200 resultados para Outsiders


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The aged people in the target group of my study belong to generation, which has experienced the shift from agricultural society via industrial society up to the society which has been described as information society. They have grown up concurrently with the technological development, but during the recent years the technological development has accelerated. One can say that the older the target study group has come the more information technological skills they need to possess to be equal actors in our society. However, especially in case of aged people the learning and maintaining of skills in information technology has mainly been left dependent on their personal motivation. The purpose of this report is to study the use of computers in the life of the aged people. The report studies the will and ability of the aged people to learn the skill of using computers, and the new possibilities which this brings into their lives. The study questions are the following: 1) Why the aged people start to use computers? 2) How the aged people benefit information technology in their own life? 3) How computers have extended the environment of the aged people? 4) What kind of problems the aged people have experienced in use of computers? The research material consists of group interviews and individual interviews (total of 23 people). The interview material has been collected among the participants on information technology courses of the Senior University of Helsinki University during years 2004-2005. The research method used is theme interviewing. In addition, the material of opinions about information technology of people born in decades of 1920 and 1930, gathered as part of the Ikihyvä Päijät-Häme 2002 -research has been used. On basis of this research one can say that the aged people do have motivation to study the use of computers, although many interviewees commented that they also have met problems in use of computers. The motivation has grown also because the fear that without the skills to use computers they could drift into outsiders of the society, whereas instead as skilled computer users they felt to be equal citizens compared with the younger age groups, and that they can maintain their independence and autonomy. Especially, the independent use of banking routines over the Internet and use of emails seem to give them a position as modern actors. Many interview statements also underline that computers will bring both joy and benefit to the users. Studying the use of computers is a new and interesting hobby, which can fill the hole left in the life after leaving the working life. Using skills of text processing and processing of pictures one can, for example, record the traditional knowledge of the family and ancestry to the younger generations, and write articles or even books on the professional area of ones own. Single people emphasize that computers can even act as companionship substitutes. One can use Internet for virtual traveling, which provides a new dimension in use of computers. Internet can also be used to maintain family relationships, especially between grandparents and remote grandchildren. Typical problems in use of computers appeared to be that reaching the right professional helpdesk advisers of the service providers is difficult and requires lots of time and patience. However, the interviewees were not willing to give up their computers, because they had already used to these. Keywords: digital divide, aging, Internet, usability, motivation, information technology, information society.


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[EN] Kerstin Hensel’s literary universe is haunted by fallen heroes, outsiders and gregarious figures with no success. They experience the German Wende in a very peculiar constellation, they perceive Post-Unification Germany at times from a fantastic perspective, always from a painful experience. In this context the analysis of the representations of the body in Hensel’s narrative before and after 1989 offers a rich insight on Hensel’s critical view of Post-Unification Germany. By analysing her texts such as Hallimasch and Lärchenau this article shows that the suffering grotesque bodies in both works stand for a political metaphor of a social body with hardly a cure.


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Self-help groups (SHGs) are ways for farmers and fishers, especially those who are poor, to come together and work together. They can be a useful entry point for outsiders, promote a supportive local environment, strengthen voices in decision-making and in negotiations with more powerful forces, increase the effectiveness of local actions, and provide easier access to micro-credit and other resources and services. This case study describes a rural aquaculture development context, in India, the development of SHGs and the concept of a ‘one-stop aqua shop’, set up and run by a federation of self-help groups in Kaipara village, West Bengal (a pilot state along with Jharkhand and Orissa). It outlines testing new ways to share information, as part of a series of revised procedures and institutional arrangements for service delivery recommended by farmers and fishers and prioritized by government, with support from the Department of International Development, London (DFID) Natural Resources Support Programme (NRSP) and the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA) to the Support to Regional Aquatic Resources Management (STREAM) Initiative (10 p.)


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Este estudo tem como objetivo averiguar os efeitos de sentido produzidos por músicas de hip hop (movimento cultural cultivado nos guetos fluminenses), com base na análise de sua expressão verbal (rap) e em uma consideração experimental de capas de disco. Objetiva-se também investigar, no material artístico de Marcelo D2 e MV Bill, relações sociais engendradas por sujeitos da periferia, em espaços sociais antagônicos (centro e periferia). Para isso, exploramos uma Análise do Discurso de base enunciativa, enfatizando o conceito de etos discursivo, além de noções vinculadas à problemática da alteridade discursiva, a fim de que se analise o posicionamento de entes subjugados perante o descaso a que estão submetidos, e suas impressões sobre as imagens discursivas de marginalizadores. Buscamos apreender etos produzidos por sujeitos do rap, considerando a presença do Outro que fala nele/por ele (alteridade). Nossos procedimentos metodológicos apontam o que levou a considerar o hip hop, além da trajetória seguida na delimitação do corpus. Além disso, expõem-se os motivos que nos fizeram priorizar etos e alteridade discursiva. As análises buscam avaliações sobre a materialidade discursiva, que almejam extrair sentidos produzidos nos guetos. Como resultados, refletimos sobre aspectos inerentes ao contexto social fluminense, ao relacionamento entre sujeitos, lugares e práticas, para que se alarguem considerações sobre essas afinidades, inclusive na escola. Desse modo, ambicionamos que se aprimorem os debates sobre práticas de afirmação social de classes e, através de novas discussões, se intensifiquem as iniciativas sociopolíticas


