 mg/kg dose and the other half, two doses of 25 mg/kg given 4 hrs apart. According to Hoffman and Kato-Katz stool exams, an 83.3% cure rate, was observed after twelve months. Stool egg counts in cases of incomplete cure were greatly reduced. Liver function, as assessed by serum levels of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, gamma glutamyltransferase and alkaline phosphatase activities as well as albumin and gamma globulin showed marked improvement after one year. Hepatomegaly was reduced in 81.0% of patients and splenomegaly in 78.8%. Spleen regression was complete in 15.1% of the total, and in 18.5% of those with compensated hepatosplenic disease. As a result of these observations, the authors recomend early treatment with anti-schistosomal medication, either oxamniquine or praziquantel, to halt progression of disease and reduce splenomegaly.


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It has been recognized that Schistosoma mansoni infection causes depression of T-cell responsiveness. In this study we have evaluated whether immunodepression associated to schistosomiasis could be reverted by specific treatment. T-cell immune response was assessed by means of intradermal tests using recall antigens in a group of 22 patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis, one year after treatment with oxamniquine and compared with a group of untreated hepatosplenic patients. Only 27% of treated patients presented complete anergy to all tested antigens, in marked contrast to 80% unresponsiveness showed by hepatosplenic patients without treatment. Although most of the treated individuals showed some response to the tested antigens, in some individuals this unresponsiveness still persisted after treatment. Anergy was not found in any normal individual of the control group. It was concluded that Schistosoma mansoni infected patients may recover their normal immune responsiveness after the elimination of the worm by treatment


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Mice previously infected with Schistosoma mansoni, and cured by specific treatment (400mg/kg oxamniquine, p. o.) in the chronic phase of the disease, were reinfected 20 days after treatment to assess their capacityfor modulation ofthe granulomatous response. Histopathologic examination of the animals ' liver, at 60 days after reinfection, evidenced the presence of typical granulomas of the chronic phase in most animals. This infer that the capacity for modulation of the granulomatous response had been maintained, thus preventing a new acute phase of the disease. Conversely, a group of previously infected mice, untreated and submitted to reinfection, showed reactivation of the granulomatous response in 50% of the animals. The possible implications of these findings in human schistosomiasis mansoni are discussed.


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In this study, four compounds were utilized at the dose of 12.5mg/kg body weight, p.o., to treat Cebus monkeys experimentally infected with about 200 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni (SJ strain), via transcutaneous route. The oograms performed with rectal snips, as well as stool examinations carried out periodically, showed no viable eggs of the parasite, from day 29 to 226post-treatment. The perfusion undertaken after killing the animals showed absence of worms in the treated monkeys, whereas 83 worms were recovered from the control, thus corroborating the results obtained by means of oograms and coproscopy. These results confirm the efficacy of 9-acridanone- hydrazones previously tested against the LE strain of S. mansoni. The low curative dose and apparent absence of toxicity render these dmgs an important therapeutic reserve, taking into consideration the reports on the resistance of S. mansoni to the modern drugs oxamniquine and praziquantel.


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Foi feita uma avaliação do programa de controle da esquistossomose (PCE/PCDEN) na região da Bacia do Rio São Francisco em Minas Gerais. A área em estudo compreende seis municípios, com 130.000 habitantes e 916 localidades em uma área de 10.722km². As atividades tiveram início em quatro municípios entre 1983 e 1985 e em dois outros em 1987. As principais medidas de controle adotadas foram tratamentos sucessivos com oxamniquine e aplicações de niclosamida em coleções hídricas. A prevalência da infecção pelo Schistosoma mansoni nos primeiros quatro municípios, que inicialmente estava entre 18 e 32%, diminuiu abruplamente após a primeira intervenção (1984/85) e permaneceu em níveis inferiores aos iniciais até a última avaliação realizada (1990/94); tendência semelhante foi observada para a proporção de caramujos infectados. Nestes municípios, a proporção de localidades sem a infecção ou com prevalências inferiores a 5% aumentou em detrimento daquelas com níveis mais altos de prevalência. Nos dois outros municípios, com prevalências iniciais inferiores a 5 %, nãoforam observadas mudanças substanciais nos indicadores endêmicos; a relação custo benefício do programa nos últimos municípios deve ser avaliada e as prioridades redirecionadas para erradicar as áreas focais e prevenir a expansão para áreas indenes. Os autores chamam a atenção para as dificuldades a longo prazo de um programa de controle fundamentado em tratamentos sucessivos. Informações sobre os fatores determinantes da infecção pelo S. mansoni em cada localidade, ou em conjunto de localidades semelhantes, permitiriam a elaboração de medidas complementares ao tratamento mais duradouras e menos dependentes da contínua utilização deste.