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O objetivo desta tese é analisar os modos de vida na cidade de Belterra. Foram analisados dois períodos de tempo (1934-1945 / 1995-2011) da vida social do lugar, para identificar como a ação do capital, com base no apoio estatal, se deslocou para a Amazônia Brasileira, se apropriou de grandes porções do território, destruiu ou desorganizou os modos de vida preexistentes em nome das exigências do mercado internacional. No primeiro período, buscou-se identificar como ocorreu o processo de ressocialização do migrante em uma cidade-empresa da Companhia Ford Industrial do Brasil, baseada na criação de uma hierarquia sociofuncional do sistema fordista de produção e uma restrição da convivência dos americanos em relação aos brasileiros. No segundo período, analisamos a presença da soja na cidade e em seu entorno. O rural e o urbano estão contidos na cidade, simultaneamente, como práticas socioculturais que não se fazem pela oposição. A ligação entre os dois períodos encontra-se nas mudanças dos modos de vida preexistentes, no uso predatório da natureza e na enunciação de estereótipos pelos de fora contra a população do lugar sob o abrigo da fala do desenvolvimento. As técnicas usadas foram a observação de campo, as entrevistas, as conversas informais, o levantamento bibliográfico, documental e fotográfico. Permitindo a construção de mapas que resumem estes movimentos. Pudemos realizar entrevistas com perguntas semi-estruturadas para tratar dos dois períodos de tempo considerados em nossa pesquisa. Desse modo, observamos que na cidade praticada, onde se realiza a mediação entre o lugar e a totalidade-mundo, os híbridos presentes na vida cotidiana e o contexto de sua realização nos informam sobre a Amazônia e, em particular, da presença étnica (quilombola e indígena), do rural e do urbano na cidade, uma vez que a vida naquele espaço subnacional não se realiza pelas oposições criadas pelo pensamento abstrato.


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Esta tese investiga as memórias e experiências de duas gerações de moradores de uma localidade da periferia urbana de Florianópolis, cidade cujo crescimento nas últimas décadas tem sido acompanhado pelo aumento dos espaços de pobreza. A pesquisa com os atores sociais aqui investigados permitiu vislumbrar os mecanismos que operaram a mudança das relações de sociabilidade de seus moradores e em suas práticas de inserção na vida urbana, que transitaram, ao longo do período, da organização coletiva (na época em que constituíam o movimento sem-teto) para a melhoria de suas condições de vida às estratégias individuais. A premissa é que as experiências dessas duas gerações podem ser mais bem compreendidas se analisadas na articulação do nível local com a esfera pública da cidade. Para tanto são analisados o desenvolvimento urbano recente de Florianópolis, a produção de seus espaços de pobreza e a dinâmica conflitiva daí advinda, bem como a percepção deles sobre seu espaço, tomando como referência as categorias a partir das quais esse espaço foi por eles historicamente elaborado. Neste processo, construíram um idioma de ação no qual a categoria comunidade teve grande centralidade. A investigação foi desenvolvida por meio de uma metodologia baseada em entrevistas e, principalmente, a partir da observação direta, realizada ao longo de atividades de pesquisa e de extensão como professor da universidade. Com relação à primeira geração, a tese evidencia como a memória ressignifica no presente as experiências de participação política vivenciadas no passado. As análises revelam como essa ressignificação se relaciona com deslocamentos no sentido do político, os quais estão relacionados às mudanças nas condições de vida moradores e ao novo lugar simbólico ocupado pelas localidades de periferia de Florianópolis. Com relação à segunda geração, a investigação demonstra em que medida se distingue da anterior na sua forma de inserção no mundo da cidade, examinando tanto o campo de possibilidades que a eles se abre quanto seus projetos e escolhas. Enquanto a primeira geração desenvolveu no passado intensas práticas associativas, percebeu-se na nova geração a desvalorização dos espaços de articulação coletiva e o enfraquecimento dos laços de sociabilidade no plano local da comunidade. Suas trajetórias de vida, que tiveram como ponto em comum a participação em projetos socioeducativos, revelaram uma inserção diferenciada tanto no mercado de trabalho como na vida da cidade, o que fica bastante evidente quando comparados com outros jovens do bairro, que convivem com o desemprego e com a dinâmica da violência. A participação em projetos socioeducativos e o ingresso em estágios para iniciação ao trabalho, além de proporcionar outra integração com a vida da cidade, fez com que desenvolvessem novos laços na localidade. Em tal contexto, o fortalecimento de laços locais, quando ocorre, pode ser entendido como resistência a uma inserção cada vez mais individualizada no social.


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Apesar de ser percebida como uma entidade supra-humana, a instituição Igreja é o resultado de um trabalho desenvolvido cotidianamente por indivíduos dedicados a tal empreendimento. Na Igreja Assembleia de Deus da vila Provetá, Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis, RJ, esse trabalho contínuo vem sendo realizado com bastante êxito. O crescimento da vila foi concomitante ao crescimento da Igreja e seu corpo ministerial. Vinculado à sua história houve o processo de evangelização de grande parte dos moradores. Assim, a Igreja Assembleia de Deus Provetá detém uma clara hegemonia sobre o modo de vida local há pelo menos três gerações. Seu território é designado e percebido, tanto pelas pessoas dali, quanto pelas pessoas de fora, como um lugar regido por preceitos religiosos, cuja moral é predominantemente pentecostal. Este trabalho concentra-se na investigação acerca dos conjuntos da Assembleia de Deus, suas festas religiosas e desdobramentos. As festas e principalmente a organização e preparação das mesmas são veículos através do qual um cotidiano e/ou uma maneira de viver se manifesta. Tais práticas formam um complexo empreendimento que mobiliza grande parte da população local e revela dimensões sociais específicas. Ao delinear a forma com que a Igreja se inscreve na vida cotidiana dos fiéis, pode-se compreender de forma mais clara a interface entre religião e comunidade presente neste estudo de caso.


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In late 2012, a governance assessment was carried out as part of the diagnosis phase of rollout of the CGIAR Aquatic Agricultural Systems Program in Malaita Hub in Solomon Islands. The purpose of the assessment was to identify and provide a basic understanding of essential aspects of governance related to Aquatic Agricultural Systems in general, and more specifically as a case study in natural resource management. The underlying principles of the approach we have taken are drawn from an approach known as “Collaborating for Resilience” (CORE), which is based on bringing all key stakeholders into a process to ensure that multiple perspectives are represented (a listening phase), that local actors have opportunities to influence each other’s understanding (a dialogue phase), and that ultimately commitments to action are built (a choice phase) that would not be possible through an outsider’s analysis alone. This report begins to address governance from an AAS perspective, using input from AAS households and other networked stakeholders. We attempt to summarize governance issues that are found not only within the community but also, and especially, those that are beyond the local level, both of which may need to be addressed by the AAS program.


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Wydział Neofilologii: Instytut Filologii Germańskiej


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Peace in the ancient world has been studied primarily from the perspective of pacifism and questions related to war and peace. This study employs a socio-historical method to determine how peace was understood in itself, not just with respect to war. It demonstrates that the Greco-Roman world viewed peace as brief periods of tranquility in an existence where conflict was the norm, while Paul regarded peace as the norm and conflict as an intrusive aberration. Through a historical and literary survey of Greco-Roman thought and culture, this study shows that myth, legend, religion, education, philosophy, and science created and perpetuated the idea that conflict was necessary for existence. Wars were fought to attain peace, which meant periods of calm, quiet, and security with respect to the gods, one's inner self, nature, others who are insiders, and others who are outsiders. Despite the desirability of peace, genuine peace was seldom experienced, and even then, only briefly, as underlying enmity persisted without resolution. While Paul supports the prevailing conception of peace as tranquility and felicity in relation to God, self, nature, and others, he differs as to the origin, attainment, and maintenance of peace. In Paul, peace originates in God and is graciously given to those who are justified and reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. God removes the enmity caused by sin and provides the indwelling Spirit to empower believers to think and behave in ways that promote and maintain peace. This study also examines how three social dynamics (honor-shame, patron-client, friendship-enmity) affect Paul's approach to conflict resolution with Philemon and Onesimus, Euodia and Syntyche, believers who are prosecuting one another in civil courts, and Peter. Rather than giving specific procedures for resolving conflict, Paul reinforces the believer's new identity in Christ and the implications of God's grace, love, and peace upon their thoughts, words, and behavior toward one another. Paul uses these three social dynamics to encourage believers in the right direction, but their ultimate accountability is to God. The study concludes with four strategic principles for educating the church and developing an atmosphere and attitude within the church for peacemaking.