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As formas severas de esquistossomose mansônica, particularmente a hépato-esplênica, se acompanham de glomerulopatia geralmente manifesta por síndrome nefrótica. Nos últimos 10 anos reduziu-se muito o número de casos observados desta glomerulopatia no Hospital Universitário Prof. Edgard Santos, um hospital geral num estado onde esta parasitose é endêmica. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se estava havendo, de fato, desaparecimento desta patologia ou se este número decrescente refletia apenas diminuição marcante de casos graves de esquistossomose mansônica acompanhados neste Hospital. Para isso foram comparadas as prevalências de glomerulopatia em hepatosplênicos esquistossomóticos autopsiados no Hospital Universitário Prof. Edgard Santos em duas décadas: de 1960-70, antes da intervenção terapêutica nas áreas endêmicas de esquistossomose com oxamniquine, e de 1980-1990, após a adoção desta intervenção. Houve grande redução no número de doentes com hepatosplenomegalia esquistossomótica autopsiados no Hospital Universitário Prof. Edgard Santos quando comparadas a década antes (140 autópsias) e depois (31 autópsias) do tratamento com oxamniquine. A prevalência de glomerulopatia, entretanto, persistiu a mesma (11,4% comparada com 12,9%, respectivamente). A conclusão é que a redução do achado de glomerulopatia esquistossomótica em nossos dias reflete apenas a redução das formas graves da parasitose após a intervenção terapêutica nas áreas endêmicas.


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The sensitivity of the larval stages of Schistosoma mansoni to chemotherapy with praziquantel and oxamniquine was tested in mice during primary and secondary infections and after different intervals from cercarial exposure. Worm recovery by perfusion of the porto-mesenteric system, followed by counting and a morphometric study of the parasite, allowed the conclusion that the relative resistance of the larval stages of S. mansoni to schistosomicide drugs, demonstrated in primary infections, also persists when the host is already infected. This indicates that a therapeutic failure may result when an infected host is treated some time after being re-infected, because of the presence of migrating, drug-resistant, immature forms of the parasite.


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Paciente sadio em que, ao exame de rotina, foi detectado nódulo pulmonar esquistossomótico com verme adulto, 25 anos após o tratamento específico com oxamniquine® e distante da região endêmica. O nódulo simulava clinicamente neoplasia.


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Two hundred and twenty three subjects from a Schistosoma mansoni low morbidity endemic area and nine hospitalized hepatosplenic patients were submitted to stool test and clinical examination and abdomen ultrasound assessments. According to stool examination and ultrasound results, they were grouped as follows: G1 - 63 Schistosoma mansoni egg-negative individuals; G2 - 141 egg-positive patients and without evidence of periportal fibrosis; G3 - 19 egg-positive patients with periportal echogenicity (3-6mm); and G4 - 9 hepatosplenic patients with periportal echogenicity (> 6mm). Hepatomegaly detected by physical examination of the abdomen evaluated in the midclavicular line was verified in G1, G2 and G3, respectively, in 11.1, 12.1 and 26.3%. In G1, G2 and G3, periportal thickening occurred only in schistosomal patients (8.5%). Mild pathological alterations in patients that cannot yet be detected by clinical examination were detectable in the liver by ultrasound and can be due to fibrosis. The degree of mild periportal fibrosis was diminished in 57.9% of patients 12 months after treatment of schistosomiasis with oxamniquine. At ultrasonography, the mean liver left lobe measurement of G3 was larger than that of G1, and that of G4 larger than that of G1 and G2. The mean size of the spleen of G4 was significantly larger than that of the other three groups, and that of G3 larger than that of G1 and G2.


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Paciente de 36 anos de idade, proveniente de zona endêmica foi admitido com episódios de hematúria macroscópica total e disúria terminal. A citoscopia mostrou um tumor exofítico na parede anterior da bexiga, sugestivo de câncer. A biópsia revelou esquistossomose mansônica. Ressecção transuretral confirmou o diagnóstico. O paciente foi clinicamente tratado com oxamniquine, obtendo cura. O caso apresentado nesse trabalho enfatiza que nem todos os tumores de bexiga com hematúria microscópica são cânceres de bexiga.


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Seven cases of patients with ectopic schistosomiasis from the State of Sergipe, Brazil, are presented (five involving skin, one ovarian and one adrenal). Data were collected from surveying the clinical records and anatomopathological reports in the files of the dermatology and pathology clinics of the University Hospital of the Federal University of Sergipe, from 1995 to 2005. The patients' mean age at diagnosis was 21.1 years. In the dermatological cases, full cures were achieved after treatment with oxamniquine. In the ovarian case, there was an association with embryonic carcinoma: this patient underwent surgery with adjuvant chemotherapy and praziquantel treatment, with satisfactory evolution. The adrenal case was associated with adenoma.