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The Seri people, a self-governed community of small-scale fishermen in the Gulf of California, Mexico, have ownership rights to fishing grounds where they harvest highly valuable commercial species of bivalves. Outsiders are eager to gain access, and the community has devised a set of rules to allow them in. Because Seri government officials keep all the economic benefits generated from granting this access for themselves, community members create alternative entry mechanisms to divert those benefits to themselves. Under Hardin’s model of the tragedy of the commons, this situation would eventually lead to the overexploitation of the fishery. The Seri people, however, are able to simultaneously maintain access and use controls for the continuing sustainability of their fishing grounds. Using insights from common- pool resources theory, I discuss how Seri community characteristics help mediate the conflict between collective action dilemmas and access and use controls.


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Community-based management and the establishment of marine reserves have been advocated worldwide as means to overcome overexploitation of fisheries. Yet, researchers and managers are divided regarding the effectiveness of these measures. The "tragedy of the commons" model is often accepted as a universal paradigm, which assumes that unless managed by the State or privatized, common-pool resources are inevitably overexploited due to conflicts between the self-interest of individuals and the goals of a group as a whole. Under this paradigm, the emergence and maintenance of effective community-based efforts that include cooperative risky decisions as the establishment of marine reserves could not occur. In this paper, we question these assumptions and show that outcomes of commons dilemmas can be complex and scale-dependent. We studied the evolution and effectiveness of a community-based management effort to establish, monitor, and enforce a marine reserve network in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Our findings build on social and ecological research before (1997-2001), during (2002) and after (2003-2004) the establishment of marine reserves, which included participant observation in >100 fishing trips and meetings, interviews, as well as fishery dependent and independent monitoring. We found that locally crafted and enforced harvesting rules led to a rapid increase in resource abundance. Nevertheless, news about this increase spread quickly at a regional scale, resulting in poaching from outsiders and a subsequent rapid cascading effect on fishing resources and locally-designed rule compliance. We show that cooperation for management of common-pool fisheries, in which marine reserves form a core component of the system, can emerge, evolve rapidly, and be effective at a local scale even in recently organized fisheries. Stakeholder participation in monitoring, where there is a rapid feedback of the systems response, can play a key role in reinforcing cooperation. However, without cross-scale linkages with higher levels of governance, increase of local fishery stocks may attract outsiders who, if not restricted, will overharvest and threaten local governance. Fishers and fishing communities require incentives to maintain their management efforts. Rewarding local effective management with formal cross-scale governance recognition and support can generate these incentives.


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The dance-drama called Barong and Rangda a ritual, is one of the vital events that breathes life in the small village, Banjar Tista, and extends beyond the boundaries of its "performance" area. In this thesis, I depend on Ronald Grimes' concept of "ritualizing" as a continuum in the context of my fieldwork in Bali, Indonesia. The ritual cycle and the collaborative fieldwork process are analyzed through the impressions of each fieldworker. Barong and Rangda is a well-documented dance-drama and part of the longer Calonarang story. This dance-drama is a mythological battle between the lion, Barong, and the witch, Rangda, and is performed authentically to create spiritual balance and cleanse its community members of evil. This ritual performance reaches beyond the time and place in which the performance originates and creates a ripple affect on the village members, those in trance, musicians and cultural outsiders alike.


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Much of science progresses within the tight boundaries of what is often seen as a "black box". Though familiar to funding agencies, researchers and the academic journals they publish in, it is an entity that outsiders rarely get to peek into. Crowdfunding is a novel means that allows the public to participate in, as well as to support and witness advancements in science. Here we describe our recent crowdfunding efforts to sequence the Azolla genome, a little fern with massive green potential. Crowdfunding is a worthy platform not only for obtaining seed money for exploratory research, but also for engaging directly with the general public as a rewarding form of outreach.


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This paper challenges the fixed boundaries that ethnographers have often constructed between religious insiders and outsiders. Drawing on Neitz's observations, it argues that the main task of reflexive fieldwork is locating the self in relation to ambiguous and shifting boundaries. We offer a comparative analysis of the experiences of two differently socially located researchers to illustrate how religious identity emerges as a continuum, on which one's place is negotiated with one's research participants. We also examine the importance of intersecting multiple identities. Finally, the paper questions whether social identity categories are the primary way that we relate with our respondents. It explores the spiritual and emotional dimensions of research relationships and argues that these may transform, reinforce and generally interact with social identities. Comparing our experiences, we outline the consequences of these reflections for data gathering and analysis.